utorok 3. novembra 2020



The motivation of each exerciser to start strengthening is different. Sometimes it's an attempt to please the girls, other times your classmates poke your head in a bowl and you're the only one who doesn't laugh too much, or you just disappear every time you take off your shirt and you want to do something about it. Nowadays, however, You Tubu and social networks also have a great chance that you will see a fighter somewhere who impresses you with his proportions, behavior and charisma so much that your knees will break like a teenager at the first mouth and you will want to be like them. The influence of patterns in the media age has increased significantly, and the number of people who bring these guys to strengthens is growing exponentially. And that's good. You just need to approach it with a cool head. What is nice about the examples of top athletes and what is nice about learning less, we will talk about in the following lines.


Thigh training

It may sound strange, but it was not and is not always the rule that young boys threw themselves into thigh training with captivating enthusiasm. It was rather the opposite. My legs are strong from football, from the bike, they are hidden in my pants, I have them strong enough… Well, just the classic bullshit. Have you seen a bodybuilder model to neglect his thighs? Certainly not! And these good guys know very well why they've been training them since the first day they entered the gym. Thigh training is half body training. Leg training will significantly help you in the growth of the upper part. In addition, you will gain physical and moral condition. Your body adapts to much higher weights than with single-arm biceps strokes. And big weights are what make you a guy. And that's what you want.


If you watch your idol regularly, you will have more information about his program in the next few months than his mistress. Note that the fighters know very well what they will do now and what they plan to do three months later. Now they rest for 43 days, then they will have 32 days higher sugars, then 7.5 days lower, etc.… Do you know that? You may have circled the release date of a new game on the Playstation, but what stage you will be in is in the stars. Set goals. Want to gain 3 kilos in 45 days, lift 10 kilos more on the bench, make more push-ups. Just have a plan like your idol has.


But consistency goes hand in hand with that. I know Vojta Koritenský well, and even though in his On the Top it looks as if he has not had a well-mapped volume in his volume, the opposite is true. And this truth is all the more emphasized in the diet, when it is extremely strict on itself and it will not allow itself to bite an extra apple if it does not fit into its numbers. He never missed training, and the stubbornness with which he removed his weaknesses in the form of his arms is breathtaking. And now you. Take a look back at last month: How many times have you come to the gym? Can you say without hesitation that you had five quality meals from breakfast to dinner yesterday or today?


I understand that not everyone is a born racer. We also have a lot of Youtuber fitness, who have never stood in the competition and are a motivation for their spectators. Nevertheless, I think that the competition of professionals has great motivational potential. The comparison is good. Competition too. And it is definitely true that a good result in the competition claims music and adds weight to your words. I never really understood people who talk about diets, about racers and how and how, but the deed escaped. How really good you are will be shown on the stage, not in front of the monitor, not in the gym, not in a favorite club. Comments on the hooker and a collegiate pat on the shoulders have the same value as banknotes in the Horse Racing and Betting game. You will have fun at home with them, but you will not pay in a brothel with them. The comparison with the competition has value. The result of all of you doing it with vigor and enthusiasm does your best.


I don't know of a single successful bodybuilder who would be an idiot. The vast majority of champions have a knowledge of nutrition that could be envied by any dietitian with a medical degree. Tomáš Kašpar has collected articles on diet for the last 20 years. Milan Obořil was constantly educated in the field of dietetics. Norbert Zajac could lecture on stain supplements and training methods at the University. They are not boys who have five titles before the name and six abbreviations after it, but they have more knowledge created by constant self-education, moreover, and this is no less important, supplemented by their own practical experience than any associate professor. And I didn't mention Slavoj Bednář, who has the title and puts them all in his pocket. Without information, without knowledge, without the used tissue called the brain, you will not make muscles.



This paragraph could just as well be in positive terms. Unfortunately, he must be here. And why? For example, for example Ronnie Coleman, or Branch Warren, who definitely do not rub with dumbbells and hang out with them, as it goes out of hand. The half-meter craters in the gym are a welcome tax on Metroflex gaining the lifetime status of a hardcore gym with the best atmosphere in America. But we don't have to look across the Atlantic right away. Let's take a look at the home scene. Milan Obořil performed pieces in training, of which I feel sick at the monitor and his sparring was doubly bad, just in real life. More often, it only flashes in documents about bulimia. Youtub's phenomenon Filip Grznár flew around the gym as senseless, offering the viewer a complete encyclopedia of vulgarity and then squatting 300 kilos. And that's a lot. Damn a lot. And the aforementioned Ronnie Coleman hangs out with one-arms that weigh like a Fabia engine. Maybe more. And that's what it's all about. His god, when someone uses scales that come from somewhere in Mars, his musculature is covered in blood and sweat, and based on his unquestionable performance, he creates a great atmosphere in the gym, it's great. Fighter. But it's definitely not great when a 75-pound boy flutters with a one-handed flutter in the gym and in front of each series of squats with 100 pounds he shouts "scratching goats, what". You have to have it first. Otherwise you look like a jerk. And a guy and a jerk aren't exactly the same thing, even though it's 5 letters and both words start with b and end with c. It's just that you have to be a jerk first, not to be a jerk. The sad truth, however, is that due to a misunderstood example, every jerk thinks he is a fighter.


This is also the basis of training. You can't do the same workouts 6 times a week as your idols. Your body is not ready for that. The professionals or top amateurs you admire are able-bodied, trained, often live in conditions that they have adapted to their training, and often enhance their above-average physical preconditions with a number of supporting substances. Motivation is nice, but closing to the gym 6 days a week often starts with frustration. Every top fighter started once and few started with two-phase training 6 times a week. Learn to walk first so you can run.


We will not walk around the hot mess, anabolic steroids are part of professional competitive bodybuilding and the captivating figures of professionals stand a lot on chemical feet. However, anabolics used without the bodybuilder already having a solid natural muscle base will accelerate progress, but it is basically a short-term cosmetic spurt, which goes to the opposite extreme after discontinuation. There will be nothing left of you. Just pimples and stretch marks. Every thing and information has its time in life. Your parents didn't tell you the truth that Santa doesn't exist, right after you were able to decipher the sentence: the boy made us a nice baby. Likewise, you didn't try coitus as soon as you found out in kindergarten why a girl is a girl and why a boy is pulling on that funny thing down there. Today, I feel that the beginner's mandatory equipment may include a syringe with a needle. It is bad. Very bad. Everyone should have the space to try out where they can go without forbidden means and should be able to evaluate their motivation for why and at what cost to destroy their health. As has already been said, every action has its time. Sometimes he comes and sometimes he doesn't get to him at all. But hurrying just to catch up with your idol as quickly as possible is stupid. Just because it distinguishes top fighters from others….

Genetics and moral characteristics

Top bodybuilders on steroids would be on top even if steroids did not exist. They have a huge genetic equipment that puts them far ahead of ordinary mortals. But genetics alone without hard work is completely useless to you. During my time in this sport, I have seen many very, very talented young men with the physical preconditions of future Mr. Olympia, who without a will and determination won several competitions, but did not have moral qualities for a real breakthrough. Conversely, untalented but more determined athletes can often go a long way. And don't think that every individual has the firm will, the moral qualities that often lead to self-sacrifice. This is a profound mistake. Every individual can read a motivational quote, that's true, but they are only there because they read beautifully and because they give the reader a false feeling that he too can do the impossible. He can't. Only one in a million can do that. You either have it in you or you don't. Quotes on your profile won't change that.

 Remember these lines every time you decide to go the same way, thinking you will reach the same goal. It may not work. However, let your idol show you the direction where you can walk your own footpath. Maybe it will take you much further…

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