nedeľa 29. novembra 2020

A hormone that could stop you from losing weight |

 A hormone that could stop you from losing weight

If you have tried everything possible to lose weight, but the results still do not come, the problem with you may be the dominant estrogen. Learn about the simple changes you can make to get your hormones under control and see results soon.

Sometimes it may seem impossible to you, you lift weights, you only eat healthy foods and you still don't lose weight. Not only do you not lose fat, but you also suffer from bloating and low energy levels. If you have such problems, you may have a condition called estrogen dominance. Here are some questions we asked endocrynology specialists:

What are some of the benefits of estrogen?

Although normally associated with the female body, estrogen is also needed in the male body. Estrogen helps the female body to support a healthy reproductive system and also strong bones, in men it only supports strong bones. In fact, all people routinely convert testosterone to estrogen to build bone mass. When estrogen is in perfect balance, this much-needed hormone works in our favor. Unfortunately, the accumulation of too much estrogen is a common by-product of the modern lifestyle. Estrogen can be obtained from daily standards such as stress and poor diet, negative lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking too much, digestive problems and more. And sometimes it leads to more and more problems.

What is estrogen dominance?

One such problem is what is called estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance occurs when there is too much female sex hormone, estrogen, which moves in the bloodstream. This can cause several side effects in both men and women, including weight gain, water retention, breast enlargement (both in women and men), fatigue, mood swings, slow metabolism, excessive abdominal fat, and more. Given this range of side effects, it's no wonder that weight loss can become a struggle. But that's not all. Uncontrolled estrogen dominance can eventually lead to serious health complications, including an increased risk of prostate, uterine and breast cancer.

Can estrogen dominance affect physical fitness?

Yes. Hormone levels must fall within the reference values ​​and must be balanced. Estrogen is one of them and we must not ignore it, especially when we want to gain lean muscle mass. Estrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss. The imbalance will definitely affect your ability to build and maintain poor and metabolically active muscle tissue, as well as your ability to burn fat.

Are there natural ways to lower estrogen levels?

Just as there are many ways to get estrogen, there are many things you can do to keep this essential hormone under control.


Experts agree that plastics contain BPA (and other harmful chemicals) that negatively affect your estrogen levels. Although there are many BPA-free products on the market, it is safest to avoid them altogether and bet on glass.


Since your liver is responsible for helping remove excess estrogen and toxins from your body, make sure your diet supports healthy liver function. It is recommended to consume foods such as leafy vegetables, avocados, garlic, green tea, beetroot, lemons and limes to promote liver health. Adequate sleep (at least 7 hours at night) also promotes healthy liver function.


No one can completely avoid stress, but we can try to reduce it at least a little. Because prolonged stress promotes excessive estrogen levels, for example, a massage once a week can be a great way to reduce stress. You can also find ways to incorporate anti-stress into your lifestyle, such as: Staying outdoors (hiking, biking) watching comedy, easy exercise, spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, relaxing from electronics


Harmful hormones and toxins can enter our body through residual pesticides from grains, fruits, vegetables and animal products treated with antibiotics and growth hormones. Fortunately, there are safer and healthier options. When buying meat and product look for on the label for example: fed grass, GMO and organic. As buying organic matter can increase your food expenses, save money by buying in season and visit farmers' markets.


Fiber can bind to estrogen and thus help you empty it from your body. Great sources of fiber include leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, flax, chia, artichokes, figs, apples, pears, beans and legumes, beetroot, pumpkin, peas and berries. If you think you may experience estrogen dominance, talk to your doctor, who can do blood tests and confirm whether to disprove your theory. As long as you have results, it will certainly not hurt you to implement these strategies, because they are also general advice for a healthier lifestyle, regardless of your estrogen level.

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