nedeľa 2. augusta 2020

How to lose weight properly - 12 rules of proper weight loss |

How to lose weight properly - 12 rules of proper weight loss

The optimal weight loss process has its rules, I bring you the 12 best rules for proper weight loss.
Weight loss is a metabolic process based on weight loss. 

Ideally, weight loss results in a reduction in subcutaneous fat. Weight loss and fat burning is a topic that is of interest to many people. Whether they are ordinary people who want to lose a few kilograms to achieve their dream figure. Or about people who take exercise (reduction of fat stores) as a means to better health and a happier life. In this article, I present 12 rules for proper weight loss.

However, it will not be general information that you come across as common and know as general truths.

Article content:

It is important to start.
Set up a training plan.
Set up a meal plan.
Eat balanced and easily digestible meals.
It's not just diet and training, but a lifestyle.
Sleep and try to avoid unwanted stress.
Don't let stagnation stop you.
Make your friend lose weight.
All training and dietary procedures have a common denominator.
Don't compare yourself to others.
Set sub-goals.
Write down your progress.

This article contains rules for weight loss of coaching practice based on scientific studies recognized by the professional public.

Rule 1 for proper weight loss - It is important to start.

The first and most important rule that every person striving to reduce fat should follow is to take the first step. That means real training, really controlled food intake, real regimen,…

You can soak up information on a daily basis, you can watch motivational videos, you can talk about how to lose weight from next week, but you have to take the first step. No one can train for you, control food, because you know what it's all about.

I know that the beginning may not be (nor is it, and that's right) easy, but after two or three weeks you start to get used to the habit. After this time, you will take the new mode set by you or your personal trainer as a routine that will not limit you in any way.

Rule 2 for proper weight loss - Set up a training plan.

You've already started working on yourself. However, it is quite possible that you do not know how to exercise, how often to exercise, or possibly what training is suitable for you. There are a million options and this can be a (non) advantage, because you can get lost in these options. This often happens. The options you have for your body adjustment and weight loss will not make it easier but more complicated. The books Start Exercising with MOTION for Men and Start Exercising with MOTION for Women were created to facilitate the initial training process. This is a complete training guide on how to start training.

Otherwise, if you know how to exercise, you know what's going on. Alternatively, contact a personal trainer. Why? Because he has the experience and knowledge that is needed to achieve your goal. So in an ideal world, he should have them. For each personal trainer, his references speak. You can also find more information about cooperation on our website.

Rule 3 for proper weight loss - Set up a diet plan.

Another of the basic things you've probably heard many times (yes, some of those things heard is really true) or heard is diet. One might argue that it is possible without food. To some extent this is certainly true, but let's put things in perspective.

You will see the results of the training even without a menu, but they will not be to the same extent as with a suitable menu. The reason is simple. The basis of weight loss is a caloric deficit. In short, you need to take in fewer calories than your body burns. You get into a caloric deficit and your body starts to lose weight. Of course, this is not a magic spell, it is one of the basic laws of physics.

Caloric deficit + training = desired results.

4th rule of proper weight loss - Eat balanced and easily digestible meals.

Diet is often considered an even more important part of the weight loss process than physical activity itself. Rather, I agree with the opinion that training is 100% and diet is 100%. Experts agree with this theory as well as criticize it. However, it is a matter of opinion.

It is proven that the body needs to receive not only the necessary stimulus, but also adequate nutrition and regeneration. Based on these facts, it is essential that your diet contains mostly easily digestible foods that do not burden your digestive system. Your meals during the day should be rich mainly in protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

Rule 5 for proper weight loss - It's not just diet and training, but a lifestyle.

It is important to understand that losing weight is not just a limited interval in which you will torment your body and deny it what it likes. If you take it this way, your results, which you will gain during weight loss, will disappear. Why do they disappear? Because after a while you will return to the old dorms. You will do the things that make you fat. Therefore, if you want to maintain your body after losing weight, it is necessary to take all newly created habits as a lifestyle.

Rule 6 for proper weight loss - Sleep and try to avoid unwanted stress.

Treat your body the way you should. It is scientifically proven that the body needs at least 7 and ideally 8 hours of sleep, either for muscle growth or complete regeneration. If you are interested in the topic of sleep, read the whole article How important is sleep if your goal is to build a beautiful figure?

The famous saying, less is sometimes more in this case definitely does not apply. Also, an excessive amount of sleep will not supply your body with more energy. From practice, I can tell you several cases where other processes, including training, were well tuned but managers failed due to stress and lack of sleep.

Stress is a category in itself. We know that avoiding stress in modern times is not really possible. However, you can necessarily avoid situations that are sure to bring you stress.

Rule 7 for proper weight loss - Don't let stagnation stop you.

Stagnation is a state where you do not move further. The kilos are on the scales and you are slowly losing the desire to continue the work you have started. Fortunately, it's nothing terrible. We experience it everywhere. Whether at work or in private life. There is a simple trick to it. You have to stay motivated. Slow down and look at what you've already achieved. Otherwise, you can contact a professional coach who will be happy to help you overcome the stagnation.

It is worth considering that no matter what area of ​​life you imagine, no progress is linear. Stagnation can and usually does occur. That shouldn't frustrate you, on the contrary, use it for motivation.

8. Rule for proper weight loss - Make your friend lose weight.

Your great advantage will certainly be the passion for the whole process of weight loss. If you reach this state, you will look forward to training and everything will be easier.

You will achieve the results in the opposite case, but it would be suffering for you. With joy and passion for the activity you will perform, you will look forward to every single opportunity to do something good for your body. That's when our #dokonaletelobonus instagram hashtag is valid

Rule 9 for proper weight loss - All training and dietary practices have a common denominator.

Keto diet, low carbohydrate diet, cardio training or strength training. I know that in the beginning it can be very complicated for a person determined to start exercising.

Many names of all kinds of diets and workouts, which, however, have one common denominator. When losing weight, it is the caloric deficit. Something different suits everyone. However, the goal is to find exactly the procedure that will suit your body.

Rule 10 for proper weight loss - Do not compare with others.

We are all different. We each have a different physique and are affected by different circumstances. Therefore, try to avoid comparisons with other people. Some lose 5 kilograms a month and some only 3, but there's nothing wrong with that. We all have different paths to our dream success. It is important to set up the process so that you enjoy it (training manuals for beginners operate just by entertaining you). Then you will be a motivation for your surroundings, and that will motivate you further.

11. rule of proper weight loss - Set partial goals.

It's easier to meet a smaller goal than to start with a big one right away. It is easier to get a good feeling at the beginning than to think that I have to lose 2 kilograms a week or I will not be satisfied.

When you "crotch" the whole process of losing weight and burning fat or shaping your body will be simpler, less demanding and thus more efficient. Try it.

Rule 12 for proper weight loss - Write down your progress.

Recording your progress is not necessary, but in any case it will help you on your way to your dream body. As humans, we have a big problem with patience. Countless things can excite us, but the initial inflammation often subsides. It also works with exercise. I see a lot of people who decide to start, but after the first week, the two may not see enough results, so they will end,

For this reason, it is important to write down your progress. Record your mileage or bicycles, new maximum weights for training and regularly record your weight. Calm down several times a week. Alternatively, if you want to have really motivational material, take comparative photos.

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