nedeľa 8. novembra 2020



Most readers have heard of the point, divided, fruity, Atkins, or other reduction diets. Most of them work. Objectively, however, it should be added that only temporarily. Although each of such "miracle diets" seeks to present themselves as distinctive, specific, and the only truly effective, they all have one thing in common. They are designed in such a way that, either due to one-sidedness or various limitations, they lead to a significant reduction in energy intake, cause a negative energy balance and thus also to a reduction in body weight. The problem, however, is that the aforementioned one-sidedness and other discomforts caused by these radical changes in the diet do not allow you to follow the diet permanently. Sooner or later, the dieted individual will return to his original eating habits and, with a relatively short time interval, usually to his original kilograms. The germ of this so-called yo-yo effect is already in the reduction diet itself. The reduced energy supply is a signal to the body that it is receiving less energy than its current need. Such a shortage poses a potential threat to life, leading to the activation of energy saving mechanisms. While in the past these mechanisms were an important prerequisite for \ "survival \" in periods of food shortage, today they cause problems in reduction, resp. weight maintenance.

In terms of long-term effects, the overall change in lifestyle is more important than a reduction diet: dietary adjustment and regular physical activity.

Dietary adjustments should aim at an overall reduction in energy intake. As fats are the most energy-rich nutrient, it is necessary to limit especially foods high in them: fatty types of meat and fish, some dairy products (butter, cream, whole milk, fatty cheeses), desserts (especially puff pastry with a high content of fatty fillings and creams), nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts), but also some fruits (such as avocados). Proper food preparation is important.

 Instead of frying, use cooking or steaming over steam. Even a vegetable bomb can be \ "made \" from a vegetable salad, if you pour a thick fat dressing over it. And don't be fooled by the pleasing, distinctive LIGHT inscriptions. Majolka is and always will be HEAVY. Instead of all kinds of mayonnaise varieties, dressings with yoghurt content, or practically fat-free on the basis of vinegars, are more suitable.

 The combination of fat and sweet can be considered the worst. A typical example is oil-fried pies or sachets filled with sweet jam. And what about such a donut.

The combination of fat and sweet can be considered the worst. A typical example is oil-fried pies or sachets filled with sweet jam. And what about such a donut.
Even alcohol consumption can significantly increase energy intake.

Do not believe in attractive advertisements for miracle belts, deck chairs, etc. Do not believe that you sit in front of the TV, put french fries in your mouth, wrap something vibrating around your waist and within a few days a frozen baking pan will appear instead of slush. If that really worked, we would be a nation of vibrant skinny people. Unfortunately. No weight reduction is possible without regular physical activity.

In terms of physiological effects, a combination of endurance and strength exercises is considered the most appropriate.

 In endurance activities (running, walking, cycling, aerobics), the increase in energy expenditure prevails during the load itself. Although the energy requirements of strength exercises are significantly lower, on the other hand, their systematic implementation increases resting energy expenditure, not only a few hours after exercise, but in the long run.

In many individuals, sufficiently intense physical activity for a certain period of time even suppresses appetite and helps to reduce energy intake in this way.

Beginners, especially if they are dependent on themselves, may have difficulty incorporating physical activity into their daily routine. Here it is important to create a fixed schedule of the day and carefully plan its schedule. Be strict with yourself. You should not \ "look for \" time for sports, but it must be fixed in advance.

In the beginning, the choice of the right intensity is especially critical. This must correspond to the individual level of physical fitness. For aerobic activities, it is enough to master the measurement of heart rate by touch, either on the inside of the wrist or heart tip, or use a relatively widely available tool today - a heart rate monitor, commonly referred to as a sports tester. The load should be of such intensity that the heart rate (number of beats per minute) reaches the level that we get after subtracting the age in years from 180 (180 - age).
Beginners usually tend to exaggerate the intensity of exercise, which is often associated with unpleasant feelings of lack of air. It is a much smaller error if the load intensity is lower than if it is too high. If we cover a certain distance, from the point of view of energy expenditure, it practically does not matter whether we run, resp. we walk fast or slow. The only problem is that it will take us a little longer at a lower intensity.
Aerobic exercise activities should be performed at least three times a week (ideally five times), 30 to 60 minutes.

Very often the attention is focused only on targeted physical activity and it is forgotten that there are many other opportunities to move during the day. Even such short-term activities, when added together, can ultimately contribute to increasing energy expenditure. Try not to ride the elevator all the time, try to walk a little further with your dog. There are a million such small possibilities. In the end, however, they can mean a large energy expenditure.

While aerobic activities are generally accepted, the attitude to strength training is still - often by many doctors (which is truly tragic) - reserved. The cause is concern about rising blood pressure and possible complications. At present, however, we have ample evidence that, if the exercises are carried out in the right way, such concerns are completely useless. The right way means, above all, the use of suitable scales - this is considered to be the scale with which we are able to perform ten repetitions in one series. For many untrained people, the weights can be very low, but this is not important at all. But… At least for women, the problem with exercise is completely different. They are often underestimated! They would be able to handle multiple loads at ease, but in biblical horror they would not even approach them in the biblical horror of some expected increase in muscle, which, according to them, should appear no later than three minutes after the end of training. Which is a shame, because as more experienced exercisers will be happy to confirm, you'll definitely burn more energy using higher weights at the cost of less repetition. But even low weights are effective. At least in the sense of better little weight than doing nothing. Of course, as the functional condition improves, the intensity needs to be adjusted accordingly. For a normal individual, it is sufficient to practice 1-2 series for all major muscle groups, which means 12-15 exercises in one workout with a break of about 2 minutes.
Weight loss - as you probably understood after reading these lines - is a matter of a permanent change in eating habits and overall lifestyle. It is not an easy journey, but those who manage to stay on it can bring not only the desired character, but also an improvement in health and a feeling of inner satisfaction.

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