The skipping rope is a simple tool that can help with many sports and has enough benefits for our body
Many may still remember that as children we learned to jump outside. It is such a simple sports equipment, and yet still irresistible for many. Today, we will not only look at how many calories you can burn by jumping rope, but we will also talk about the benefits that the skipping rope provides us in selected sports or for adolescents.
Energy expenditure
Many people are certainly interested in how much we burn while jumping rope. The number of calories burned depends on your weight and the intensity with which you jump (ie the number of jumps, the added load, etc.). Most people burn something between 315 - 580 calories in 30 minutes. It would take between 2,700 and 3,600 hops to burn 500 calories. In the table below you can see the difference between a man and a woman, respectively. between jumping intensities. If you want to know the values exactly for your case, use the fitclan calculator in our application (iOS and Android). An update with a skipping rope calculator will be released soon :)

Use a skipping rope to improve training
Wrestlers should focus on improving various aspects of their fitness, including improving anaerobic and aerobic metabolism and specific endurance. Their training protocols should take into account the work-to-rest ratio that replicates the MMA match scenario.
Although the inclusion of a skipping rope in training is an important tool for increasing the coordination, balance and rhythm of the upper and lower body in MMA wrestlers, it may not be as effective in improving cardiovascular fitness, especially for well-trained MMA wrestlers. Assuming that the main goal is to improve aerobic fitness, rowing in the form of HIIT (6 x 60s) is a more suitable alternative than long-term skipping (20 minutes at 70-80% of maximum heart rate). Jumping is a good tool for coordination and plyometric training. Of course, some modified version of HIIT training using a skipping rope could have a different effect, but the research did not reveal that.
When comparing jumping over easier (100 g) vs. teenage volleyball players. heavier skipping rope (600 g), resulting in a greater improvement in anaerobic strength and dexterity. The inclusion of a skipping rope also had a positive effect on speed or flexibility compared to training without a skipping rope. Children with a heavier skipping rope recorded a more significant positive trend. Such a positive inclusion of skipping rope should come as no surprise, as vertical jumping is a key physical ability in volleyball.
Jumping rope within the regular football program (2x to a week 3x30s or 3x40s) of young footballers (11r) can be another method to improve balance and motor coordination. We have a specific article about footballers, which you should definitely take a look at here.
And what about strength training?
Here I will provide my subjective view of the matter. The skipping rope can also be included in addition to strength training. I have used it many times myself. Jumping on a skipping rope can serve well for the initial warm-up and increase the heart rate before training. He can fully replace a bicycle or a treadmill for ten minutes. And what about training? Between sets, you can put a light skipping rope instead of sitting, but you can also bake it nicely! The disadvantage may be that people with weaker fitness will not rule in the next series, or the time of the subsequent break may be significantly extended. So they can be partially sabotaged (at least from the beginning). I see the positive in the fact that on the one hand you sweat well, burn some extra calories and at the same time you can also improve your condition. Plus, I quite enjoyed it.
(Not only) kids and skipping rope
Buchheit et al. evaluated the effects of 8-week training, including short intervals (10-20 s to a maximum with a 2-3 min break) and long intervals (2 min.) of skipping rope in well-trained children. The authors reported a positive effect on physiological parameters (heart rate and perceived exertion) and performance (an increase of ~ 9% in the running speed test). In further research, they compared the effect of including skipping rope in 13-year-old Chinese students on their physical fitness. The children were divided into three groups. The freestyle group made it possible to engage in various skipping techniques, either individually or as part of a team (dancing, funny jumping, first martial arts, etc.). In contrast, the traditional group focused on individual frequency and speed of jumping. The third group did not jump at all. The findings are really interesting! After 12 weeks, in which they jumped 45 minutes twice a week (actually 30 minutes), the children significantly improved their muscle strength and flexibility! Free style of jumping with the inclusion of various elements that refreshed the students jumping turned out the best (see chart).
In fact, the results suggest that regular skipping may increase the bone density of the lower limbs in adolescent girls, regardless of the amount of other physical activity they report. Jumping not only helps children, but also lazy people! When the physiotherapy faculty compared inactive students who included skipping twice a day for 5 weeks, they found that they improved VO2 max and FMS (functional movement screening) over the non-jumping group. However, it should be added objectively that the increased activity has a positive effect on VO2 max. So if you did nothing and you start jumping, you will feel an improvement.
Jumping is a simple way to burn some extra calories and reap the many benefits for our health and body. If you are an athlete, he can help you with increased coordination, balance, flexibility, but also aerobic strength and in some categories of people with an increase in VO2 max. Even parents should not forget the benefits of skipping rope for their children. In addition to improving muscle strength and flexibility, jumping in children also had a positive effect on other physiological parameters. Even in adolescent girls, she has the ability to help increase bone density in her lower limbs. Plus, it can be a fun form of cardio for someone maybe a little lazy. If you liked the article, you want to support us, or buy a quality bearing skipping rope straight away.

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