nedeľa 30. augusta 2020

Is it true that muscles grow faster after muscle? |

 Is it true that muscles grow faster after muscle?

Did it happen to you that the next day after training you walked like Bambi, and you had to stick to the wall while sitting down and getting out of the toilet? Muscle, muscle or fever is often a delayed consequence of training. Many people consider it a sign of honest exercise and with pain comes the satisfaction of progress.

You, too, may have experienced a debate in the style of: "Well, I was destroyed yesterday, I can't even raise my hand." I think the expected response is not regret, but nodding and acknowledging. Is muscle really necessary for muscle progression and growth? Are trainings insufficient without her? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the factors that affect muscle growth, delayed muscle pain and its importance for building muscle mass.

How do muscles grow?

Muscle hypertrophy

One of the exceptional properties of the human body is its adaptability, and this also applies to muscles. By changing our lifestyle, muscle tissue has the ability to grow, even though each of us builds muscles differently and at our own pace. Through strength training, we evoke the need for the body to adapt, which leads to muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is an enlargement of a tissue or organ due to the enlargement of its cells. Lifting heavy weights is one of the most common ways behind larger and shaped muscles. There are two types of muscular hypertrophy - myofibrillary and sarcoplasmic.

In myofibrillar hypertrophy, muscle tissue enlarges, more precisely myofibrils - its contraction part. Without it, movement would not be possible and the effect of myofibrial hypertrophy increases strength and speed. This is due to an increase in myofibrils in the muscle, which will increase the strength and density of the fibers.

The second type of hypertrophy is sarcoplasmic, which increases energy storage and endurance. Between the bundles of muscle tissues, there is the sarcoplasm, a fluid that fills the space between the tissues in the muscles. During sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, the volume of this fluid in the muscles increases. Muscles look larger, but this type does not cause an increase in tissue or strength.

What affects muscle growth?

The answer to this question has been humanity since time immemorial, and the knowledge that power is growing by lifting heavy weights has been known for years. If you imagine the Middle Ages or the 17th century, we may surprise you. Lifting heavy weights goes much further, and one of the "pioneers" was Million from Croton. His training would certainly infuriate many bodybuilders even today. Million was an ancient wrestler and won the Olympics 6 times in a row. What was his secret? He lifted and carried a newborn calf on his shoulders. He did this for more than 4 years and the calf has grown into an adult ox. Training with a calf was actually strength training, thanks to the growth of the animal, the load also increased, which resulted in an increase in the wrestler's muscle mass. This story is about 2600 years old and since then the knowledge of muscle function has shifted a lot.

The process of muscle growth can be divided into three stages - from stimulus to a change in muscle protein synthesis. The process is divided into:

initial stimulus,
molecular signaling,
synthesis of muscle proteins.

The second study is, according to scientists, molecular signaling, ie the pathways are activated by training, and apparently, are involved in the increase of muscle protein synthesis. The signals result in a temporary increase in the rate of protein synthesis in the muscles. Simply put, you start exercising, and the increased voltage triggers signals that result in a higher rate of protein synthesis. When it comes to muscle fever, we will be most interested in the first point - the initial stimulus.

According to scientists, the initial stimulus includes 3 factors:

Mechanical stress
Metabolic stress
Muscle damage

During mechanical tension in muscles, in addition to mechanical changes, there are also chemical ones. The voltage is involved in the process of cell signaling, which includes a protein abbreviated as mTOR (mechanistic Target of Rapamycin). In the body, mTOR has the function of reconciling the metabolism and eukaryotic growth of cells with the inputs of the environment, such as growth factors and nutrients.

Another factor is metabolic stress, which is involved in muscle growth due to the formation of metabolites in the blood. There are several of them and they include creatine, lactate or also inorganic phosphate. The accumulation of by-products could occur so-called. "Cell swelling" - an increase in water in the muscles. It is another name for intracellular hydration, and according to several studies, "swelling" controlled by hydration can both increase protein synthesis and also reduce proteolysis (protein breakdown).

Muscle damage is basically an inflammatory reaction in which several types of white blood cells get into a damaged part of a muscle to take care of unwanted parts. As a result of the release of white blood cells, a process associated with the growth of "satellite cells" is triggered. These are activated by training and their role is to bind to the muscles, thus supporting the repair and growth of muscle fibers. From this point of view, it can therefore be argued that muscle damage also has a certain effect on muscle growth.

By mechanical stress, we mean training with weights, when you get muscles under stress, and the result of the training is ultimately muscle damage. It is the rupture of the muscles that leads to the training muscle, ie to delayed muscle pain (DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). [6]

Training muscle and muscle growth

What is DOMS?

The abbreviation DOMS stands for the result of training or other physical activity in which cracks form on muscle tissue. According to scientists, delayed muscle pain occurs 12 - 24 hours after training and peaks on the first to third day. Each of us has a different body, and therefore the muscle is of different lengths.

You have been training regularly for several months, maybe years, and you are just saying that you have not felt muscles for some time. Does that mean you're doing something wrong? DOMS mainly affects two groups of people - beginners and people who have changed their training. You will remember that in the beginning you had muscles regularly and often started to disappear. When you change your training, there is a change in tension, as well as a higher adaptive response. By changing your workout, you have been surprised by your muscles, which can react to the muscles.

As already mentioned, the training muscle can be different. The main symptoms are sore and stiff muscles. However, there are also symptoms that a person should be careful about, such as reduced range of muscle movement, muscle swelling, or touch-sensitive muscles.

Do muscles grow after muscle?

After the introductory chapters, we come to the key question - is muscle muscle beneficial for muscle growth, or is it not related to its building at all? Expecting a muscle at a higher weight or intensity will logically trigger the body's response. On the contrary, with regular training with approximately the same intensity, the muscle may not appear at all. The body tends to adapt to the increased load. Therefore, if you train stably for several months, your body will get used to it. Would it make sense to you that with the same weights and training plan, you would always have the same muscle mass?

Another important fact is that the muscle does not affect all muscle parts in the same way. Examples are forearms and deltoid muscles (shoulders) that you can train, and typical delayed pain may not occur, even for beginners. This is also confirmed by a study from 2013, in which it was found that the muscles of the shoulder muscles are not the same as those of the biceps or legs. You must have just remembered your last leg day and the subsequent walk up the stairs. There will probably be something to it.

Three different studies from 2010 and 2012 looked at the link between muscle fever and muscle growth. The research from 2010 was focused on 20-day intensive training and as a result there was an increase in muscle damage associated with reduced rest. The consequence? This led to a loss of strength. According to the premise of muscle after muscle, the result should look the opposite. One of the studies from 2012 stated that there was a decrease in muscle activation due to the muscle from the previous training. Again, the exact opposite result. The most interesting conclusion is another study from 2012, in which they examined the functionality of the muscle "with muscle". Like the previously mentioned researches, the conclusion is probably surprising here, because a decrease in strength of 50% was found in the examined muscle. There is certainly more research on this or a similar topic, but 3 independent sources lead to the same conclusion - muscles do not grow faster after muscle.

On the other hand, there is research from 2010, which shows that muscle can contribute to muscle growth to some extent. Powerlifters use high weights during training and their breaks are longer. On the other hand, there are bodybuilders with average weights and shorter breaks between sets. Which of the options is better for muscle hypertrophy is not entirely clear, although both types perform well in gaining muscle. As already mentioned, in addition to metabolic stress and mechanical pressure, muscle damage is also present during muscle growth. Muscle damage is therefore not an explicit condition for progress in muscle building, because even training without a muscle causes muscle growth. To sum it up, "strong muscles" do not necessarily mean high progress in muscle building, and conversely, minimal or no muscle fever indicates slow progress. Muscle fever is also affected by genetics, diet, training program and regeneration. Therefore, if your friend brags about crazy muscle, it may not be directly proportional to better muscle building.

There is other evidence of a relationship or, better said, a "non-relationship" of muscles and muscle muscle:

You can train your calves and shoulders and have progress without the crazy muscles.
Irregular training causes less muscle progression and more muscle mass.
As the frequency of training increases, muscle fever decreases, and this can support muscle growth.

In simple words, a muscle lasting 2 days does not mean double progress. Therefore, it does not make sense to "push" every workout until you know how to pick up a water bottle or get up from a chair the next day. Regularity and a reasonable approach to exercise are crucial, as exaggerated ideas can also be a path to injury. Don't have muscle? Be happy, others are trying to get rid of her.

How to get rid of muscle muscle?

The goal of several athletes is to train so that they feel delayed muscle pain after training. We also bring a chapter for those who wave muscle and would appreciate advice on how to get rid of it. We have selected a few tips and tricks, from conventional to non-traditional, to support the reduction of muscle fever:

Hydration - drinking water before, during and after training has, according to a study, affected men exercising in hot and humid environments. Whether you prefer an air-conditioned gym or running in the park, fluids can help you get rid of muscle fever.
Massage - according to a study from 2012, a "training" massage works effectively against the muscle. In addition, it can support the repair and functioning of cells. Recently, a massage roller has been one of the most popular massage aids. It is a great and undemanding way of car massage, thanks to which you will support the reduction of muscle swelling and muscle healing. Don't be put off by the pain of the massage and give the massage a chance after the workout.
Coffee - the positive effect of coffee on the muscle has been proven in several studies. The results of one of them even declare a 48% reduction in delayed muscle pain. In addition, you may be approached by another benefit of caffeine, which is its analgesic properties.

Cherries - whether fresh or in the form of juice, cherries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Try drinking cherry juice for a few days as such an "anti-muscle treatment".
Don't overdo it - this tip may sound vague, but significant changes in training are a common cause of painful muscles. Increase the intensity of the exercise gradually, the better you can prevent delayed muscle pain, but at the same time increase safety during training. Ego lifting is not a myth, building muscle and strength is also about patience.

If we take it completely "broadly", the muscle has a certain effect on muscle growth. However, it is certainly not the case that the longer the muscle, the larger the muscles. Try to perceive it as a natural reaction to the stress caused by training. Don't have muscle fever because you've been training regularly for some time? Don't worry about it at all, you don't need it. Exercise is mainly about joy and the occasional mild muscle muscle is somewhat pleasant.

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