nedeľa 27. júna 2021

As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass |

 As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass

HMB can be a beneficial supplement for those who are new to resistance training or for those who are ready to perform strength training or crossfit. As a nutritional supplement, HMB builds muscle mass. HMB prevents catabolic processes, improves regeneration and hypertrophy. It is very effective from long-term use.

Newcomers to lifting dumbbells have gains in muscle mass almost no matter how well their training is set up, because everything - from movement, load and scope of work - is a new training stimulus. Unfortunately, those additions will not last you forever, which will cause you to look for new ways to strengthen.

Anyone who has been strengthening for over a year or two knows that you can't do things all the same and expect constant muscle growth. Building muscle and strength is based on the concept of progressive overload, in which you continue to look for ways to either increase the intensity of your training load over time, increase the number of repetitions performed, or reduce rest time.

When you change your training stimulus or feel a lot of pain from a new workout, research has shown that one particular nutritional supplement is very beneficial, and that is HMB.

Advantages of HMB

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate or HMB works by preventing the breakdown of proteins in muscle. Think about it: when you start a new workout, you usually feel more pain than usual, as the muscle fibers experience microtrauma to a greater extent. If your primary goal is to add more mass, the last thing you would want is a greater breakdown of all those hard-worn muscles. And this is where HMB can work for you.

This means that more protein is stored to help build muscle. The bottom line is that you can train harder and with higher intensity, with less muscle breakdown and faster regeneration. Because HMB helps reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and speeds up the regeneration process, you can expect improvements in strength, muscle mass, aerobic capacity, and overall fitness in combination with resistance training.

Is HMB really effective?

For novices, the research is very clear: HMB can have a positive effect on both strength and hypertrophy. A study published in the Nutrition Journal found significant improvements in upper body strength and reduced muscle damage that followed four weeks after taking HMB supplement from the renowned company combined with a resistance training program. The group taking HMB also observed a 1.5 kg increase in muscle mass and a 1.1% decrease in body fat.

In addition to similar findings, researchers at Iowa State University found a significant increase in strength and fat-free mass and a decrease in muscle protein breakdown rates during three weeks of taking HMB in combination with resistance training.

For those who spend endless hours lifting iron in the gym, this story is not so clear. The positive impact of HMB for trained individuals depends on two things: the amount of work you do in the gym and how long you take the supplement. The study, published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, had individuals trained in resistance training who completed a nine-week resistance program while taking HMB or placebo. In the HMB group, the study found a significant increase in lower body strength, up to 9.1%, as well as a slight effect on pure, fat-free mass.

However, taking supplements for a shorter period of time may not produce the same results for individuals who are trained in resistance training, suggesting that use should take at least 2 months to notice any beneficial changes. In addition, the benefits of HMB are less noticeable for individuals who do not actively participate in high-scale training programs. But if you are going to start an intensive training cycle such as a "shortcut to size" - squats every day, or even start preparing for a competition, HMB can help you get through those difficult months.

How else to maximize results with HMB?

While HMB has shown some promising results on its own, there may be other benefits to pairing it with another good accessory:


Separately, creatine and HMB can increase the effects of strength training on muscle strength and size, so if we combine these two nutritional supplements, it makes sense to achieve even better results.

Researchers from the Institute of Sports and Physical Education (Poland) studied the effects of creatine, HMB and the combination of creatine plus HMB, on strength and muscle mass in a group of individuals who underwent progressive resistance training. While all groups increased their muscle mass and strength, the creatine + HMB group observed greater increases in muscle strength and size, as well as greater reductions in body fat. As part of the combination of these two components, we recommend first-class products from the reliable company HMB - Reflex Nutrtion in combination with creatine Creapure - Reflex Nutrition.


Alpha-ketoisocaproate or KIC is a lesser-known nutritional supplement that does not seem to be very beneficial in itself, but when combined with HMB we can use it to prevent protein breakdown and speed up regeneration. Researchers at Kingston University in the United Kingdom showed a significant reduction in the signs and symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage when they gave their subjects a combination of HMB (3 g) and KIC (0.3 g) daily for 14 days.


The combination of HMB with adenosine triphosphate or ATP could be the perfect pair to achieve significant changes in your figure. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning showed significant improvements in lean muscle mass, strength and energy, due to 12 weeks of resistance training combined with the use of HMB plus ATP supplements. To increase ATP, we recommend a nutritional supplement D-ribose.

HMB: which form is better?

There are currently 2 forms of HMB used in research: calcium HMB (HMB-Ca) and the acid-free form of HMB (HMB-FA). HMB-FA can increase the absorption and maintenance of HMB to a greater extent than HMB-Ca; however, there are very few studies on HMB-FA, so it is difficult to say whether one form is better than the other. Whether you use both versions, both are currently safe.

Optimal timing and dosing

Typical supplementary protocols for HMB recommend 3 grams per day, divided into equal doses of 1 gram, taken during the day. During training days, it is recommended to take one dose immediately after exercise, together with two more doses taken with food. On non-workout days, simply take 1 gram with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because it takes a few weeks for you to fully notice all the benefits of HMB, for optimal results, I recommend that you take it for 2 weeks before starting a new program.

If you are new to the game and looking for an accessory that will get you on the right path, or if you are an iron veteran about to enter a particularly intense training cycle - HMB may be worth a try.

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