štvrtok 21. mája 2020

A very clear and apt example of why someone is unable to lose weight. Peanut butter, for example, may or may not be to blame | Steroids4U.eu

A very clear and apt example of why someone is unable to lose weight. Peanut butter, for example, may or may not be to blame

In our article on flexible eating, we talked about a lot of thoughts and facts and pointed out several times that calories matter. Just as the most "clean" food in the form of chicken breast on water with brown rice and broccoli contains them, so does anything else. Those who have read most of our articles on nutrition are clear about this, and when someone says that Papa is only "clean", because it makes the best weight, they probably don't know much about nutrition. However, there is a lot of truth in all this "clean eating" and many times it is a way for some people to start focusing on nutritionally valuable foods, more fruits, vegetables, it will create great habits for them, but we would do it again. they did the same thing over and over again. So if you have a bit of chaos in this whole thing, focus not only on the above-mentioned article, but also on the one about popular clean eating, because today we want to point out something more specific.

Let's say that for someone who doesn't even have a pair of calories, you can incorporate 2 teaspoons of peanut butter into the morning protein oatmeal and 2 teaspoons in the evening together with cottage cheese. We have 4 teaspoons of peanut butter.

I have two people here. The first thinks that a teaspoon of peanut butter looks something like the picture on the left. The second thinks that a teaspoon of peanut butter looks something like the picture on the right. Spoon like a teaspoon, you know what! But beware, we have a huge difference. While the first person on this day consumes his 4 teaspoons of butter (4x10g), which here specifically makes a total of 228 calories, person number two consumes his 4 teaspoons of butter (4x30g), and they make a total of 688 calories. The difference within one day in the form of 460 calories! Oh, is the other person still looking for one of the reasons why he still doesn't lose weight? Thanks, rather, because of its four teaspoons of peanut butter, it is easy to switch from a potential caloric deficit to a caloric excess. And that's one single butter. We're not talking about that handful of nuts during the day or "a little" rice. For everyone, the handful, the little, the teaspoon of peanut butter can be different. Of course, for some people who are just starting a healthy diet, a handful or thumbs as a measuring cup can be a great help, but sooner or later you need to try more specific calorie tracking for at least a few weeks, because 90% of people will learn to control their portions and learn their how much they actually consume and how this is reflected in the weekly caloric intake. And not only caloric intake, but also intake of individual macronutrients separately.

So "4 teaspoons" every day can make a pretty decent difference as part of a weekly caloric intake, we're talking about a total of 3,220 calories from peanut butter alone. And… but… I don't count calories, but I just have a slow metabolism, I don't lose weight, I can't, I have to put carbohydrates to zero, I probably need this and I probably have to go there. Well, no, the truth is that you need to have at least some, if not an accurate and consistent overview of your calories. As a result, achieving goals more accurately (whether it is losing weight or gaining weight or maintaining it) is easier and more advantageous in the long run. And as we said once in one article, will those who eat clean, and their progress stop, will eat even cleaner? Will they eat in the shower? Or will paleo fans eat even more paleo? Don't you move to a cave? And those tormented with carbohydrates at zero will be looking for foods with negative carbohydrates? Not! It's always about adding or removing calories or optimizing the ratio of macronutrients. So peanut butter, rice, flakes, ice cream… All foods can and cannot at the same time. Maybe you already understand.

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