nedeľa 23. januára 2022

7 ways to build pectoral muscles |

 7 ways to build pectoral muscles

Can't build strong and large pectoral muscles? Do you find that your chest training is boring and stereotypical? Some change is needed for significant muscle growth. Therefore, in this article we will offer you seven effective ways to overcome this problem and how to build pectoral muscles.

Your chest workout probably includes exercises like - bench press on a straight bench, bench press on a sloping bench, bench press downside down and a bow tie. You have everything you need for a complete chest workout, but that doesn't mean you experience chest muscle growth. Let's look at the different ways to overcome stagnation and how to build pectoral muscles:

1. Start training with a multi-joint exercise of the upper chest

The best solution to build the upper chest is to start training by exercising on the upper chest. So instead of starting your bench press training on a straight bench, start it with a sloping rising bench.

By flipping the exercises, you will find that you are significantly stronger or do a few more repetitions with a given weight than if you did this exercise in your training in a later order.

Don't be afraid to use a little heavier weights. If you do 4 series of 8-10 repetitions on a sloping rising bench, make 2 series of 6-8 repetitions to make your muscle fibers more stimulated.

Whether you are exercising with a barbell or with one arm, both of these options are correct. Limit exercise on machines. Your body needs to work harder to achieve more muscle stimulus and growth.

2. Get rid of one bench slope

The angle of the sloping rising bench for engaging the upper pectoral muscles is usually 45 degrees. At a larger angle, the deltoid muscle engages more than the upper chest muscles.

The big advantage is the adjustable bench. Often the chest is practiced only on a 45 degree or straight bench. Start using all the different inclinations of the bench to 45 degrees from series to series or from exercise to workout to focus on all the muscle fibers.

3. Do a second exercise on the upper chest

One way to focus on the lagging part of the body is to do more exercise for this muscle part. However, what you do not want to do is repeat the first exercise with another very similar exercise.

For example, if your first exercise was a pressure on a sloping rising bench, the second exercise will not be a pressure on a sloping rising bench on a multipress, but a single-arm pressure on a sloping rising bench with a slightly lower bench inclination. The point is to change the training stimulus so that you train your muscles in several ways.

4. Don't stop if your muscles fail

If you want to optimize muscle growth, you can't worry about muscle failure. If you put the barbell immediately after reaching 10 repetitions, but you would be able to do another 1-5 repetitions, then you are not doing the actual 10 repetitions.

Exceeding your possibilities stimulates the growth of muscle mass. If you have an exercise partner, try these training methods:

Forced repetitions: You do as many repetitions as you can, and then your partner will help you do a few extra repetitions.

Negative repetitions: When you get to a phase where you can't do repetitions (muscle failure) your partner will completely help you in the concentric phase of movement (lifting the load), but then the eccentric phase of movement (braking the movement) will last 3-5 seconds. Make as many negative (braked) repetitions until you can make a braking motion at all.

If you don't have a training partner, try these methods:

Dropped series: When you enter the muscle failure phase, instead of placing a barbell, lose weight by about 25% and continue the series until the second muscle failure. Subsequently, you can still lose weight and continue to perform intensive series.

5. The second "chest" training of the week

Having a second "chest" workout in a week allows you to focus intensely on the lagging part of the body. However, the point is not to repeat the same exercises from the previous chest training, but to compile new exercises, methods, a different number of repetitions, a change in intensity and rest time between sets.

The next day, do not train the muscle parts that participated in the chest training. Regeneration of the chest and other muscle groups involved in this training (shoulders, triceps) takes 48 hours. Therefore, it is not appropriate to train these muscle groups for the next day.

An example of a proper training cycle might look like this: chest and triceps - first day, back and biceps - second day, rest - third day, chest and shoulders - fourth day, legs - fifth day, rest - sixth day, and so on.

6. New exercises for the upper chest

It would be indifferent from us if we did not help you with how and where to start. We enclose a few new exercises to strengthen the upper chest:

Pressures on a moderately inclined bench: You can exercise with one-handed dumbbells or on multipress.

Pressures on a machine with a rising sloping bench: Instead of using your standard exercise, try the ones you don't really prefer.

Spreading on a rising bench: If you are already performing an isolated (single-joint) exercise in training, do only those that focus on the upper pectoral muscles. Some good exercises include pulling the counter rollers lying on the bench and stretching on the rising bench with one arms.

Bench press with the opposite grip: The pressures with the bar with the opposite grip on the flat bench actually shift the attention to the upper pectoral muscles.

Pullover on a sloping rising bench: Forget the straight bench, try the sloping rising.

7. Exercise your chest after a day of rest

Focus on the lagging part of your body after a day of rest during which you have eaten well enough, relaxed, and prepared your mind for the next workout. If you are tired when you come to the gym, you probably won't have an exercise that will break your boundaries.

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