štvrtok 20. augusta 2020

How to speed up metabolism and burn more? | Steroids4U.eu

 How to speed up metabolism and burn more?

Do you feel that your friends' metabolism works better than yours? One cannot completely influence this process, but there are ways to "push" the speed a bit. By drinking half a liter of water, you can start it. Read the article on metabolism and ways to speed it up.

Metabolism - the transformation of substances in the body

Chemical processes take place in the body almost constantly. Even though we don't realize it, our body works to make it work. The term metabolism or metabolism refers to biochemical processes whose task is to "keep us alive". You will often encounter a division of reactions into anabolic and catabolic. In anabolic reactions, the body uses energy from catabolic processes to create cellular structures from smaller building blocks. An example is the formation of proteins from amino acids. Conversely, in catabolism, larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones in order to obtain energy. Catabolic reactions include the breakdown of food during digestion. Metabolism is very complex, it is important for health that the reactions take place correctly, because the rate of metabolism is also reflected in our weight.

The body needs energy to function, and its minimum to maintain biochemical processes is called the rate of basal metabolism. These are the calories needed for the most basic processes, such as breathing, circulatory function, or food processing. It depends on your age and lifestyle, but the rate of basal metabolism is about 40-70% of your daily energy needs.

In general, a "larger" body needs more energy to function. When we compare the need for energy, muscles need it more than fat, and therefore people with a higher proportion of muscle have a faster metabolism. Therefore, beware of drastic diets, in which you force the body to use energy from the muscles. Muscle loss will also slow down your metabolism. Maintaining and building muscle through lifestyle and exercise is an effective way to at least partially control the rate of metabolism.

Slower metabolism

Metabolism changes over life, due to lifestyle, but naturally also slows down with age. Do not believe? Maybe you are already at an age when you only remember with nostalgia how much you could have eaten some time ago, without gaining weight. Metabolism is key to maintaining weight, so slowing it down logically starts to pack up some pounds.

With age, the metabolism slows down, and according to research, this is mainly due to muscle loss and reduced activity. Mitochondria and sodium-potassium pumps are parts of the cell whose function also decreases with age, but they do not have as much effect on metabolism as activity and muscle loss. One of the functions of mitochondria is the production of energy, and the role of sodium-potassium pumps is to move sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane. Although the processes slow down with age, it somehow logically follows that a person naturally "wraps himself" with age, but to a certain extent we can influence it.

There can be several reasons for slower metabolism, including genetic equipment. It's not just a myth or a simple excuse. Researchers at Cambridge University have indeed discovered a gene that may be responsible for slower metabolic activity and overweight. The belief that obesity may be related to genes is older, but only now has a real gene been identified. It is called KSR2 and according to researchers, its mutation may reduce the ability of cells to metabolize glucose and fatty acids. This discovery is not just an official excuse for overweight people. In the future, we may see the use of the gene for medical purposes and the treatment of obesity.

In addition to genetics, hormones, various drugs, lack of sleep, stress or drinking can also cause a slower metabolism. The question remains whether it is possible to speed up the metabolism to work according to our ideas, and the answer is - to a certain extent. Unfortunately, you don't "move" with genetics, but you can support its speed with changes in your lifestyle, for example by training, proper diet or hydration. In addition to the general framework, there are specific habits that will help your metabolism start better.

How to speed up metabolism?

To some extent, we have control over metabolism, even though it slows down with age. We've selected a few ways for you to help your metabolism function properly.

Metabolism and exercise

Exercise and overall physical activity need to be put first in metabolism, as this is one of the key ways to speed it up. Muscles burn more calories than fat stores, even after a workout. This is due to EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), thanks to which your metabolism will remain faster even a few hours after exercise. EPOC can be translated as excessive oxygen consumption after exercise. It is the amount of oxygen needed to rebuild the body and is used, for example, to replenish oxygen in blood vessels and muscles, repair muscles after training or restore body temperature. The body needs about 5 calories to consume 1 liter of oxygen, increasing the amount of oxygen consumed during and after exercise will naturally increase the number of calories burned. The body needs not only energy for training, but also for subsequent recovery, and this must not be forgotten.

You can exercise in different ways and you are definitely wondering if it is better to prefer cardio or strength training. The truth is that both are useful and it would be ideal to have both aerobic and anaerobic training. Whether you prefer running or group exercise, the more intense your aerobic training, the more you burn. With a 30-minute jog, you will burn about 250 calories, in the same time during strength training you will burn only about 130 - 220 calories. So you burn more cardio during one workout. On the other hand, after strength training, the metabolism can be in the "accelerated mode" for another 38 hours, which is definitely not to be discarded. According to a 2001 study, weight training led to an increase in "resting" metabolism of 9% in men and 4% in women. Progress is more pronounced in men, but not even 4% are in vain. Younger and older respondents of both sexes were among the applicants, and at the end of the study the authors state that changes in the absolute and relative rates of resting metabolism were influenced by gender, not age. 

Although you can burn more calories with cardio, strength training will keep the "higher rate" of metabolism longer, while supporting muscle growth and maintenance. Whether aerobic or anaerobic, both affect our metabolism, fat burning and body formation. The number of calories burned during the day can support the activity, and it would be ideal to find time for regular cardio and strength training. In addition to purposeful time on the belt or with dumbbells, common activities are also beneficial, such as ignoring elevators and escalators, or walking to the shopping path. Surely you have heard acquaintances - they are poor because they have a fast metabolism. Maybe genetics really gave someone a faster metabolism, but maybe it's a more active person during the day.

Adequate protein intake

Proteins have a higher thermal effect than carbohydrates or fats. This means that you will burn more calories when consumed. By consuming proteins from the diet or in the form of nutritional supplements, you will supplement their amount, which will also support metabolism. According to a 2008 study, a daily intake of 25-30% of calories from protein can increase metabolism per day by up to 80-100 calories. You can therefore support your metabolism by choosing a diet with a higher protein content.

Vitamins and minerals to support metabolism

Not only proteins help to start metabolism, and thus better burn calories. Vitamins and minerals also have a role to play, which you should definitely not forget. Here are some examples:

B vitamins - you may know them by names, such as niacin, biotin or thiamine, or by number. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 or B12 are present in several processes in the body, and include metabolism. You can find them in meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, or in the B-complex and other supplements.
Vitamin D - we take it when staying in the sun, but we also find it in the diet and supplements. According to scientists, it could be beneficial in regulating blood sugar and improving insulin resistance in patients with diabetes. Not only for metabolism, but overall health, it is right to maintain a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Supplementing vitamin D will support your immunity, bones or cognitive function.
Magnesium - a mineral also known as magnesium, the deficiency of which is unfortunately common in today's world, which can lead to problems with nerves, blood pressure or insulin sensitivity. It is important for maintaining proper metabolism and can be found in bananas, spinach or whole grains.
Iron - we need it for oxygen transfer in blood cells, cell function, but also metabolism. Its low level means that not enough oxygen gets into the muscles and there is insufficient burning of fat as fuel. Iron is found in meat, legumes or nuts.
Calcium - is generally known for the benefits associated with healthy bones, but in addition it is useful for healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels. Almost all calcium is found in bones and teeth, but it is also important for muscles and the nervous system. Research from 2010 suggests that higher doses of calcium with vitamin D may have a positive effect on weight loss. Its sources are dairy products, but also broccoli, kale and most cereals.

Metabolism and fluid intake

The human body is largely made up of water and hydration is essential for life. According to several studies, drinking fluids is also useful for our metabolism. You may not think of it, but one of the reasons is the heating of the drunk water in the body. A 2003 study examined energy expenditure after drinking 500 ml of water. According to the article, the metabolic rate increased by 30%, with maximum values ​​occurring after 30-40 minutes and a thermogenesis value of 100 kJ. 40% of energy was used to heat the water in the body from 22 to 37 ° C. 100 kJ is not 100 calories and for some it may be a negligible amount, but on the other hand it is great that we can support the metabolism with such a normal and undemanding activity. Not to forget, drinking water is also useful for feeling full, and according to research, a person eats less if he drinks 30 minutes before a meal.

We are not only talking about drinking clean water, but also coffee and tea are among the drinks to support metabolism. Green tea can be a great alternative if you are not a fan of drinking clean water. According to research, the content of catechins and caffeine in tea can start metabolism, and even oolong or green tea will help improve the use of fat stores as energy. For the sake of objectivity, it should be added that there is also research that demonstrates the zero effect of these teas on metabolism. Its impact can be minimal, but at the same time a pleasant added value for green tea lovers. Do you prefer coffee? Coffee also has a benefit for metabolism. Six different studies have confirmed that coffee makers who drink 3 coffees a day burn 100 more calories a day. This is probably not a reason to increase daily doses of caffeine, but it is a nice bonus for people who cannot imagine in the morning without coffee. [24] [26] [27]

Want to know more about the benefits of green tea? You will find everything important in the article - 8 positive effects of green tea for the health of athletes.

Other ways to support metabolism

The effects of training, hydration or green tea may vary because each of us's metabolism works differently. In addition, we list other potential ways to aid your metabolism:

Chili and Spices - Ginger or chili peppers containing capsaicin can help kick metabolism
Eating at regular intervals - a long period without food can slow down calorie burning. Regularity is beneficial for the body, it is not harmful to consume small courses every 3-4 hours.
Energy drinks - contain caffeine and some also taurine, an amino acid with a potential effect on fat burning. Keep in mind, however, that in addition to caffeine, you will often find high sugar content in them.

Don't forget to sleep - lack of rest "scatters" levels of ghrelin (a hormone of hunger) and leptin (a hormone of satiety), which can prevent overeating. Being active is great, but adequate rest is also beneficial.
Metabolism changes during life and we do not have a full influence on its rate, but we can influence its activity by physical activity, diet and other factors. Metabolism changes with age, which is another reason why efforts to improve it are justified.

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