3x about how to motivate yourself to exercise. How to train when the gym is closed and your training possibilities are minimized?
Moving into training can be a problem. Korona measures allow us to have time, but often lacks taste ...
Training is an activity like any other. Whether you implement it or not, only you decide. How is it possible that someone is exercising and considers it a drug and cannot wait for further training? Someone is training (even the same training) and after the first series of hundra, that everything hurts? The answer is our own attitude, our decision. In this article, I will try to positively influence your decision.
The current measures (Korona) have given us a lot of time. Several people have written to me that they would train but do not have the "juice" to train at home or outdoors. They lack motivation.
At the beginning of this topic, it is important to answer the question of why people do not exercise or why they stop exercising. Yes, it's a clear, lack of motivation. But motivation also comes from something. Loss or lack of motivation for training is most often influenced by 3 factors. It is either one of these factors or a combination of them.
Motivation for training is most often influenced by the following factors: Frustration with the (in) results of training, Age - old age, and lack of time.
It may be another, but I suppose the vast majority of people will fall into one or more of these factors.
To answer the question from the introduction "How to motivate yourself to exercise?" I will briefly describe the reason and then how you can overcome it.
1.Frustation of (non) training results, resp. training without achieving results.
Nothing is more frustrating than when you decide to train, you expend energy, you try and the results don't come.
From the practice of a personal trainer, I can guarantee that the best motivation for further training are the results in the form of body shaping and improving fitness (including movement). Health comes second. Although it shouldn't be like that. In healthy people, health is a secondarily appreciated effect, if at all.
A fruitless exercise usually has several pitfalls.
Too little training
Too much training or insufficient regeneration,
Incorrect training procedure (program).
Solution or how to achieve training results.
There are two solutions. Again, it is necessary to apply one but often both. Adjustment of the training program and adjustment of the lifestyle (including adjustment of the diet).
The training program should be such that you especially enjoy it. And by enjoying you, you will achieve results. This is how both of my training books for beginners are set up. Start training with MOTION for Men and Start training with MOTION for Women.
It can also be the most advanced training plan / program. If, according to him, you will not enjoy training, sooner or later you will cough it up and thus give up the results. A properly set up training program should theoretically be set up professionally, regularly and effectively. In practice, however, it must also meet the aspect of simplicity and fun. I paid great attention to both levels, theoretical and practical, when creating my books for women, for men and in my online program Membership in MOTION (you will find all products in our eShop).
Choose a training program especially so that it entertains you. Everything else will come afterwards.
2. Age or old age. I'm old enough to start training.
People will say that they are simply training and taking care of their body is getting old.
I think that the older we are, the more we should take care of our body and the more we should reserve more space in our lives for our training. Why?
Because several studies that have looked at training seniors have shown that the body does not lose age because we grow older but more because we do not use it.
Yes, of course, rising age does not add to our fitness in the long run. But history (and the media) are full of people who have reached and cultivated their characters in fantastic condition despite old age.
In addition, the old rule "the older, the more reasonable" applies. In the end, an individual who trains for a long time and prudently always achieves a better form than a conceived young man without a pinch of balance. And this also applies taking into account that some people may have better genetic predispositions to sports, a better figure and the like.
Globally, this means that a long-term prudent trainer with both average and below-average genetic equipment defeats a genetically gifted sloppy who trains incorrectly and does not adapt to training in other areas of life. It is a situation that I can confirm again from the coach's practice.
This is also proved by my cooperation, which I can be proud of. And that is also the answer to the solution.
The solution or why age / old age is not an obstacle in body shaping in training.
Stanka is a 5-time grandmother (60) who, with the help of my book Start Training with MOVEMENT for Women, lost almost 20 kilograms. She maintains her line (even slimmer), has more energy than she was 20 years ago, is more mobile and feels great. I dedicated a separate article to Stank and her results - Training and results according to the book Start exercising with MOVEMENT for Women. Or how women in their 60s can easily shape their figure.
Janko is also a grandfather who started serious training due to a very poor health condition at the age of 61. Today (70) he owns a figure that can be envied even by men 30 years younger and his movement and strength skills are better than 50% of today's 30s (ie 40 years younger). I wrote a whole article about Janek a few years ago, because his "journey" is a real inspiration - The story of a man who started training at the age of 61 and today is not even 50 years old.
These are just two examples, but in my practice since 2000, I have witnessed dozens of such inspirational stories. You can find a few more on my website in articles (stories) or in personal trainer references.
3. Lack of time for training.
In the current situation, many people have a little more time than is standard in non-corona measures. Whether you have time now or still, the situation is the same.
If you have time for training, keep it, if you do not have time for training, reserve it.

It is a misconception that training must be time consuming in order to deliver results. I assume you have already met, with 1 hour of training a day representing only 4% of your whole day.
I have some additional information for you that will further reduce this 4% and expand your options. This information is not just data from books but factual facts.
The solution or lack of time for training is relative.
You don't even need an hour. And not every day at all. For absolutely top training, 30-40 minutes are enough for you. You can divide these 30-40 minutes into several parts during the day.
Training resp. you do not achieve the results of training by the passage of time. You achieve the results of the training by stimulating the muscles. And the most effective stimulation is, among all the method-forming factors of training, intensity.
Intensity does not mean you have to do an hour of training in half the time. The intensity is very individual and you can achieve muscle stimulation after doing 2-3 series of exercises. Practicing 2-3 series even in the most difficult version means 5-10 minutes of exercise.
If you find this time repeatedly during the day, you have won. Even the most busy person in the world can really find 5-10 minutes.
If you do not know how to train and achieve results and the suggested options are not enough for you, I offer you individual training in the comfort of your home (online).
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