nedeľa 30. januára 2022

Do your joints hurt? These 5 things will help you |

 Do your joints hurt? These 5 things will help you

Do you love yoga, running in the park, walking the dog, strengthening, football or other team sports? The last thing you want to deal with is joint pain. Today, it is already known that there is a high connection between food, nutritional supplements and healthy joints. We know that some foods and nutritional supplements can actually ensure the smooth functioning of joints and, in the case of pre-existing pain or injury, can alleviate pain and speed healing.

1. Exercise regularly and get rid of excess weight

Regular movement is key to maintaining joint mobility. The joints are better nourished by exercise, the joint ligaments are strengthened and the muscles that protect the joints are strengthened. Any movement counts. Swimming, cycling, yoga or pilates are best. On the contrary, the joints do not benefit from severe shocks. For example, if you are running or practicing crossfit, pay close attention to joint nutrition.

2. Antioxidants

Every physical activity requires an increased supply of oxygen, but with it, free radicals enter the body! Athletes who have high oxygen absorption during increased breathing during physical exercise are particularly at risk. This creates space for free radicals that destroy the cells, tissues and substances needed for healthy joints.

Antioxidants are a major help in fighting free radicals. The basic antioxidants that occur naturally in the diet include vitamin A (or beta-carotene or carotenoids), vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium. Foods containing any of these ingredients are a powerful weapon against free radicals.

The following foods are excellent sources:

Vitamin C - citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges), mangoes, raspberries, pineapples as well as vegetables such as asparagus, peppers, tomatoes, green vegetable leaves and broccoli

Vitamin E - avocado, nuts, wholemeal breads and cereals, fish oil, sesame oil, sunflower seeds and peanut or almond butter

Vitamin A - carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, melon, peaches and apricots

Selenium - fish, red meat, eggs, nuts, garlic, oatmeal and brown rice

For those who do not have an ideal diet with all vitamins for any reason, and for all those who want to be sure that their body has everything, they can help themselves with nutritional supplements.

3. Healthy fats - Fatty acids

Some fatty acids are protective components of joints by nature and can reduce swelling and joint damage. The most common fatty acids are omega-3 fatty acids and omega 6. The following are excellent sources of omega 3: fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, as well as green vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. In case of insufficient intake of these foods, we recommend purchasing omega 3 in the form of quality nutritional supplements

4. Glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM

Glucosamine is a cornerstone for preserving articular cartilage and helps prevent joint wear and tear and restoration of mobility. In addition, glucosamine can bring relief without any side effects.

Chondroitin retains water, which gives the cartilage elasticity. It helps against the pain and inflammation of the joints that accompany osteoarthritis. If cartilage is lost, long-term use is required.

MSM is found only in fresh raw foods. However, cooking damages it and our body lacks this substance. MSM is the cornerstone of connective tissue. It helps in the formation of collagen, relieves pain and inflammation of the joints.

5. Comprehensive joint nutrition

All the essential substances that enable joint health contain a unique product that is one of the world's best-selling joint nutrition, Animal Flex. Its very rich composition is divided into 4 basic effective complexes:

Active substances providing a complex joint structure for the regeneration of tissues and joints
A complex of active substances needed to form a joint fluid to prevent cartilage wear
A complex of active substances to support regeneration and reduce joint sensitivity
Essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain joint health

nedeľa 23. januára 2022

7 ways to build pectoral muscles |

 7 ways to build pectoral muscles

Can't build strong and large pectoral muscles? Do you find that your chest training is boring and stereotypical? Some change is needed for significant muscle growth. Therefore, in this article we will offer you seven effective ways to overcome this problem and how to build pectoral muscles.

Your chest workout probably includes exercises like - bench press on a straight bench, bench press on a sloping bench, bench press downside down and a bow tie. You have everything you need for a complete chest workout, but that doesn't mean you experience chest muscle growth. Let's look at the different ways to overcome stagnation and how to build pectoral muscles:

1. Start training with a multi-joint exercise of the upper chest

The best solution to build the upper chest is to start training by exercising on the upper chest. So instead of starting your bench press training on a straight bench, start it with a sloping rising bench.

By flipping the exercises, you will find that you are significantly stronger or do a few more repetitions with a given weight than if you did this exercise in your training in a later order.

Don't be afraid to use a little heavier weights. If you do 4 series of 8-10 repetitions on a sloping rising bench, make 2 series of 6-8 repetitions to make your muscle fibers more stimulated.

Whether you are exercising with a barbell or with one arm, both of these options are correct. Limit exercise on machines. Your body needs to work harder to achieve more muscle stimulus and growth.

2. Get rid of one bench slope

The angle of the sloping rising bench for engaging the upper pectoral muscles is usually 45 degrees. At a larger angle, the deltoid muscle engages more than the upper chest muscles.

The big advantage is the adjustable bench. Often the chest is practiced only on a 45 degree or straight bench. Start using all the different inclinations of the bench to 45 degrees from series to series or from exercise to workout to focus on all the muscle fibers.

3. Do a second exercise on the upper chest

One way to focus on the lagging part of the body is to do more exercise for this muscle part. However, what you do not want to do is repeat the first exercise with another very similar exercise.

For example, if your first exercise was a pressure on a sloping rising bench, the second exercise will not be a pressure on a sloping rising bench on a multipress, but a single-arm pressure on a sloping rising bench with a slightly lower bench inclination. The point is to change the training stimulus so that you train your muscles in several ways.

4. Don't stop if your muscles fail

If you want to optimize muscle growth, you can't worry about muscle failure. If you put the barbell immediately after reaching 10 repetitions, but you would be able to do another 1-5 repetitions, then you are not doing the actual 10 repetitions.

Exceeding your possibilities stimulates the growth of muscle mass. If you have an exercise partner, try these training methods:

Forced repetitions: You do as many repetitions as you can, and then your partner will help you do a few extra repetitions.

Negative repetitions: When you get to a phase where you can't do repetitions (muscle failure) your partner will completely help you in the concentric phase of movement (lifting the load), but then the eccentric phase of movement (braking the movement) will last 3-5 seconds. Make as many negative (braked) repetitions until you can make a braking motion at all.

If you don't have a training partner, try these methods:

Dropped series: When you enter the muscle failure phase, instead of placing a barbell, lose weight by about 25% and continue the series until the second muscle failure. Subsequently, you can still lose weight and continue to perform intensive series.

5. The second "chest" training of the week

Having a second "chest" workout in a week allows you to focus intensely on the lagging part of the body. However, the point is not to repeat the same exercises from the previous chest training, but to compile new exercises, methods, a different number of repetitions, a change in intensity and rest time between sets.

The next day, do not train the muscle parts that participated in the chest training. Regeneration of the chest and other muscle groups involved in this training (shoulders, triceps) takes 48 hours. Therefore, it is not appropriate to train these muscle groups for the next day.

An example of a proper training cycle might look like this: chest and triceps - first day, back and biceps - second day, rest - third day, chest and shoulders - fourth day, legs - fifth day, rest - sixth day, and so on.

6. New exercises for the upper chest

It would be indifferent from us if we did not help you with how and where to start. We enclose a few new exercises to strengthen the upper chest:

Pressures on a moderately inclined bench: You can exercise with one-handed dumbbells or on multipress.

Pressures on a machine with a rising sloping bench: Instead of using your standard exercise, try the ones you don't really prefer.

Spreading on a rising bench: If you are already performing an isolated (single-joint) exercise in training, do only those that focus on the upper pectoral muscles. Some good exercises include pulling the counter rollers lying on the bench and stretching on the rising bench with one arms.

Bench press with the opposite grip: The pressures with the bar with the opposite grip on the flat bench actually shift the attention to the upper pectoral muscles.

Pullover on a sloping rising bench: Forget the straight bench, try the sloping rising.

7. Exercise your chest after a day of rest

Focus on the lagging part of your body after a day of rest during which you have eaten well enough, relaxed, and prepared your mind for the next workout. If you are tired when you come to the gym, you probably won't have an exercise that will break your boundaries.

nedeľa 16. januára 2022

Protein for women |

 Protein for women

Most women are looking for a protein that has as few carbs and fats as possible, so we recommend dietary protein for women if the goal is weight loss. Most often, proteins intended for women are high in carbohydrates and fats. It is due to the sweet and good taste, possibly intended as a dietary supplement. The female body has certain specifics on the basis of which it is possible to choose the right protein. In this article, we will help you choose the right protein that will meet your requirements, whether you are trying to lose weight, gain weight or need a protein to regenerate after exercise.

Worried about gaining muscle mass in women?


Protein is also essential for women. It often happens that women are afraid to take proteins due to muscle gain. On the contrary, protein promotes weight loss in women, has a low energy value and speeds up metabolism. It is very difficult for women to gain muscle mass, mainly because they lack the important anabolic hormone testosterone.


Insufficient protein intake can result in: Incomplete muscle regeneration after training, which can lead to overtraining, muscle breakdown, slowing metabolism, restoring hormonal balance, disrupting the immune system and disabling important functions for the proper functioning of the body.


Most women try to burn fat but do not want to gain muscle mass. In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to gain muscle mass due to the above-mentioned lack of testosterone. On the contrary, a woman's muscle mass is mostly atrophied. However, strength training with the use of quality protein with minimal sugar and fat content (preferably whey isolate) allows you to strengthen muscle mass and regenerate quickly. Ultimately, the muscles are active and strong. The biggest advantage of this combination is the fact that muscle mass is the largest "consumer" of energy. A woman with strong muscles has a higher basal metabolism, so she still burns energy from fat stores. Also in terms of improving the cardiovascular system, digestion, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, improving blood pressure and improving overall health, a woman needs active muscle mass.

The ideal protein for women trying to lose weight is whey protein isolate or micellar casein.

Whey isolate

Whey isolate is the purest form of whey protein. It has a high biological value and digestibility. Whey isolate contains little or no carbohydrates, lactose and fat. Therefore, it is suitable for women, people on a diet and top athletes. The isolate is one of the fastest absorbing proteins, ideal immediately after training. It has a higher protein ratio compared to whey concentrate. The big advantage is the high content of branched chain amino acids BCAA and excellent taste.

The highest quality whey isolate is obtained by CFM microfiltration (Cross Flow Microfiltered). The process is at low temperature, low pressure and normal pH, which preserves the high biological quality of proteins and peptides. The CFM protein does not come into contact with chemicals and therefore remains intact in its original state, resulting in certain advantages over the ion-exchanged isolate, such as higher calcium content and less sodium.


excellent digestibility and usability (biological value)
fast absorption
high content of branched chain amino acids BCAA
high protein content 85 - 95%
minimal or no content of lactose, fat, carbohydrates
good solubility and excellent taste
preserved lactoferrin content (antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer and immune effects
without the use of chemicals
support for the production of anabolic growth factor IGF-1


relatively higher price compared to other lower quality proteins

Micellar Casein - Micellar casein protein

Casein protein is also known as nocturnal protein. It is the highest quality protein with a gradual release of amino acids. It is well digested with high utilization of protein for muscle cells. Thanks to its gradual and long-term absorption of amino acids (more than 7 hours), it is suitable at bedtime or with low protein intake during the day, thus minimizing the catabolic effect after exercise (muscle mass breakdown). It provides effective muscle regeneration, anabolic effect and a positive nitrogen balance, which are essential for the proper functioning and regeneration of muscle mass. It is suitable for all active people who are trying to gain or maintain muscle mass and regenerate the body, also for women on reduction diets.

Micellar casein is made from fresh milk by an ultrafiltration process. It is separated from the whey by filtration. Unlike calcium casein, it is a gentle process without the addition of chemicals and the use of high temperatures.


high content of L-glutamine and BCAA
anti-catabolic effect (against muscle mass loss)
high content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium
high protein content 80 - 90%
low in fat, lactose and carbohydrates
good price


Nowadays, many women and men also suffer from various allergies and intolerances, or are vegetarians or vegans. Proteins of plant origin are a particularly good form of protein intake for these people. Rice and hemp are among the highest quality and most popular proteins.

Rice Protein - Rice protein

Rice protein is an excellent protein for vegetarians, vegans and people with various allergies. Women and athletes who try to live healthier and not acidify the body will also find its place. It is also known to be alkaline, which, unlike animal proteins, does not acidify the body. It contains all the essential amino acids (the body cannot make them on its own), which are needed to make muscle tissue, hormones and enzymes, without which we cannot survive. Its amino acid composition is comparable to whey protein and much better than soy protein. It is quickly absorbed, so it is suitable immediately after training.

Rice protein is made by filtering protein and fiber from enzymatically pre-digested whole grain brown rice, including germ and bran. The production process is at low temperatures, without the use of chemicals and acid hydrolysis.


high protein content 80%
excellent digestibility
does not contain gluten, soy, lactose, milk or other allergens
alkaline effect
good taste
high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, tocopherol and other substances
good price
high glutamine content

Hemp Protein 

Hemp protein is considered the best vegetable protein. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, all essential amino acids, antioxidants and fiber. Its great advantage is the detoxifying effect. It has beneficial effects on pH balance and does not cause acidification like soy and whey proteins. It is called a complete protein because it is the source of all the amino acids necessary for regeneration. This makes it fully comparable to any animal protein. It is suitable for all active people, vegetarians, vegans and people suffering from allergies.

Hemp protein is made by crushing hemp seeds. Hemp flour and hemp oil are obtained by pressing. The whole-grain hemp flour is then cold-dried and sieved to separate the coarse parts of the bran from the fine hemp powder, which has a high-quality protein content of up to 50%.


excellent digestibility (up to 90%)
high content of omega 3, antioxidants, digestible fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes
does not contain lactose, gluten, milk, soy, hexane and other allergens
representation of all amino acids "complete protein"
does not contain THC - has no psychotropic effects
is a source of GLA (omega gamma-linoleic acid)
suitable for vegans and vegetarians
without the use of chemicals


worse taste
lower protein content 50%

nedeľa 9. januára 2022

Which bothers men in their thirties |

Which bothers men in their thirties

Based on the recommendations of men's health experts, we have selected the 8 most common problems that men often struggle with. These problems can be solved with the help of selected active substances and products that will help you effectively in combating these problems.

Erection problems

Solution: Tribulus terrestris (Ground Anchor)
Why it works: Tribulus terrestris is one of the most effective extracts to support erection and testosterone production. The most important component of the terrestrial tribulus is the saponin protodioscin, which is responsible for the production of testosterone. The only tribulus terrestris that contains the highest amount of protodioscin 60% in the world is the original Bulgarian from the VemoHerb brand. It has been found that of all the saponins of the tribulus, only protodioscin significantly increases sexual libido, the production of sex hormones and the associated increase in muscle mass and strength.

Afternoon fatigue

Solution: Ginkgo biloba
Why it works: In order for your brain to work at full capacity after lunch, it needs a good dose of oxygenated blood. Ginkgo helps to dilate the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and ensure a smooth flow. According to research by Purdue University, men who took 184 mg of ginkgo daily for three weeks were 20% more productive in the afternoon than those who did not take ginkgo.

Hot flashes

Solution: Chromium picolinate
Why it works: It improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, which maintains normal blood sugar levels and reduces the urge to consume foods high in sugar. Men who took this supplement regularly for an average of 8 to 12 years gained visibly less than their peers who took other supplements. The recommended dose is 400 mcg daily.

Growing belly

Solution: Green tea extract
Why it works: Green tea is a perfect fat eater because it contains the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which reliably starts metabolism and simulates thermogenesis - the process by which our body burns fat. In research in the Netherlands, the researchers helped lose weight to 76 people and then supplemented them with 270 mg of green tea in capsules daily or placebo capsules for three months. Those who received green tea continued to lose pounds, while those who took placebo gained weight again.

Knee pain

Solution: Glucosamine and chondroitin
Why it works: While glucosamine builds connective tissue, chondroitin helps cartilage retain water, thus maintaining its flexibility. Together, they alleviate joint pain by keeping cartilage in good condition. According to Hobday, the New England Journal of Medicine reports that 79% of men who received 1500 mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin daily experienced significant relief of chronic knee pain.

High cholesterol

Solution: Plant sterols and stanols
Why it works: Plant stanols block the absorption of cholesterol into the intestine, which prevents them from reaching the blood vessels. According to research from the University of Washington, the researchers concluded that people who consumed 2 grams of plant stanols per day for 6 weeks reduced their cholesterol levels by 10 percent.

Incidence of colon cancer in the family

Solution: Vitamin D
Why it works: In order to digest food, your intestines produce lithocholic acid, a digestive fluid that can be carcinogenic in large quantities. However, vitamin D has been shown to help the body detoxify and excrete excess of this acid - until it can lead to colon cancer. Despite the fact that the vitamin is formed by our body itself when it is exposed to the sun, it is appropriate for most people to ensure its intake in the form of a nutritional supplement. Use 25 mcg (1000 IU) of vitamin daily to reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 50%.

Increased risk of prostate cancer

Solution: Selenium
Why it works: Scientists believe that this mineral has the ability to detect and eliminate free radicals that lead to cancer before they can attack prostate cells. Several studies show that 200 mcg of selenium a day reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 49 percent.

nedeľa 2. januára 2022

How to increase testosterone |

 How to increase testosterone

How to increase testosterone is a difficult question for many men. From a medical point of view, it is undoubtedly the strongest and most effective anabolic hormone. It is very important to strive for a balanced and healthy level, because testosterone levels naturally decrease with age, physical overload and lack of fats and some minerals. Restoring its levels always means a highly qualified and sensible approach to diet, supplementation and lifestyle.

Testosterone has androgenic properties that affect the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. Other strong properties are anabolic, which help build muscle mass.


Exercise stimulates the release of testosterone, but its amount depends on the type of training, the intensity of training and genetic preconditions. Strength training has a positive effect on testosterone leaching, which has a positive effect on building muscle mass. This beneficial effect occurs mainly during short-term (45 min.) But high-intensity training. Testosterone levels drop during prolonged low-intensity training (endurance sports).


Quality fat ingested is needed for testosterone production. A diet that is too low in fat can be harmful to both men and women, because fat is an integral part of certain hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

Nutritional supplements and minerals

Zinc is undoubtedly another crucial component in charge of testosterone production. More than 100 enzymes need zinc for their triggering reactions, in order for bodily functions to function properly.

ZMA is a well-absorbed form of zinc and magnesium. Significant studies have shown that ZMA successfully suppresses the decrease in testosterone levels caused by intense physical exertion. This nutritional supplement also increases insulin-like growth factor-1 levels and promotes muscle mass performance. In trained athletes, it is possible to increase testosterone levels by up to 30% with this nutritional supplement. Performance athletes should not take more than 50 mg of zinc per day.

Acetyl L-carnitine
Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) is a substance developed against Alzheimer's disease that can reduce the decline in testosterone levels due to stress. Men with testicular problems have been shown to have significantly reduced ALC levels. ALC is involved in sperm production. A safe dose of ALC is considered to be 1-3 g per day in three divided doses. ALC also stimulates metabolism.


Regular consumption of alcohol, which represents more than 2 glasses of wine or 4 glasses of beer a day reduces testosterone levels. This effect is once so great in beer, because beer contains hops, the active ingredients of which are similar to estrogen.

Testosterone stimulants

You can also increase testosterone with non-hormonal natural supplements such as Tribulus Terrestris or the cheaper variant TRIBULUS Maximus. The Tribulus Terrestris from VermoHerb offered by us is from the true Bulgarian ground Anchor, with the highest content of steroid saponin protodioscin (active substance) on the market - up to 60%. It is one of the two brands in the world offering genuine Bulgarian Tribulus. Many products with the same name Tribulus Terrestris have been launched on the market, but they are produced from other bred varieties in different countries of the world and their effectiveness is lower.

BCAAs or branched-chain essential amino acids are also a suitable supplement, ie those that the human body cannot produce contribute to increasing testosterone levels, especially when used in conjunction with training. Amino acids are the basic building block of every muscle cell.