nedeľa 30. augusta 2020

Is it true that muscles grow faster after muscle? |

 Is it true that muscles grow faster after muscle?

Did it happen to you that the next day after training you walked like Bambi, and you had to stick to the wall while sitting down and getting out of the toilet? Muscle, muscle or fever is often a delayed consequence of training. Many people consider it a sign of honest exercise and with pain comes the satisfaction of progress.

You, too, may have experienced a debate in the style of: "Well, I was destroyed yesterday, I can't even raise my hand." I think the expected response is not regret, but nodding and acknowledging. Is muscle really necessary for muscle progression and growth? Are trainings insufficient without her? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the factors that affect muscle growth, delayed muscle pain and its importance for building muscle mass.

How do muscles grow?

Muscle hypertrophy

One of the exceptional properties of the human body is its adaptability, and this also applies to muscles. By changing our lifestyle, muscle tissue has the ability to grow, even though each of us builds muscles differently and at our own pace. Through strength training, we evoke the need for the body to adapt, which leads to muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is an enlargement of a tissue or organ due to the enlargement of its cells. Lifting heavy weights is one of the most common ways behind larger and shaped muscles. There are two types of muscular hypertrophy - myofibrillary and sarcoplasmic.

In myofibrillar hypertrophy, muscle tissue enlarges, more precisely myofibrils - its contraction part. Without it, movement would not be possible and the effect of myofibrial hypertrophy increases strength and speed. This is due to an increase in myofibrils in the muscle, which will increase the strength and density of the fibers.

The second type of hypertrophy is sarcoplasmic, which increases energy storage and endurance. Between the bundles of muscle tissues, there is the sarcoplasm, a fluid that fills the space between the tissues in the muscles. During sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, the volume of this fluid in the muscles increases. Muscles look larger, but this type does not cause an increase in tissue or strength.

What affects muscle growth?

The answer to this question has been humanity since time immemorial, and the knowledge that power is growing by lifting heavy weights has been known for years. If you imagine the Middle Ages or the 17th century, we may surprise you. Lifting heavy weights goes much further, and one of the "pioneers" was Million from Croton. His training would certainly infuriate many bodybuilders even today. Million was an ancient wrestler and won the Olympics 6 times in a row. What was his secret? He lifted and carried a newborn calf on his shoulders. He did this for more than 4 years and the calf has grown into an adult ox. Training with a calf was actually strength training, thanks to the growth of the animal, the load also increased, which resulted in an increase in the wrestler's muscle mass. This story is about 2600 years old and since then the knowledge of muscle function has shifted a lot.

The process of muscle growth can be divided into three stages - from stimulus to a change in muscle protein synthesis. The process is divided into:

initial stimulus,
molecular signaling,
synthesis of muscle proteins.

The second study is, according to scientists, molecular signaling, ie the pathways are activated by training, and apparently, are involved in the increase of muscle protein synthesis. The signals result in a temporary increase in the rate of protein synthesis in the muscles. Simply put, you start exercising, and the increased voltage triggers signals that result in a higher rate of protein synthesis. When it comes to muscle fever, we will be most interested in the first point - the initial stimulus.

According to scientists, the initial stimulus includes 3 factors:

Mechanical stress
Metabolic stress
Muscle damage

During mechanical tension in muscles, in addition to mechanical changes, there are also chemical ones. The voltage is involved in the process of cell signaling, which includes a protein abbreviated as mTOR (mechanistic Target of Rapamycin). In the body, mTOR has the function of reconciling the metabolism and eukaryotic growth of cells with the inputs of the environment, such as growth factors and nutrients.

Another factor is metabolic stress, which is involved in muscle growth due to the formation of metabolites in the blood. There are several of them and they include creatine, lactate or also inorganic phosphate. The accumulation of by-products could occur so-called. "Cell swelling" - an increase in water in the muscles. It is another name for intracellular hydration, and according to several studies, "swelling" controlled by hydration can both increase protein synthesis and also reduce proteolysis (protein breakdown).

Muscle damage is basically an inflammatory reaction in which several types of white blood cells get into a damaged part of a muscle to take care of unwanted parts. As a result of the release of white blood cells, a process associated with the growth of "satellite cells" is triggered. These are activated by training and their role is to bind to the muscles, thus supporting the repair and growth of muscle fibers. From this point of view, it can therefore be argued that muscle damage also has a certain effect on muscle growth.

By mechanical stress, we mean training with weights, when you get muscles under stress, and the result of the training is ultimately muscle damage. It is the rupture of the muscles that leads to the training muscle, ie to delayed muscle pain (DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). [6]

Training muscle and muscle growth

What is DOMS?

The abbreviation DOMS stands for the result of training or other physical activity in which cracks form on muscle tissue. According to scientists, delayed muscle pain occurs 12 - 24 hours after training and peaks on the first to third day. Each of us has a different body, and therefore the muscle is of different lengths.

You have been training regularly for several months, maybe years, and you are just saying that you have not felt muscles for some time. Does that mean you're doing something wrong? DOMS mainly affects two groups of people - beginners and people who have changed their training. You will remember that in the beginning you had muscles regularly and often started to disappear. When you change your training, there is a change in tension, as well as a higher adaptive response. By changing your workout, you have been surprised by your muscles, which can react to the muscles.

As already mentioned, the training muscle can be different. The main symptoms are sore and stiff muscles. However, there are also symptoms that a person should be careful about, such as reduced range of muscle movement, muscle swelling, or touch-sensitive muscles.

Do muscles grow after muscle?

After the introductory chapters, we come to the key question - is muscle muscle beneficial for muscle growth, or is it not related to its building at all? Expecting a muscle at a higher weight or intensity will logically trigger the body's response. On the contrary, with regular training with approximately the same intensity, the muscle may not appear at all. The body tends to adapt to the increased load. Therefore, if you train stably for several months, your body will get used to it. Would it make sense to you that with the same weights and training plan, you would always have the same muscle mass?

Another important fact is that the muscle does not affect all muscle parts in the same way. Examples are forearms and deltoid muscles (shoulders) that you can train, and typical delayed pain may not occur, even for beginners. This is also confirmed by a study from 2013, in which it was found that the muscles of the shoulder muscles are not the same as those of the biceps or legs. You must have just remembered your last leg day and the subsequent walk up the stairs. There will probably be something to it.

Three different studies from 2010 and 2012 looked at the link between muscle fever and muscle growth. The research from 2010 was focused on 20-day intensive training and as a result there was an increase in muscle damage associated with reduced rest. The consequence? This led to a loss of strength. According to the premise of muscle after muscle, the result should look the opposite. One of the studies from 2012 stated that there was a decrease in muscle activation due to the muscle from the previous training. Again, the exact opposite result. The most interesting conclusion is another study from 2012, in which they examined the functionality of the muscle "with muscle". Like the previously mentioned researches, the conclusion is probably surprising here, because a decrease in strength of 50% was found in the examined muscle. There is certainly more research on this or a similar topic, but 3 independent sources lead to the same conclusion - muscles do not grow faster after muscle.

On the other hand, there is research from 2010, which shows that muscle can contribute to muscle growth to some extent. Powerlifters use high weights during training and their breaks are longer. On the other hand, there are bodybuilders with average weights and shorter breaks between sets. Which of the options is better for muscle hypertrophy is not entirely clear, although both types perform well in gaining muscle. As already mentioned, in addition to metabolic stress and mechanical pressure, muscle damage is also present during muscle growth. Muscle damage is therefore not an explicit condition for progress in muscle building, because even training without a muscle causes muscle growth. To sum it up, "strong muscles" do not necessarily mean high progress in muscle building, and conversely, minimal or no muscle fever indicates slow progress. Muscle fever is also affected by genetics, diet, training program and regeneration. Therefore, if your friend brags about crazy muscle, it may not be directly proportional to better muscle building.

There is other evidence of a relationship or, better said, a "non-relationship" of muscles and muscle muscle:

You can train your calves and shoulders and have progress without the crazy muscles.
Irregular training causes less muscle progression and more muscle mass.
As the frequency of training increases, muscle fever decreases, and this can support muscle growth.

In simple words, a muscle lasting 2 days does not mean double progress. Therefore, it does not make sense to "push" every workout until you know how to pick up a water bottle or get up from a chair the next day. Regularity and a reasonable approach to exercise are crucial, as exaggerated ideas can also be a path to injury. Don't have muscle? Be happy, others are trying to get rid of her.

How to get rid of muscle muscle?

The goal of several athletes is to train so that they feel delayed muscle pain after training. We also bring a chapter for those who wave muscle and would appreciate advice on how to get rid of it. We have selected a few tips and tricks, from conventional to non-traditional, to support the reduction of muscle fever:

Hydration - drinking water before, during and after training has, according to a study, affected men exercising in hot and humid environments. Whether you prefer an air-conditioned gym or running in the park, fluids can help you get rid of muscle fever.
Massage - according to a study from 2012, a "training" massage works effectively against the muscle. In addition, it can support the repair and functioning of cells. Recently, a massage roller has been one of the most popular massage aids. It is a great and undemanding way of car massage, thanks to which you will support the reduction of muscle swelling and muscle healing. Don't be put off by the pain of the massage and give the massage a chance after the workout.
Coffee - the positive effect of coffee on the muscle has been proven in several studies. The results of one of them even declare a 48% reduction in delayed muscle pain. In addition, you may be approached by another benefit of caffeine, which is its analgesic properties.

Cherries - whether fresh or in the form of juice, cherries contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Try drinking cherry juice for a few days as such an "anti-muscle treatment".
Don't overdo it - this tip may sound vague, but significant changes in training are a common cause of painful muscles. Increase the intensity of the exercise gradually, the better you can prevent delayed muscle pain, but at the same time increase safety during training. Ego lifting is not a myth, building muscle and strength is also about patience.

If we take it completely "broadly", the muscle has a certain effect on muscle growth. However, it is certainly not the case that the longer the muscle, the larger the muscles. Try to perceive it as a natural reaction to the stress caused by training. Don't have muscle fever because you've been training regularly for some time? Don't worry about it at all, you don't need it. Exercise is mainly about joy and the occasional mild muscle muscle is somewhat pleasant.

štvrtok 27. augusta 2020

Kids and Exercise: Does Strengthening Growth Stop and Should Kids Exercise at All? |

 Kids and Exercise: Does Strengthening Growth Stop and Should Kids Exercise at All?

When exercise and children are mentioned in one sentence, most people think of stunted growth in children, problems with joints and tendons at a later age, and more or less many believe that children should not exercise, they still have time…

It goes without saying that exercise is healthy and that activity has a positive effect on a person's overall health. Several studies confirm that physical activity has various benefits, such as:

More effective fat loss
Improving sleep quality
It helps to feel better and be more balanced with yourself
Overall improvement of mental health
Increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis
Increasing strength and muscle mass
Improving memory and many cognitive functions
Reducing the risk of heart disease
and this could be continued. Whether a person is older or 14 years old, the activity should be part of each of us, and according to research, we can say that exercise as such is only beneficial. And actually, is it necessary to mention research on this? At a time when obesity is on the rise, increased activity should be the alpha omega. Any movement in children is therefore welcome and whether it is walking, dancing, football, it is more or less the same. The impact on physical and mental health is huge.

Therefore, today we will focus more on the issue in which mixed opinions constantly prevail and these are some kind of dogmatic ideas rather than something relevant. Let's face it, let's first look at whether exercise stops children's growth. After all, this is probably the most widespread news.

Children, exercise and stopped growth or damage to health

To relieve you right from the start, there is no scientific consensus that exercising with dumbbells slows or stops growth in children and adolescents.

This myth arose from the idea that exercise damages the so-called growth plates or even pineal plates. They are softer in human development, so they are more prone to damage. Even if a child is injured (however), it can usually be cured. It is certainly scary for parents that the damage to these plates is about 15-30% of all bone injuries in children.

However, while many think that dumbbells & children are simply the wrong combination, the truth is that injuries are much more common in organized sports. And what now? Should parents let their children sit at home because… or what if? It's like thinking never to fly a plane in your life, because what if it falls. Never go to the sea in your life, because what if there is a shark. Should we all sit in the shelter, including the children, and wait for us to die? Don't exercise, don't move? For what if we go wrong and break our leg?

There are several studies that have a similar conclusion associated with the fact that exercise, dumbbells and children are fine. Strength training does not adversely affect growth, growth plates or the cardiovascular system. Strength training under supervision is not a greater risk of injury than any other sport or activity for young people. The current literature does not suggest that strength training in children and adolescents is negative, provided certain safety rules are followed.

To conclude, extensive research on the safety of resistant training in adolescents has not found any connection, respectively. there is evidence that it should have adverse effects on growth and there is no evidence that such training affects adult height.

Well, of course, one thing is a headless exercise with bad technique, overestimating your abilities, and the other thing is systematic training with a focus on technique (ideally directed by a quality trainer), proper breathing and the like. This should always be paramount in children and adolescents! We talk all the time about a sensible approach.

And now let's look at a systematic review and meta-analysis from 2019, which addressed the link between "fitness" in children and adolescents (3-18 years) in relation to health at a later age. In total, it was data with 21,686 participants. It has been shown that a higher level of "fitness" in childhood is associated with better body composition, higher bone density and a reduced risk of cardiometabolic problems later in life. Add to that a 2-year study involving 1,635 European children aged 6-11. The authors state from the results that poor physical fitness of children is associated with the development of cardiometabolic risk factors.

Children and adolescents should definitely move and it is not to the detriment of reasonable training in the gym. The literature does not suggest that sensible exercise should negatively affect the health of children and adolescents in any way, so let's try to discard the prejudices and dogmas that if a 13-year-old cat starts lifting dumbbells with a reasonable approach, ideally under supervision, it counts within a few years. No, quite the opposite.

Children and adolescents should definitely move and it is not to the detriment of reasonable training in the gym.

utorok 25. augusta 2020

Warming up, stretching, warming up and cooling down - are they really important? |

 Warming up, stretching, warming up and cooling down - are they really important?

Stretching or warming up are the basis of every training plan, which is unfortunately often forgotten. At the same time, it plays a really important role in building muscle, reducing muscle mass and eliminating injuries. Read what stretching techniques we know and what benefits they hide.

The difference between stretching, heating and cooling

The difference between stretching and warming up before training lies in their purpose. The goal of stretching is to increase flexibility and range of joints. However, when warming up, it is important to increase body temperature and blood flow to the muscles. Both of these techniques are usually performed before exercise, but you can do stretching even after training along with cooling. However, all three forms of exercise are part of one complex, which is warming up.

Warming up

Warming up before training is an important prevention of injuries. Proper warming revitalizes the cardiovascular system by increasing body temperature and blood flow to the muscles. Warming up also prepares your muscles for overload during training. If the muscles are sufficiently warmed up during warm-up, this will increase the range of motion and reduce the risk of injury during exercise. Examples of good warm-up are aerobic exercises, such as cycling, walking or jogging, which you should do for at least 5 to 10 minutes.


After exercise, your heart rate is increased and your muscles are tense. The purpose of cooling is therefore to return the heart rhythm to normal and prevent muscle formation. An example of cooling after training is, for example, fast walking with gradual deceleration. Cooling down is very important for endurance athletes, such as marathon runners, because it helps them regulate the flow of blood in the body after a long period of physical activity.


Stretching, stretching the muscles can be done before or after training. Its main purpose before training is to improve the extent of the joints and reduce the risk of injury during exercise. You can try stretching the whole body, or just focus on a specific group of muscles that you plan to exercise afterwards. After training, however, stretching performs a completely different function and its purpose is to prevent the onset of muscle. Stretching can also be very relaxing, both physically and mentally.

Benefits of stretching and warming up muscles

Improves performance

Inevitably the best benefit of stretching or warming up your muscles is their impact on your performance. It helps to improve in three effective ways:

Improves blood flow - heating or stretching for about 10 minutes has been shown to improve blood flow and open blood capillaries, which have been associated with improved subsequent physical performance.
Improves oxygen function - oxygen is released into the muscles faster at higher temperatures. If you indulge in stretching before training, you will warm up your muscles, which will be ready to give the best possible performance during training. If you miss stretching, it can take a long time for oxygen to be released into your muscles during your workout, which can have a negative effect on your performance.
Accelerates muscle contractions - warming up muscles before training raises body temperature. This results in better nerve transmission and muscle metabolism. As a result, your muscles will act faster and more effectively on all stimuli during and after training.

It serves as an accident prevention

With an effective and consistent warm-up before training, you relax the joints, increase their range and improve blood flow to the muscles. All of these aspects are extremely important in preventing injuries. The more your muscles are stiff and bloodless, the higher the risk of injury during exercise.

It removes heat from the body

Activation of heat removal mechanisms from the body contributes to effective cooling of muscles, which helps prevent overheating and subsequent overtraining. This benefit is especially important for demanding aerobic activity, such as running or cycling.

It balances the production of hormones

During physical activity, the body increases the production of various hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. They are directly responsible for regulating energy production and your physical performance. If you miss a warm-up before a workout, these hormones may be activated late and have no effect. On the contrary, you can activate them already during warm-up, which will give your body enough energy during training.

Advantages of cooling

Supports fast recovery after training

After intense and strenuous training, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. It is an organic substance that is formed during the breakdown of glucose in muscles. At rest, the body forms only a small amount and is transported to the liver, where it is converted back to glucose. However, during increased physical activity, more glucose is formed, which also creates a higher level of lactic acid, which the liver cannot process. Therefore, it is stored in the muscles and causes cramps, muscle pain or even muscle fever. It is the cooling phase after training that can help the process of eliminating lactic acid from the muscles. This helps to regenerate faster and prevents muscle formation. Creatine supplementation, which also supplies the muscles with energy, has proven to be another great means of reducing lactic acid production during training.

Reduces delayed onset muscle pain (DOMS)

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) usually begins a day or two after training. The pain you experience during or immediately after a workout is another type of muscle pain, also called acute muscle pain. This is due to the above-mentioned reason for the formation of lactic acid and is accompanied by pain immediately after training. 

DOMS can cause any exercise that creates small microscopic cracks in the muscle fibers. The body responds to this damage by increasing inflammation, which can lead to a delayed onset of muscle soreness. Symptoms of DOMS or muscle muscle to look out for may include:

to touch sensitive muscles
reduced range of motion due to pain and stiffness when moving
swelling of the affected muscles
muscle fatigue
short-term loss of muscle strength

Research has shown that effective prevention of DOMS is cooling after training with warm-up and muscle stretching, or massage of individual stressed muscle areas.

Types of stretching

Just as there are different types of training, there are several forms of stretching. When warming up, you can focus on static, dynamic, but also ballistic stretching. Let's see what the difference is between them.

Static stretching

This is the most common type of stretching. His technique is to stretch a muscle, or group of muscles, to its farthest point and then maintain that position. This type of stretching is considered to be the safest way to stretch muscles. It gives muscles and connective tissues enough time to relax.

Static stretching is usually done before strength training, by stretching the muscles you are going to exercise. However, many experts consider this type of stretching to be much less effective than dynamic stretching, as dynamic warm-up increases the range of motion significantly.

Dynamic stretching

Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching is a popular way to warm up muscles before aerobic exercise. Dynamic warm-up consists in maximally warming up the muscles by repeating the movement several times in a row. The purpose of dynamic stretching is therefore to improve flexibility before performing any sport, running, cycling or other aerobic activity. An example of dynamic stretching is, for example, a sprinter who takes excessively long steps before running to set the maximum range of motion for the upcoming power.

Ballistic stretching

Many exercisers confuse this type of stretching with dynamic stretching. However, there is a significant difference between them. The basis of the dynamic warm-up is formed by regular repeated and intentionally coordinated movements. However, ballistic stretching uses irregular, jerky, mostly aerobic movements, such as intense jumping or sprinting. At the same time, the limit of the maximum range of motion should be exceeded during ballistic stretching. However, it is important to note that this type of stretching is more prone to injury and should only be performed by experienced athletes.

Passive stretching

Depending on the type of force acting, stretching can be divided into passive and active. Passive stretching occurs when an external force helps to reach the maximum point of range. This can come through gravity, another person, or a tensioning device, such as strengthening rubbers or suspended strengthening systems. The point is that the muscle you want to stretch is not primarily stressed, so you can relax while stretching. Passive stretching is extremely effective in relieving muscle cramps that are treated for injuries.

Active stretching

Active stretching is characterized by the use of your own strength to maintain a stretching position. So this is the opposite of passive stretching. An example is lifting your foot off the ground while lying down, using only the power of your feet to keep it in the air. For passive stretching, you would use arm support, for example, to keep your foot in the air. Active stretching is therefore much more strenuous, but more effective in building muscle and flexibility.

Myofascial release

A massage roller or other massage device is used for this type of stretching. Its application to the muscles relieves myofascial tension and improves flexibility in the fascia. The fascia is a specialized system of connective tissue that unites the whole body. It affects bones, muscles, joints, nerves and is also found in the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, it is important to take care of the fascial system and stimulate it regularly. The tension at one fascial point also affects more distant places, as it is a closely interconnected system. Therefore, if you feel tension in the calf, believe that this tension is not only in the calf, but also in other parts of the body.

How to do proper and effective stretching

Duration of stretching - several studies suggest that stretching or cooling one muscle part should take approximately 30 to 60 seconds.

The number of repetitions - depends on several factors, such as your physical condition, age or gender. However, you should not overdo it with stretching and indulge in as many repetitions as you can. It is important to listen to your body.
Breathing - this will help you relax properly. You should inhale slowly before stretching a muscle and exhale slowly as you stretch it. Exhalation should not be enhanced, but natural.
When to Do Stretching - To achieve optimal results and prevent injury, stretching, warming up the muscles and cooling them should be part of every your training plan.
Types of stretching according to muscle parts
You already understand the theory of stretching and warming up muscles, it's time to start exercising. What should such stretching look like? It all depends on which game you decide to practice. However, it is optimal to focus on stretching the whole body.

Stretching the whole body

The advantage of stretching the whole body is that no matter what workout you are going to do, every muscle will be properly stretched. The basis is to start from the head and gradually move to the feet, while not forgetting any muscle part.

Stretching of individual muscle parts

An increasingly popular technique, especially for bodybuilders or fitness lovers, is to focus stretching only on certain muscle areas. Specifically for those that you are going to strain after stretching. So look at what the stretching of the muscles of individual parts of the body should look like.

Feet and ankles - many athletes, especially bodybuilders, forget to exercise this muscle part. These are muscles directly connected to the calf muscles or hamstrings. They are mainly used for running, cycling, but also strength training during the deadlift. Therefore, if you do not stretch your feet and ankles properly, you may cause unpleasant injuries.

Calf - The calf muscles are also often underestimated during warm-up. At the same time, it is in the calf that most muscle cramps occur during exercise. A great exercise during warm-up is to stretch the calf while standing against the wall. Therefore, stand facing the wall, step forward with your right foot and leave the left one facing outwards so that you are in a slight forward bend. Push the heel of the back outstretched leg towards the ground until you feel your calf tighten. Of course, there are many more exercises for the calf muscles, so you can always liven up your warm-up.

Thighs - here it is necessary to focus on stretching the front and back thigh muscles. When stretching the front muscles of the thigh, the "standing leg pulls" exercise is effective. Stand on both ground with both feet and bend one leg so that your heel touches your sciatic muscles. Then grasp the heel with your hands and hold it in this position for at least 30 seconds. During this exercise, you should feel your front thigh muscles tense. Conversely, if you want to train your back thigh muscles or hamstrings, you need to focus on a different kind of exercise. Sit straight on the ground. Keep your back straight and try to touch your toes with your fingers. However, never bend your legs at the knees during this exercise, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Back - when warming up the back, it is necessary to start stretching the cervical spine. This is exactly what is involved in many, whether cardio or strength exercises. The basic type of warm-up is bowing of the head towards the front, back, left and right. After exercising the cervical spine, you will go downwards, to the lumbar part, which you will stretch with a forward bend and a full body. You can also use yoga positions when practicing the neck, cervical spine, but also the lower back.

Shoulders, triceps and biceps - The basis of the shoulder stretching exercise is to stretch your arm, bend it at the elbow and place it behind your head while holding it with the other hand. Of course, this is one of the easiest exercises, but if you have a strenuous shoulder workout in the gym, you should focus on a more comprehensive warm-up. The same is true for triceps and biceps, to which you should devote separate time when stretching.

Breakdown of the training plan in steps:

muscle warming by short aerobic activity
stretching of the whole body or a selected group of muscles
the training itself
stretching the whole body after training

Keep in mind, however, that no results will be obtained without the correct execution of individual exercises. So if you decide to include stretching and warm-up in your training plan, which you should definitely do, study the proper exercise technique carefully.

nedeľa 23. augusta 2020

Manuka honey - a useless hype or a truly healing miracle? |

 Manuka honey - a useless hype or a truly healing miracle?

Do you know Manuka honey and its effects on the body? It is very popular in the world, despite its slightly higher price. This is due to its antibacterial properties, which make it different from regular honeys. Discover its benefits, which are far from only related to harmonization.

Honey - an ancient miracle with many benefits

Sweetener with a rich tradition

Bee behavior and honey production are as old as humanity itself. We probably won't know the exact year and the nation that started beekeeping. There are several resources on the Internet that offer several answers to the oldest mention of beekeeping. Somewhere it is Egypt and Spain - 6000 - 5000 BC, elsewhere today's territory of Turkey - 9000 years BC. In any case, beekeeping has been a part of our civilization for several millennia. It was known to the Romans, the Greeks, and was used for cooking or seasoning. The Greeks, for example, mixed it with cheese and made the cheesecake known today. With Christianity, the production of honey and wax increased even more due to the demand for candles. Today, perhaps, there is no man or nation who does not know this golden miracle, and for many people it is an integral part of the household.

Benefits of consuming honey

Consumption of honey has other benefits in addition to exceptional taste. The composition of honey is primarily a source of carbohydrates, sugars in honey are sweeter than artificial sweeteners and fructose has the largest share in it. You will also find several vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B2 and B3, pantothenic acid or magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and copper. In addition to a source of nutrients, natural honey is beneficial as a source of energy for athletes, contains antioxidants and supports digestion thanks to enzymes.

Scientists have also addressed the use of honey and its benefits for humans, and research has supported several benefits of honey:

helps against infections
is beneficial for wounds and burns
relieves the symptoms of a cold and cough
prevents reflux
helps with diarrhea

What is Manuka Honey?

Manuka honey is a type of honey that is very distinctive and different from commonly available honeys. This is due to its antibacterial properties, which make it very popular on the market. The belief that honey helps cure infections is centuries old and its use has stopped the discovery of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance has been rising recently, and scientists seem to have returned to the benefits of honey.

But what does the word "manuka" mean? The name honey is derived from the bush pollinated by bees. It is Leptospermum Scoparium, a small tree growing in New Zealand and Australia. The genus Leptospermum has 50 species in Australia, Malaysia or New Zealand. This shrub is quite hardy and can be found in the lowland to subalpine areas of New Zealand. Manuka has pointed leaves and white or pink flowers. It is able to grow in dry and dark places and the adult tree can handle long frosts and droughts. And why manuka? It is the name given to it by the Maori - the indigenous inhabitants of this area.

Maori used manuka leaves and bark from the tree, used it to treat fever and urinary problems, but also used it as a sedative or diuretic. It is also known as a tea tree because the colonists of the area made tea from its leaves. Captain James Cook was also said to have been a fan of this tea.

Important ingredients of Manuka honey

Like other honeys, Manuka honey contains primarily sugar, but also amino acids, B vitamins, iron, potassium or calcium, and zinc. However, Manuka honey is exceptional mainly due to three components:

Methylglyoxal (MGO)

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) - a component of nectar from manuka flowers, which is changed to MGO during honey production
Leptosperin - a component of nectar from manuka
MGO - a miracle in Manuka honey
MGO is the full name of methylglyoxal, and when it comes to the antibacterial properties of Manuka honey, this is the key ingredient. The antibacterial properties may be due to the content of hydrogen peroxide, which, however, is broken down in normal honey, thus losing this benefit. The presence of MGO in Manuka honey also retains these properties, even after the hydrogen peroxide disappears.

The MGO content in honey is in the range of 0 - 1000 mg / kg. Content from 100 mg is considered antibacterial and you can find a label on the products that you know contains at least 100 mg of MGO.

MGO is a very important component of Manuka honey because it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Interestingly, the US FDA has even approved bandages impregnated with Manuka honey, which can be sold on prescription outside the pharmacy in the US. 

UMF - quality mark

To determine the quality of Manuka honey, a UMF rating (Unique Manuka Factor) was created, its value expresses the concentration of MGO in honey. It was developed by the UMF Honey Association in New Zealand and is certified by producers who meet strict standards, testing each batch of honey. According to this, you know that you bought real Manuka honey from New Zealand. New Zealanders guard the quality of honey, because you must have a trademark license, which they only give you if the honey was produced, packaged and labeled in New Zealand. The products are tested to verify the purity and source of the honey, and it is regularly audited. Only honey that has passed all the tests can get a UMF rating, so you don't have to worry that you may have bought some "pseudomanicula". As the UMF value increases on the products, higher antibacterial properties of honey are also expected. Of course, this means that the products also have a higher price on the market. For a better idea, the table shows the MGO content, the UMF value and the use:

MGO content UMF value Application

83+ mg / kg 5+ An excellent nutritional supplement
263+ mg / kg 10+ Useful for maintaining health
514+ mg / kg 15+ Good antibacterial properties
829+ mg / kg 20+ Exceptional antibacterial properties

Honeys with a UMF value of 5 to 9 have a low MGO content, and are suitable for normal sweetening as a healthier substitute for other sweeteners. UMF from 10 to 14 has mild therapeutic effects, so you can use it, for example, to treat colds. Values ​​above 15 can be used for specific problems, such as heartburn, tooth decay, or sinusitis. 

In addition to New Zealand, Manuka honey is also produced in Australia, where it is also protected and certified. You can recognize 100% pure Manuka honey from Australia by the mark of authenticity awarded by the AMHA (Australian Manuka Honey Association). The mark is awarded only to producers who have passed a laboratory test and guarantees that the honey meets the minimum standards for the natural occurrence of MGO and DHA. There are 2 quality marks:

AMHA authentic - Manuka honey is made in Australia and tested for ≥ 85 mg / kg (ppm - 1 million) MGO and ≥ 170 mg / kg (1 million) DHA
AMHA authorized - Manuka honey is produced in Australia and tested for ≥ 30 mg / kg (ppm - 1 million) MGO and ≥ 60 mg / kg (1 million). Not all Manuka honeys in Australia and New Zealand meet the criteria for local differences in honey production. If the product does not meet the higher level criteria for the reasons mentioned, AMHA allows them to use this label on the basis of their expertise in honey production. Like UMF HA in New Zealand, AMHA cares about the quality of honey for maximum assurance that you will receive an honest and certified product.

Manuka honey is used to solve several problems, medical use is generally directed mainly to small wounds and burns. In the treatment of wounds, medical honey is used, which is sterilized and prepared as a "bandage". When buying Manuka honey, you may encounter sales for use in the treatment of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure or infection of the eyes, ears, or sinuses. Verified evidence of functionality in these difficulties is limited, so don't expect it to work up to 100%.

The benefits of using Manuka honey

Antibacterial properties

According to the WHO, antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health. However, Manuka honey can be useful in solving this problem. Laboratory results have shown the ability to reduce approximately 60 species of bacteria, including salmonella or E. colli. Research results that show Manuka's benefit in the fight against super bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Helicobacter pylori, have a very positive effect. This is great news because these bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. There is a benefit associated with bacteria in oral care because, according to research, Manuka honey is successful in stopping the growth of P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans. 

The antibacterial effects of Manuka honey can also be presented in terms of diseases caused by bacteria:

sore throat - Streptococcus mutans
gastric ulcers - H. pylori
upper respiratory tract infections (common in people with cystic fibrosis) - Burkholderia spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa
diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection - Clostridium difficile

Treatment of wounds and burns

Manuka honey is not just an antibacterial agent that prevents the spread of these microbes. Honey for medical purposes has the ability to help treat wounds and burns. According to the results of the 2015 survey, it is not clear whether honey is a better option in the treatment of mixed acute and chronic wounds, burns, pressure ulcers or other diseases. The review evaluated 26 studies involving a total of 3,011 people. As an overview, it states that due to the difference in wounds, it is not possible to draw a clear conclusion about the benefit of honey, but at the same time they provide positive information. According to the evidence, honey cures second-degree burns 4-5 days faster than regular dressings. In addition, there is some evidence of better effectiveness of honey in the treatment of wounds infected after surgery.

These are not directly wounds and burns, but a similar potential benefit of Manuka honey is related to the skin. This honey could be a natural way to treat acne, due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and its ability to heal wounds. Further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of honey in acne, but the properties already known suggest possible potential. You can apply the honey directly to the rash and let it dry, massage it into the skin and then rinse it, or prepare a mask. In any case, it is a harmless method of treatment, for which it is necessary to use a better type of honey. 

The results of a phase 2 study from 2011, which point to the potential of honey in the treatment of radiation-induced dermatitis in patients with breast cancer, are also related to the skin. The results of the phase 2 study declare a possible reduction in the duration of dermatitis episodes. These are side effects in patients' radiation. A lower incidence of grade 2 dermatitis was observed in the honey-treated group than in the water-treated group.

Disadvantages and risks of Manuka honey

Excellent nutritional content and many benefits, but you are definitely wondering if there is a catch in Manuka honey. One of the disadvantages that can discourage people is the price. It increases with a higher MGO content and UMF rating, which can stop a person without enough information about Manuk. However, keep in mind that Manuka is sold worldwide but is produced in New Zealand and Australia. In addition, it is a unique honey from the flowers of one plant, which also has antibacterial effects and is used for medical purposes.

In general, Manuka honey is safe for humans, but its use can be dangerous, of course, for people allergic to honey and bees. It is probably unnecessary to emphasize this, but because of its sugar content, diabetics should also approach it carefully. The NHS (National Health Service) does not recommend the use of Manuka for children under 1 year of age due to the possibility of bacteria in honey.

Final facts about Manuka honey

In this article, we introduced you to Manuka honey, its classification and certificates or the benefits of its consumption. Finally, we bring you interesting facts that you should remember about this exceptional honey:

Not every Manuka honey has clinically approved antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Honey testing is very important because not all regions of New Zealand have manuka trees containing DHA.
2 teaspoons 5+ and 1 teaspoon 10+ Manuka honey are not the same.
The flowers of the manuka tree bloom in summer for only 2-6 weeks.
Fake Manuka honey is also produced. One piece of evidence is that 10,000 tonnes were sold in 2014, but only 1,700 tonnes were produced in New Zealand.
There are no special "Manuka" bees.
If you thought that bees were making a living, be calm, because they produce up to 2-3 times more honey than we need.
Manuka honey has been and is the subject of research and we may see other benefits that this special type of honey brings. Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem and perhaps this honey will be the solution in the future. In the article, we introduced you to the benefits and everything important about Manuka honey. We believe we have once again broadened your horizons in the area of ​​healthy food and lifestyle.

štvrtok 20. augusta 2020

How to speed up metabolism and burn more? |

 How to speed up metabolism and burn more?

Do you feel that your friends' metabolism works better than yours? One cannot completely influence this process, but there are ways to "push" the speed a bit. By drinking half a liter of water, you can start it. Read the article on metabolism and ways to speed it up.

Metabolism - the transformation of substances in the body

Chemical processes take place in the body almost constantly. Even though we don't realize it, our body works to make it work. The term metabolism or metabolism refers to biochemical processes whose task is to "keep us alive". You will often encounter a division of reactions into anabolic and catabolic. In anabolic reactions, the body uses energy from catabolic processes to create cellular structures from smaller building blocks. An example is the formation of proteins from amino acids. Conversely, in catabolism, larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones in order to obtain energy. Catabolic reactions include the breakdown of food during digestion. Metabolism is very complex, it is important for health that the reactions take place correctly, because the rate of metabolism is also reflected in our weight.

The body needs energy to function, and its minimum to maintain biochemical processes is called the rate of basal metabolism. These are the calories needed for the most basic processes, such as breathing, circulatory function, or food processing. It depends on your age and lifestyle, but the rate of basal metabolism is about 40-70% of your daily energy needs.

In general, a "larger" body needs more energy to function. When we compare the need for energy, muscles need it more than fat, and therefore people with a higher proportion of muscle have a faster metabolism. Therefore, beware of drastic diets, in which you force the body to use energy from the muscles. Muscle loss will also slow down your metabolism. Maintaining and building muscle through lifestyle and exercise is an effective way to at least partially control the rate of metabolism.

Slower metabolism

Metabolism changes over life, due to lifestyle, but naturally also slows down with age. Do not believe? Maybe you are already at an age when you only remember with nostalgia how much you could have eaten some time ago, without gaining weight. Metabolism is key to maintaining weight, so slowing it down logically starts to pack up some pounds.

With age, the metabolism slows down, and according to research, this is mainly due to muscle loss and reduced activity. Mitochondria and sodium-potassium pumps are parts of the cell whose function also decreases with age, but they do not have as much effect on metabolism as activity and muscle loss. One of the functions of mitochondria is the production of energy, and the role of sodium-potassium pumps is to move sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane. Although the processes slow down with age, it somehow logically follows that a person naturally "wraps himself" with age, but to a certain extent we can influence it.

There can be several reasons for slower metabolism, including genetic equipment. It's not just a myth or a simple excuse. Researchers at Cambridge University have indeed discovered a gene that may be responsible for slower metabolic activity and overweight. The belief that obesity may be related to genes is older, but only now has a real gene been identified. It is called KSR2 and according to researchers, its mutation may reduce the ability of cells to metabolize glucose and fatty acids. This discovery is not just an official excuse for overweight people. In the future, we may see the use of the gene for medical purposes and the treatment of obesity.

In addition to genetics, hormones, various drugs, lack of sleep, stress or drinking can also cause a slower metabolism. The question remains whether it is possible to speed up the metabolism to work according to our ideas, and the answer is - to a certain extent. Unfortunately, you don't "move" with genetics, but you can support its speed with changes in your lifestyle, for example by training, proper diet or hydration. In addition to the general framework, there are specific habits that will help your metabolism start better.

How to speed up metabolism?

To some extent, we have control over metabolism, even though it slows down with age. We've selected a few ways for you to help your metabolism function properly.

Metabolism and exercise

Exercise and overall physical activity need to be put first in metabolism, as this is one of the key ways to speed it up. Muscles burn more calories than fat stores, even after a workout. This is due to EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), thanks to which your metabolism will remain faster even a few hours after exercise. EPOC can be translated as excessive oxygen consumption after exercise. It is the amount of oxygen needed to rebuild the body and is used, for example, to replenish oxygen in blood vessels and muscles, repair muscles after training or restore body temperature. The body needs about 5 calories to consume 1 liter of oxygen, increasing the amount of oxygen consumed during and after exercise will naturally increase the number of calories burned. The body needs not only energy for training, but also for subsequent recovery, and this must not be forgotten.

You can exercise in different ways and you are definitely wondering if it is better to prefer cardio or strength training. The truth is that both are useful and it would be ideal to have both aerobic and anaerobic training. Whether you prefer running or group exercise, the more intense your aerobic training, the more you burn. With a 30-minute jog, you will burn about 250 calories, in the same time during strength training you will burn only about 130 - 220 calories. So you burn more cardio during one workout. On the other hand, after strength training, the metabolism can be in the "accelerated mode" for another 38 hours, which is definitely not to be discarded. According to a 2001 study, weight training led to an increase in "resting" metabolism of 9% in men and 4% in women. Progress is more pronounced in men, but not even 4% are in vain. Younger and older respondents of both sexes were among the applicants, and at the end of the study the authors state that changes in the absolute and relative rates of resting metabolism were influenced by gender, not age. 

Although you can burn more calories with cardio, strength training will keep the "higher rate" of metabolism longer, while supporting muscle growth and maintenance. Whether aerobic or anaerobic, both affect our metabolism, fat burning and body formation. The number of calories burned during the day can support the activity, and it would be ideal to find time for regular cardio and strength training. In addition to purposeful time on the belt or with dumbbells, common activities are also beneficial, such as ignoring elevators and escalators, or walking to the shopping path. Surely you have heard acquaintances - they are poor because they have a fast metabolism. Maybe genetics really gave someone a faster metabolism, but maybe it's a more active person during the day.

Adequate protein intake

Proteins have a higher thermal effect than carbohydrates or fats. This means that you will burn more calories when consumed. By consuming proteins from the diet or in the form of nutritional supplements, you will supplement their amount, which will also support metabolism. According to a 2008 study, a daily intake of 25-30% of calories from protein can increase metabolism per day by up to 80-100 calories. You can therefore support your metabolism by choosing a diet with a higher protein content.

Vitamins and minerals to support metabolism

Not only proteins help to start metabolism, and thus better burn calories. Vitamins and minerals also have a role to play, which you should definitely not forget. Here are some examples:

B vitamins - you may know them by names, such as niacin, biotin or thiamine, or by number. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 or B12 are present in several processes in the body, and include metabolism. You can find them in meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, or in the B-complex and other supplements.
Vitamin D - we take it when staying in the sun, but we also find it in the diet and supplements. According to scientists, it could be beneficial in regulating blood sugar and improving insulin resistance in patients with diabetes. Not only for metabolism, but overall health, it is right to maintain a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Supplementing vitamin D will support your immunity, bones or cognitive function.
Magnesium - a mineral also known as magnesium, the deficiency of which is unfortunately common in today's world, which can lead to problems with nerves, blood pressure or insulin sensitivity. It is important for maintaining proper metabolism and can be found in bananas, spinach or whole grains.
Iron - we need it for oxygen transfer in blood cells, cell function, but also metabolism. Its low level means that not enough oxygen gets into the muscles and there is insufficient burning of fat as fuel. Iron is found in meat, legumes or nuts.
Calcium - is generally known for the benefits associated with healthy bones, but in addition it is useful for healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels. Almost all calcium is found in bones and teeth, but it is also important for muscles and the nervous system. Research from 2010 suggests that higher doses of calcium with vitamin D may have a positive effect on weight loss. Its sources are dairy products, but also broccoli, kale and most cereals.

Metabolism and fluid intake

The human body is largely made up of water and hydration is essential for life. According to several studies, drinking fluids is also useful for our metabolism. You may not think of it, but one of the reasons is the heating of the drunk water in the body. A 2003 study examined energy expenditure after drinking 500 ml of water. According to the article, the metabolic rate increased by 30%, with maximum values ​​occurring after 30-40 minutes and a thermogenesis value of 100 kJ. 40% of energy was used to heat the water in the body from 22 to 37 ° C. 100 kJ is not 100 calories and for some it may be a negligible amount, but on the other hand it is great that we can support the metabolism with such a normal and undemanding activity. Not to forget, drinking water is also useful for feeling full, and according to research, a person eats less if he drinks 30 minutes before a meal.

We are not only talking about drinking clean water, but also coffee and tea are among the drinks to support metabolism. Green tea can be a great alternative if you are not a fan of drinking clean water. According to research, the content of catechins and caffeine in tea can start metabolism, and even oolong or green tea will help improve the use of fat stores as energy. For the sake of objectivity, it should be added that there is also research that demonstrates the zero effect of these teas on metabolism. Its impact can be minimal, but at the same time a pleasant added value for green tea lovers. Do you prefer coffee? Coffee also has a benefit for metabolism. Six different studies have confirmed that coffee makers who drink 3 coffees a day burn 100 more calories a day. This is probably not a reason to increase daily doses of caffeine, but it is a nice bonus for people who cannot imagine in the morning without coffee. [24] [26] [27]

Want to know more about the benefits of green tea? You will find everything important in the article - 8 positive effects of green tea for the health of athletes.

Other ways to support metabolism

The effects of training, hydration or green tea may vary because each of us's metabolism works differently. In addition, we list other potential ways to aid your metabolism:

Chili and Spices - Ginger or chili peppers containing capsaicin can help kick metabolism
Eating at regular intervals - a long period without food can slow down calorie burning. Regularity is beneficial for the body, it is not harmful to consume small courses every 3-4 hours.
Energy drinks - contain caffeine and some also taurine, an amino acid with a potential effect on fat burning. Keep in mind, however, that in addition to caffeine, you will often find high sugar content in them.

Don't forget to sleep - lack of rest "scatters" levels of ghrelin (a hormone of hunger) and leptin (a hormone of satiety), which can prevent overeating. Being active is great, but adequate rest is also beneficial.
Metabolism changes during life and we do not have a full influence on its rate, but we can influence its activity by physical activity, diet and other factors. Metabolism changes with age, which is another reason why efforts to improve it are justified.

utorok 18. augusta 2020

Insects and beetles - all important before you taste a cricket |

 Insects and beetles - all important before you taste a cricket

One would not be able to survive without food, and the human diet has undergone significant changes throughout history. For all, let's mention, for example, the changing attitude towards egg consumption. In addition to the correct nutritional composition, availability and chemical treatment, we are interested in the ecological side of things. The consequences of mass animal husbandry probably do not need to be presented separately. Recently, insects and beetles have often been mentioned as a new possible alternative for improving the sustainability of the planet. Is this the future we need to prepare for? In the article we will introduce you to the advantages, disadvantages, facts and interesting information about insects, more precisely insects on a plate.

Insects and beetles - food of the future?

"Don't be afraid of beetles in food, because they are proteins." I don't know about you, but I've heard this wannabe funny comment several times. It is also known to sigh that one day we will all eat insects. However, insects on a plate are not the music of the future. Approximately 2,000 species of insects are already consumed in 113 countries, and native cultures in Africa, Asia or South America have been eating certain insect species for centuries.

Consumption of beetles or insects is not new and there is also an official term for it - entomophagy. It is not uncommon for certain parts of the world to collect larvae, eggs, pupae or adult insects for consumption.

I believe that many of you have your forehead wrinkled and twisted at this point. The aim of the article is not to "wind" you into baked crickets, but to bring information from around the world. Many of us have trouble consuming certain foods that others may consider a delicacy. For example, such sushi or seafood, are you lovers of them or can you not stand them at all? Food is also subject to trends and there are several examples. Today, lobster is a sought-after and quite luxurious delicacy, but it was once eaten by a poor part of the population and was considered a "sea cockroach". You will certainly remember the popularity of certain types of food at a certain time. In the USA, Italian cuisine was "in" in the 1950s, Mexican in the 1970s and sushi in the 1990s. 

By this we just want to say that a certain part of the diet popular in your region can come strange and disgusting to other cultures. In Mexico, Laos or Europe, escamoles are considered a gourmet delicacy, it sounds similar to guacamole, but it is actually the eggs of ants. You can find up to 164 species of insects on the market in Bangkok. Some are eaten for nutritional content, others for their appearance. The most commonly consumed insect species include:

the Beatles

Benefits of consuming insects

Nutritional content

When it comes to nutrients, insects often tend to be a source of protein, but in addition to protein, they contain fiber, healthy fats, and even vitamins and minerals. Nutrients in food insects are similar, and variations may be due to the method of preparation, their origin or the way they make a living. For a better overview of nutrients, we present a table with average values ​​of nutrients in common meat and insect sources, which were published in a study from 2015:

Energy values ​​(Kcal) Protein (g / 100 g portion) Fats (g / 100 g portion) Saturated fats (g / 100 g portion)
Beef 169 20.6 9.3 3.8
Chicken 152 19.9 7.2 1.81
Pork 186 20.1 12.4 3.5
Cricket (adult) 153 20.1 5.06 2.28
Darkling larva (larva) 247 19.4 12.3 2.93
Silkworm caterpillar 128 14.8 8.26 3.45

We mentioned that insects are not only a source of protein, but also vitamins and minerals. We therefore present another table from the same source to compare the content of selected minerals and vitamins:

Iron (mg / 100 g serving) Calcium (mg / 100 g serving) Vitamin C (mg / 100 g serving) Vitamin A (mg / 100 g serving) Vitamin B1 - thiamine (mg / 100 g serving) Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin ( mg / 100 g portion) Vitamin B3 - niacin (mg / 100 g portion)
Beef 1.95 5 0 * 0 0.08 0.23 4.7
Chicken 0.88 8 1.1 0 0.075 0.16 6.5
Pork 0.8 7 0 0 0.77 0.235 5.6
Cricket (adult) 5.46 103 3 6.53 0.04 3.41 3.84
Darkling larva (larva) 1.87 42.9 1.2 9.59 0.24 0.81 4.07
Silkworm caterpillar 1.8 42 - - 0.12 1.05 0.9

* value “0” was used for trace amounts

In many countries, the consumption of insects is quite common and is a source of protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Crickets contain the mentioned iron, calcium, B12, omega-3, but in addition they are exceptional for one more thing - they are a full source of protein. This means that they contain all 9 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce on its own and needs to take from the diet. This fact moves crickets to other full-fledged resources, such as meat, dairy products or eggs. From this point of view, they are actually a better choice than incomplete sources of proteins, for example some proteins of plant origin.

The idea of fried or cooked crickets may not be a tempting vision. But what would you say to cricket flour? A full-value source of protein, which also contains fatty acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium and vitamin B12. Today you can buy flour, protein bars or pasta from this flour. Her taste remains a question. Each of us perceives the taste of our own, but many describe the taste of cricket flour and protein as slightly nutty and more pleasant than they thought. Even the taste of cricket flour pasta is similar to ordinary pasta. You will usually notice only a slight difference in the texture, which is "grainier" and similar to wholegrain pasta. However, when mixed with the sauce, they do not taste particularly different. You can make pancakes from the flour or add it to your favorite smoothie.

Proteins and insects are legally associated because dried insects contain from 20 to 76% protein depending on the type. In 100 g of locusts you will find 14 - 28 g of protein and 14 g contains the same amount of red ants. In addition, 100 g of ants will provide you with up to 71% of your daily iron intake. You may find it disgusting, but suppose there are parts of the world where they would have no problem consuming them. Who knows, on the contrary, they would have a problem with pork liver, which is popular in several European countries.

Sustainability of our planet

One of the main arguments for consuming insects is the "eco-plane" of the whole thing. Today's food system has a negative impact on our planet. Water use, pollution, deforestation or biodiversity loss are not negligible impacts. Whether you admit it or not, the food system makes a significant contribution to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. According to the United Nations, there will be a little more of us by 2050, more precisely 9.7 billion. From a dietary point of view, this will mean that twice as much food will be needed to feed so many people. Are you saying that we will start growing and breeding more? Unfortunately, we do not have enough arable land to feed so many people. 2050 is a long way off for many, because it is a horizon of 30 years, but today's data show that there are already 7.8 billion of us already.

Compared to cattle, insects are a much more gentle choice because they require less soil, water and also emit less greenhouse gases. Insect farming today has less of an impact on the planet as a source of protein than conventional sources.

Insect farming can be interesting for farmers in terms of soil and machinery, as it requires less land and the use of machinery. This fact can be an advantage especially in less developed countries. Another argument is the economic side of things, because insect farming can be quite an interesting source of income. For example, in countries with an average gross income of $ 5,640 a year, an insect farmer can earn $ 5,000 to $ 10,000 a year. 

In addition to proponents of insect consumption to improve sustainability, there are people with different attitudes. Counter-arguments include, for example, the claim that the collection of wild insects becomes excessive. Another concern is the environmental impact, which may be more complex, for example due to the insect feed with a more complicated sustainability status. The third argument is the processing of insects, which can represent a significant use of energy to a greater extent. Enthusiasm for the new approach is nice, but even here a sober look is needed. Compared to more conventional sources, all aspects need to be considered to show the extent to which insect farming is a better choice.

Disadvantages of insect consumption


Insects are consumed in many parts of the world, but that does not mean that they cannot cause an allergic reaction. Their consumption should be considered by people with crustacean allergies, as some research has found that insects can trigger an allergic reaction similar to crustaceans. Insects and crustaceans are among the arthropods in the animal kingdom. Insect allergy has been reported in caterpillars, grasshoppers, bees, cicadas or silkworms.

Toxins and pesticides

Remember, we talk about eating insects all the time. As we have already mentioned, about 2,000 species of insects are consumed. It's similar to mushrooms, some carry the risk of poisoning and therefore do not belong in the basket. Certain types of ants and bees contain toxins that can be dangerous. Metabolic steroid content has also been determined in certain beetle species. Frequent consumption can cause health problems. In addition, you are definitely interested in how it is with pesticides and insects. Pesticides and herbicides in the field are harmful to humans, animals and insects. You may not have known, but some insect species can handle higher doses of heavy metals than mammals. Therefore, in the case of insect consumption, there is a slightly higher risk of lead or arsenic poisoning. This is a minimal danger, but it must be taken into account. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published the risk associated with insect consumption. The report shall identify possible biological and chemical risks, allergenicity and environmental risks related to farm insects. The report notes that further research is recommended to better identify risks. Hundreds of species of insects are consumed around the world, but demand for food insects in EU countries is expected to be limited to a few species, such as crickets, grasshoppers or flies. The risk associated with pesticides is higher when collecting wild insects. There have even been cases of health problems around the world after consuming insects collected from pesticide-treated areas.

Last but not least, it is the antinutrients that prevent the absorption of nutrients. The insect exoskeleton contains antinutrients, which reduces the absorption of proteins. The final and perhaps unnecessary warning is the risk of bacteria, they are everywhere and insects are no exception. In addition, insects feed on places full of bacteria, such as rotten food. Do you think this problem only affects wild insects? Even several insect farms in Asia do not meet high hygiene standards, and this may not be limited to farms in Asia.

We believe that you have read the article to the end, and thus get more information about the insects on the plate. However, if you are still convinced that the insect will continue to be "yuck" that you would never take in your mouth, remember that it is a matter of culture. Taste is associated with a culture that determines what is edible and what is not. If you think our culture does not allow beetles, we have more information for you. According to the Defect Levels Handbook published by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is ok if 100 g of chocolate has 60 pieces of insects in 6 samples. 

Insects and beetles are not the music of the future for much of the world. Modern agriculture is a burden on the planet, and with a growing world population, it makes sense to look for ecological sources of nutrients. Who knows, in 100 years, insects may be a common part of the diet around the world, and our great-grandchildren will not understand the concerns of today's people. We believe that we have at least enriched you with new information.

nedeľa 16. augusta 2020

Is breakfast the basis of the day or a surviving myth? |

 Is breakfast the basis of the day or a surviving myth?

In the area of nutrition and a balanced diet, there has long been a dilemma as to whether breakfast is really the most important meal of the day. Some studies say that breakfast is the basis for energy after sleep, while others rely on facts proving their inefficiency in weight loss. In addition, some experts argue that the importance of breakfasts is related to the growing market for breakfast mixes, flakes and cereals. Companies that offer such products declare that breakfast is the basis of the day and without them you should not even go out on the street. So what is the reality? Is breakfast a necessary start to the day or just a simple marketing ploy?

Breakfast and weight loss

The most common benefit associated with eating breakfast is their alleged beneficial effect on weight loss. On the contrary, their omission is said to have negative effects on body weight and can cause obesity. In reality, however, it is not so much whether you miss breakfast or what you choose as your first meal of the day. The difference is whether you replenish your energy in the morning with a balanced breakfast, or fatty or sweet dishes.

However, let's look at what reputable studies have said about these claims. One such study, which analyzed the health data of 50,000 people over seven years, focused on how breakfast portion size is related to BMI levels. The researchers found that those who made breakfast the most hearty meal of the day had a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who ate a richer lunch or dinner. They justified this by saying that breakfast helps to increase the feeling of satiety during the day, which significantly reduces the subsequent daily calorie intake. Another study confirmed this effect - people who skipped breakfast or enjoyed an unsatisfactory portion of breakfast tended to overeat at lunch and dinner.

In addition, they found that heavier breakfasts help improve the quality of the diet, as breakfast meals usually contain more nutrients and fiber. Of course, it all depends on what you choose for breakfast. If it is heavy and fatty bacon or sweet croissants, the effect may be the opposite. However, if you reach for hearty, nutrient-filled flakes or eggs, you can achieve several benefits. Having regular healthy meals will help improve your insulin sensitivity and reduce your risk of developing diabetes. However, such studies still need to be taken into account - many times they do not take into account the individual lifestyle of the participants or the choice of foods that play an important role in weight control.

For example, a team of scientists from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, analyzed 13 randomized controlled breakfast trials. A meta-analysis of the results found that participants who ate breakfast had a higher total daily energy intake than participants who did not eat breakfast. Thus, on the contrary, this study suggests that adding breakfast may not be a good weight loss strategy. However, further high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to examine the role of breakfast in weight control. The only way to find out if breakfast plays a positive role in weight loss is to examine the choice of specific foods and their effects.

Marion Nestle, PhD, a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, points out that many studies that prove the positives of breakfast were funded by Cereal Partners Worldwide, which is affiliated with Nestlé and General Mills. That is, companies that produce breakfast cereals and benefit from their sale. 


Breakfast can really help you lose weight, but it's not because of their timing. It's more about what foods you choose for breakfast. If it is a hearty breakfast with a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, you can achieve a sufficient feeling of satiety, which will result in less overeating during the day. However, if you skip breakfast, you do not have to worry about obesity. It is always necessary to monitor your total energy intake during the day. He is responsible for your weight gain or loss. Don't focus on when you eat, but what you eat.

Breakfast and energy level

The source of energy in the body is glucose, which we obtain from carbohydrates. It is then broken down into glycogen in the body and stored as energy and fat. Most glycogen is stored in the liver and to a lesser extent in the muscles. As we cannot build up long-term stores of glycogen, we must take it regularly, always after it has been depleted. This usually occurs after exercise or any other physical activity, during fasting or during sleep.

Overnight, the liver breaks down glucose and releases it into the bloodstream as glycogen to keep blood sugar levels stable. During sleep, the liver ensures that your brain has enough energy to function. Therefore, if you wake up in the morning, your glycogen levels in your body are low and should be replenished immediately. As soon as all energy is consumed, the body begins to break down fatty acids instead of glycogen. However, in the absence of carbohydrates, fatty acids are only partially oxidized, which can significantly reduce your energy levels. This is the main reason why you should supply your stomach with foods, especially rich in healthy carbohydrates and fiber, after waking up, and avoid heavy fatty foods.

In one study, several dozen participants were divided into two groups, one consuming a carbohydrate and fiber-rich breakfast in the morning and the other not eating breakfast at all. Subjects were then monitored for several hours. The study concluded that those who did not have breakfast performed worse on memory tests and felt more exhausted than those who had breakfast. Several studies support this hypothesis that routine skipping breakfast was associated with reduced physical activity, especially before lunch.

Another randomized study looked at participants who ate breakfast for one week and missed it for another. She monitored her food intake using food diaries and energy expenditure was assessed using pedometers and heart rate monitors. For all participants, daily energy levels did not differ between the two experimental weeks. The study showed that the total energy intake changed only minimally in 24 hours. However, it should be emphasized that participants consumed different types of food during the study; if they focused on only one specific energy-rich food, the results could differ significantly.

Therefore, another study focused on specific types of food consumed for breakfast and their impact on energy levels. Foods with a lower glycemic index (GI) and a higher protein content at breakfast have been found to be associated with higher energy levels. Based on this, researchers recommend that breakfasts have a low GI and a high protein content. 


Regular breakfast can affect the level of energy in our body. However, it is also true that there is a difference in which source of energy you replenish. If you choose sweet foods full of simple sugars or fructose for breakfast, your energy levels will be depleted very quickly. Conversely, if you focus on a balanced ratio of nutrients and foods with a low glycemic index, you may feel more vital in the morning.

Listen to your body

Still not sure if breakfast is the most important meal of the day? As studies differ in opinion and each provides irrefutable evidence, do not rely on them, but listen to your body. Ultimately, you must decide which eating habit is best for you. Whether you decide to have breakfast or skip breakfast from your menu, you should not forget your total daily energy intake. You can easily find out using online calculators, but on average it ranges from 2,000 to 2,500 calories, depending on gender, age and physical activity.

If you meet your energy intake, you do not have to worry about gaining weight. Conversely, if you want to lose weight, you should focus on the caloric deficit, during which your daily expenditure must be higher than your income. At the same time, you should make sure that your daily diet contains a sufficient amount of important nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber. Only in this way will you achieve all your goals in the area of ​​diet and weight loss.

Healthy breakfast ideas

If you are concerned about which foods are best for a healthy and balanced breakfast, here are some tips:

Choose whole-grain foods - whole-grain cereals and high-fiber bread can help maintain optimal blood sugar levels and prevent a drop in energy in the morning. You can choose from a wide range of cereals, flakes or cereals and muesli, or prepare hearty porridge. However, when choosing cereals, take a good look at the nutritional table and composition. If they contain the following basic information, they are made for you: 5 g or more fiber per serving, less than 300 mg sodium per serving, less than 5 g sugar per serving, the cereal is listed as the first item in the list of ingredients.
Choose foods with a higher protein content - a great choice is Greek yogurt, which contains more protein than regular yogurt. You can also reach for eggs or various types of nuts and nuts, which are also full of healthy fats.
Smoothie as a great breakfast choice - they are fast, easy to prepare and with a selection of the right foods and an excellent source of nutrients. Combine fruits, juice, cereals or other ingredients, mix them and you have a refreshing breakfast ready once or twice. For inspiration, see our list of the best smoothie recipes for a healthy breakfast.