Milk and dairy products are said to be harmful to people, useless and others say anabolic and healthy. What is the reality?
Another topic we simply had to focus on. Milk, resp. Dairy products are associated with so many adjectives that it's unbelievable. After all, dairy products are said to be good, anabolic, tasty, healthy and at the same time harmful, deadly, unnecessary and inhuman. After we break down the gluten into the last grain, let's look at the milk and the products made from it.

At the end of 2016, a study was published on the impact of cow's milk on human health. What did she reveal? "The sum of all the evidence supports the view that the intake of milk and dairy products contributes to the fulfillment of various nutritional recommendations for nutrients and can protect against various chronic non-communicable diseases, while only isolated side effects have been reported." Now a little skeptical. Some of the authors of the research received funding from the dairy industry to carry out the research. So is the above conclusion and other sentences from the research completely out of the question? Not. People should understand that funding is often an opportunity to carry out studies with even better methodology, accuracy and overall quality. However, this will probably not convince you, and if you are a skeptic, you will say that it is simply nonsense, they got money, they said what they wanted and thus it goes out. All right, let's move on.
At about the same time, a meta-analysis was created based on how sponsorship works in the studies and how it affects the results. Of all the reports, they concluded: “While industry-sponsored studies tend to have positive results for the industry compared to non-sponsored ones, the differences were not significant. The sponsored studies were of the same or better quality than those involving other sources of funding. ” Of course, research is not like research, and therefore it is necessary not to read only abstracts. A good example could be the topic of BCAAs.
Many people say that we should not have milk in the menu because it is not intended for us humans. It is intended for calves! As Alan Aragon jokingly put it, for some reason it's okay to stab a fork into a juicy quadriceps cow, but to have milk is almost a crime and …a .. poor calf. According to this logic, people should only eat adults. Let's take a look at more studies and start with what is probably the most inflected. Milk = calcium = bone health.

Calcium, milk and really interesting findings
Let's look at a summary by some researchers based on various studies on this topic that increasing calcium intake and consuming dairy products or milk has little benefit to bone health in children and adolescents. Many people now raised their eyebrows now, in the same way that people raised their eyebrows at the time. When we look at the footnotes, we see a statement that there have been no conflicts of interest. If we take a closer look, we find that behind this research is a group of vegetarianism and animal rights activists (PCRMs) promoting veganism and degrading any animal products. In 1991, they even wrote to the US Department of Agriculture calling on them to reform and modify the four food groups to consist exclusively of cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. So really no conflicts of interest? Say it yourself.
A more comprehensive review of major researchers yielded a total of 139 studies from 1975 to 2000 on the relationship between calcium intake and bone benefits at higher calcium intake. Two studies showed zero benefit (one had high calcium intake and one had postmenopausal women and their estrogen reduced bone loss) and 52 controlled studies showed benefits. And 64 of the 86 studies showed a correlation between calcium and a reduced risk of fractures. We have most of the research in 3 decades with positive results. When there is enough protein in the diet, also with calcium intake, they work synergistically to build bone health. So yes. Milk = calcium = bone health. So at least that's what real science says so far.
An examination of the topic "milk proteins and improving metabolic health" reveals how milk proteins could improve glucose control levels and how they affect muscle mass. People consuming dairy products tend to have a lower risk of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease. Virtually all proteins in dairy products have the potential to improve metabolic health. In addition, dairy products contain enough micronutrients. Thus (and not only here) whey and casein, the two primary components in dairy products, have been shown to be a very good source of protein providing a wide range of amino acids and also to facilitate digestion. In addition, they can improve insulin action, increase satiety, reduce blood pressure and increase muscle protein synthesis and improve immune function. Milk and dairy products can be boldly considered a great source of food. But it is true that heating can cause some of the slight loss of vitamins and, to a lesser extent, minerals. Here, pasteurization was shown to reduce thiamine from 0.45 to 0.42 mg / L, vitamin B from 3.0 to 2.7 /g / L, and vitamin C from 2.0 to 1.8 mg / L. If someone happens to be interested in the issue of hormones & milk, I recommend studying the research and information in this foreign article. In short, if we should still be afraid of milk, it probably doesn't have to be because of hormones.
Drinking milk and consuming dairy products is not a guarantee that we will live to be 100 years old and be the healthiest in the world, but the statements that they provide no benefits are simply quite unfortunate. There is evidence that milk proteins improve insulin action, increase muscle mass and bone density, reduce fat%, the risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Adding such foods to your diet can help you. Other proteins also provide us with many benefits and it will be best to have balance in your diet. However, if for some reason you do not want to consume dairy products, nothing will happen to you and it is only your choice.
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