štvrtok 24. júna 2021

Flexible eating instead of diet | Steroids4U.eu

 Flexible eating instead of diet

Did you know that the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) flexible eating approach can mean more success in the long run? You will certainly be familiar with various eating protocols such as split meals, low-carb diets, ketogenic diets, paleo diets and the like. They all have one thing in common: they involve a certain level of restriction. Whether it is the exclusion of whole groups of foods or the restriction of one food or specific nutrients.

For some, having a new style of diet in the form of a restrictive diet works at least for a while. Let's face it, we all know the "New Year, New Me" diet, that you will eat only 100% healthy food throughout the year, which will be boring later, as well as the monotony of chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli.

If you are like many people, you are not one of those who want to get rid of foods that many call "bad" or "unhealthy" foods, such as chocolate, pizza, ice cream, or you call off dinner with friends or family because you are afraid. that by doing so, all your hard work is simply washed away, then you should consider a flexible eating approach.

What is flexible eating?

A flexible diet is a concept of nutrition in which you do not or should not feel that you are on a diet. It involves monitoring the intake of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) in order to achieve the right composition of the body. Of course, it's not black and white in the sense that you can expect to lose weight or build muscle by supplementing macronutrients with chocolate, ice cream and protein drinks. You can eat them, but for it to work, you have to get either into a state of excess calories to gain muscle or into a deficit of calories to lose fat first. In terms of health and long-term perspective, healing is necessary to provide your body with important micronutrients, such as fiber intake for intestinal health and vitamins for the proper functioning of the immune system, so that your body functions optimally.

Why does flexible eating work?

No food is considered good or bad. Every meal has its place, whether it is for health, performance or mental health

It allows you to adapt your food to your lifestyle, instead of adapting your lifestyle to your food. Forget about countless perfectly cut meals at midnight after you get tired from work. With this way of eating, you will no longer be stressed that you did not follow the plan of five meals a day.

The more you limit the foods you love, the more you think about them, and eventually it spills over on you and you lose control. With this way of eating, you can incorporate into your diet the cookie you like to have during your tea break, or the burger you crave, all without guilt, because it suits your macro!

It is a certain way of lifestyle, in contrast to the so-called quick axle. Once you get used to balancing your nutritional needs along with an active lifestyle, you end up not having to count macros. It will only be a case when you pay attention to portions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats with regard to your goal.

TOP tips for flexible eating

Get started easily. Make good habits, such as reading the ingredients and nutritional composition of packaged foods, drink 2 liters of water a day or have at least three servings of vegetables. Going straight for macro counting can be quite overwhelming if you are a complete beginner!

Try to make 80-90% of your food intake a whole grain food to maintain good health.

Learn to act intelligently when it comes to portion sizes. If you know that you will be eating a big meal in the evening, eat easier during the day and save your calories so you can enjoy it in the evening without remorse!

Download the app where you can monitor the macronutrients of the foods you ate during the day. It's a rescue when you're out and you don't have any food ready and you don't want to damage your goals with a bad diet!

If you know you will be eating out, look at the menu in advance and put what you fit in your food diary, then compile the rest of your diet accordingly.

If you find that you struggle to stick to your diet fairly, or feel that you need to adapt your lifestyle to food, this unrestricted, balanced and flexible diet is definitely one you should look for! It's a lifestyle, not a fad!

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