8 miraculous foods to lose weight. If you eat them, your fat loss will take on a new dimension
Surely you have come across various articles and infographics describing foods that are used for weight loss by their miraculous effects. Meals and foods that you must have in your diet in your diet and your fat loss will take on a new dimension. We won't stretch for a long time and we'll go straight to the eight miraculous foods that will make it poor.
1. They do not exist
2. None
3. Miraculous
4. Food
5. From
6. Which
7. Are
8. Fatloss
So now there are only about two groups of people. Those who smiled and said something in style: "Ugh, fortunately Fitclan once again hit the nail in the head." You have protein in me. The second group will not be so excited. They are exactly those who are looking for shortcuts and quick solutions. As we said once in our Instagram post - such a search for shortcuts always ends badly. Not only will people not reach their goal, but they will be even more angry than before they started. Fast diets, short-term experiments, detoxifying teas for weight loss, crazy advice from magazines, following trends and the like. They will kill years by looking for the right quick way to lose fat, and at the same time it would be enough to invest time, for example, in reading articles, studies and thinking. Yes, thinking. Nowadays, people are lazy to do that too.
Are they trying to sell you the best training? The best menus? A revolutionary pre-flight weekly plan to lose weight? They are liars. There is no quick fix. No magic pill. It's just you and you have to have a desire to achieve something. You have to work and no one will do it for you. Motivational bullshit? Perhaps. But when do some people realize that there are no quick fixes, but fat loss is about caloric deficit, patience, and hard work? You can have a coach with you, you can use our Online Coaching, but you have to work. We'll teach you what to do, like, why, when, you have a chance to ask endless questions 24 hours 7 days a week, we can hang out with you on Skype day in and day out… but we won't eat and eat for you. It's up to you. And if you realize that everyone can have the character they desire and everyone can lose fat, but the change doesn't come in 4 minutes, you may be another of those people who will reach their goal and the path may be winding, but you will have a smile on face.
Titles like this are created because they drive read, many people believe in them, and after discovering those magical foods, they think something will change. But nothing will change. If there's someone who believed our headline and thought they'd finally find 8 foods they had to eat to lose weight, congratulations. Really, no irony. If you read this, you probably already realize in this paragraph that your search for abbreviations, laziness and slander leads to a dead end. If you want to lose weight, you have to be in caloric deficit. That is the basis. Then you have to take in enough protein. Then determine a reasonable ratio of carbohydrates to fats. Ideally, you will incorporate exercise into your life. In all this, focus on at least 80% of the nutritionally valuable, least processed foods, do not forget about fiber and add the rest of the calories with whatever you like. We have articles about everything, we discuss each topic from different angles. Try it. Study the articles, write down the individual findings and come and try it. Look for shortcuts. Magic pills. None of this will work.
But what about foods with negative calories?
We can't forget about those after all! After all, according to some experts, there are certain foods that have negative calories and make us lose weight. A typical example is grep. I guess it's a classic "fairy tale" that anyone who tripped over the exercise knows. "Have a grapefruit, ideally grapefruit juice. He is more for weight loss and burns fats. " Another of the things that don't apply.
The theory of foods with negative calories probably originated due to the thermal effect of food (TEF). In simple terms, TEF represents the amount of energy needed to process the food itself after it has been consumed. This is a certain loss of energy consumed. Fats have the lowest TEF (1-3%), carbohydrates are somewhere in between (5-10%) and proteins have the highest TEF value (15-30%). TEF primarily affects the distribution of macronutrients in this meal and the total calories of the meal. However, the maximum of 30% is not 100%. It is foolish to lose weight from some foods because they are negative calorie foods.

If the logic and the property of TEF are not enough for you, we can safely look at the study, where the subjects consumed half of the grapefruit before each meal. Are you surprised that such research also exists? In any case, the conclusions of the research are that no differences in weight were found between the groups.
Fortunately, many of the foods labeled as magical with negative calories are low-calorie. The second advantage, many of them are also nutritionally valuable and our intake of micronutrients will certainly enrich, which is ultimately very beneficial in the diet and if we talk about fruit, it will help us with fiber intake and again - fiber is very important not only when losing weight. Foods with the label "for the poor", "miraculous", "with negative calories" are therefore not suitable for consumption, but the point is perhaps everyone understands. These are just extra foods and calories, and you can also gain grapefruit as long as it helps you to be in caloric excess because of it.
There are no foods to lose weight from, and there are no foods to gain weight from. This is one thing that will probably never die. The questions of whether * getting any food * is gaining weight and whether it is * getting any food * diet are really immortal, which is why the concept of IIFYM was created a few years ago, but some are still a bit spoiled, mainly because of the reasons in this article. In any case, now the roles of the two groups I mentioned at the beginning of the article are reversed a bit. The first group doesn't have that protein in me (maybe another time) and the second group finally smiles because they realize a lot of things. Perhaps. They need it.
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