nedeľa 29. novembra 2020

A hormone that could stop you from losing weight |

 A hormone that could stop you from losing weight

If you have tried everything possible to lose weight, but the results still do not come, the problem with you may be the dominant estrogen. Learn about the simple changes you can make to get your hormones under control and see results soon.

Sometimes it may seem impossible to you, you lift weights, you only eat healthy foods and you still don't lose weight. Not only do you not lose fat, but you also suffer from bloating and low energy levels. If you have such problems, you may have a condition called estrogen dominance. Here are some questions we asked endocrynology specialists:

What are some of the benefits of estrogen?

Although normally associated with the female body, estrogen is also needed in the male body. Estrogen helps the female body to support a healthy reproductive system and also strong bones, in men it only supports strong bones. In fact, all people routinely convert testosterone to estrogen to build bone mass. When estrogen is in perfect balance, this much-needed hormone works in our favor. Unfortunately, the accumulation of too much estrogen is a common by-product of the modern lifestyle. Estrogen can be obtained from daily standards such as stress and poor diet, negative lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking too much, digestive problems and more. And sometimes it leads to more and more problems.

What is estrogen dominance?

One such problem is what is called estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance occurs when there is too much female sex hormone, estrogen, which moves in the bloodstream. This can cause several side effects in both men and women, including weight gain, water retention, breast enlargement (both in women and men), fatigue, mood swings, slow metabolism, excessive abdominal fat, and more. Given this range of side effects, it's no wonder that weight loss can become a struggle. But that's not all. Uncontrolled estrogen dominance can eventually lead to serious health complications, including an increased risk of prostate, uterine and breast cancer.

Can estrogen dominance affect physical fitness?

Yes. Hormone levels must fall within the reference values ​​and must be balanced. Estrogen is one of them and we must not ignore it, especially when we want to gain lean muscle mass. Estrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss. The imbalance will definitely affect your ability to build and maintain poor and metabolically active muscle tissue, as well as your ability to burn fat.

Are there natural ways to lower estrogen levels?

Just as there are many ways to get estrogen, there are many things you can do to keep this essential hormone under control.


Experts agree that plastics contain BPA (and other harmful chemicals) that negatively affect your estrogen levels. Although there are many BPA-free products on the market, it is safest to avoid them altogether and bet on glass.


Since your liver is responsible for helping remove excess estrogen and toxins from your body, make sure your diet supports healthy liver function. It is recommended to consume foods such as leafy vegetables, avocados, garlic, green tea, beetroot, lemons and limes to promote liver health. Adequate sleep (at least 7 hours at night) also promotes healthy liver function.


No one can completely avoid stress, but we can try to reduce it at least a little. Because prolonged stress promotes excessive estrogen levels, for example, a massage once a week can be a great way to reduce stress. You can also find ways to incorporate anti-stress into your lifestyle, such as: Staying outdoors (hiking, biking) watching comedy, easy exercise, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, relaxing from electronics


Harmful hormones and toxins can enter our body through residual pesticides from grains, fruits, vegetables and animal products treated with antibiotics and growth hormones. Fortunately, there are safer and healthier options. When buying meat and product look for on the label for example: fed grass, GMO and organic. As buying organic matter can increase your food expenses, save money by buying in season and visit farmers' markets.


Fiber can bind to estrogen and thus help you empty it from your body. Great sources of fiber include leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, flax, chia, artichokes, figs, apples, pears, beans and legumes, beetroot, pumpkin, peas and berries. If you think you may experience estrogen dominance, talk to your doctor, who can do blood tests and confirm whether to disprove your theory. As long as you have results, it will certainly not hurt you to implement these strategies, because they are also general advice for a healthier lifestyle, regardless of your estrogen level.

štvrtok 26. novembra 2020



Maybe because of everything that happens in the world and in our country, you don't even think about exercise. All the more so as the various measures that open and close restaurants, shops and gyms are constantly tightening and loosening. Feelings of insecurity and fear for the future benefit each of us in some way. And it's completely natural. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish what ideas we pay attention to. We will not directly influence the geopolitical situation in the world, the presidential election in the USA or the traditional "black chronicle" instead of television news, so why deal with it and deepen the ubiquitous stress? But what we can influence is the way we can deal with this load of stressors successfully. And one of the best helpers to improve physical and mental health is sports and exercise.

If all the benefits of sports and exercise were sold in the form of pills in the pharmacy, the queues would have no end and people would argue for a more advantageous place in the crowd. Just imagine: “Hello, I would like something to improve my mood, reduce anxiety, boost immunity and grow muscle. Yes, we have something exactly for you. Here we will offer you a monthly package of strength training and a semi-annual package of running in nature. Use strength training once a day three times a week and running in nature once a day on days when you are not using strength training. "And in a month everyone will come to the pharmacy to thank them for feeling much better. You can read below the effect of regular sports activity on our physical and mental health.

What can a regular sports activity do?

↓ chronic stress, degree of anxiety, symptoms of depression, health risks, body weight

↑ mood, cognitive functions, sleep, immune system and the body's defenses, bone density, muscle mass, flexibility and balance

It seems that perhaps there is no area on which regular sports activity would not have a positive effect. However, the uncertain opening hours of gyms, fitness centers and government restrictions make it very difficult for us to adhere to healthy habits. But you can also exercise at home! But that's not quite right, is it? At home, you may be missing dumbbells, axes, reels, a squat cage, a sparring partner, motivational music roaring over the whole fitness, which makes it easy to put the series, no matter what it costs, or personally leading the trainer to a group lesson that you don't even he can't breathe for a moment. Let's show you how not to stop exercising even at home and how to make it even fun to exercise.

Ako sa motivovať a neprestať cvičiť ani doma?

5 steps to help you stay motivated to exercise and play sports at home

In the time of home office, online teaching for students and the impossibility of socializing, you can find yourself in an even more intense stereotype of life than before. Ideally, you shouldn't be coming from home, and you usually decide whether to do the assigned tasks as part of flexible working hours before or after the next work, "Emily in Paris." Whether to learn with children, cook, do elaborate tasks, exercise, or solve sibling quarrels.

On the other hand, even the most busy person can find at least half an hour a day to exercise. Exercise and sports activity are one of the best nootropics to support brain function and an often forgotten method of biohacking, which is a powerful weapon against stress, a tool to improve health, fitness and body structure. Let's "kick" the exercise.

1. Find your why

To successfully master everything you want to achieve, you need a strong reason and know your own "WHY?", Why do you want to practice? The stronger and more important your reason, the more likely you are to be able to maintain motivation to exercise in the long run. Unfortunately, motivation alone is not omnipotent. When "WHY" is too remote and general, there is a greater chance that in the evening, after a hard workload, you will choose "gauching" on TV instead of exercising. This can happen in cases where there is maintenance, health or weight loss under your reason. You simply say to yourself that it's not that bad yet, and you start looking at yourself from Monday or when the constellation of stars is more appropriate.

Try to break your big and time-away WHY into smaller and current why, which will help you achieve WHY in the long run.

Big time away WHY: I want to lose weight

Current partial why: I need to clear my head after a hard day's work

Current partial why: I want to get angry out of myself

Current partial why: I want to improve my mood

Current partial why: I want to relieve myself of back pain from sitting all day

Current partial why: I want to be more focused and have tasks completed faster

2. Set close and realistic goals

This point is quite closely related to the determination of the big WHY. Let's say you decide to lose 20 kg or gain 5 kg of muscle mass in half a year and with the determination of MMA wrestlers you go full throttle for the first few days. Over time, however, the motivation and desire to achieve great why decreases due to the fact that the weight after a month differs, for example, "only" by 2 kg, and you are not so satisfied with yourself. This is mainly because your goal is too far.

We humans are equipped with an internal reward system that motivates us to engage in activities that are important to our survival, such as the need to eat and drink. At the same time, they motivate us, "force" us to learn or are associated with pleasant feelings. Learning for an exam or forcing yourself to practice is sometimes like a punishment, but the good feeling after successfully completing the task and the motivation for further work is worth it, isn't it? This is due to our internal reward system in the form of the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. We can compare it to a situation where you feel good after being satisfied with the feeling of hunger, thirst, a test or "bed games". If your goal is 6 months away, there is no reward in the form of dopamine, and this is exactly the problem why we do not want to continue working. Simply put, dopamine gives us a partial motivation and a desire to achieve other goals.

What needs to be done with long-term goals? Break them down into smaller sub-goals…

It's really as simple as it seems at first glance. You probably already know that this is mainly due to the more frequent activation of the reward center, the feeling of satisfaction from the ongoing fulfillment of partial goals and the dopamine reward. With this strategy, you tilt the scales and dopamine starts working for you, not against you.

Of course, the weight can vary calmly every day + - 3 kilograms, so it's nice to watch other parameters that will tell you more about your progress. You can easily add, for example, body circumferences in the form of waist circumference, hips, thighs and abdomen. If you tick fulfilled every day in your diary or calendar, you are on the right track. You can expect a measurable change in your body after about 2 weeks, consider this.

Another method of setting goals is the SMART strategy, where each goal must be:

Specific: 30 minutes of physical activity each day or training 3 exercises with 50 repetitions.

Measurable: you can use a stopwatch, a phone, or write down the number of repetitions in a diary to measure the time or number of repetitions.

Achievable: Don't want everything now and start slowly. You will achieve more performance over time.

Relevant: Sports activity must be beneficial for you and be related to your why. Do what you enjoy. There's no point in forcing yourself to do something trendy, but it's not close to you.

Time: Daily and weekly goals work well for self-reflection. You know that you want to complete 30 minutes of physical activity per day, which is 210 minutes per week.

You can even elegantly combine these two methods. With the help of your big WHY, you will set a long-term goal, which you will break down into smaller sub-goals, and you will use the SMART method by planning how you will achieve it with its help.

Tréning plánujte ako neodkladnú schôdzku

3. Plan the training as an urgent meeting

To say that every day you spend half an hour exercising and hoping that it will really work out by some miracle can be reminiscent in today's world of about the same certainty as when you bet the Euro Jackpot and hope you win. You've probably caught up with yourself that if you didn't have something fixed in time, it probably didn't work out. That's why it's good to get to know each other a little bit.

Are you more of a morning bird, getting up is not a problem for you and can you imagine a morning workout that, together with a cold training shower, will charge you with energy for the coming day?

Or do your thoughts on morning training not do you any good and you prefer to exercise after work, when you clear your head and relax mentally after a hard day thanks to training?

Write a specific exercise time on your calendar that suits you, and make it binding as if it were an urgent meeting. Every day from 6:00 in the morning or from 17:30 in the afternoon you do exercise and a dot. To be sure, turn on the notification on the phone, which will prepare you for the upcoming event at least 15 minutes before training. And what is the best? This eliminates the space for excuses. If you do not know how to compile a home workout, read our article How to compile a quality training plan for home exercise?

4. Celebrate small victories as if they were big

Training that you didn't even want to do for the world or that you somehow "slackened off" is better than the one that didn't take place at all. It's not about being completely perfect every day and working 100%. The main thing is that every time you exercise according to a pre-planned time, you build a habit that will help you achieve your goals. This is probably the most important thing, which is somehow hidden under the surface. From a mindset in the form of "all or nothing", you can boldly switch to a setting in the style of "at least something is better than nothing."

With this, another very important thing comes to light. Take into account that according to the pre-set plan, almost nothing works, and have a backup plan ready. What will you do if you have really little time to exercise during the day or miss an online group lesson? Have a backup 10-minute workout on hand that will be intense enough to exercise your whole body. Be prepared for the fact that you will not always want to run, and instead go for a brisk walk instead. When you have a backup plan up your sleeve, you avoid the sudden question, "What now?", And postpone training.

5. Be creative

People often say that they have absolutely no time for anything. Subsequent, careful and honest analysis of the day spent with the help of self-reflection will show where that time disappears. Yes, it disappears into the depths of wasted time in the form of an hour-long view of social networks, half an hour on a messenger, another half hour playing mobile games and two hours of evening watching a series, which again doesn't take us that much, but it's a habit. Counted and underlined, this is 4 hours, from which you can cut at least half an hour for daily exercise.

And to combine the pleasant with the useful, we have a few tips for creative sports activities:

In times of fast internet networks and unlimited data, you don't have to be hooked on a laptop every time during an online meeting. Try the "walking meeting" variant, where you go for a walk in nature and you will have the meeting in the headphones and, if necessary, on the phone display.

Listen to your favorite podcast or audiobook while exercising or playing sports. Although this is not the ideal solution for maximum concentration on sports and enjoying the present moment, but if it suits you, why not use it.

Change sports activities. If you exercise at home, include a classic workout with your own body weight, try HIIT training, make your workout more interesting by using home exercise equipment (filled backpack with hard squats, push-ups and biceps lift), expand your home gym with new equipment or give a chance almost forgotten today skipping rope.

Experience sports in augmented reality with game consoles. If you are a fan of the cult sitcom The Big Bang Theory, you will certainly remember a few scenes when this group of "nerds" played various games such as tennis, bowling or boxing on the Nintendo Wii. How about using your game console for family competitions in dancing, tennis, skateboarding or snowboarding. You may be surprised that even with such activities you can put yourself into the body.

If it suits you, download the exercise application according to which you will exercise.

Speed ​​up, slow down, speed up. Even so, you can revive your withered love for running, cycling or sport walking.

Take advantage of online exercises where you can do a workout with a coach. You can also try one of the workouts on our YouTube channel.

You can also dance on yourself with the help of dance. How to read about it in the article Creative Training: Self-Weighted Exercises Inspired by Dance

How to deal with an inactive day behind the monitor?

When working at the computer, try to take regular breaks after about 30 minutes or at least an hour of work. You will stretch the stiff body and spread the blood all over the body. If you have a pet, jump outside, reach out, walk around the house or have a "micro-cork", where you can train for example 10 push-ups, 20 squats and stay in the plan for 30 seconds. Wondering what happens to your body when you exercise plank every day? Find out in our article What happens to you when you plank every day?

If you can do it, try to spend time outside as well. Nature is combined with movement, literally a cure for the soul. And remember, every step counts. If you enjoyed the idea of ​​training in the fresh air, read our article Outdoor training - Why and how to start exercising in the fresh air.

Do you miss the gym?

Create your own small personal gym at home with ready space and equipment for training. When you see this space in your eyes, you are even more likely to exercise. We will be happy to help you equip your home gym with a set of fitness accessories.

Cvičte v pohodlí domova - Cviky s vlastnou váhou a príslušenstvom na cvičenie

What do you get out of it?

Staying active and exercising regularly can take a long time, but it's not impossible. When you set up the support system and environment correctly, everything is much easier. Keep in mind your big WHY, which will constantly remind you of your vision and the goal you want to achieve. To make goal setting work for you, not the other way around, split your long-term goal into a few smaller sub-goals that are easier to achieve and closer in time than "sometime in the future." By setting weekly and daily goals, you'll know exactly what to do each day. . Checking out a box on your calendar or diary every day will reward you with a motivating elimination of dopamine and a desire to continue.

By setting a fixed daily time to exercise, you will gain control of yourself and increase your chances of regular sports. Practicing every day at 4:30 pm is far clearer and more binding than "sometimes I just practice during the day." Gradually, your meeting will become a habit and everything will be somewhat more natural and easier than at the beginning. By adding creativity to your training efforts, you come up with a variety of movement options so that you still enjoy it and exercise doesn't just become a "necessary break." Every move counts and "even the dishonest training is better than no training."

utorok 24. novembra 2020



Running is generally considered to be one of the most natural movements a person can engage in. Even the youngest children, as soon as they learn to walk, run for their lives. However, the turning point often occurs when they come to school and running becomes a duty.

Running a "sixties" for a while or endless circling of an oval on the school playground destroyed a positive attitude towards this sport for many children, who carry this dislike into adulthood. Starting a job, then, some running seems like an even bigger utopia.

We probably won't get rid of the traumatic childhood experiences, but we may convince you in today's article that running doesn't have to be as bad a sport as you remember it. And what if you find out what benefits running in general is and how it can change your body! You will see that you give him one more chance.

Desiata po behu

Why start running?

1. Burn a lot of calories and fat

Running is one of the sports that have high demands on energy. No wonder, then, that if a person is trying to lose weight, he often starts by wearing sports sneakers and running for the first time.

The number of calories you burn while running depends on many factors. Among the most important we can mention, for example, age, running speed, running length, terrain or your weight.

For a better idea of calories burned, let's take an example:

● A runner who weighs 60 kg and runs 10 km per hour will burn approx. 617 kcal during this exercise.

● A runner who weighs approximately 80 kg and runs 10 km per hour will burn approximately 823 kcal during this output.

So if our two runners decide that they don't want to lose weight and, conversely, want to replenish the calories burned back into the body, they should not forget about a quality ten after exercise.

This could look like this:

● A runner would supplement the burned 617 kcal with the following tenth: 50 g of oatmeal (193 kcal), 150 g of Greek white yogurt with 0% fat (86 kcal), 30 g of chocolate protein (115 kcal), 100 g of banana (94 kcal) and 22 g peanut butter (132 kcal)

● A runner would supplement the burned 823 kcal with the following tenth: 80 g of oatmeal (309 kcal), 200 g of Greek white yogurt with 0% fat (115 kcal), 30 g of chocolate protein (115 kcal), 100 g of banana (94 kcal) and 31 g peanut butter (187 kcal)

And what if our runners decided to live as before, so they will be just as active and still eat the same, just add an extra three times a week an hour of 10 km / h?

If we do not take into account the adaptation of the organism and other side factors that could affect the result, they would achieve the following results in half a year (26 weeks):

● The runner would burn approximately 48,126 kcal during this period (calculated as follows: 617x3x26).

● The runner would burn approximately 64,194 kcal during this period (calculated as follows: 823x3x26).

One kilogram of fat is approximately 7700 kcal. This means that in half a year, a runner would lose about 6.3 kg of fat and a runner 8.3 kg of fat. The only change they would have to make is to go for an hour's run three times a week. That's not such a problem, don't you think?

And as a bonus to calories burned, you get a firmer body with a visibly lower percentage of body fat and less visible cellulite.

You can see from the calculations that this sport is a really great tool for burning calories. In addition, if you run regularly several times a week, you do not have to worry that your character will have an occasional dessert with a friend over coffee. You can indulge in it even if you are trying to lose a few pounds. Just be careful not to make this exception a regular issue.

2. Your physical condition will improve

You will definitely know the feeling when you stay for a while in the morning and suddenly find out that you have a bus leaving in a few minutes. At that moment, the fight against time begins. It starts with a slightly accelerated walk, because you think that you are still chasing, which you are gradually replacing with the final finish in the form of a sprint to the incoming bus. And how does it end? Well, of course you missed it again…

If you start running regularly, this scenario is a thing of the past. Your body will gradually get used to this activity, which will be reflected in the fact that you will be able to run faster and longer distances.

If you are a complete beginner, you need to increase the load gradually. It is possible that you will run 100 meters for the first time and will have to walk. It is completely normal, even this type of activity has its name - Indian running. So in the room at a slow pace, run what you can and go to a faster walk. Once you regain your breath, run again and repeat the interval.

However, over time, you can lengthen the running section and shorten the walking sections until you get to the stage where you find that you don't even need to walk anymore, because you can run your taste for a long time.

Runners, for whom a longer continuous run is no longer a problem, can also further improve their condition. There are many possibilities, try for example:

increase running speed
extend the distance traveled
include a route with a higher elevation
try HIIT, where you will alternate intervals with maximum intensity (sprint) with looser intervals (sprint)

try repeating sprint uphill, which will be replaced by a mound downhill
Connoisseurs can try, for example, a combination of running and exercises with their own weight, when for example they run for 10 minutes and then take 30 push-ups, 30 squats with a jump and run on, this way they can combine any distance with any exercises.

As you can see, there are many opportunities to improve, you just have to choose. However, always consider your current physicist to avoid causing health problems. Everything has its time, and if you persevere, you will be rewarded at the end, for example in the form of a run-down bus without breathing and with a smile.

3. You will improve your health

Incorporating regular running activity will affect not only your appearance but also your health. It is generally recommended to have at least 150 minutes of medium-intensity activities or 75 minutes of high-intensity activities each week. This is really the bare minimum that everyone should keep. We can easily cover these active minutes on the fly.

Regular sports will strengthen the heart and lungs, which will improve our cardiovascular system. This can be manifested, for example, by a reduction in blood pressure or the risk of a heart attack. By moving, we can train the heart muscle to such a level that we will have fewer beats to pump the same amount of blood, because the amount of blood that the heart sends into the bloodstream with one beat will increase. During running and other sports, we can save him a lot of work and effort. Another benefit may be, for example, a reduction in cholesterol levels or a reduction in the risk of osteoporosis.

Through extensive research analyzing more than 170 studies, researchers Friedenreich and Orenstein have found that regular activity can even reduce the risk of bladder, breast, colon or stomach cancer.

Regular running also affects your immune system. When you run, your heart rate will increase, which will also speed up your blood circulation. The body gradually begins to challenge the cells of the immune system - lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) to speed up and fight a possible threat (pathogens). After starting the exercise, the number of immune cells will increase several times. 10-15 minutes after the end of the run, the cell count returns to normal. However, their number then further falls below the normal level and it may take several hours for them to return to their classic level. This time is called the "open window", during which the body could be more susceptible to disease. However, this possible susceptibility was refuted by Campbell and Turner, who found that during this time the immune cells did not disappear, they only appeared outside the blood and looked for infection, which is exactly what is expected of them. We call this process immune surveillance.

It follows from these facts that the so-called The "open window" is not as dramatic as it might seem at first glance. However, the truth is that with increasing intensity and length of load, the risk of temporarily reduced immune system function increases. This can also lead to too frequent training load, due to which the body does not have time to regenerate sufficiently, and thus may be more susceptible to disease.

However, if you include adequate doses of running and pay attention to sufficient regeneration, your body's defenses will be strengthened and you will be more resistant to viruses and bacteria that are all around us.

Zdravší vďaka behu

4. Your sleep will improve

If you have problems with evening sleep, frequent waking up and poor sleep, running could be the solution in these cases as well. It is not the best choice to go running just before you go to bed, due to the flushing out of endorphins (the hormone of happiness), which could frustrate your attempts to fall asleep. In general, however, our body works by raising body temperature through running. This is a signal to the body that it should be up. However, 30 to 90 minutes after the procedure, the body temperature begins to drop, which may gradually help to induce drowsiness.

If you notice this phenomenon in yourself, it may be advisable for you to run earlier in the afternoon. However, according to scientists, it does not matter much what hour you run, you will feel the positive effect on night sleep after any type of running at any time of day.

5. You will feel mentally better

You may not be surprised that running, like other physical activities, has a positive effect on reducing stress levels in the body. Above all, it helps to reduce long-term stress, which has a negative effect not only on the mentioned immunity.

If you play sports regularly, you will definitely know the feeling when you don't know where your head is all day, everything falls on you, so you go out to play sports. And after exercise? All the problems suddenly seem more bearable and some of the troubles may have completely disappeared.

This is exactly how it works with running. You can enjoy it all the more if you decide to run in the fresh air in nature. Autumn is just for that. The nature is colored in front of the eyes, it is neither very hot nor very cold, and in addition you can capture the sun's rays, from which you draw vitamin D.

It also has a positive effect on your mental well-being. Unfortunately, its level is lower, especially in the autumn and winter months, so it is not harmful to focus on, for example, fish intake or supplementation.

And if you're constantly thinking about what's still waiting for you, what's going on at work, and so on, we recommend that you play your favorite playlist, which is guaranteed to kick you or try listening to podcasts. You will need to focus on the content of the spoken word, so you will not have the capacity to think about your problems. If you want to learn something from the world of fitness, you can listen to our podcast, for example.

6. You will learn to be disciplined

Adherence to the set goals may not be easy at all during the first few days or weeks. To do this, you need to set realistic goals. For a start, it will be enough to go jogging twice a week. Make it clear that you will run on Mondays and Thursdays, for example, and really follow the plan. Even if you didn't want to, it was raining, the wind was blowing or whatever.

You don't have to run for an hour. Initially, a few minutes may be enough. It is important that you start working on a new habit. This is the only way to really maintain discipline. If you feel that it really isn't your day, run as much as you can and walk the rest. The main thing is that you didn't cough.

You can then transfer the discipline you create while running to other spheres of your life. If you can plan a run and really manage it, why not complete the task that has been on your table for a week? In the same way, you can schedule your days, such as cleaning or preparing food for the next days. You can be inspired by the article How to effectively prepare meals and box?

Thanks to the set plan and the acquired discipline, you will know exactly what activities await you on a given day, so you will not have to think about them. In addition, you will avoid chaotic doing several things at once or, conversely, sickly postponing activities that end up lying in front of the television. The bonus will be a good feeling from the achieved goals and confirmation that you will achieve everything you set, and in addition you will have more time for yourself thanks to planning.

7. Save time

How many times have you heard an excuse from someone (maybe even from yourself) that there is no time to exercise? It can be difficult for an extremely busy person to organize their time to go to the gym.

It doesn't seem like that, but when we count it:

● Trip to the gym (20 min), payment for admission, change of clothes, preparation in the locker room (10 min), training (60 min), chat with friends (10 min), shower after exercise (10 min), hair dryer to make your way home did not catch a cold (10 min), way home (20 min), unloading a sports bag (5 min).

● In the finals, one hour of exercise can cut us 140 minutes out of a day without any problems, not everyone can afford it, if they go to work, have to shop, take care of the family and so on.

And now let's compare it with running:

● Crawling into running clothes in the comfort of home (5 min), running training (60 min), storing running clothes (5 min), shower (10 min).

● And the result? Thanks to the run, we saved an hour. During that time, one can have time to prepare food for the next day, have dinner and still have time to clean the kitchen.

So you certainly can't argue for a while now.

8. Save money

If you have decided to replace this activity in the gym instead of cardio in orbitrek three times a week, you will see that your wallet will feel the difference. If we calculate that the average entrance fee to the gym costs about 3 euros, we will save 10 euros per week. Even though it is not a dizzying amount, it is already 40 euros per month and even 480 euros per year, which is a decent amount, right?

Because you save so much money and make fun of yourself, you sometimes deserve some joy! Buying sportswear is perfect for the occasion. Not only will you be rewarded, but you will also gain new motivation. After all, it would be a shame for the new pieces to just lie in your closet. The next run will be perfect for trying them out.

9. Explore the surroundings

Surely you have already trodden your way to work, from work, to shopping, to a cafe and the like. But do you know where the alleys behind your house lead, where you don't normally go? You may be surprised at what is hidden in your area. Maybe you have a few miles from the house of a valley where you have never been, and maybe you could run around to see how the places you visited a few years ago changed. There are many possibilities.

And if you feel that nothing in the area will surprise you, try to google what is located in the more distant area of ​​your residence. You don't have to run just near the house, you can walk a short distance, then run, and return by public transport or car.

Another way to look further while running is to ask someone you know to take you with you and drop you off after a few kilometers. You can then run your way home. By not running back and forth, but only back home, you can explore more distant places. In this case, however, we recommend running with a GPS phone. You can easily get lost in an unfamiliar environment, so a planned 10-kilometer run could become a 15-kilometer of suffering.

10. Meet new people

It probably happened to you that someone was waving at you while running or at least smiled at you. No, girls, it does not mean that you have first suitor. Rather, this behavior captures the mentality of the runners and, more generally, the community within the sport. Runners like to welcome newcomers, they try to express their support with this gesture, because every person who runs knows very well how difficult the beginnings can be.

People who meet regularly on their routes sometimes change a few words or have a kilometer in common. Knowing that you are not alone in this can help you, especially in the beginning. And if you already feel like it, you can also take part in a running race, where you will meet other people with the same interest and, in addition, you will have a great sports experience that motivates you for further training.

11. You will be more confident

So let's sum it up nicely. You will lose weight easily thanks to running, you will improve your physique, health, sleep, you will be mentally more comfortable, you will be disciplined, meeting the deadline in all spheres of life will be a matter of course for you, save time and money, for which you buy new sportswear you will also make new friends. What more do you need to feel more confident? I think this is a decent foundation on which to build. And that's not enough - to run a few kilometers several times a week.

What do you get out of it?

Running, like other sports, has many health benefits for your psyche. At the same time, it is a great way to achieve your dream character. However, if you want to be a complete all-round athlete, it is advisable to combine it with strength training.

At the same time, it is necessary to focus on quality food, which will help you replenish your energy after a demanding run and add strength to others.

nedeľa 22. novembra 2020

Rebutting Myth: Increasing testosterone in women equals muscle gain, strength gain, and fat loss |

 Rebutting Myth: Increasing testosterone in women equals muscle gain, strength gain, and fat loss

Do women need high levels of testosterone and growth hormone to build muscle, lose fat and gain strength? Find out why the answer is no.

In the complementary industry, there are many products that are used to achieve muscle growth, strength, or fat loss. One such product is a testosterone booster. These testosterone stimulators are generally avoided by women (and sometimes have recommendations against them) for fear of causing androgenic side effects (which they do not cause) because they do not know how the product affects female physiology.

Then there's the other side of the coin, where women look at a testosterone stimulator, believing that by increasing their testosterone levels, they will gain faster and experience the same results as men with elevated testosterone. Both ideas are inaccurate.

This article will focus on the present, we will discuss the endogenous female testosterone response to resistance exercises and which hormones should be optimized to provide muscle growth, strength gain or fat loss in women.


In addition to resistance training, anabolic hormones play an important role in hypertrophy, strength gain and fat loss. Two of the anabolic hormones in the body are testosterone and growth hormone (GH) (Kraemer, 1988).


Women have less testosterone than men (normal values ​​of total testosterone in men are 0.95-4.3pg / dl, compared to 0.7-3.6pg / dl in women). They also have less free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone in men is 0.3-5% (average is 2%), with their free testosterone values ​​ranging from 270-1100 ng / dl, compared to 6-86 ng / dl in women .

While testosterone levels in women may affect physiological adaptation to resistance training, studies suggest that muscle gains and strength gains occur with or without an increase in testosterone (Kraemer & Ratamess, 2005). Subjects Hickson, Hidaka, Foster, Falduto & Chatterton (1994) increased muscle mass and strength during a period of 16 weeks of resistance training, with no change in testosterone levels.

With the exception of Cumming, Wall, Galbraith, Belcastre (1987) and Nindl (2001), most studies that used acute or short-term (10-16 weeks) resistance training did not show significant changes (if any) in total or free testosterone in women in rooms, before and after training (Kraemer et al. 1998, Hickson et al. 1994). Nevertheless, women are still able to gain a significant amount of muscle and strength or effectively lose fat.

Although research has been at odds with the effects of resistance training on testosterone levels in women (Kraemer & Ratamess, 2005), long-term resistance training (eg more than 6 months) has shown an increase in free testosterone in women at rest (and after exercise), (Häkkinen, Pakarinen, Kraemer, Newton & Alen, 2000; Marx et al., 2001), recommending that long-term training is required to elicit a hormonal response.

Studies also show that there is no difference in testosterone levels between hard-working athletes and women with sedentary lifestyles (Tegelman et al. 1990). However, the increase in strength and performance has been correlated with pre-workout testosterone levels (Krahenbuhl, Archer & Petit, 1978), leading Hakkinen et al. (2000) to suggest that testosterone levels in women indicate their ability to train (although not necessarily their results).


It has been suggested that other anabolic hormones, such as growth hormone, may be responsible for hypertrophy, strength gains, and poverty in women (Kraemer & Ratamess, 2005), these results being achieved without changes in testosterone levels.

Women naturally have higher growth hormone levels than men (Engstrom, Karlsson & wide, 1998; Widerman, Weltman, Hartman, Veldhuis & Weltman, 2002).

Exercise is a physiological stimulus for the release of growth hormone, and with resistance training indicates significant growth hormone secretion. The extent of exercise-induced growth hormone release is greater than in men (Wideman et al., 2002).

Resistance exercises with numerous sets increase and prolong the growth hormone response in women, compared to individual sets (Mulligan et al., 1996), and higher-volume resistance training elicits a greater growth hormone response than low-volume training (Kraemer et al., 1993). The greatest growth hormone responses in women are observed in longer resistance sessions with high overall work using moderately to heavy weights (more than 70% 1RM) and shorter regeneration periods (Kraemer et al., 1993).

While acute resistance training has been shown to increase growth hormone levels in women at rest, long-term resistance training does not. However, long-term training still elicits a similar growth hormone response, caused by exercise, before and after resistance training (McCall et al., 1999).


Muscle growth, strength gain or fat loss in women is dependent on their testosterone levels. There are many factors involved in each goal achievement, including an increase in all anabolic hormones. Products that increase growth hormone (or both growth hormone and testosterone) would be a better choice for a woman who wants to optimize hypertrophy, strength, or fat loss than using only a testosterone stimulator.

štvrtok 19. novembra 2020

4 most common mistakes when gaining muscles and their solution |

 4 most common mistakes when gaining muscles and their solution

These four most common mistakes relate to the male figure and fortunately there are proven recipes to eliminate them!

It's hard to get a perfect figure, although some have been helped by genetics, but hard work and determination are behind it anyway. For those of us who have not been genetically blessed, we must struggle with common physical deficiencies, some of which are hereditary, while others are the result of our own wrong efforts, ignorance, or lack of attention. I do not promise you secrets for a perfect figure, but I offer a possible correction to these four mistakes in the male figure.

Error 1 - Soaked top and thin legs

This is by far the most common body imbalance you will see in almost every man who likes to lift weights. Most guys love to train their chest and arms. The back and shoulders follow right after. If you happen to miss a workout, just rely on your great protein powder. The result of all this is that over time your upper body, which looks robust and full of strength, is attached to the lower body of someone who looks weak and small. The advice is: Finally, start training even those damn legs! In fact, they should work at least twice a week to catch up. Effective leg training is not easy. It is a brutal job, but the result is worth it. So start working on squats and foot dumpsters. When you do this, your lower body will eventually look as strong and muscular as your upper half, and you will have a much more impressive and complete body position.

Error 2 - You have a wide belt

You can thank your parents for this, because your bone structure is 100% genetically determined and the skeleton is the framework on which you build your muscles. The ideal figure is almost always characterized by the letter V, meaning the visual effect of the wide shoulders and upper back, which taper to a narrower waist, which many of us simply cannot achieve. Your bones are what they are. That's bad news. The good news is that you can work out side deltas, and if you work properly on top, it will create wide shoulders and all this will cause a narrowing effect.

Error 3 - Chest imbalance

Many of us, in view of the elaborate chest, forget that there is an upper, middle and lower part of the chest. Most then choose the wrong exercises, with the result that the middle and lower parts tend to be highly developed, while the upper part of the assembly is flat and shallow. Over time, this results in a decreasing chest, which means that muscle mass is concentrated in the lower area. At the very least, start training the upper chest with dumbbells, any lifting that is aimed at the upper chest is what you need. When you exercise the upper part really thoroughly, you can add exercises to the whole chest. You don't have to worry about the center and bottom loosening for now. As soon as you have your chest soaked from the clavicle to the end of your chest, you can be sure that your appearance will be captivated in every crowd and in everything you wear.

Error 4 - You look soft like a jelly

Many guys seem to be stuck in the constant off-season, and when they need to gain muscle mass, they rush to eat enough in excess of enough to make a living. They also often stop practicing cardio for fear of losing honest calories. The net result of excessive calorie intake and limited calorie burning is a soft-looking body, with an increase in muscle mass that is hidden under the amount of gelatin. Even if you try to gain weight in your muscle mass, avoid headless eating of everything you find. Forget fast food, pizza, biscuits, cakes, cones, ice cream, candies, fries and fried foods. Don't even drink fruit smoothies that are loaded with sugar. Start eating fresh food and grilled or roasted meat such as fish, chicken, also lean pork or turkey, oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes and raw vegetables. As for carbohydrates, start reducing them until you reach a daily dose that will give you enough energy for your training and normal life. And finally, just do some damn cardio! Although, 20-30 minutes after your strength training. You don't have to worry about losing honest gains; on the contrary, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that declining body fat helps restore your metabolism and increases the results of your training. You may be lighter on the weight, but everyone will tell you how you look bigger, manier and more muscular.

utorok 17. novembra 2020

Scientific knowledge about the best supplements before and after exercise |

 Scientific knowledge about the best supplements before and after exercise

If you take supplements before and after exercise, or at least have ever taken an interest in them, be sure not to miss this article, because this is where you will learn how they will help you strengthen your training and when and how much to take to achieve maximum muscle results!

Building muscle is not just a matter of "working out" or "adjusting in nutrition". It is about finding the perfect symbiosis between these two components that help each other. Physically, a well-designed training program will systematically alert the body and muscles that they have no choice but to work. You decide on time (how much you train), intensity (how hard) and frequency (how often). Try to maximize each of these points. When muscles are systematically alerted, they automatically adjust and increase performance. Nutrition is another variable that is essential to get the most out of each workout and also to maximize muscle gain during a no-workout period.

Supplements have been scientifically proven to increase the speed at which you can develop strength and performance from training to training. Taking the right doses at the right time can increase the intensity and volume of your workouts, leading to high quality muscle growth. Below is the scientific knowledge about key muscle supplements. They are lined up before and after training because these are the most important times in an athlete's life and also the times when most of us are used to taking supplements. If you are looking for systematic data about your nutrition, I have a great idea for you to ritualize your behavior in these times.

Replenishment before training: 30-60 minutes
In the hour before training, you should focus on preparing your inner environment for hard physical activity and mental work. Pre-workout supplements should therefore optimize your mind and body to maximize performance. If you are taking supplements before training, make sure that the product you have chosen contains the ingredients listed below in the recommended dosage.


Caffeine is a powerful psychactive and nervous systemic stimulant that is quickly absorbed by your body and easily passes into your brain. Caffeine attaches to specific receptors that also utilize another neurotransmitter, adenosine. When you take a dose of caffeine, adenosine is blocked and with it the effect it normally produces. Finally, the brain with caffeine is full of adrenaline and nonadrenaline, which creates a feeling of energy. But this is just the beginning of what caffeine does in the body. It also blocks an enzyme called phosphodiesterase (PDE), which breaks down a signaling molecule called cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). As caffeine blocks PDE, cAMP levels increase, which prolongs and intensifies the energizing effects of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. Through these mechanisms, pre-exercise caffeine supplementation suppresses perceived exertion and muscle fatigue during exercise. Its benefits are also used to revitalize, which positively affects your perception of muscle pain. The end result in both cases is higher training intensity and volume, which results in greater gains in less time.

How to take caffeine: It is ideal to take about 1.36 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight, 30-60 minutes before training. For most adults, it is about 180-300 milligrams of caffeine. Be sure not to follow the rule that the more the better. In this case, as with most stimulants, the benefits are reduced if more than the recommended dose is taken. So avoid a dose greater than 2.5 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. Gradually, you will learn to recognize your tolerance and thus take the appropriate dose.


With more than a quarter of a century of clinical laboratory testing and field testing in gyms around the world, creatine has established itself both in practice and scientifically. Creatine is rapidly obtained and stored in skeletal muscle, where it provides much-needed high-energy creatine phosphate. Excess creatine phosphate acts on the surrounding muscles and stimulates the production of ATP, a source of cellular energy that the body uses for muscle contraction. Increased creatine levels increase performance and strength during training, while the body needs less time to rest. This is especially important during maximum or high-intensity training, where creatine supplementation has been shown to help increase training volume - it maintains your ability to lift heavier loads for more repetitions and your body recovers faster between high-intensity workouts.

There is much speculation as to when creatine should be taken. Whenever there is a sufficient answer and basically the right one, but before and after training there is an answer which, over time, has given excellent results to many athletes. As for the cathetin variety, creatine hydrochloride (HCl) is a patented, highly bioavailable form of creatine.

How to take creatine: Ideally, take 1.5 grams of pyridine HCl 30-60 minutes before exercise and another 1.5 grams after exercise.


L-citrulline is a common pre-workout ingredient that helps prevent muscle fatigue and helps produce energy by increasing the rate of phosphocreatine and ATP production. L-citrulline is also converted to arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) in the body. This process optimizes blood flow, nutrient supply and muscle waste removal. Research shows that L-citrulline increases blood arginine and NO levels before training more effectively than taking arginine. Based on the latest research, pre-workout citrulline fights fatigue, delays exhaustion, and significantly reduces muscle pain during training.

How to take L-citrulline: Citrulline compounds such as citrulline malate are acceptable, but keep in mind that you will actually get less citrulline per gram by up to 50% because it is bound to malate (malic acid). The dose, which is recommended 30-60 minutes before training, is 6.5 grams for both men and women, and you can add another 3 grams during intense training.


Beta-alanine increases carnosine levels within a few weeks. Elevated levels of muscle carnosines increase energy in the muscles and also their endurance. This is because carnosines balance the acidity of the skeletal muscles that accumulate during prolonged intense exercise. Science has shown that taking beta-alanine helps you train longer. In the end, you will benefit from a higher intensity and volume of training, which automatically brings greater profits.

How to take beta-alanine: Research on patented CarnoSyn beta-alanine suggests that you get the most if you take 3.2 grams a day. For optimal results and to eliminate the (harmless) skin weakness that comes from taking large doses, it is recommended to consume 1 gram of patented CarnoSyn beta-alanine 30-60 minutes before training and 1.6 grams during training.


Also known as trimethylglycine. One of the main tasks of betaine is the methylation or transfer of methyl groups to various molecules in the body. Methylation is important for several biochemical processes, including protein synthesis, which is essential for building muscle. Overall, betaine supplements have been shown to improve muscle endurance at high performance, promote cell hydration and lower homocysteine ​​levels. High levels of homocysteine ​​can reduce protein synthesis, which can lead to fat gain and muscle loss. In one study, where training men took a betaine supplement for six weeks, they experienced better body composition, muscle size, work capacity, and better performance than the other placebo group.

How to take betaine: It is ideal to use the patented BetaPower natural betaine. Take 2 grams of betaine 30-60 minutes before training and 2 grams after training.


BCAAs of leucine, isoleucine and valine are stored in skeletal muscle, where the body uses them to produce energy during heavy time-consuming exercise. Blood leucine levels fall by about 30% during training and by 11-33% during cardio-fat burning. BCAA supplementation before training removes the blood amino acids that are consumed during exercise and saves the BCAAs stored in your muscles. Elevated levels of BCAAs in your blood have been shown to reduce fatigue and the perception of exertion, allowing you to work harder during your workout.

How to take BCAA: Use a leucine: isoleucine: valine ratio of at least 2: 1: 1 to support your workout. In other words, it should be at least twice as much leucine as other amino acids. Take 5-10 grams of BCAA 30-60 minutes before training and add another 5 grams during intense training.

Replenishment after exercise

Immediately after exercise, you are exhausted, your muscles crave nutrition and are ready to supply nutrients and be absorbed. The post-workout period is one of the most important opportunities to increase protein synthesis and maximize growth and recovery.


Whey protein isolate is an ideal source of protein after exercise. It absorbs about 8 to 10 grams per hour, so a 20-30 gram dose will increase the rate of amino acids and keep them for about 2-3 hours. Research tells us that the faster you can increase your blood amino acid after exercise, the greater the anabolic response. Whey protein isolate is ideal for recovery because it contains high levels of BCAAs and promotes an increase in blood insulin levels after exercise. Increasing insulin after training allows greater transport of glycogen and nutrients to the tired muscle, which promotes faster and more efficient recovery. Some people claim that after training they need to get quick sources of sugar to boost insulin, this approach is not necessary if you are using a quality whey protein isolate.

How to use the isolate: For best results, use 20-30 grams of whey protein isolate immediately after training, preferably in a product that contains proteolytic proteins.


After training, it is an ideal time to give a second dose of keratin HCl. Together with whey protein and proteolithic enzymes, you have created the perfect environment for rapid absorption and replenishment of creatine. Creatine after exercise provides additional anabolic support for recovery, as science has shown that creatine promotes additional anabolic signaling.

How to take creatine: Add 1.5 grams of keratin hydrochloric acid immediately after training.


The post-workout period is the perfect time to take advantage of the body's excellent absorption. Betain use after training ensures absorption and also promotes muscle protein synthesis by reducing homocysteine ​​levels. The studies that showed the best results included people who took betaine twice a day.

How to take betaine: Take 2 grams immediately after training.

nedeľa 15. novembra 2020



If you don't have an equipped home gym, exchanging fitness centers for strengthening at home could be completely lifeless for you. Unfortunately, doing squats on your own weight or with the help of an external load in the style of "what the house gave" may not be as challenging as loading a load in the cage that is close to your personal maximum and trying to set a record. Even with training at home and without fitness accessories, however, you can put yourself in the body! Just know a few tips that we will present to you in today's article.

Urobte viac opakovaní a spomaľte vykonávanie cviku

Will my muscles not disappear if I only exercise on my own weight?

The first losses of muscle protein generally occur at the earliest in the time range of 10-14 days without training. However, do you still feel that your muscles are smaller after a few days without training? This is due to the loss of muscle glycogen and water, which is due to a training break.

Considering that the basic recommendation for a correctly set training plan is in the form of 3-4 trainings per week with 3 exercises for a large muscle part and 2 exercises for a smaller muscle part, in 3 - 4 work series, it is based on the following. In this context, training the whole body about twice a week should be enough to maintain muscle mass, with 1-2 honest exercises for the muscle part, which will approach muscle failure by the number of repetitions.

As you can see, any workout is better than no workout. I dare say that most people exercise several times a week, but the main problem is to maintain the intensity of training without fitness accessories.

What should home training look like without fitness accessories?

First and foremost, it should entertain you and be challenging enough for you.
As in the gym, at home, training should be challenging and intense.
You should practice the series almost until the muscle failure.

Of course, one can practice push-ups or squats with their own weight throughout the episode of the popular series and another is close to muscle failure after 20 reps. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to make the training more demanding and increase its intensity. You should not forget about a good diet with sufficient protein intake.

10 ways to make training at home more challenging

1. Slow down the speed of the exercise

When planning strength training, the variable Time Under Tension (TUT) is generally very often overlooked. This information expresses how long you perform one repetition or series within one exercise or muscle part. It is simply a time when the muscle is loaded and working. On the other hand, it is not necessary to exaggerate. According to Shoenfeld (2015), the maximum estimated time to perform one repetition in relation to muscle hypertrophy should be 8 seconds. Studies suggest that a time longer than 10 seconds is rather counterproductive in this respect.

You certainly know very well that mowing squats or cranks very quickly is not as difficult as slowing down, especially in the eccentric phase of movement (down to the extreme position). Greater emphasis on the eccentric phase of movement also leads to greater "muscle damage" caused by training, and thus a stronger stimulus to muscle hypertrophy.

2. Accelerate and try HIIT or plyometric training

Acceleration of pace is typical for HIIT and plyometric training. There are many HIIT workouts that you can create yourself from almost any movement. All you have to do is alternate the intervals of maximum deployment with intervals of rest, in a ratio of approximately 2: 1. You put it in your body in a slightly different way, using homemade cardio.

With the help of HIIT training, you will burn more energy and you will also lock in physical condition more effectively than with classic cardio. HIIT is usually 30 minutes of intense exercise. Thanks to the After Burn effect, your metabolism is accelerated for a few more hours after training. You will burn a little more energy even in peace and effortlessly.

Plyometric training is used in almost all sports to increase speed, dynamics and explosiveness. Its goal is to quickly alternate the eccentric and concentric phases of movement, when the impact of the jump is followed by an immediate jump. We can mention, for example, squats with a jump, or jumps on the crate performed with maximum effort to activate the fast muscle fibers and develop strength. Plyometric training also increases the performance of the neuromuscular system, so you are then able to do everything a little faster.

How about HIIT or plyometric training?

Instead of the number of repetitions, focus on time. You can also use the timer of many applications for HIIT training. The tabata format is very popular, when you train for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds during 8 series. During plyometric training, the rest interval should last about 30-60 seconds or 3-5 times the training time.

3. Make full use of the full range of motion

Have you ever wondered if you make full use of the potential of each exercise and the full range of motion? This means that with squats you will go as low as possible in the lower phase of the movement, the same with, for example, cranks or lunges. This will lead to greater stretching of muscle fibers, use of the full potential of exercise and more effective building of muscles and strength. If you don't have the strength or mobility to do a deep squat yet, work on improvements such as "partial squats" to your extreme position.

The effectiveness of the use of the entire range of motion was also demonstrated by a study that tested the use of the range of motion in bench press exercises. (Un) surprisingly, the greatest improvement was achieved by the group of exercisers who used the whole range of motion, compared to using 1/3 or 2/3 of the maximum range of motion. 

4. Hold for a while in the extreme position of the exercise, you can also use pulsation

Another tool for achieving greater muscle tension, and thus greater intensity of training, is a momentary stop (1 - 3 seconds), or the use of small movements up and down ("pulsing") in the lower position of the exercise. If you are strict enough on yourself, after the first few repetitions you will feel a burning of muscles, which means more exercise. For example, you can bounce off 5 or 10 small up and down movements (pulses) near the lower end position, such as a squat, and then go back to the starting position in a standing position. You will engage the entire range of motion and take full advantage of all phases of motion.

5. Try unilateral exercises

You will not naturally do a unilateral movement with some exercises, but with many you can. An example could be a squat on one leg or a plank with support on one hand. You will start working more on stability during exercise and in the case of a plank on one hand, you will also involve the oblique abdominal muscles more. Another example is a one-sided tightening with the use of a water bottle or within the possibilities of a full shopping bag, when the muscles of the middle body are slightly more involved again.

6. Do more repetitions

It may be a very clear method to make training more challenging, but it is worth mentioning. You will appreciate practicing several repetitions, especially if you do not use an external load and the exercises are becoming too easy for you. With more repetitions, you will achieve metabolic stress, which is one of the mechanisms that stimulate muscle growth.

7. Shorten the rest interval

Shortening the pause between sets will rehearse the exercise in a shorter time, leading to more metabolic stress, similar to the previous case. Muscles simply work harder. For example, start shortening the rest interval after 10 seconds, depending on your exercise experience.

8. Load the muscles at a different angle

What do you do when ordinary handles are too easy for you? That's right, rest your feet on a raised mat, such as a couch, chair, or table. This will put more strain on the upper half of the body, forcing the muscles to work harder. You can use the same principle, for example, when practicing the "bridge" (glute bridge), when you rest your legs on a raised mat again and practice the buttocks and back of the thighs more effectively.

9. Be creative and combine exercise types

How to spice up your training and make it even more challenging? Combine multiple types of exercises into one. We will illustrate this with the example of a squat using static endurance or pulsation and plyometry. At the beginning, practice 10 squats, then move closer to the lower end position, and either hold for 10 seconds or make 10 small up and down movements ("pulsing"). End the whole series with squats with a jump. How to make your exercise more challenging is up to you and your abilities, there are many possibilities.

10. Use anything you have at home as an external burden

Canned food, such as chickpeas or beans, various large plastic bottles filled with water or sand. You can use hydrators and water barrels as a load instead of classic dumbbells.

You can use a backpack or backpack filled with books or plastic water bottles as a load for squats, lunges and other exercises on the lower half of the body, as well as with a plank or handles.

You will especially appreciate shopping bags filled with books or plastic water bottles during biceps, triceps or shoulder exercises.

Pieces of furniture that are suitable for handling and do not risk injuring yourself or someone else, or destroying the apartment. If you have a smaller massive table in the living room, you can use it, for example, for pulling on your back. The chair or couch, in turn, will serve as a support for triceps or regular handles.

Wondering how to make an Olympic pole? Take an old wooden broom or an unused hockey stick for several years and put shopping bags or a backpack on each side, also filled with books. You can fix their position with insulating or carpet tape.

Use your partner, especially when exercising squats, push-ups or endurance in the plank. Of course, he doesn't have to weigh full weight on you, all you have to do is put your feet on your back at the plan, for example.

Suddenly you discovered almost the entire gym at home, didn't you? If you don't want to improvise like this, get strength bands, a hanging weight system or dumbbells to equip your home gym.

What do you remember?

Training at home without fitness accessories does not have to be boring and you do not have to worry at all that you will not get enough in your body. Of course, it's not as difficult as in a gym, where you're used to loading a "hundred" on a squat, but whoever wants is looking for ways. Also interesting is the fact that to maintain muscle mass, you only need to practice about 1-2 workouts per week with 1-2 honest exercises for the muscle part, which will approach muscle failure by the number of repetitions.

From the common things you have at home, you can create an external load that makes training difficult for you. You can be inspired by today's article. For example, such static endurance in deep squats can be taken up considerably.

And how do you deal with exercise at home? Share with us in the comments about your advice, tips, gadgets that you use in home training. If you liked the article and it was useful for you, support it by sharing it so that your friends can lock it up too.