štvrtok 10. júna 2021

How to create the perfect fat burner | Steroids4U.eu

 How to create the perfect fat burner

Are you looking for the perfect fat burner? Look no further. Make supplies at home and draw. In this article, I will reveal to you the most effective ingredients for burning fat and their main methods by which they work.

Which fat burner is good?

My first answer to this question is always that a reliable training plan and menus are the first and most important fat burners. However, certain supplements can help you in your fat loss efforts. In this article, I will reveal to you the most effective ingredients for burning fat and their main methods by which they work. It is true that many of these ingredients work through several mechanisms. However, I will focus on one mechanism, which has been confirmed by numerous studies.

Another option is to buy your own ingredients and put them together. It may cost more effort, but in the long run you can save money and increase the efficiency of fat burning. If you choose a commercial fat burner, use this article to get a better idea of what you are taking and why. Otherwise, consider purchasing at least one ingredient from each of these five categories.

1. Grease releasers

The body fat that you keep under your skin is stored in fat cells or adipocytes. To burn body fat, try to keep those fat cells as small as possible. To do this, you basically have to compress the fat cells to empty them and squeeze out the fat they hold. There are several components that can do this, but behind these two classics is the greatest science.


When caffeine is mentioned, you will probably think about how it will take you. You may think that the stimulating effect is what speeds up calorie burning. While caffeine can do this, the main benefit it offers in terms of fat loss comes from its ability to release fat from fat cells.

When you eat caffeine, it binds to receptors on your fat cells. Normally, the nucleotide adenosine binds to these receptors, and when this happens, it places a stalk on the fat to be released from the cells. With caffeine bound to the receptors, adenosine cannot be coupled, so fat release is maximized. As several studies have confirmed, this is especially effective if you take caffeine before training.


200-400 mg of caffeine between meals 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.


If you still think yohimbine is just a sexual supplement, it's time to drop that view. An extract from the bark of this tree from West Africa, Pausinystalia yohimbe contains the active ingredient yohimbine, which is now known mainly for its burning effects. It helps to lose fat by specifically increasing the amount of fat that is released from your fat cells, almost as caffeine does, but through a different mechanism. By using both, you can combine their effects in terms of fat release.

Research shows that when yohimbine is used before training, it can more than double the amount of fat released from fat cells. However, it is not for everyone. If you have any problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, prone to anxiety, or have any other mental disorder, stay away from yohimbine. This substance is currently a banned substance in the European Union and is not commonly available.


Take enough yohimbine extract to give your body 5-20 mg of yohimbine per dose 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.

2. Fat burners

Just because supplements like caffeine and yohimbine can help you release more fat from fat cells doesn't mean that the fat you release will be burned. You also need to speed up the burning of calories, so you ask the body to use this released fat as a source of fuel. These two ingredients will increase the number of calories your body burns and force your fat to burn for good.


When it comes to fat burners, green tea extract is a supplement that doesn't need much thought about. It helps you lose fat by increasing the number of calories you burn every day, not to mention that it also offers a number of benefits in terms of your figure and health, such as improved joint and muscle recovery. It is also a very strong antioxidant.

The active ingredients in green tea responsible for the burning effects are catechins, and one particular catechin is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This powerful antioxidant prevents the enzyme that normally breaks down the neurotransmitter and the hormone noradrenaline, which speeds up processes in the body, such as burning calories.


Take approximately 500-1000 mg of green tea extract, especially one that is standardized for high EGCG (Viridian or Reflex Nutrition), 2-3 times a day, taking one of these doses 30-60 minutes before training during training days.


This increasingly popular supplement is a natural plant chemical that gives hot peppers their hot taste. It also increases the amount of calories your body burns, thanks to its ability to increase epinephrine levels.

One study by Japanese researchers found that consuming capsaicin with food increased calorie expenditure by more than 30%. A study from the University of Oklahoma also found that subjects who took a supplement containing both capsaicin and caffeine burned more calories during and after exercise than those who did not.


Look for supplements with capsaicin or cayenne pepper that have a Scoville scale or a burning scale on the list, and use enough to reach 40,000-80,000 degrees. Take it 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day, 30-60 minutes before training during training days.

3. Transport of fat reserves

So now we have all that excess, released fat floating around. Unfortunately, sometimes an increase in caloric burning is not enough to make sure that everything burns for good. The fat must reach small power plants, known as mitochondria, located in the cells of the body, where it will be burned as fuel. But fat is not allowed to pass into the mitochondria as desired, it must be brought. Fat carriers can help maximize the amount of fat that gets there.


This amino acid-like molecule is an important part of a complex transport system that brings fat to the mitochondria, where it is finally burned for good. Several studies confirm that the use of quality l-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine increases the amount of fat that the body burns.


Take 2-3 grams of carnitine in the form of L-carnitine, L-carnitine L-tartrate or acetyl-L-carnitine, 2-3 times a day with food. Take one dose with your pre-workout meal and another dose with your pre-workout meal.

4. Retention of fat stores

Fat loss is a constant, constant struggle to consume more than you save. So while taking supplements that release more fat and then burn them is a good idea, you should also consider taking supplements that reduce the amount of fat your body stores.


It is a naturally occurring group of healthy omega-6 fatty acids. Numerous studies confirm that CLA promotes fat loss while enhancing muscle growth and strength. The main way it works is to suppress the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to collect fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By suppressing LPL, CLA prevents the body from storing fat and instead encourages it to burn.


Enjoy 1-3 grams of CLA along with breakfast, lunch and dinner with your last meal or shake.

5. Gene activators

The more we learn about nutrition and supplements, the more we realize that nutrients can affect our genes in a real and surprising way. Fat burning is one of those cases.


This source of essential omega-3 fatty acids provides both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). As recently discovered, these omega-3 fatty acids trigger genes that increase fat burning, while shutting down genes that reduce fat storage. This does not include a list of other benefits that these fatty acids provide, such as improved brain function, improved mood, joint regeneration, and even increased muscle growth.


Take 2-3 grams with food, 2-3 times a day.

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