nedeľa 13. júna 2021

What to take during training, whey protein or BCAA? |

 What to take during training, whey protein or BCAA?

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to drink branched-chain amino acids BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) during training. BCAAs are easy to digest, so they get into the muscles quickly and help minimize muscle breakdown while regenerating them. For people who don't like to drink clean water, BCAAs also offer a tastier way to replenish fluids. BCAAs consist of three basic amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Of these three amino acids, leucine has been shown to have the greatest positive effect on muscle growth and regeneration. From this, it may seem that BCAAs are an ideal choice for building muscle, as they contain leucine. Well, maybe not. Some evidence suggests that higher levels of protein synthesis can be achieved in other ways than those offered by leucine-rich BCAAs. Here, it may be that choosing a complete protein (a protein that contains all nine essential amino acids - including leucine) is a better choice.

The role of leucine

In one study in rats, the researchers found that elevated blood leucine levels returned to baseline after protein synthesis. Creating optimal muscle protein synthesis is an energy-intensive process. Leucine has been shown to be ideal when muscle building is maximal. In other words, leucine is great as a switch for muscle synthesis. But as soon as muscle building begins to weaken, leucine ceases to be a suitable solution, especially during longer workouts. After all, you want the synthesis to continue for as long as possible!

Leucine is not like leucine

In the same study, only with the administration of whey, it was shown that muscles can use "intact" leucine (a type of leucine found in whey protein) more effectively than the free forms of leucine (contained in BCAA supplements). This suggests that whey protein may provide a more efficient response to synthesis than BCAA.

In another similar study, in the elderly only, EAA (essential amino acids) or whey protein supplement (with the same amount of essential amino acids) was given. At the end of the study, it was shown that the group of people taking whey protein had a greater balance of muscle protein. But why?

Whey protein is more effective

A team of scientists conducted a preliminary study of other bioactive substances contained in whey protein that are involved in stimulating synthesis. In particular, they have focused on exosomes, which are nanoparticles in blood, saliva and other body fluids, and their role is to accompany proteins and other compounds throughout the body. Using sophisticated technology, the team found that these nanoparticles have a positive effect on muscle protein synthesis. When you consume whey protein, the increase in synthesis occurs between 1-4 hours, due to the leucine content. But there may continue to be a slight and sustained increase in protein synthesis due to exosomes.

To date, it cannot be said that a complete, fast-acting protein such as whey is better than a BCAA supplement. However, many researches are inclined to this variant. Whey is the right supplement to maximize muscle growth or maintain muscle mass.

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