nedeľa 31. mája 2020

Improving the immune system and protecting against COVID-19. It is possible? |

Improving the immune system and protecting against COVID-19. It is possible?

Over the past month, charlatans have been trampled by various pieces of advice and "guaranteed" information on how to fight the coronavirus. We could already see that we should all be vegans and no COVID-19 would be a threat. The authors of the perfectketo blog describe ketogenic diet as potentially one of the key ways to win over coronavirus. Right after that, they offer you guilt-free keto cookies or a revolutionary book on keto eating. Unfortunately, even this is not a real cure for COVID-19. Who would have said that? There were, of course, more different ketards (the definition of this noun is here), but they wield, as always, bad research, in addition to mice, and try to transform them into the real human world, which is not legitimately practicable.

Youtuber Jordan Sather, in turn, promotes MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) containing, among other things, chlorine dioxide (used, for example, for bleaching). According to Jordan, MMS is a coronavirus killer, but there are no in vivo studies and we cannot claim anything like that. In addition, it can cause serious health complications and is not recommended by official authorities. We could also see a Fejsbuk post, which was viewed by several hundred profiles, about one Japanese doctor recommending to kill the coronavirus by drinking water every 15 minutes. This information has been shared more than three hundred thousand times in total. Of course, Professor Lang of Oxford University and other experts on the subject have made it clear that this is nonsense.

There is no need to be surprised in today's world, because people set fire to 5G transmitters because they are said to be spreading coronavirus. People will and will still be. Fortunately, there are many who just smile at these single-celled subjects. But let's look at two things. The first will be the real boost of the immune system and how it all actually is, and the second will be lifestyle factors, nutrition and supplementation.

As for the immune system, it is such a line of defense divided into 2 parts

Congenital: various barriers, such as physical - nasal mucosa, chemical - stomach acids, or various protective cells
Adaptive: we use it when the innate immune system does not control and, in addition, can remember, so that when a pathogen attacks again, he can fight it better and more effectively.

Can we actually kick the immune system to make it better and more efficient? Yes and no. The immune system is a coordinated system of cells and proteins. It is not some biceps that you pump (with supplements, a specific diet) and it will be better. If you have a solid base, your immune system can't "boost". If you do not have such a base, there are ways related mainly to lifestyle, which, however, can harden your wooden base. And we're talking about ways that even single-digit IQ is enough. Nutrition, physical activity and mental health. Of course, just because all the factors I mention below are in order, it doesn't mean you can't be infected with any virus.

It should also be added that it will not work overnight. If you go to the gym for a week, you will also not be able to squat 200 kg, just as your immune system will not be able to heal in a week. It takes years of scratching, as with everything you want to last. Many of these factors certainly do not shock, but unfortunately, the revolutionary method does not exist.

# 1 Sleep

Personally, I sleep very well, but even so, sometimes the science of melatonin and sleep can fascinate me. Low sleep causes, among other things, a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, injury or illness. A systematic review of meta-analyzes and 41 RCT studies also points to inconveniences such as increased caloric intake and greater hunger. If you click here, you will discover some of our great articles on sleep that will definitely convince you to prioritize it a little more. Lack of sleep is also a synonym for impaired immunity, so something else needs to be added?

# 2 Physical activity

Another surprising thing, huh? This review summarized findings in four areas related to exercise and immunology. We will focus mainly on one of them - the acute and chronic effects of exercise on the immune system. Exercise (medium to intense exercise within 60 minutes) is considered an important adjuvant (enhancer of the immune response) of the immune system, which stimulates the ongoing exchange of various and highly active subtypes of immune cells between the bloodstream and tissues. Each such exercise increases antipathogenic activity. So with regular exercise / sport, these acute changes work through a summation effect = higher immune defense activity and better metabolic health.

The exact opposite may be too high a load. Typically competitions and related physiological, metabolic and psychological stresses. These factors are associated with transient immune perturbations, inflammation, oxidative stress, muscle damage, and an increased risk of disease. In addition, metabolism and immunity are inextricably linked. It follows that intense and prolonged exercise can cause transient immune dysfunction by reducing the metabolic capacity of immune cells. The risk of illness may increase when an athlete competes, undergoes repeated cycles of over-strenuous training, and his immune system experiences additional stress. Broader risk factors include high levels of depression (current status) or anxiety (current social isolation), participation in unusually intense training periods with large fluctuations (out of date), international travel in several time zones (at least we did not miss it), participation in competitions. events especially in the winter (out of date), lack of sleep (this might not be a problem, right?) and low energy intake from food (you will fix it!).

So we can summarize that regular training and higher physical activity can strengthen your immunity over time. Exercise and the immune system have an inverted "U" shaped curve. This means that people with no exercise usually have a worse immune system. However, there are similar people who exaggerate too much with exercise. The question is, can it really be exaggerated now in quarantine? There will definitely be extremists among us (ehm in practice). However, your immunity will certainly not be missed even by regular (intensive) home training associated with a high caloric deficit in the long run. However, exercise serves not only physical but also mental health. Large-scale research has identified it as a legitimate cure for depression and a helper against anxiety, to which we are undoubtedly more prone today.

# 3 Enough protein

The fact that you have to focus on nutritionally valuable foods probably does not need to be repeated a thousand times. It is such a common sense, and as reported in last year's research, nutrients can (not) directly act on immune cells, causing changes in their function, or they can have effects through changes in the intestinal microbiome. So let's move straight to proteins.

The effect of essential amino acids on the immune system has been investigated several times, each with similar conclusions. Another study states that a balanced diet, especially adequate intake of vitamins, minerals and proteins, increases resistance to infections and has a positive effect on the immune system. Proteins frame cells and are part of the body's defenses, enzymes that control the body's functions, and certain hormones. Even protein as a nutritional supplement has the potential to help, thanks to immunioglobulins, beta-lactoglobulins and the like. Of course, carbohydrates and fats also have an important place in the diet, in addition to which (or meals containing these macronutrients) contain a number of other important micronutrients. If you are active, they have at least 1.6 g / kg of protein.

# 4 Fiber (+ fruits and vegetables)

Vegetables? Full of micronutrients and fiber. Fruit? the same. And it doesn't matter if it's fresh or frozen. Again, this is not a shock for you and we all know this well from childhood. Nevertheless, only less than 10% of the Western population has a sufficient intake of these healthy foods. Fruits and fruit fiber have, among other things, benefits in terms of digestive tract health, long-term weight maintenance, type 2 diabetes, asthma and bone mineral density. Fiber generally has a significant effect on the immune system, and a study called the health benefits of fiber states that prebiotic fiber (eg onions, garlic, bananas, apples, beans, asparagus, oats) can support immune function.

# 5 Nutritional supplements

Of course, they are subordinate, but supplementation of some of them is important. We have discussed the studies and details in this Premium article. Examples are vitamin D, probiotics, pelargonium sidoides, glutamine, vitamin C or zinc. They have nothing to do with COVID-19, but they have a scientifically supported potential in terms of health and possible colds.

We believe that we have put together some information about the immune system, and we also believe that you will not be lured into a trap by those who turn the current unpleasant situation into a business without a backbone and an irrelevant and not helpful business. We've talked about legitimate ways to have armored immunity, and we hope most Fitclan fans have it. Unfortunately, we can't get more out of this "fitness" point of view, so in addition to the things mentioned and avoiding other obviousness (extreme long-term stress, smoking, alcohol, huge caloric deficit), we should focus on official advice such as hygiene, hand washing , the use of drapes or highly-restricted encounters with people.

štvrtok 28. mája 2020

You will not lose muscle from day to day. After what time do you lose muscle, strength or power? |

You will not lose muscle from day to day. After what time do you lose muscle, strength or power?

The current period is mostly associated with home training, when we try to knit a whip (sorry for the expression) at least thanks to rubber bands or exercises with our own body. Heavy weights, our training routines and a good number of one-arms, it's all up to date. That is, if you do not have your own booster. You may be afraid of losing your muscles, but fortunately science brings us quite nice news. What about our strength, flexibility, performance or muscle mass?

Muscles & strength

Muscles are quite resistant to atrophy and loss of strength. In this research, there were 20 men with an average age of 20 years and, of course, they enjoyed strength training. They completed a 4-week training program in the style: 4 weeks training + 2 weeks break from training + 4 weeks training. It turned out that two weeks of non-training did not cause loss of strength or muscle. In further research, they looked at 33 untrained participants. They compared 8 weeks of training (12-24 sets per quadriceps) with 8 weeks of reduced -volume training volume (only 8 sets per quadriceps). Although the volume of training was reduced by 50%, their strength was maintained. Ok, what about hypertrophy? They maintained most of their muscle mass even at a volume of only 8 series per muscle part (quadriceps) per week. That doesn't sound bad at all! In another study, they covered it for 3 weeks and the conclusions were similar. To quote this: "Evidence suggests that brief (approximately 3 weeks) non-training in people who are accustomed to exercising regularly does not cause significant muscle loss and, in addition, may experience an even greater stimulus in terms of hypertrophy after entering a training regimen."

Here, untrained individuals did 27 series on their feet almost to failure per week (3 exercises for 3 series, 3 times a week), while the training lasted 16 weeks. Later, this period was interrupted by a non-training period lasting 32 weeks (more than half a year), which had two approaches, and thus 2 groups. The first approach meant reducing the volume of work by 1/3 (ie to 9 series per week and practicing only once a week). The second approach meant reducing the volume of training by 1/9 (ie 3 series per week). In young individuals (20-35 years) this second approach caused the size of the muscles to be maintained, but in the older ones (60-75 years) it was a bit worse. More positive news for younger students! Similar results were recorded here, ie the loss of muscle did not take place, but we are already talking about the period of (only) three weeks mentioned several times.

Take a look at a systematic review of 27 studies in trained subjects. We talk about those who have been working for at least 3 years and participated in either some collegial or semi-professional sports activities. Simply trained athletes. The consensus from these data suggests that maximum strength may be maintained for up to three weeks of untraining, but will begin to decline significantly from about the fifth week. Other research confirms the results and speaks of a period of four weeks of inactivity, when the force is maintained and only then can it decrease. If you are a beginner, you also do not have to be extra worried. Research in this group of people is similarly positive, and the literature consensus speaks of a two to three week break, when strength is still maintained. Negatives are evident from about the fourth week. An old study on powerlifters with a training experience of about 8 years showed that their type II muscle fibers decreased by about 6% after two weeks of non-training, but their body weight remained the same.

At the end of this section, however, it should be added that there are individual (epi) genetic differences between muscle hypertrophy and atrophy, so we cannot completely generalize whether you and your buddy will be exactly the same. Probably not, and someone will be worse off. However, be sure to try at least some activity, because we have data that muscle loss is greatly accelerated when people are totally passive (bed rest or limb immobilization).

If you say that all this is bullshit and science deceives us, because you look smaller after only four days without a gym, calm down. During the break, the amount of glycogen in the muscles also decreases, so yes, you may look smaller, but it may not be a loss of muscle mass. And it is clear that the psyche will also play a role, when we will probably all put the "fact" that we are worse off, and then we will see ourselves in the mirror anyway.

Conclusions on strength and muscle mass in points:

We can maintain strength without training for about 3-4 weeks, but gradually it disappears during this period. Of course, only temporarily and we can take it back relatively quickly. It should not be forgotten that there is a difference between an ordinary exerciser and a powerlifter who has been systematically preparing for a competition and his personal record.
The muscles begin to atrophy after about 2-3 weeks, but at least for beginners they can return very quickly. Since we know that muscle memory exists, even in advanced exercisers, our "gainzzz" will return in a relatively short time.
If your efforts are high, you can train (even for months) with a smaller volume of training (by 33-50%) and maintain muscle mass.
During the first weeks, you look smaller due to a reduction in the amount of glycogen in the muscles, it is not a loss of lean muscle mass.

Aerobic performance, endurance or flexibility

When you're locked up at home, VO2max catches the most. The maximum rate of oxygen consumption (an indicator of aerobic performance) in trained individuals can experience losses of 6 to 20% and the time to depletion can be reduced by about 7 to 25% over two to four weeks. Endurance performance can be reduced by 4 to 25% after three to four weeks. When it comes to cardio, it seems to suffer more than our muscle mass or strength. Fans of crossfits and other endurance athletes should definitely not rest on the seat more than they should, but they should maintain more intense activity even during quarantine.

In terms of flexibility (flexibility means how muscles and joints are flexible), research shows that four weeks of untraining reduced the flexibility of the hip, torso, shoulder and spine by 7.4 to 30.1% for physical education students (men and women).

Conclusions on the cardio side and flexibility:
Endurance gradually decreases from 4% to 25% over 3-4 weeks
Maximum rate of oxygen consumption decreases by 6% to 20% in highly-trained athletes after about 4 weeks without training
Beginners can maintain endurance for at least 2 weeks without training
Flexibility decreases after about 4 weeks by 7 to 30%

How to put it all into practice?

Tired of training at home? Neither do I, believe me. The situation is not easy for anyone, but perhaps we are not capitulating, we are in it together. At least try to make a temporary exercise according to your current possibilities. It won't be a real nut, but it's always better than nothing. If you have a temporary fit at home, then use it, because you have more than 90% of people. However, if you exercise with rubber / your own body, they will cough up some specific repetitions. Ideally, you will focus on as many repetitions as you can to get close to failure. The question is, do you have any idea where your limit is, as you have not been used to training with this style yet. Well, be sure when it burns, you're still not at the end. It should be noted that for most (all) a certain daily physical activity is important. Not only for physical health, but also for mental health. Therefore, involve parents, siblings or children and do not just sit on the couch. Of course, everyone in terms of physical fitness.

And what about the diet? We will look at calories in the following article. Pay attention to mobility, flexibility and have enough sleep, which also has fingers in storing fat or losing muscle mass. Wash your hands, nose the drape… and… we are already on another topic :)

utorok 26. mája 2020

Exercise during pregnancy: What effects does exercise or physical activity have on a woman and baby? |

Exercise during pregnancy: What effects does exercise or physical activity have on a woman and baby?

Exercise is generally considered to be a healthy activity, as we have already discussed in this article. However, if pregnancy-related exercise is mentioned, many people find it dangerous. It is only natural that we are more concerned about many "normal activities" during pregnancy. Add to that all sorts of information from magazines (few scientifically based ones) and the stress of these fears harms us more than any training. So how is it? What do scientific research say?

Positive effects (not only) for mothers:

Exercise during pregnancy brings many health benefits for the mother and at the same time for the baby during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. Many studies show that women who are active during pregnancy have a lower risk of developing preeclampsia and gestational (pregnancy) diabetes. This study, which looked at 21,000 pregnant women, showed that pregnant women with a sedentary lifestyle had a 2.3-fold higher risk of developing "gestational diabetes." Further research showed that less active women had a 3x higher risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) and a 2.5x higher risk of fetal macrosomy (overdevelopment) than women who exercised 3 times a week during pregnancy.

Exercise during pregnancy also allows a woman to perceive her body more, pay attention to the correct posture and use movements that help reduce pain. Exercise during pregnancy also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and improves aerobic capacity. These effects also help in childbirth as well as in postpartum recovery. Exercise during pregnancy was also associated with a lower number of births by caesarean section. In addition to these great health effects, physical activity during pregnancy also has a positive effect on mental health, as it helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Prenatal yoga is especially beneficial for reducing anxiety, stress, depression, sleep problems and back pain (which often occur in pregnant women).

But why are we afraid of exercising during pregnancy? One of the biggest reasons why women are afraid to exercise during pregnancy is the fear that they may harm their baby. However, most scientists and health professionals agree that the positive effects of exercise are far greater than the risks.

Common myths about exercise during pregnancy:

Redirection of blood flow away from the fetus
Exercise causes miscarriages
Exercise harms if the mother's heart rate is elevated above the "resting heart rate"

How does exercise affect an unborn baby?

Exercise during pregnancy brings the following health benefits to the health of the fetus / child during childhood. It is known that the blood flow to the uterus is slightly reduced during exercise. However, it is interesting and important to know that despite these changes, the amount of oxygen that reaches the fetus does not change - on the contrary, research shows the positive effects associated with increased blood flow during exercise, which brings "new" blood and nutrients to the fetus. which support fetal growth and brain development. These effects were associated with the results of studies that found that children of active mothers were born with better-developed brains than children of mothers who did not exercise during pregnancy.

These positive effects were noted even later than in the neonatal period, when these children had better linguistic development and better academic results during childhood. Positive effects for the child have also been reported in body composition, cardiovascular health and the nervous system.

As you can see, physical activity during pregnancy brings many positive effects not only for women but also for babies. However, it should be mentioned that despite these positive effects of physical activity during pregnancy, there are complications, such as genetic disorders, which a woman's activity cannot influence.

So let's summarize the effects of physical activity during pregnancy on the health of both women and children:


Lower risk of pregnancy complications (preeclampsia, pregnancy "diabetes", fetal macrosomy)
Positive effect on physical "performance" during childbirth
Positive effect on postpartum recovery
Lower probability of giving birth by caesarean section
Positive effect on mental health (reduction of anxiety, stress, depression).
Reduction of back pain
Reducing sleep problems


Better development of the brain and nervous system
Better linguistic development and better academic results during childhood
Positive effect on the composition of the baby's body
Positive effect on cardiovascular health
There are many positive effects. However, each person is exceptional with a different medical condition, so it is always important to consult your decisions (not just about exercise) with a doctor who has detailed information about your medical condition or pregnancy. If you are asking for more specific exercises related to what movements (not) to do and what to focus on, wait for the next article.

nedeľa 24. mája 2020

A method that will make you feel better mentally and physically, especially at a time when you are not doing well |

A method that will make you feel better mentally and physically, especially at a time when you are not doing well

Everyone in life experiences situations where things do not go according to our ideas. In the context of a pandemic, this will be the case for most of us. Some people are worried that their expected competition has been canceled, someone has gotten pains due to a sudden change in training (when already running, so straight from 0 to 100 km per month), someone is dealing with more serious things such as loss of income, job loss or not being able to see family. Even well-meaning advice from friends sometimes doesn't have to relieve us. Maybe you're listening "head up", "I don't understand what you're dealing with, imagine what the Philomene" would happen to you, "or your friends will still say that you have to look for positives in the situation. I don't mind, someone may be at a stage where it works like this, but you may feel that you need something else.

Maybe now you don't want to jump in the room for online aerobics lessons or improve bends on the door frame, maybe you'd prefer to crawl somewhere in the corner and not call anyone. If you experience feelings that you do not know and do not want to trust, you can relax your psyche and help your health in a relatively simple way. And then you will enjoy those folds with gusto.

If you suffer from more serious mental problems or have been diagnosed with any of the mental illnesses, please consult the following recommendations with your doctor or psychologist.

Expressive writing

One of the simple ways to help yourself from unpleasant feelings has been described and researched since the 1980s by psychology professor James W. Pennebaker. He has devoted his research career to the relationship between health and the perception of feelings and thoughts that are part of human experience. Boom experienced expressive writing in the 1980s and 1990s, so I will present most of the studies from this period. Although expressive writing seems to be rediscovered by many researchers, methodologically the studies are so different that we prefer to look at the basics first.

The technique we are talking about is known as expressive writing. Pennebaker's effect is similar to the functioning of psychotherapy - to admit a problem, to describe it well, to perceive the causes and consequences well and to confide in the accompanying feelings, it has a healing effect. Proponents of the common factor theory might argue that the basic co-operative factor common to all therapies is the therapeutic relationship. However, therapeutic care may not be available to everyone, and even therapists do not do magic, but have a repertoire of useful techniques that we can involve ourselves in caring for our health. Pennebaker has been researching a way to help more people without an expert.

What does expressive writing look like?

The basic guideline used in the studies is that it is enough to write 4 x 15 minutes about an unpleasant experience or problem, while the respondents had to use all the time to write (they started again when it was no longer possible). One study even suggests using only 2 minutes. The days may follow each other, but according to a meta-analysis, it seems more effective to devote yourself to writing once a week. Although we are talking about writing, in some studies they have used dictaphone recording, and the spoken form of expressing feelings has similar results to the written one.

Don't know what to write about? Any revelation of feelings seems to be effective. However, as the Pennebaker report describes, the choice of topic can affect the outcome. For example, if students write about problems related to their studies, their grades will improve more than if they write about their traumatic experiences. So you can think about which area of ​​your life you want to improve and write about it. It doesn't seem necessary to go too far into the past, even though you can include it in the story. Therefore, focus more on what you are experiencing in the present.

There are different tutorials on how to write and each can lead to a slightly different result. For example, when you write about physical survival, you can improve physical well-being, you can improve social well-being by writing about feelings, and you can get to problem solving by looking for ways to deal with the current situation.

The effect of writing on health and life

Subjective survival was measured by self-assessment questionnaires. Despite the fact that the writing experience was perceived as unpleasant, the respondents considered the activity to be meaningful. Compared to control participants who wrote on another topic, there is a long-term improvement in mood and a reduction in the symptoms of depression and negative survival after expressive writing. The meta-analysis summarizes the results of research, arguing that writing about emotional topics is associated with a significant decrease in subjective suffering.

In order to look at the practical side of things, there were also changes in the level of behavior. In one research, they divided high school freshmen who are subject to great stress into two basic groups - optimists and pessimists, according to personality tendencies. For both personality tendencies, students who write about emotionally significant topics receive better grades at school than those who write about a trivial topic. Optimists have the advantage that self-regulatory technology works well for them. The instruction in this case is: after "listing" from the problems regarding the study, formulate plans for how to handle the situation. For pessimists, however, this technique does not work very well for optimists.

Workers also benefited from expressive writing. Those who lost their jobs were employed more quickly in the months following the study and a significantly larger proportion of them were employed. The condition that separated the successful from the less successful was to write for five consecutive days of 20 minutes on deeply personal topics related to job loss, while others wrote in person about their normal activities and plans for employment. Interestingly, this success was probably not related to higher motivation, as the first group did not make more contacts with employers than the second. Respondents may have just been more relaxed, which is never to the detriment.

In the same study, the first group was found to have consumed less alcohol 3 months after the study. However, according to an overview of older studies, health behaviors (smoking, exercise, alcohol) are not as influenced by writing as they are in other areas, which may be due to the fact that health behaviors are more about commitments than emotions. Nevertheless, it is an interesting finding that there is a connection between writing and medical records. Compared before the research, after expressive writing, patients used the services of a doctor less often (which was valid for 2 months, 6 months and in one study even 1.4 years).

Writing on emotionally important topics also had a positive effect on immune function. The researchers observed an effect on the growth of T-lymphocytes, improved antibody production during vaccination, and a reduction in the frequency of visits to the medical facility. The study particularly benefited those who wrote about topics they hide from others. According to the authors, actively confronting one's (traumatic or unpleasant) experiences can have two mechanisms. On the one hand, there will be a better understanding of survival, framing of the event and its assimilation. In the second mechanism, as we know from psychosomatic theories, active retention of behavior is associated with higher activity of the autonomic nervous system and can lead to disease in the long run. In a more detailed analysis in this study, a change in perspective was actually observed in the individual essays over time.

One of the unpleasant consequences of expressive writing is a worsened mood after writing, while after writing a depersonalized essay the mood may improve slightly, after writing an emotionally charged essay there may be a short deterioration in survival, manifested e.g. anger and unrest. According to the above findings, however, it seems that writing brings more benefits in the long run.

Expressive writing can be specifically more effective in cultures where expressing individual emotions is considered weakness or inappropriateness (verified in China; Ji, Lu & Wang, 2019), and in situations where one does not have enough support with loved ones or friends (according to Ji, Lu & Wang, 2019). These studies are aimed at respondents with cancer, so it is not possible to simply generalize the results to a wider population, but we can estimate from them that if you like to keep your experience to yourself, it can help you all the more.

We see that writing is effective for both healthy and sick, unemployed, and first-year students. A new study on athletes suggests that the intervention may also help athletes cope with injury. The effect of writing is more pronounced on mental well-being and physiological activation than on overall functioning or health-related behavior. According to the meta-analysis, the magnitude of the effect of writing is medium to large. This is already a significant effect, obtained across studies and it would be a shame to overlook it.

How is it possible that it works?

Theoretically, several explanations are possible, there may be:

recognizing feelings and creating space for their reflection
clarifying problems and solving them spontaneously
increased spontaneity and vigilance in social situations - we are more attuned to others and ready to interact
better perception of oneself and others, perception of events in a new light
according to a more elaborate, cognitive theory, writing in thoughts allows stressful events to be reorganized, thereby reducing the physiological activation that is associated with inhibition and obsessive thinking. Writing helps to observe your thoughts, express them and control your emotions. This can create a sense of self-efficacy and resilience, and thus a sense that stressors are manageable.
And what is the effect on overall functioning and behavior? If you are more mentally well, you are more likely to attend classes and get a better grade. You will be better at the interview and probably easier to get a job…

What to take from it

Psychologists have long emphasized that expressing emotions is necessary for physical and mental health. Brief, repeated interventions involving the expression of emotions can affect overall health, mental well-being, and overall functioning months after that. In the article, we have shown how this can happen and that it is probably related to the natural human need to talk about unpleasant events. Many times, however, expressing our feelings may seem unsocial to us, so don't be afraid to reach for paper, pen and timer.

Remember that:

Once a week is better than daily
Just 15 minutes and use the whole time
it is advisable to determine in advance the topic you will be writing about
being worse for a while means you're doing well
writing in no way replaces regular exercise and a good diet in terms of health;)
Tip: look at what you wrote (but don't analyze, otherwise tear it apart!;) And look for words how to understand, realize. As they begin to occur more frequently, they may indicate a more pronounced shift.

štvrtok 21. mája 2020

A very clear and apt example of why someone is unable to lose weight. Peanut butter, for example, may or may not be to blame |

A very clear and apt example of why someone is unable to lose weight. Peanut butter, for example, may or may not be to blame

In our article on flexible eating, we talked about a lot of thoughts and facts and pointed out several times that calories matter. Just as the most "clean" food in the form of chicken breast on water with brown rice and broccoli contains them, so does anything else. Those who have read most of our articles on nutrition are clear about this, and when someone says that Papa is only "clean", because it makes the best weight, they probably don't know much about nutrition. However, there is a lot of truth in all this "clean eating" and many times it is a way for some people to start focusing on nutritionally valuable foods, more fruits, vegetables, it will create great habits for them, but we would do it again. they did the same thing over and over again. So if you have a bit of chaos in this whole thing, focus not only on the above-mentioned article, but also on the one about popular clean eating, because today we want to point out something more specific.

Let's say that for someone who doesn't even have a pair of calories, you can incorporate 2 teaspoons of peanut butter into the morning protein oatmeal and 2 teaspoons in the evening together with cottage cheese. We have 4 teaspoons of peanut butter.

I have two people here. The first thinks that a teaspoon of peanut butter looks something like the picture on the left. The second thinks that a teaspoon of peanut butter looks something like the picture on the right. Spoon like a teaspoon, you know what! But beware, we have a huge difference. While the first person on this day consumes his 4 teaspoons of butter (4x10g), which here specifically makes a total of 228 calories, person number two consumes his 4 teaspoons of butter (4x30g), and they make a total of 688 calories. The difference within one day in the form of 460 calories! Oh, is the other person still looking for one of the reasons why he still doesn't lose weight? Thanks, rather, because of its four teaspoons of peanut butter, it is easy to switch from a potential caloric deficit to a caloric excess. And that's one single butter. We're not talking about that handful of nuts during the day or "a little" rice. For everyone, the handful, the little, the teaspoon of peanut butter can be different. Of course, for some people who are just starting a healthy diet, a handful or thumbs as a measuring cup can be a great help, but sooner or later you need to try more specific calorie tracking for at least a few weeks, because 90% of people will learn to control their portions and learn their how much they actually consume and how this is reflected in the weekly caloric intake. And not only caloric intake, but also intake of individual macronutrients separately.

So "4 teaspoons" every day can make a pretty decent difference as part of a weekly caloric intake, we're talking about a total of 3,220 calories from peanut butter alone. And… but… I don't count calories, but I just have a slow metabolism, I don't lose weight, I can't, I have to put carbohydrates to zero, I probably need this and I probably have to go there. Well, no, the truth is that you need to have at least some, if not an accurate and consistent overview of your calories. As a result, achieving goals more accurately (whether it is losing weight or gaining weight or maintaining it) is easier and more advantageous in the long run. And as we said once in one article, will those who eat clean, and their progress stop, will eat even cleaner? Will they eat in the shower? Or will paleo fans eat even more paleo? Don't you move to a cave? And those tormented with carbohydrates at zero will be looking for foods with negative carbohydrates? Not! It's always about adding or removing calories or optimizing the ratio of macronutrients. So peanut butter, rice, flakes, ice cream… All foods can and cannot at the same time. Maybe you already understand.

utorok 19. mája 2020

Detox: People really need detoxification, especially for their brains, because they believe in stupidity and fall victim to charlatans |

Detox: People really need detoxification, especially for their brains, because they believe in stupidity and fall victim to charlatans

Do you want to lose a few pounds? Detox. Do you want to get rid of toxins in the body? Detox. Do you finally want to be healthy and fit? Detox. Do you want to find a girlfriend and be a millionaire? Detox. A word that has gripped thousands of people. There are detox pills, diets, special oils to remove toxins from the body, revolutionary cleansers, patches… there is really a lot. If you laugh now and say to yourself, "Ufff, they'll come up with some detox clothes for a while," then you're completely behind, because that already exists.

What exactly is a detox and how does it work?

Imagine eating something. You drink. You take medication. It doesn't matter if it's healthy, unhealthy, broccoli or chocolate. Substances absorbed from the stomach enter the liver through one of the most important veins in our body - the portal vein. Biochemical processes then allow different cells to ingest microorganisms and other harmful substances. The enzymes in the liver cells then excrete unwanted substances due to other processes. And where will they be excluded? To the ladvin. Yes, another handyman in our body who doesn't need a special detox tea for € 49.99 (discount!) To do his job honestly. Waste substances are then excreted in the urine. In other words, our body detoxifies itself. After all, we have kidneys, liver, lungs or sweat glands doing their job.

But what about detox diets?

In this analysis, they looked at all the studies on "detox diets" and found out what everyone who was serious about detox should find out. According to the analysis, there is no evidence that detoxification and various detox diets stimulate the elimination of some toxic processes. "But a friend told me that she lost some weight on her detox diet. Did she lie? ”No, she didn't have to lie. Namely, many of the detoxification programs, including either special detox drinks or specific diets, immerse people in caloric deficits. And what does that mean? Poor. "And that's great, isn't it?" Well, not at all. The initial kilograms will be in the form of glycogen and water, and if a person decides to sacrifice for a long time on a special detox diet, then it is actually an ordinary hunger strike, which in many cases promotes physical and mental problems. Of course, in the short term, there will probably be no serious problems with those 3-day diets, but who will explain to me what is the point of starving for 3 days, having a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and also protein?

Simply put, weight loss is not equal to fat loss. We also explained this in our article on scales and how many women succumb to the same number. Each gram of stored carbohydrates holds an additional 3 grams of water. So it's easy to put down a few pounds, but once the "revolutionary" detox diet is over, one returns to a classic diet where one won't starve and the pounds are back. But temporary weight loss is why many people say that detox works and get rid of toxins, they lose weight. In addition, many people who fall into this detoxification trap are likely to get quite ill and unbalanced. A fast-diet diet tells them to focus mainly on vegetables and fruits and to consume much, much fewer calories. So, paradoxically, they do something good - they focus on more micronutrients in their diet and probably eat better. But instead of a silly short-term detox, how about eating healthy and balanced to develop habits that we can maintain on a daily basis in the long run? No, no and again not. Detox diets do not work and we do not even need science, because in this case it is enough to know the basics of nutrition and have a pinch of logical thinking.

Toxins here, toxins there

It is not to the detriment of the so-called toxicity as such. Basically, everything is harmful, but in excessive amounts. Yes, even ordinary water can kill you (if you drink it too much in a short time). And what about the potassium we find in bananas or various vitamin and "sports" drinks? It breaks down for hours and is safe, in addition to being healthy. But 1g of potassium on an empty stomach is not and can have adverse effects on our health. Alcohol is similar. We can drink one glass of wine at dinner without ending up a gastric lavage. Alcohol is toxic, but the body can metabolize it in small amounts. If we drank 20 glasses of wine, that would be a different scenario. And Chinese cabbage? A healthy thing containing glucosinolates and they have the potential to cause thyroid problems. However, the body can metabolize glucosinolates and we can enjoy vitamins and other benefits from vegetables. However, we will try to eat too much of this cabbage a day and we will probably end up with hypothyroidism, ie reduced thyroid function, so Chinese cabbage would be toxic to us.

There is probably no need to give more examples. Simply put, most things are toxic at a certain dose, and there's nothing we can do about it. Fortunately, our body can "detoxify" itself. In short, to consider something toxic is always taken out of context and wrapped in sentences that scare people without information and common sense. The dose is important, and even if a substance is really bad for the body, no cleansing and detoxification will help. No special juices or pills. Acute toxicity requires immediate medical attention (drug overdose, venomous snake bite…), while chronic toxicity requires good nutrition for the body, not Rumburk's magic cloak or Teatox, or tasty, pretty nasty sap. This is what the liver, kidneys, lungs and other organs mention, which say goodbye to harmful substances and waste products.

Detoxifying preparations

We will stay with the mentioned commercial products, because it is necessary to mention the year 2009. It was then found out whether any of the random 15 "detoxification" products of various companies really works and whether the manufacturers can provide proof of functionality in some way. The conclusions are, of course, ridiculous. They didn't even know how to define the word detox, and they didn't know what toxins their revolutionary preparations were supposed to remove from the body. Laughing, like all "fit" girls who will proudly display this product on their Instagram profile for a few tens of euros. No, they have not undergone detoxification diets and neither have detoxification products.

And something else?

Sauna? The sauna is great, but the drops running down the forehead are no pollutants or fat. It is also worth mentioning hydrocolon or a more ostentatious name - intestinal shower. It has to get rid of parasites in the gut, toxins and other things. However, we don't have to look at the bacteria in the gut as something disgusting that needs to get out of the body. Many are beneficial and create a system known as a microbiome. So again. If you want to flush the bowels of the butt for 40 € in one visit, like it. But that's all to expect from it, so you don't have to be naive and jump into the words that retailers proudly preach.

Why do some feel great after detox? They lie. This is the first option. Because detoxification is just cool, I'll say how great I feel. The second possibility is that they probably don't know much about diet, and they don't finally consume nonsense when they detox, so they feel a little better. But I ask again, wouldn't it be more efficient to eat well and wisely all the time and feel better for years? The third option is a placebo, because it is an effective weapon, thanks to which people can often do the impossible.

If you want to deal with detoxification, cover the basics. Eat enough, but not too much calories, consume at least 2 fruits and vegetables a day, exercise, drink plenty of water, on average make at least 10,000 steps a day, 80-90% of meals choose quality, nutritionally valuable and as little processed as possible , have plenty of daylight, enjoy at least 7-8 hours of sleep, minimize stress and read Fitclan. Because we also try to "detoxify" the fitness industry from all those nonsense, myths, half-truths and sold-out faces. As we have already written - detox is a legitimate medical term, but nowadays it has been transformed into a marketing strategy.

nedeľa 17. mája 2020

Milk and dairy products are said to be harmful to people, useless and others say anabolic and healthy. What is the reality? |

Milk and dairy products are said to be harmful to people, useless and others say anabolic and healthy. What is the reality?

Another topic we simply had to focus on. Milk, resp. Dairy products are associated with so many adjectives that it's unbelievable. After all, dairy products are said to be good, anabolic, tasty, healthy and at the same time harmful, deadly, unnecessary and inhuman. After we break down the gluten into the last grain, let's look at the milk and the products made from it.

At the end of 2016, a study was published on the impact of cow's milk on human health. What did she reveal? "The sum of all the evidence supports the view that the intake of milk and dairy products contributes to the fulfillment of various nutritional recommendations for nutrients and can protect against various chronic non-communicable diseases, while only isolated side effects have been reported." Now a little skeptical. Some of the authors of the research received funding from the dairy industry to carry out the research. So is the above conclusion and other sentences from the research completely out of the question? Not. People should understand that funding is often an opportunity to carry out studies with even better methodology, accuracy and overall quality. However, this will probably not convince you, and if you are a skeptic, you will say that it is simply nonsense, they got money, they said what they wanted and thus it goes out. All right, let's move on.

At about the same time, a meta-analysis was created based on how sponsorship works in the studies and how it affects the results. Of all the reports, they concluded: “While industry-sponsored studies tend to have positive results for the industry compared to non-sponsored ones, the differences were not significant. The sponsored studies were of the same or better quality than those involving other sources of funding. ” Of course, research is not like research, and therefore it is necessary not to read only abstracts. A good example could be the topic of BCAAs.

Many people say that we should not have milk in the menu because it is not intended for us humans. It is intended for calves! As Alan Aragon jokingly put it, for some reason it's okay to stab a fork into a juicy quadriceps cow, but to have milk is almost a crime and …a .. poor calf. According to this logic, people should only eat adults. Let's take a look at more studies and start with what is probably the most inflected. Milk = calcium = bone health.

Calcium, milk and really interesting findings

Let's look at a summary by some researchers based on various studies on this topic that increasing calcium intake and consuming dairy products or milk has little benefit to bone health in children and adolescents. Many people now raised their eyebrows now, in the same way that people raised their eyebrows at the time. When we look at the footnotes, we see a statement that there have been no conflicts of interest. If we take a closer look, we find that behind this research is a group of vegetarianism and animal rights activists (PCRMs) promoting veganism and degrading any animal products. In 1991, they even wrote to the US Department of Agriculture calling on them to reform and modify the four food groups to consist exclusively of cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. So really no conflicts of interest? Say it yourself.

A more comprehensive review of major researchers yielded a total of 139 studies from 1975 to 2000 on the relationship between calcium intake and bone benefits at higher calcium intake. Two studies showed zero benefit (one had high calcium intake and one had postmenopausal women and their estrogen reduced bone loss) and 52 controlled studies showed benefits. And 64 of the 86 studies showed a correlation between calcium and a reduced risk of fractures. We have most of the research in 3 decades with positive results. When there is enough protein in the diet, also with calcium intake, they work synergistically to build bone health. So yes. Milk = calcium = bone health. So at least that's what real science says so far.

An examination of the topic "milk proteins and improving metabolic health" reveals how milk proteins could improve glucose control levels and how they affect muscle mass. People consuming dairy products tend to have a lower risk of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease. Virtually all proteins in dairy products have the potential to improve metabolic health. In addition, dairy products contain enough micronutrients. Thus (and not only here) whey and casein, the two primary components in dairy products, have been shown to be a very good source of protein providing a wide range of amino acids and also to facilitate digestion. In addition, they can improve insulin action, increase satiety, reduce blood pressure and increase muscle protein synthesis and improve immune function. Milk and dairy products can be boldly considered a great source of food. But it is true that heating can cause some of the slight loss of vitamins and, to a lesser extent, minerals. Here, pasteurization was shown to reduce thiamine from 0.45 to 0.42 mg / L, vitamin B from 3.0 to 2.7 /g / L, and vitamin C from 2.0 to 1.8 mg / L. If someone happens to be interested in the issue of hormones & milk, I recommend studying the research and information in this foreign article. In short, if we should still be afraid of milk, it probably doesn't have to be because of hormones.

Drinking milk and consuming dairy products is not a guarantee that we will live to be 100 years old and be the healthiest in the world, but the statements that they provide no benefits are simply quite unfortunate. There is evidence that milk proteins improve insulin action, increase muscle mass and bone density, reduce fat%, the risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Adding such foods to your diet can help you. Other proteins also provide us with many benefits and it will be best to have balance in your diet. However, if for some reason you do not want to consume dairy products, nothing will happen to you and it is only your choice.

štvrtok 14. mája 2020

8 miraculous foods to lose weight. If you eat them, your fat loss will take on a new dimension |

8 miraculous foods to lose weight. If you eat them, your fat loss will take on a new dimension

Surely you have come across various articles and infographics describing foods that are used for weight loss by their miraculous effects. Meals and foods that you must have in your diet in your diet and your fat loss will take on a new dimension. We won't stretch for a long time and we'll go straight to the eight miraculous foods that will make it poor.

1. They do not exist
2. None
3. Miraculous
4. Food
5. From
6. Which
7. Are
8. Fatloss

So now there are only about two groups of people. Those who smiled and said something in style: "Ugh, fortunately Fitclan once again hit the nail in the head." You have protein in me. The second group will not be so excited. They are exactly those who are looking for shortcuts and quick solutions. As we said once in our Instagram post - such a search for shortcuts always ends badly. Not only will people not reach their goal, but they will be even more angry than before they started. Fast diets, short-term experiments, detoxifying teas for weight loss, crazy advice from magazines, following trends and the like. They will kill years by looking for the right quick way to lose fat, and at the same time it would be enough to invest time, for example, in reading articles, studies and thinking. Yes, thinking. Nowadays, people are lazy to do that too.

Are they trying to sell you the best training? The best menus? A revolutionary pre-flight weekly plan to lose weight? They are liars. There is no quick fix. No magic pill. It's just you and you have to have a desire to achieve something. You have to work and no one will do it for you. Motivational bullshit? Perhaps. But when do some people realize that there are no quick fixes, but fat loss is about caloric deficit, patience, and hard work? You can have a coach with you, you can use our Online Coaching, but you have to work. We'll teach you what to do, like, why, when, you have a chance to ask endless questions 24 hours 7 days a week, we can hang out with you on Skype day in and day out… but we won't eat and eat for you. It's up to you. And if you realize that everyone can have the character they desire and everyone can lose fat, but the change doesn't come in 4 minutes, you may be another of those people who will reach their goal and the path may be winding, but you will have a smile on face.

Titles like this are created because they drive read, many people believe in them, and after discovering those magical foods, they think something will change. But nothing will change. If there's someone who believed our headline and thought they'd finally find 8 foods they had to eat to lose weight, congratulations. Really, no irony. If you read this, you probably already realize in this paragraph that your search for abbreviations, laziness and slander leads to a dead end. If you want to lose weight, you have to be in caloric deficit. That is the basis. Then you have to take in enough protein. Then determine a reasonable ratio of carbohydrates to fats. Ideally, you will incorporate exercise into your life. In all this, focus on at least 80% of the nutritionally valuable, least processed foods, do not forget about fiber and add the rest of the calories with whatever you like. We have articles about everything, we discuss each topic from different angles. Try it. Study the articles, write down the individual findings and come and try it. Look for shortcuts. Magic pills. None of this will work.

But what about foods with negative calories?

We can't forget about those after all! After all, according to some experts, there are certain foods that have negative calories and make us lose weight. A typical example is grep. I guess it's a classic "fairy tale" that anyone who tripped over the exercise knows. "Have a grapefruit, ideally grapefruit juice. He is more for weight loss and burns fats. " Another of the things that don't apply.

The theory of foods with negative calories probably originated due to the thermal effect of food (TEF). In simple terms, TEF represents the amount of energy needed to process the food itself after it has been consumed. This is a certain loss of energy consumed. Fats have the lowest TEF (1-3%), carbohydrates are somewhere in between (5-10%) and proteins have the highest TEF value (15-30%). TEF primarily affects the distribution of macronutrients in this meal and the total calories of the meal. However, the maximum of 30% is not 100%. It is foolish to lose weight from some foods because they are negative calorie foods.

If the logic and the property of TEF are not enough for you, we can safely look at the study, where the subjects consumed half of the grapefruit before each meal. Are you surprised that such research also exists? In any case, the conclusions of the research are that no differences in weight were found between the groups.

Fortunately, many of the foods labeled as magical with negative calories are low-calorie. The second advantage, many of them are also nutritionally valuable and our intake of micronutrients will certainly enrich, which is ultimately very beneficial in the diet and if we talk about fruit, it will help us with fiber intake and again - fiber is very important not only when losing weight. Foods with the label "for the poor", "miraculous", "with negative calories" are therefore not suitable for consumption, but the point is perhaps everyone understands. These are just extra foods and calories, and you can also gain grapefruit as long as it helps you to be in caloric excess because of it.

There are no foods to lose weight from, and there are no foods to gain weight from. This is one thing that will probably never die. The questions of whether * getting any food * is gaining weight and whether it is * getting any food * diet are really immortal, which is why the concept of IIFYM was created a few years ago, but some are still a bit spoiled, mainly because of the reasons in this article. In any case, now the roles of the two groups I mentioned at the beginning of the article are reversed a bit. The first group doesn't have that protein in me (maybe another time) and the second group finally smiles because they realize a lot of things. Perhaps. They need it.

utorok 12. mája 2020

I have a damaged metabolism, I don't eat anything and I also gain weight from the air. The reasons why these lies are angry to many |

I have a damaged metabolism, I don't eat anything and I also gain weight from the air. The reasons why these lies are angry to many

"I diet, I take low calories, I do a ton of cardio and I don't lose weight. I'm in a caloric deficit, but it's not working, it seems to me that I'm gaining weight from the air and I think my metabolism is damaged. What should I do?"

You have no impaired metabolism. I will ask another question.

Um, well, this has not passed in people with the sick belief that their metabolism is destroyed as Hiroshima in 1945. It is actually the idea that a person does not lose weight, even if he consumes a few calories and has a lot of activity, or even starts to gain weight with minimal food intake and a lot of cardio / training. Terrible situation. Let's start with the dose of reality. When you reduce your calorie intake, especially during a period when you are already relatively lean, it is possible that your metabolic rate will decrease. But the body won't say, "Well, you're not going to do this to me," the laws of thermodynamics will start to be ignored, lines will appear, and you'll not lose low calories or gain weight. You simply lose weight and body fat = you are smaller = your body does not need enough calories to keep you alive. When you start to get poorer and poorer, your body only needs less energy (calories). What is this process? Adaptive thermogenesis. In other words, the body adapts to lower caloric requirements.

Metabolism consists of various components: BMR (this is your current metabolism), NEAT (non-strength activity), TEA (thermal effect of activity or exercise), TEF (thermal effect of food). Do you know what is the real, confirmed change in the value of the metabolic rate? About 10-15% are unbelievable and a large part comes from NEAT, so people simply start moving less. Imagine two identical people, ie identical age, height and weight. There is an approximately 10-15% difference in metabolic rate, which averages 200-300 calories. And being a woman doesn't save you. You don't have a slower metabolism than your male friend, but he has more muscle and less fat. Lyle McDonald states that the physiological difference is only about 3%. Again - the biggest difference is in exercise, diet and activity (NEAT). So no. You have no impaired metabolism. So where is the problem?

All these components of metabolism are linked to each other and linked to the weight and amount of calories you consume. When you are low, you reduce TEF (less food, less TEF), you reduce BMR (less weight, fewer calories needed for the body and at the same time fewer calories burned by exercise).

Example: The first person weighs 90 kg and has a BMR of 1600 kcal / day, then loses almost 20 kilos (from 90 kg to 70 kg), his BMR can be reduced by 10-15% and his basal metabolism will be only 1200 kcal / day . A second person who weighs 70 kg and has never lost weight can have a BMR of 1400 kcal / day. Simply, if someone loses weight (eg from 90 kg to 70 kg), he can expect a certain reduction in the value of metabolism compared to the same person, but who has never lost weight and still weighs 70 kg. However, it is a normal adaptation process and it is a question of physiology. No damage. In addition, to date, there is no human study that such an adaptive component would completely eliminate fat loss, as some claim. I don't think it causes fat gain.

Possible cause - water retention

Do you know those who claim that they are not fat, but only flooded? Either they know they're kidding and having fun, or, most of the time, they're stuffed piglets arguing about something they have no idea about. In any case, let's look at flooding water retention from a more legitimate point of view. We already know that metabolic damage does not exist and it is only an adaptation at most, so when you consume a minimum of calories (eg around 1000 and less), you combine it with a lot of cardio and you do not lose weight, you do not have a damaged metabolism. However, such folly can cause problems for many. Cortisol is intertwined with the aldesterone receptor (aldosterone is a water-retaining hormone). Now let's refine the scenario again. Tons of cardio, a minimum of calories and also a psyche in the heart and stress, because you will not lose weight. What is going on? Cortisol increases. And these are not excuses. After all, women can retain 4-5 kilos of water during a menstrual cycle. As Lyle McDonald says, one thing will help most people like that, and now I'm going to quote: "chilling the fuck out." An increase in calories, a decrease in cardio, and calmness can lead to "magical" weight loss and from day to day you have 4 pounds less and it is not fat but water.

And then here are 4 other possible causes, probably much more relevant, that some won't read easily. This, boys and girls, is "destroyed / slow metabolism in the vast majority of people".

1. Poor food recording

What if I told you that the 1300 calories entered were actually up to 1800? People make tramps. But when estimating food intake, it is not a step, but a three-meter step behind the line. You say no? I say yes. Science also says yes. Incorrect and inaccurate estimation of food has been shown about a hundred times. And it's not just the general population, but even nutrition experts are wrong. The fact that people usually underestimate their intake by hundreds of calories is simply a fact. This has been proven in many studies, and people are imperfect or even incapable of recording the amount of food consumed. Here we can see an underestimation of your income by + - 37%. Here by more than 500 kcal / day and here by 47%, while their caloric expenditure was overestimated by 51%. Is that enough for you? Enough! This needs to be talked about, because the wave of the hand and the words "aale, a few idiots could not guess or weigh and throw into myfitnesspal" is not the solution. Here by at least 37%, here by up to 39%, here by 18 to 54%. Only now is enough. Perhaps.

She cried, suffered, tried all sorts of diets, but nothing worked. Oh, do you see yourself in that? Because this is exactly the scenario experienced by the British actress, who eventually diagnosed a slow metabolism. Do you know where the truth was after the research? She thought she was taking 1,100 kcal, it turned out she had sneaked 1900 kcal more. Shock! Not a slowed down and not badly damaged metabolism, but a totally bad recording of food. Well, do you still think you only have a slow metabolism?

2. When you write well, but also badly

Tracking via Myfitnesspal or other sites that serve as your log of the food consumed is also closely linked to the incorrectly recorded food. We can often find completely bad values ​​of some foods in the database (either due to the stupidity of people or outdated data, or a newer food recipe) and we may have small or large deviations. Relying on Myfitnesspal is therefore not the best idea. Always check the majority of foods that you consume regularly according to the packaging. In other words, the excuse "but myfitnesspal shows me that I ate 1500" may not be relevant and you could have eaten much more.

3. And those calories, that's what?

Ignorance of calories and macronutrients is an absolute classic. You spend 4 years trying on a variety of menus, like silly magazines, detox treatments, but you don't even know what calories are and what you have as many proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Finally, learn that your weight loss is primarily affected by your caloric balance. In Super Size Me, people were asked what calories are. Who answered correctly? No one if we don't count the answer "the thing we're making for." There are still people who do not know, ignore, do not understand, do not want to understand it and prefer to spin in a circle for 20 years and swear at the whole world and especially at their damaged metabolism, which is not actually damaged, only the person is slightly backward or professionally said moron. Sharp words? Not really. People who really ignore the basics because they are lazy and look for shortcuts don't really deserve to lose weight and reach the figure of dreams.

4. You lie to yourself and maybe you don't even realize it. Or yes and you're just ignorant

You honestly wrote down 25 g of peanut butter. Congratulations. But what about the 7 g you licked or the tip of a teaspoon you had soaked in a peanut and just put in your mouth? And what about that piece of cake from a colleague at work? Just because you didn't bake it doesn't mean calories don't add up. And what about the coffee cream? Yeah, you forgot. And really, what about olive oil when you prepared meat? Jeee, you see?

Mention should also be made of "healthy" foods. We can include the mentioned olive oil here, so often some people think that what is healthy can eat more. Well, bullshit. And this also includes those biscuits that had "organic" written on the packaging. It has been proven that such foods do not have any superfeatures and extra health benefits, but people only need one sticker and they already think that they can eat twice as much. Am I exaggerating? I'm not exaggerating, science confirms that. And also the healthy protein fit Lenny & Larry’s biscuit, which has 400 calories (about one and a half Snickersky). And that pineapple-mango-coconut-strawberry juice in the fancy bottle also has calories. And he has had enough of them. In short, "healthy" does not mean "calorie-free".

And do you remember getting a few nuts in the robot? Welcome hundreds of calories. If work prevents you from achieving your goals and you say that you just can't do it, because you're at work and there are nuts (um, they just talk about themselves, well, let's leave it at that), we have one tip for you. Keep these "snacks" as far apart as possible and definitely don't have them on hand. Whether it's cookies on a table, nuts or paleobioorganic mini biscuits. It has been proven that the less effort you put into putting something like this in your mouth, the more you forget that you actually ate it and at the same time you eat a larger amount. In research, they tried it with small chocolates, and when their workers did not have them on hand, their consumption dropped by 25%.

I know that many will still claim theirs and a dose of reality will sting them a little at the heart, but unfortunately fortunately, you do not have a destroyed metabolism. You can breathe. Be honest with yourself and try to look at the real cause of your weight loss. As you may have noticed, there may be enough. Try replacing your poorly controlled 1,500 calorie intake with a well-controlled 1,600 calorie intake and it can become a "miracle".

nedeľa 10. mája 2020

3x about how to motivate yourself to exercise. How to train when the gym is closed and your training possibilities are minimized? |

3x about how to motivate yourself to exercise. How to train when the gym is closed and your training possibilities are minimized?

Moving into training can be a problem. Korona measures allow us to have time, but often lacks taste ...
Training is an activity like any other. Whether you implement it or not, only you decide. How is it possible that someone is exercising and considers it a drug and cannot wait for further training? Someone is training (even the same training) and after the first series of hundra, that everything hurts? The answer is our own attitude, our decision. In this article, I will try to positively influence your decision.

The current measures (Korona) have given us a lot of time. Several people have written to me that they would train but do not have the "juice" to train at home or outdoors. They lack motivation.

At the beginning of this topic, it is important to answer the question of why people do not exercise or why they stop exercising. Yes, it's a clear, lack of motivation. But motivation also comes from something. Loss or lack of motivation for training is most often influenced by 3 factors. It is either one of these factors or a combination of them.

Motivation for training is most often influenced by the following factors: Frustration with the (in) results of training, Age - old age, and lack of time.

It may be another, but I suppose the vast majority of people will fall into one or more of these factors.

To answer the question from the introduction "How to motivate yourself to exercise?" I will briefly describe the reason and then how you can overcome it.

1.Frustation of (non) training results, resp. training without achieving results.

Nothing is more frustrating than when you decide to train, you expend energy, you try and the results don't come.

From the practice of a personal trainer, I can guarantee that the best motivation for further training are the results in the form of body shaping and improving fitness (including movement). Health comes second. Although it shouldn't be like that. In healthy people, health is a secondarily appreciated effect, if at all.

A fruitless exercise usually has several pitfalls.

Too little training
Too much training or insufficient regeneration,
Incorrect training procedure (program).
Solution or how to achieve training results.

There are two solutions. Again, it is necessary to apply one but often both. Adjustment of the training program and adjustment of the lifestyle (including adjustment of the diet).

The training program should be such that you especially enjoy it. And by enjoying you, you will achieve results. This is how both of my training books for beginners are set up. Start training with MOTION for Men and Start training with MOTION for Women.

It can also be the most advanced training plan / program. If, according to him, you will not enjoy training, sooner or later you will cough it up and thus give up the results. A properly set up training program should theoretically be set up professionally, regularly and effectively. In practice, however, it must also meet the aspect of simplicity and fun. I paid great attention to both levels, theoretical and practical, when creating my books for women, for men and in my online program Membership in MOTION (you will find all products in our eShop).

Choose a training program especially so that it entertains you. Everything else will come afterwards.

2. Age or old age. I'm old enough to start training.

People will say that they are simply training and taking care of their body is getting old.

I think that the older we are, the more we should take care of our body and the more we should reserve more space in our lives for our training. Why?

Because several studies that have looked at training seniors have shown that the body does not lose age because we grow older but more because we do not use it.

Yes, of course, rising age does not add to our fitness in the long run. But history (and the media) are full of people who have reached and cultivated their characters in fantastic condition despite old age.

In addition, the old rule "the older, the more reasonable" applies. In the end, an individual who trains for a long time and prudently always achieves a better form than a conceived young man without a pinch of balance. And this also applies taking into account that some people may have better genetic predispositions to sports, a better figure and the like.

Globally, this means that a long-term prudent trainer with both average and below-average genetic equipment defeats a genetically gifted sloppy who trains incorrectly and does not adapt to training in other areas of life. It is a situation that I can confirm again from the coach's practice.

This is also proved by my cooperation, which I can be proud of. And that is also the answer to the solution.

The solution or why age / old age is not an obstacle in body shaping in training.

Stanka is a 5-time grandmother (60) who, with the help of my book Start Training with MOVEMENT for Women, lost almost 20 kilograms. She maintains her line (even slimmer), has more energy than she was 20 years ago, is more mobile and feels great. I dedicated a separate article to Stank and her results - Training and results according to the book Start exercising with MOVEMENT for Women. Or how women in their 60s can easily shape their figure.

Janko is also a grandfather who started serious training due to a very poor health condition at the age of 61. Today (70) he owns a figure that can be envied even by men 30 years younger and his movement and strength skills are better than 50% of today's 30s (ie 40 years younger). I wrote a whole article about Janek a few years ago, because his "journey" is a real inspiration - The story of a man who started training at the age of 61 and today is not even 50 years old.

 These are just two examples, but in my practice since 2000, I have witnessed dozens of such inspirational stories. You can find a few more on my website in articles (stories) or in personal trainer references.

3. Lack of time for training.

In the current situation, many people have a little more time than is standard in non-corona measures. Whether you have time now or still, the situation is the same.

If you have time for training, keep it, if you do not have time for training, reserve it.

It is a misconception that training must be time consuming in order to deliver results. I assume you have already met, with 1 hour of training a day representing only 4% of your whole day.

I have some additional information for you that will further reduce this 4% and expand your options. This information is not just data from books but factual facts.

The solution or lack of time for training is relative.

You don't even need an hour. And not every day at all. For absolutely top training, 30-40 minutes are enough for you. You can divide these 30-40 minutes into several parts during the day.

Training resp. you do not achieve the results of training by the passage of time. You achieve the results of the training by stimulating the muscles. And the most effective stimulation is, among all the method-forming factors of training, intensity.

Intensity does not mean you have to do an hour of training in half the time. The intensity is very individual and you can achieve muscle stimulation after doing 2-3 series of exercises. Practicing 2-3 series even in the most difficult version means 5-10 minutes of exercise.

If you find this time repeatedly during the day, you have won. Even the most busy person in the world can really find 5-10 minutes.

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