nedeľa 27. júna 2021

As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass |

 As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass

HMB can be a beneficial supplement for those who are new to resistance training or for those who are ready to perform strength training or crossfit. As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass. HMB prevents catabolic processes, improves regeneration and hypertrophy. It is very effective from long-term use.

Newcomers to lifting dumbbells have gains in muscle mass almost no matter how well their training is set up, because everything - from movement, load and scope of work - is a new training stimulus. Unfortunately, those additions will not last you forever, which will cause you to look for new ways to strengthen.

Anyone who has been strengthening for over a year or two knows that you can't do things all the same and expect constant muscle growth. Building muscle and strength is based on the concept of progressive overload, in which you continue to look for ways to either increase the intensity of your training load over time, increase the number of repetitions performed, or reduce rest time.

When you change your training stimulus or feel a lot of pain from a new workout, research has shown that one particular nutritional supplement is very beneficial, and that is HMB.

Advantages of HMB

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate or HMB works by preventing the breakdown of proteins in muscle. Think about it: when you start a new workout, you usually feel more pain than usual, as the muscle fibers experience microtrauma to a greater extent. If your primary goal is to add more mass, the last thing you would want is a greater breakdown of all those hard-worn muscles. And this is where HMB can work for you.

This means that more protein is stored to help build muscle. The bottom line is that you can train harder and with higher intensity, with less muscle breakdown and faster regeneration. Because HMB helps reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and speeds up the regeneration process, you can expect improvements in strength, muscle mass, aerobic capacity, and overall fitness in combination with resistance training.

Is HMB really effective?

For novices, the research is very clear: HMB can have a positive effect on both strength and hypertrophy. A study published in the Nutrition Journal found significant improvements in upper body strength and reduced muscle damage that followed four weeks after taking HMB supplement from the renowned company combined with a resistance training program. The group taking HMB also observed a 1.5 kg increase in muscle mass and a 1.1% decrease in body fat.

In addition to similar findings, researchers at Iowa State University found a significant increase in strength and fat-free mass and a decrease in muscle protein breakdown rates during three weeks of taking HMB in combination with resistance training.

For those who spend endless hours lifting iron in the gym, this story is not so clear. The positive impact of HMB for trained individuals depends on two things: the amount of work you do in the gym and how long you take the supplement. The study, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, had individuals trained in resistance training who completed a nine-week resistance program while taking HMB or placebo. In the HMB group, the study found a significant increase in lower body strength, up to 9.1%, as well as a slight effect on pure, fat-free mass.

However, taking supplements for a shorter period of time may not produce the same results for individuals who are trained in resistance training, suggesting that use should take at least 2 months to notice any beneficial changes. In addition, the benefits of HMB are less noticeable for individuals who do not actively participate in high-scale training programs. But if you are going to start an intensive training cycle such as a "shortcut to size" - squats every day, or even start preparing for a competition, HMB can help you get through those difficult months.

How else to maximize results with HMB?

While HMB has shown some promising results on its own, there may be other benefits to pairing it with another good accessory:


Separately, creatine and HMB can increase the effects of strength training on muscle strength and size, so if we combine these two nutritional supplements, it makes sense to achieve even better results.

Researchers from the Institute of Sports and Physical Education (Poland) studied the effects of creatine, HMB and the combination of creatine plus HMB, on strength and muscle mass in a group of individuals who underwent progressive resistance training. While all groups increased their muscle mass and strength, the creatine + HMB group observed greater increases in muscle strength and size, as well as greater reductions in body fat. As part of the combination of these two components, we recommend first-class products from the reliable company HMB - Reflex Nutrtion in combination with creatine Creapure - Reflex Nutrition.


Alpha-ketoisocaproate or KIC is a lesser-known nutritional supplement that does not seem to be very beneficial in itself, but when combined with HMB we can use it to prevent protein breakdown and speed up regeneration. Researchers at Kingston University in the United Kingdom showed a significant reduction in the signs and symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage when they gave their subjects a combination of HMB (3 g) and KIC (0.3 g) daily for 14 days.


The combination of HMB with adenosine triphosphate or ATP could be the perfect pair to achieve significant changes in your figure. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning showed significant improvements in lean muscle mass, strength and energy, due to 12 weeks of resistance training combined with the use of HMB plus ATP supplements. To increase ATP, we recommend a nutritional supplement D-ribose.

HMB: which form is better?

There are currently 2 forms of HMB used in research: calcium HMB (HMB-Ca) and the acid-free form of HMB (HMB-FA). HMB-FA can increase the absorption and maintenance of HMB to a greater extent than HMB-Ca; however, there are very few studies on HMB-FA, so it is difficult to say whether one form is better than the other. Whether you use both versions, both are currently safe.

Optimal timing and dosing

Typical supplementary protocols for HMB recommend 3 grams per day, divided into equal doses of 1 gram, taken during the day. During training days, it is recommended to take one dose immediately after exercise, together with two more doses taken with food. On non-workout days, simply take 1 gram with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because it takes a few weeks for you to fully notice all the benefits of HMB, for optimal results, I recommend that you take it for 2 weeks before starting a new program.

If you are new to the game and looking for an accessory that will get you on the right path, or if you are an iron veteran about to enter a particularly intense training cycle - HMB may be worth a try.

štvrtok 24. júna 2021

Flexible eating instead of diet |

 Flexible eating instead of diet

Did you know that the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) flexible eating approach can mean more success in the long run? You will certainly be familiar with various eating protocols such as split meals, low-carb diets, ketogenic diets, paleo diets and the like. They all have one thing in common: they involve a certain level of restriction. Whether it is the exclusion of whole groups of foods or the restriction of one food or specific nutrients.

For some, having a new style of diet in the form of a restrictive diet works at least for a while. Let's face it, we all know the "New Year, New Me" diet, that you will eat only 100% healthy food throughout the year, which will be boring later, as well as the monotony of chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli.

If you are like many people, you are not one of those who want to get rid of foods that many call "bad" or "unhealthy" foods, such as chocolate, pizza, ice cream, or you call off dinner with friends or family because you are afraid. that by doing so, all your hard work is simply washed away, then you should consider a flexible eating approach.

What is flexible eating?

A flexible diet is a concept of nutrition in which you do not or should not feel that you are on a diet. It involves monitoring the intake of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) in order to achieve the right composition of the body. Of course, it's not black and white in the sense that you can expect to lose weight or build muscle by supplementing macronutrients with chocolate, ice cream and protein drinks. You can eat them, but for it to work, you have to get either into a state of excess calories to gain muscle or into a deficit of calories to lose fat first. In terms of health and long-term perspective, healing is necessary to provide your body with important micronutrients, such as fiber intake for intestinal health and vitamins for the proper functioning of the immune system, so that your body functions optimally.

Why does flexible eating work?

No food is considered good or bad. Every meal has its place, whether it is for health, performance or mental health

It allows you to adapt your food to your lifestyle, instead of adapting your lifestyle to your food. Forget about countless perfectly cut meals at midnight after you get tired from work. With this way of eating, you will no longer be stressed that you did not follow the plan of five meals a day.

The more you limit the foods you love, the more you think about them, and eventually it spills over on you and you lose control. With this way of eating, you can incorporate into your diet the cookie you like to have during your tea break, or the burger you crave, all without guilt, because it suits your macro!

It is a certain way of lifestyle, in contrast to the so-called quick axle. Once you get used to balancing your nutritional needs along with an active lifestyle, you end up not having to count macros. It will only be a case when you pay attention to portions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats with regard to your goal.

TOP tips for flexible eating

Get started easily. Make good habits, such as reading the ingredients and nutritional composition of packaged foods, drink 2 liters of water a day or have at least three servings of vegetables. Going straight for macro counting can be quite overwhelming if you are a complete beginner!

Try to make 80-90% of your food intake a whole grain food to maintain good health.

Learn to act intelligently when it comes to portion sizes. If you know that you will be eating a big meal in the evening, eat easier during the day and save your calories so you can enjoy it in the evening without remorse!

Download the app where you can monitor the macronutrients of the foods you ate during the day. It's a rescue when you're out and you don't have any food ready and you don't want to damage your goals with a bad diet!

If you know you will be eating out, look at the menu in advance and put what you fit in your food diary, then compile the rest of your diet accordingly.

If you find that you struggle to stick to your diet fairly, or feel that you need to adapt your lifestyle to food, this unrestricted, balanced and flexible diet is definitely one you should look for! It's a lifestyle, not a fad!

nedeľa 20. júna 2021

Carbohydrates also have their place in health |

 Carbohydrates also have their place in health

In recent years, dietary fats have been pushed aside and carbohydrates appear to have become the number one public enemy. All we need to do is do a quick search on the internet to inform self-appointed nutritionists that pasta will make us fat and sugar will cause us cancer, while other nutritionists tell us that we need carbohydrates to keep our metabolism healthy and get rid of it. in fat. Are these small molecules of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen friends or foes?

When are carbohydrates healthy and when are they harmful?

All carbohydrates are derived from plants, which means in their natural state, such as sweet potatoes, rice, carrots, dates, raspberries and wheat - they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. They all protect us from heart disease, cancer and diabetes. However, when we take natural carbohydrates and modify them, we process and add fats and artificial chemicals to them, then they can be harmful to us and our body. So potatoes dug from the ground and cooked soft are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphate, vitamin B and iron, but when we peel the potato, cut it and fry it in rapeseed oil, we add salt and preservatives to make them crunchy, thus removing nutrients and fiber by increasing the fat and salt content. Through the process of creating crunchy food, we change foods with a high content of nutrients to those that have very few nutrients.

The same goes for bread, we automatically associate it with causing it to gain fat, but a minimally processed wholegrain loaf is rich in fiber and B vitamins, only when we play with it - for example, we modify it and remove the fiber to make it they turned it into a loaf of white flour, then roll it thinly and add cheese, tomatoes and pepperoni to the top, then turn it into something that can very easily cause excess fat storage.

So if we eat carbohydrates in their most natural state, they provide us with the nutrients necessary for optimal health. However, this does not mean that we can eat as much fruit, vegetables and potatoes as we want, but we must consider the type, timing and amount we consume to ensure a healthy body composition, good energy levels and the best athletic performance.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are divided into two basic types. The first is starch carbohydrates, often referred to as slow-release foods, which include foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and wholemeal bread. These foods are often high in fiber, which is great for intestinal health, and when broken down into smaller sugar particles, they are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream to ensure a regular supply of energy to the body.

The second type of carbohydrate is simple sugars, often referred to as quick-release. These are absorbed very quickly into the bloodstream and provide an almost instantaneous source of energy - even if this energy does not last long. Simple sugars are found in ordinary sugar, jellies, sweets and fruits. Both types, starch sugar and simple sugars, benefit our health and performance.

Carbohydrates and weight loss

Carbohydrates contain four calories per gram, which is less than half of dietary fat, but we still need to consider the amount of carbohydrates we consume, especially if we are trying to lose weight. Simply put, if we consume more calories than we spend, even if we get them from vegetables, we gain weight.

Carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels - this activates the pancreas to release the hormone insulin. The role of insulin is to lower your blood sugar to a safe level by directing glucose to muscle cells and the liver. We don't want constantly elevated insulin levels because it can prevent the breakdown of fat, so if our goal is weight loss, we need to make sure that carbohydrates make up only a quarter of our plate and that we choose a higher fiber option.

Effective carbohydrate use

If we train often and try to improve our strength or endurance performance, then we need more carbohydrates to have the fuel needed for our training and to support regeneration. When it's time to eat, we should still choose starch carbohydrates, but immediately after training, we can also benefit from those with a quick release so that the regeneration process can begin quickly. If the training, especially endurance, lasts more than 60 minutes, then during the training, very fast-release carbohydrates would be suitable for our performance to provide the body with fuel.

A typical day might look like this:

Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal with milk, pecans and raspberries
Tenth: 1 pear
Lunch: Avocado, feta and quinoa salad
Olovrant: Hummus and vegetables cut into french fries
Immediately after training: a glass of milk, a handful of dried dates
Dinner: vegetable and bean curry with whole grain rice
What you should take to heart is that we should nourish our body with natural, unprocessed carbohydrates to lose fat and improve our health and our performance, we simply need to consider the time, type and amount we consume. It's time to put an end to carbohydrate phobia.

štvrtok 17. júna 2021

Casein protein and its 4 biggest advantages |

 Casein protein and its 4 biggest advantages

Do you read about all the different types of protein preparations and are you confused? With so many different options available to you, it is a little difficult to decide which product will give you the best results and support your efforts to achieve your goals. In this article, we will describe the benefits of a specific casein protein.

Before you start taking anything, it is important that you spend some time researching all the types of protein preparations that are available, because different types of protein are suitable for different situations. Once you have perfectly matched the type of protein preparation to your goal, there is no doubt that you will benefit from its use.

A specific type of protein powder that you may encounter quite often is casein protein. This form comes in many flavors, price ranges and can offer you many benefits.

We will briefly introduce some of the main advantages of casein protein and you can decide from the information whether it is right for you.

Advantages of casein:

1. Casein increases muscle mass and contributes to fat loss

Whenever you reduce your caloric intake one of the first issues that will become an increasing problem is the loss of muscle mass. Because the body will not receive enough calories to cover all the body's energy needs during the day, it will be forced to convert stored body tissues into energy. At best, the body will draw energy from your adipose tissue, but at worst, the body must reach for muscle mass. It is usually a combination of both situations.

One Boston study tested various muscle mass options. On the one hand, gaining muscle mass, but also the complete loss of body fat. One group used casein protein hydrolyzate compared to the other group used whey protein hydrolyzate. At the same time, both groups received a low-calorie diet and performed regular exercise exercises. At the end of the study, both groups showed fat loss, but the casein protein group had higher average fat loss, greater chest, shoulder and leg muscle volume, and overall had a higher percentage of muscle mass than the whey protein group. As a result, casein has a higher rate of muscle retention (retention of muscle mass), which is particularly effective in maintaining muscle mass. Both groups had the same protein intake of 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. When there is not enough protein intake, no matter which group it is, there will be a loss of muscle tissue.

2. Higher fat loss

Casein protein is a form of protein that has a higher calcium content, which has also been shown to be beneficial in terms of overall fat loss. As a result, many people stop eating dairy products to get rid of body fat more quickly. According to a study conducted in the International Journal of Obesity, this is a mistake. It has been found that those who have a high 24-hour calcium intake in combination with normal protein intake also have an increased fat and energy excretion of approximately 350 kJ greater than those who have taken either low calcium with normal protein intake or those who received high calcium intake with high protein content. This study highlights the importance of total protein intake. It shows that normal protein intake, together with high calcium intake, has a greater effect than very high protein intake. It follows that it is ideal to find a balance between calcium and protein intake. Casein protein will help you with that, thanks to its calcium and protein content. Using it will allow you to maximize fat loss.

3. Health promotion with casein

Another very important advantage of casein protein is that it helps promote colon health. In a study conducted in Australia, the researchers examined the health benefits of various proteins and found that milk proteins promote colon health better than soy meat. This is another reason why you should consider adding casein protein to your diet.

4. Higher quality of casein protein

The last benefit is that by introducing casein protein into your diet, your body gets one of the best sources of high quality protein. When you get enough quality protein, your body may not excrete as much protein as lower quality protein, so you will need less to maintain muscle mass. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that casein protein is superior to soy protein, which is an important source of protein. If you are eating a vegetarian diet where a source of high-quality meat protein is excluded, this is the best solution for your casein protein (if you can consume dairy products).

So the next time you buy protein products, make sure you don't have casein protein on your list. Although they are not traditionally the best proteins, suitable right after training (because they are digested more slowly), they supply the body with high-quality proteins that can be used throughout the day. Casein is considered a "slow or nocturnal" protein. When you take casein, your blood peaks at amino acid levels and protein synthesis between 3-4 hours.

nedeľa 13. júna 2021

What to take during training, whey protein or BCAA? |

 What to take during training, whey protein or BCAA?

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to drink branched-chain amino acids BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) during training. BCAAs are easy to digest, so they get into the muscles quickly and help minimize muscle breakdown while regenerating them. For people who don't like to drink clean water, BCAAs also offer a tastier way to replenish fluids. BCAAs consist of three basic amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Of these three amino acids, leucine has been shown to have the greatest positive effect on muscle growth and regeneration. From this, it may seem that BCAAs are an ideal choice for building muscle, as they contain leucine. Well, maybe not. Some evidence suggests that higher levels of protein synthesis can be achieved in other ways than those offered by leucine-rich BCAAs. Here, it may be that choosing a complete protein (a protein that contains all nine essential amino acids - including leucine) is a better choice.

The role of leucine

In one study in rats, the researchers found that elevated blood leucine levels returned to baseline after protein synthesis. Creating optimal muscle protein synthesis is an energy-intensive process. Leucine has been shown to be ideal when muscle building is maximal. In other words, leucine is great as a switch for muscle synthesis. But as soon as muscle building begins to weaken, leucine ceases to be a suitable solution, especially during longer workouts. After all, you want the synthesis to continue for as long as possible!

Leucine is not like leucine

In the same study, only with the administration of whey, it was shown that muscles can use "intact" leucine (a type of leucine found in whey protein) more effectively than the free forms of leucine (contained in BCAA supplements). This suggests that whey protein may provide a more efficient response to synthesis than BCAA.

In another similar study, in the elderly only, EAA (essential amino acids) or whey protein supplement (with the same amount of essential amino acids) was given. At the end of the study, it was shown that the group of people taking whey protein had a greater balance of muscle protein. But why?

Whey protein is more effective

A team of scientists conducted a preliminary study of other bioactive substances contained in whey protein that are involved in stimulating synthesis. In particular, they have focused on exosomes, which are nanoparticles in blood, saliva and other body fluids, and their role is to accompany proteins and other compounds throughout the body. Using sophisticated technology, the team found that these nanoparticles have a positive effect on muscle protein synthesis. When you consume whey protein, the increase in synthesis occurs between 1-4 hours, due to the leucine content. But there may continue to be a slight and sustained increase in protein synthesis due to exosomes.

To date, it cannot be said that a complete, fast-acting protein such as whey is better than a BCAA supplement. However, many researches are inclined to this variant. Whey is the right supplement to maximize muscle growth or maintain muscle mass.

štvrtok 10. júna 2021

How to create the perfect fat burner |

 How to create the perfect fat burner

Are you looking for the perfect fat burner? Look no further. Make supplies at home and draw. In this article, I will reveal to you the most effective ingredients for burning fat and their main methods by which they work.

Which fat burner is good?

My first answer to this question is always that a reliable training plan and menus are the first and most important fat burners. However, certain supplements can help you in your fat loss efforts. In this article, I will reveal to you the most effective ingredients for burning fat and their main methods by which they work. It is true that many of these ingredients work through several mechanisms. However, I will focus on one mechanism, which has been confirmed by numerous studies.

Another option is to buy your own ingredients and put them together. It may cost more effort, but in the long run you can save money and increase the efficiency of fat burning. If you choose a commercial fat burner, use this article to get a better idea of what you are taking and why. Otherwise, consider purchasing at least one ingredient from each of these five categories.

1. Grease releasers

The body fat that you keep under your skin is stored in fat cells or adipocytes. To burn body fat, try to keep those fat cells as small as possible. To do this, you basically have to compress the fat cells to empty them and squeeze out the fat they hold. There are several components that can do this, but behind these two classics is the greatest science.


When caffeine is mentioned, you will probably think about how it will take you. You may think that the stimulating effect is what speeds up calorie burning. While caffeine can do this, the main benefit it offers in terms of fat loss comes from its ability to release fat from fat cells.

When you eat caffeine, it binds to receptors on your fat cells. Normally, the nucleotide adenosine binds to these receptors, and when this happens, it places a stalk on the fat to be released from the cells. With caffeine bound to the receptors, adenosine cannot be coupled, so fat release is maximized. As several studies have confirmed, this is especially effective if you take caffeine before training.


200-400 mg of caffeine between meals 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.


If you still think yohimbine is just a sexual supplement, it's time to drop that view. An extract from the bark of this tree from West Africa, Pausinystalia yohimbe contains the active ingredient yohimbine, which is now known mainly for its burning effects. It helps to lose fat by specifically increasing the amount of fat that is released from your fat cells, almost as caffeine does, but through a different mechanism. By using both, you can combine their effects in terms of fat release.

Research shows that when yohimbine is used before training, it can more than double the amount of fat released from fat cells. However, it is not for everyone. If you have any problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, prone to anxiety, or have any other mental disorder, stay away from yohimbine. This substance is currently a banned substance in the European Union and is not commonly available.


Take enough yohimbine extract to give your body 5-20 mg of yohimbine per dose 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.

2. Fat burners

Just because supplements like caffeine and yohimbine can help you release more fat from fat cells doesn't mean that the fat you release will be burned. You also need to speed up the burning of calories, so you ask the body to use this released fat as a source of fuel. These two ingredients will increase the number of calories your body burns and force your fat to burn for good.


When it comes to fat burners, green tea extract is a supplement that doesn't need much thought about. It helps you lose fat by increasing the number of calories you burn every day, not to mention that it also offers a number of benefits in terms of your figure and health, such as improved joint and muscle recovery. It is also a very strong antioxidant.

The active ingredients in green tea responsible for the burning effects are catechins, and one particular catechin is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This powerful antioxidant prevents the enzyme that normally breaks down the neurotransmitter and the hormone noradrenaline, which speeds up processes in the body, such as burning calories.


Take approximately 500-1000 mg of green tea extract, especially one that is standardized for high EGCG (Viridian or Reflex Nutrition), 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.


This increasingly popular supplement is a natural plant chemical that gives hot peppers their hot taste. It also increases the amount of calories your body burns, thanks to its ability to increase epinephrine levels.

One study by Japanese researchers found that consuming capsaicin with food increased calorie expenditure by more than 30%. A study from the University of Oklahoma also found that subjects who took a supplement containing both capsaicin and caffeine burned more calories during and after exercise than those who did not.


Look for supplements with capsaicin or cayenne pepper that have a Scoville scale or a burning scale on the list, and use enough to reach 40,000-80,000 degrees. Take it 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day, 30-60 minutes before training during training days.

3. Transport of fat reserves

So now we have all that excess, released fat floating around. Unfortunately, sometimes an increase in caloric burning is not enough to make sure that everything burns for good. The fat must reach small power plants, known as mitochondria, located in the cells of the body, where it will be burned as fuel. But fat is not allowed to pass into the mitochondria as desired, it must be brought. Fat carriers can help maximize the amount of fat that gets there.


This amino acid-like molecule is an important part of a complex transport system that brings fat to the mitochondria, where it is finally burned for good. Several studies confirm that the use of quality l-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine increases the amount of fat that the body burns.


Take 2-3 grams of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine, L-carnitine L-tartrate or acetyl-L-carnitine, 2-3 times a day with food. Take one dose with your pre-workout meal and another dose with your pre-workout meal.

4. Retention of fat stores

Fat loss is a constant, constant struggle to consume more than you save. So while taking supplements that release more fat and then burn them is a good idea, you should also consider taking supplements that reduce the amount of fat your body stores.


It is a naturally occurring group of healthy omega-6 fatty acids. Numerous studies confirm that CLA promotes fat loss while enhancing muscle growth and strength. The main way it works is to suppress the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to collect fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By suppressing LPL, CLA prevents the body from storing fat and instead encourages it to burn.


Enjoy 1-3 grams of CLA along with breakfast, lunch and dinner with your last meal or shake.

5. Gene activators

The more we learn about nutrition and supplements, the more we realize that nutrients can affect our genes in a real and surprising way. Fat burning is one of those cases.


This source of essential omega-3 fatty acids provides both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). As recently discovered, these omega-3 fatty acids trigger genes that increase fat burning, while shutting down genes that reduce fat storage. This does not include a list of other benefits that these fatty acids provide, such as improved brain function, improved mood, joint regeneration, and even increased muscle growth.


Take 2-3 grams with food, 2-3 times a day.

nedeľa 6. júna 2021

How to gain muscle mass? Your guide to getting the most muscle size |

 How to gain muscle mass? Your guide to getting the most muscle size

By combining the right exercises, the right load intensity, the right combinations of sets and repetitions - even the right rest intervals between sets - you can be sure that the iron you lift gives you maximum benefits in terms of building muscle mass.

By making the following concepts the basis of your training planning, you can be sure that the work you do is in line with your goals. You can always improve or adapt these concepts to suit factors such as your age, time commitment, genetics, weak or lagging areas, injuries, and even your personal gym experience.

Creating a program for maximal hypertrophy takes time. Plan your workouts before you go to the gym. And before you start, remember that muscle growth does not occur in a vacuum, it must be supported by what you eat, when you eat it and sometimes by using the right nutritional supplements for rapid muscle regeneration such as protein, BCAA, ZMA, Glutamine or a complex of quality multivitamins.

Principles that affect the growth of muscle mass


Multi-purpose exercises involve more than one pair of joints. The more joints there are in motion, the more muscle groups are activated. When doing a bench press, for example, both the elbow and shoulder joints are involved. This means that the muscles connected to both joints (in this case the chest, anterior deltoid muscles and triceps) all work together. More involved muscles allows much heavier loads than are possible with the so-called. single-joint movements.

The main component of your training should be multi-joint movements for large muscle areas such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, weightlifting exercises such as throws and the like.


You can train subjectively "for the soul", but it is not possible to determine the intensity of training in this way. Instead, it refers to a certain percentage based on the load you lift depending on one maximum repetition for the same exercise (1RM). Let's say you use an 84 kg barbell when performing a bench press and your 1RM is 100 kg. To get your force load intensity number, divide 84/100 = 0.84 or 82% load from your 1RM (one-time maximum).

For maximum muscle building (predominant adaptive effect = hypertrophy) you should train between 70-85% of your 1RM, which corresponds to the weight you can lift in 6-12 reps. Exercising outside of this range, such as choosing a weight that allows you to perform 15 to 20 reps, will build your muscles - but not at an optimal level. Adding a higher weight will allow you to stay in the golden range of repetitions 6-12 and build muscle strength in particular.

The easiest way to estimate the weight you should use, or whether the weight falls within the hypertrophic zone, is to use the 1RM calculator. This calculator will even help you estimate your 1RM for less common exercises such as lifting your arms along the sides of the body or bent-over rows.


Now you have decided what exercises and weights you will use. Now you have to decide how many series to perform (omit the warm-up, which is intended for training the movement pattern and blood flow). Determine the number of series that indicates the volume of training.

The volume is usually determined by the number of sets and repetitions for your workout and training. The general consensus is that a larger amount of volume results in a higher metabolic and hypertrophic response. But each individual's ability to recover from activity is different, the only way to determine your ideal volume is through trial and error. But you can save time and sore muscles by starting with a volume that you know you can recover from and then slowly increasing.

People usually add volume to their workouts by adding more series, while the number of weights and repetitions remains relatively consistent during the muscle building phase. But it's a good idea to include movements in which your muscles work in different ways.

For example, if you do a bench press on a straight bench, followed by one-handed pressures on a straight bench, you are exercising your chest from almost indent angles.

But when you put pressure on a lowered or raised bench, you add volume by training the muscle from different angles. Using the multi-angle method in your training is important not only to create a balanced figure that has no predisposition to injury, but also to build maximum muscle size.

Finally, as you do more work for a part of your body, you may need to adjust it by splitting your workout over several days.


Rest between sets may appear to have little effect on growth. But mild intervals of about 60-90 seconds between series have been shown to maximize hypertrophy.

While short intervals can increase metabolic stress, they can also reduce your potential for strength production. To achieve maximum strength production, your intervals must be short enough for optimal metabolic stress, but long enough for complete regeneration of growth factors such as phosphocreatine.


Momentary muscle failure refers to the concept of training to the point after which you can no longer perform any further repetitions in good shape. It has been shown that lifting to the point of momentary muscle failure creates a greater anabolic stimulus than pre-failure training.

But what is important to remember is that scientific research says that too much training to fail can be counterproductive. Frequent training to fail pumps catabolic hormones that break down muscles, and this reduces the amount of anabolic hormones that build muscle.

Only one of your toughest series fails (or even fails). However, exercising too often to fail can lead to premature overtraining and weaken skeletal spasms. If you plan a phase with extensive training to failure (called overrun), do so occasionally.

A complex effect for an even greater effect of building muscle mass

These variables and procedures we have discussed are not mutually exclusive. In fact, when used together, they can have a synergistic effect.

To a certain degree, these different variations (load, exercise, volume, rest) can be combined with each other. The concept of increasing the load in order to increase the stimulus is derived from the principle of size, which basically states that when the load is increased, you start to get more thicker fibers. This leads to a synergistic effect.

This load can actually strain muscle integrity to the point where intracellular anabolic triggers are turned on. If you mix a selection of exercises (multi-joint through single-joint, squats through pre-digging on the machine), you can see how handling a heavier load leads to gaining more muscle fibers. Adjust your volume and rest periods and use a number of power multi-applicators.

By incorporating several repetitions into many series (with 1-2 minutes of rest between them), you will maintain strength production, you can cause the accumulation of metabolites, leading to greater anabolic signaling and better muscle gain.

More muscle building tips

Choose a training partner to watch you, push you to do more repetitions, and otherwise increase your training intensity to a level you are unlikely to reach yourself.

Find a suitable gym. Nothing beats an inspiring environment when it comes to building muscle.

Track your progress. Keep a close eye on your workouts by writing down your exercises, series and repetitions, or using an app that will do it for you. It's a careful manipulation of training variations to help you maximize your strength and increment over time.

Make sure you get enough nutrients from food and nutritional supplements. It is the primary factor that affects the regeneration and building of muscle mass.

Training tips on how to gain muscle mass

Perform as many warm-up-warm-up series as you need, but never lead to muscle failure.
After warming up, choose a weight that will allow you to achieve muscle failure in the range of repetitions listed above. Follow the back pyramid by starting with the heaviest weight in 2 series, then lowering the weight a little and increasing the repetitions a little with the next series until you get tired. Bring each series close to muscle failure.

If you have a sparring partner, do a few forced repetitions on your hardest series with each exercise - your first or second series. If you do not have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible. For the last series of each exercise, do a dropset (quickly reduce weight by 25% after reaching muscle failure, then do more repetitions to the second point of muscle failure).

Some finishing exercises are performed in the style of Tabata - strength-endurance exercise: with your 10 RM weight, do as many repetitions as possible in 10 seconds (normal repetition rate). Take a 10-second pause, then repeat the sequence for the next 8 series. Because Tabata-style training helps burn fat, we've added it here to pump the muscles it causes. This style is usually performed in conjunction with multi-joint exercises, not single-joint exercises. The training partner is also very suitable here.

Changing the training stereotype

A well-designed workout is like gasoline for fire, stimulating the process of building muscle in the presence of good nutrition and intelligent recovery. As a moderate or advanced exerciser, you may find that such increases last for a while, then quickly begin to shrink as your body adapts to the training stimulus.

If you want to achieve continuous improvement and build more muscle, keep increasing the degree of overload. This often means gaining weight the stronger you are. But it can also mean manipulating variables other than repetitions or rest periods, as we said above.

Progressive overload is helpful for building muscle because it requires you to constantly offer your body challenges to reach new levels of performance, as your body adapts to what you have done before. You never want to be cool with training and stop pushing yourself. When you do, you start on the platform. Writing down your training helps you remember what you've already done, so you can set new, higher goals.

Changing exercises in a meaningful and progressive way is responsible for positive muscle overload. This is one of the reasons why incorporating other training programs into your overall program is a good idea. Each of them emphasizes different training variables.

Separate different exercises or make subtle changes to the ones you are currently doing. Replace multi-joint exercises with those that hit the target muscle from a completely different angle, such as applying pressure on an inclined bench instead of a straight bench, or moving from a pole to one-handed. Such changes create slightly different training incentives that lead to increased muscle growth.

Separate the techniques, especially during your first exercises. Instead of doing bench presses on a bench press machine, try applying them to a stand instead where you can work on your strength.

With a partner, you can even try a few negative repetitions that tend to have a greater effect on delayed onset muscle pain and a stronger anabolic stimulus. For negatives, slow the eccentricity for 5 seconds with each repetition.

Change finishing exercises and techniques. Although we recommend the Tabata style for these exercises, you can also try dropsets, both of which create intense muscle pumping. In another technique called "one and a half", you do one full repetition, going halfway down, then all the way back again to full contraction, then all the way down. The whole sequence is counted as one repetition.

Change the intensity. Exercise rules indicate a given goal of repetition. But that doesn't mean it ends there - although it's recommended to stay at 6-12 reps and 70-85% of your 1RM.

Instead of choosing a weight that you can lift in 6-8 reps, include periods in which you will lift lighter weights and do a little more repetitions - say, 10-12. This approach is called "changing relative intensity." It's another tool you can use to change your training stimulus and maximize growth.

Do not make too many changes from one exercise to another unless you have a good reason, such as a specific movement that causes you shoulder pain or does not seem effective. Plus, it's extremely difficult to measure progress as you constantly change and mix training variables. Instead, consider changes every 4-6 weeks. This will allow you to track what works and make wise decisions for your training.

štvrtok 3. júna 2021

DEAD Lift and its technique |

 DEAD Lift and its technique

Deadlift or Deadlift is one of the best complex exercises. When we want to practice deadlift, the right technique must be followed. The deadlift builds whole body strength, muscle mass, explosiveness, the strength of your "core", torso stability, self-confidence, mental strength and grip strength.

Deadlift is considered one of the basics, precisely because of its compactness. Deadlift (and its various variations) is typical of any strength training program. Unlike squats and bench pressures, with both we start with an eccentric or flexible movement, the deadlift begins with a concentrated or fighting movement. You get ready and then it's just you versus the stick. If you learn the correct technique of deadlift, you will be able to build a respectable level of strength without being injured. But as with everything, you have to proceed slowly and wisely. The deadlift is notoriously known as the "back destroyer" - performing a deadlift with bad technique can quickly destroy the back of even an advanced athlete.

How to deadlift

1. The right technique - You must always practice deadlift with the right technique. If your technique is not optimal, you can forget about the above benefits and at the same time risk injuries.

Forelegs close to the axis - when you bend your knees a little, you will touch the dumbbells with your forelegs. This shortens the distance of the barbell from your center of gravity, reducing the lever you have to use on the axle. It is the most advantageous position in terms of biomechanics of motion.
Take a deep breath - you need to take a deep breath and create intra-abdominal pressure.

"Belly" out - together with a deep breath, push your belly out (if you have a belt, push your belly against it). This will ensure the stability of your lower back.

"Do not lift the axis up" - Rather "push the floor" away from you, together with the whole strengthened body.

Keep the axis as close to your body as possible at all times. Again - the most advantageous position for deadlift.

Once you get the barbell to knee height, complete the exercise with an explosive pelvic floor contraction, only in an upright position. Never to a bow and hyperlordosis.

2. Strength - Make sure that, in addition to other postural chain exercises, you also train the core, upper back and grip strength.

Postural Chain - Romanian Deadlift, Deadlift with Outstretched Legs, GLUT-ham-raise, Reverse Hypers, Deadlift with Larger Range, Deadlift with Rubber or Chains

Body core - L-sit pull-ups, Abdominals with medicine ball, AB Roller, + postural muscle exercises
Upper back - Folds, Face Pulls, Forward bends (all variations)

Pressing force - Exercise with a rough axis, Holding the bar in a hanging on one hand, Holding the disc only with your fingers

3. Psyche - to lift a heavy weight you need to be mentally prepared, even when you go to the axis. A good sparring partner or favorite music can make a big difference in your mental preparation.

Problems and errors in deadlift

1. Failure at the top of the movement

Technique - you must complete the move with the help of an explosive contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Make sure your shoulders are at the back, you are pushing them down and your head is in the neutral position. You have to work at speed - ie. that even smaller weights must be lifted with maximum effort and as quickly as possible. As the axis reaches the height of your knees, bring your hips closer to the barbell with the help of pelvic floor muscles.

Force - if your torso bends forward when moving to the upper part of the movement (back and hips lift first), work mainly on the upper back. Involve assistive exercises in the training: Bends, push strokes, forward bends, Reverse hyper, don't forget the strokes with rubber or chains - this is usually the only thing you need to add to the training to improve.

2. The knees go together during the Sumo deadlift

Technique - push your knees apart during the concentric and eccentric phase of movement while "stretching" the floor with your feet. This will ensure you constant tension and thus stability. Also work on hip mobility and center strength. It can also help you to "push the floor apart" instead of lifting dumbbells - properly engaging the leg muscles.

Strength - Incorporate lunges, hip thrusts and reverse hyper into your workout.

3. I will not lift the barbell off the floor

Technique - before you pull, create tension in your legs and back and take a deep breath into your abdomen and push it out (against your belt). This will ensure stability and allow you to lift a higher weight. Train this technique with lower weights so that you can do it automatically later, even at your "maximum". Hold your head in the neutral position and push the floor apart. You can also try different foot positions or use stretching exercises to improve your mobility. Pull with shoes that have low soles or barefoot.

Strength - add higher range deadlifts (eg when standing on a disc), deadlift with rubber or chains, GLUT-ham-raise and dynamic deadlifts.

4. Round your back when you start pulling

Technique - if you raise the barbell a little and immediately lower it again, it means that you do not have enough strength to keep the torso in a neutral position (from the head to the pelvis), a belt is an excellent aid to help keep your lower back firm and prevent injury. First you have to train to lift the weight. Sometimes you have to step back first to be able to move forward.

Strength - Work on the strength of the center of the body, preferably exercises to strengthen the torso and resist movements (eg rotation). Exercises such as the AB Roller (wheel), lifting the legs in the suspension, anti-rotation "sequence drag" (youtube - anti rotation sequence drag) are perfect for building the strength of the middle body. Engage strokes with rubber or chains in the training. Make sure you always pull with the correct posture.

5. Nutrition

Getting enough sleep and eating well are the two most important factors when it comes to achieving the perfect workout. Some pre-workout cocktails are great for increasing attention and intensity. One of the best and best-selling pre-workout accessories is the C4 product from the Cellucor brand. It will help you start your mind, give you energy, you will train more intensively and at the same time more effectively. Quality and fast regeneration during demanding training is ensured by substances such as glutamine, BCAA, glucose polymers, minerals and B vitamins.

Deadlift the right way without destroying the back

The deadlift is the famous destroyer of the back in the eyes of many people. In fact, the only destroyer of the back is pulling with bad technique combined with poor mobility, poor warm-up, a weak center, and other factors that have subsequently led to this bad reputation for deadlift.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for the classic deadlift:

Prepare for a barbell with your feet shoulder-width or even wider
the feet are turned slightly apart

The shins are only a few inches from the barbell

firmly grip the axle with the double front grip (so that you can feel the weight of the dumbbell)
your legs are straight for now

take a deep breath and push your abdominal muscles out (against your belt) for the entire duration of the exercise

move your hips and pelvis back while slightly bending your knees

create tension in the upper back by holding the chest up and pushing the shoulders (shoulders) down and back

"Move the floor" away from you while keeping the axis as close to the body as possible (keep your arms outstretched)

when the axis is at knee height, complete the pull by explosively contracting the pelvic muscles and moving the hips to the barbell

start placing the barbell by moving your hips and pelvis backwards with constant tension on the pelvic muscles and hind thighs (relax your knees, but they must not move forward)

when the barbell is at knee height, finish placing the barbell by bending your knees (keeping your back still straight)


Technical details

Feet: Your feet should be placed approximately shoulder-width apart, but this matter is completely individual. Only a slight change in the position of the feet will help you maintain much more strain, and thus help you lift more weight. Make sure your entire feet are firmly pressed to the ground. Imagine that your foot is a square and you have to keep all 4 corners pressed to the ground. If your ankles turn out or in during a deadlift, something is wrong. Try experimenting with foot position, shoes, or work on the flexibility of the ankles.

Shins: Your shins should be only inches from the barbell so that your knees touch the axle when bent.
Grip: the optimal width of the handle is such that your hands point perpendicular to the ground. The legs are usually in the way, so the grip is a bit wider. I always recommend a double front grip while the exerciser can handle it. If you manage the pain of the so-called hook grip, when you place your thumb on the barbell first and the other fingers then through it, I recommend this "hook grip". Another option is to turn one hand 180 °. Do not rotate this hand grip, always exercise with your hands in the same positions. Excellent tools to help you lift heavier weights are shredders and weight hooks.

Inhalation: You need to inhale strongly and hold your breath as you push your abdominal muscles out (against your belt). It helps most athletes breathe before they bend their knees. This will allow them to breathe really fully, which is often not possible in the position before lifting the barbell (especially with a belt).

Tension: As mentioned, you need to create tension throughout the body. From the feet through the quadriceps and hamstrings, pelvic muscles, hips to the lower back together with the abdomen (breath), at the same time a firm grip on the barbell together with the involvement of the back muscles. Remember, the more tension you create, the stronger you will be, and it will allow you to exercise with less chance of injury. This tension will allow you to use your body as a whole. The key is to keep the tension in the upper back, which is held badly or even forgotten. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Pull: As you try to "move" the floor apart, the barbell will begin to move upward. At this stage, the most common mistake is to lift the hips / pelvis first and get you at a disadvantage in the forward bend. When the barbell is at knee height, use the strength of your hips and pelvic muscles by working hard on your pelvic floor muscles and moving your hips towards the barbell. The most common mistake is excessive flexion of the lower back, where the exerciser loses a lot of potential forces in the hips.

Laying the dumbbell: Move the hips and pelvis back, the weight is held by the muscles in the back of the legs and do not relax your back - you keep them straight. This makes you lean forward at the same time, without your knees getting forward. When you have the barbell at knee height, by bending them while still holding a firm, straight back, you place the barbell on the ground. If you have kept everything firm and not exhaled, you can immediately proceed with another repetition. Otherwise, set everything up perfectly again.

Most athletes want to know how to improve their grip for deadlift

The first thing you should try is chalk, magnesium or rippers. Apply the chalk to the palm and fingers, but also to the back of the index finger (where your thumb is when pressed). If you use a hook grip (fingers over the thumb), apply the chalk to the back of the thumb as well.

As a second thing, try changing your training routine. Be sure to pull (for example, when warming up) with the double front grip as long as possible. If you no longer hold the scale in your hands, then turn one hand to the alternating grip.

Exercising with a rough axis is very difficult to grip, and not just with a deadlift. Be prepared that your whole forearm may hurt the next day. When changing to a normal thickness barbell, you will be amazed at how light the barbell appears in your hands.


Do not wear shoes that have a flexible or soft sole when dead. Then you pull from an unstable surface and you can't transfer all your strength from the ground to the barbell. The higher sole prolongs your travel, which is why most athletes wear socks, wrestler shoes or even barefoot.