nedeľa 1. decembra 2019

Yo-Yo effect and how to fight it |

Yo-Yo effect and how to fight it

Up and down and up again. Are you already frustrated that your weight jumps up and down more often than a hotel elevator? This is called the jojo effect, and anyone who has tried one of the “effective” diets from magazines has already encountered it. Why is that? How to fight the jojo effect and lose weight once and for all will be discussed in the article.

The Jojo effect does not avoid men or women, young or older. And unfortunately, the jojo effect does not only affect the abdominal fat but also endangers health. No matter what diet you follow, the numbers speak the same. Diets do not work. Not in the long run. Of course, you can lose weight thanks to the diet, but in a year or two your weight is back and you wonder why the jojo effect chose you.

What is the yo-yo effect?

A jojo effect, or a jojo diet, is a very common situation when you begin to regain weight after a sudden weight loss. If you repeat this process more than once, it will become a vicious circle that will make it difficult for you to lose weight and cause an overall negative impact on your metabolism, health and body.

Jojo effect and how to fight it

Why does the jojo effect hurt you?

We'll explain this to you about the different health conditions that the jojo effect can cause. For the body is a big shock if you drop kilograms in a short time and are back within a year, often with an addition. Read all 6 possible negative effects of the jojo effect.

1. Causes increased appetite

Fat cells produce the hormone leptin, which communicates with the brain and sends signals that the body has enough supplies and the brain translates with a feeling of satiety. If you lose weight, you lose fat and less fat means less leptin. And that is why we feel hungry during our diets.

In addition, the body slows down all processes to maintain energy, and therefore, by the time you stop dieting, you have an excessive appetite, but you only burn a minimum of calories. This is partly why after a few cycles of jojo diet you can expect a higher weight than when you started dieting. However, let us look at the figures. People who have lost weight in a short time have regained 30 to 65% of their original weight within a year. [3] In addition, one in three people on a diet gains even more kilograms than it had at the beginning of the diet.

The Jojo effect causes both health problems and overeating

2. Causes higher fat and less muscle

At a time of jojo, when you regain weight, fat sticks to you faster than your muscles. This causes the percentage of fat in the jojo effect to increase by a factor of two. One analysis of research confirmed that 11 out of 19 studies showed a predisposition of increased fat, especially on the abdomen, as a result of a jojo diet.

The second problem is that while losing excess kilograms during the diet, you lose not only fat but also your muscles. If you regain weight after a diet, fat is much easier to obtain, leading to greater muscle loss over time. This goes hand in hand with weakening your physical condition and strength. If you keep repeating this diet-gain cycle, you will gain three kilograms three times to produce all the fat and a minimum of muscle.

It is therefore very important to exercise in weight loss. Suitable strength training to strengthen muscles is an ideal choice in combination with cardio training. Exercise signals the body to promote muscle growth, even though the body fat is gradually lost. It should not be forgotten that protein loss will increase in the body during weight loss. Therefore, you should reach for quality protein sources that can help reduce muscle loss.

Weight loss and weight reduction require both strength and cardio workouts

3. Increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

A few extra pounds can cause huge changes in your body. You will be more susceptible to inflammations that normally help to fight diseases and infections, which can lead to heart damage and insulin resistance. 

Constant weight changes are also associated with narrowing of arteries. Weight gain, even more than overweight itself, increases the risk of heart disease. Due to the study of 9,509 adults, the increasing risk of cardiovascular disease directly depends on weight jumps in your weight. The more kilograms you lose and gain through the jojo effect, the greater your risk. Analysis of a few studies also confirmed that large differences in weight over time doubled the likelihood of death from cardiac disorders. 

4. Can induce type 2 diabetes

Each phase of weight loss and weight gain also affects hormones, namely the stress hormone cortisol. Increased cortisol levels promote fat deposition around the abdomen, increasing the risk of both diabetes and heart failure. 

Belly fat is associated with diabetes more often than fat in the legs, hips or hands. However, the direct link between the jojo effect and diabetes did not show all the researches equally. A cross-section of the studies pointed out that 4 out of 17 studies confirmed a predisposition to type 2 diabetes. 

The jojo effect is a consequence of the jojo diet and causes many diseases

5. It causes high blood pressure

Weight gain, including weight gain as a result of the jojo effect, leads to high blood pressure. Worse, the jojo effect can block the healthy effect of weight loss on blood pressure in the future.

A study in 66 adults found that those who had ever followed a jojo diet had less success in stabilizing blood pressure during weight loss. However, a long-term study suggests that this effect may disappear after 15 years, meaning that senseless dieting in youth may not be felt in middle-age health. 

6. Causes frustration

It can be very frustrating to see that all the hard work and renunciation are gone after the diet and the only thing that has left you is the jojo effect. The fact is that people who have experienced the jojo effect firsthand are dissatisfied with their life and health, according to research. 

According to further research, however, the jojo effect is not associated with depression, self-harm or negative personality phenomena. [Therefore, if you have had problems with the jojo effect in the past, do not let you feel frustrated about it. You may have tried a few diets in the past that didn't work, but don't treat it as your personal failure. It means that it is time to stand up for the jojo effect and fight.

How to fight the jojo effect?

Once you remove fats from your diet, sometimes carbohydrates and then change protein, your body feels like a carousel. The greater the extreme you experience, the greater the problems you face. If your diet is not nutritionally rich, it does not provide you with all the necessary nutrients, and this can lead to the aforementioned health problems and the jojo effect.

However, experts do not unequivocally agree on what the jojo effect means to health in the long run. Some say it is nothing, others that it threatens everything, from bones to the development of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. This is a complicated topic, but one thing is for sure. If you are stuck in the jojo effect, something is not working as it should and it is time to find a healthy way to lose weight. How to do it?

1. Change short-term plans to long-term plans

Diets work on rules set for a certain period of time. Usually you should keep them until you lose weight. Diets get you into the short term, and when you reach your goal, you have nowhere to go. Therefore, you must first ask yourself why you decided to keep on a diet. Want to be healthier? Want to lose weight?

Everything is about changing eating and exercising regularly. Both of these conditions are a long-distance run, not a sprint, so your thinking and planning for change should be ready for long-term goals and often a lifelong journey.

2. Give yourself small realistic goals

Choose small, realistic goals that you can meet. Instead of minus 3 kilograms per week, choose as your goal to lose half a kilogram a week. Plan in detail how you want to do this. Write down your menus and buy everything in advance. Get started gradually and slowly add more goals. It's easier to get motivated when you're ready to succeed. What goals should you set yourself?

Here are a few common rules that emerged from a study of 120,000 adults who have lost weight and retained weight over the years. These include:

Healthy eating: fruits, vegetables, yoghurts, nuts
Avoiding fried foods: no fried foods, chips or chips
Restriction of starch dishes: only controlled quantity of potatoes
Exercise: honest and regular training or physical activity that will keep you entertained for a long time
Sleep: at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep during the night
Less TV: Eliminate time spent on TV for 10 hours per week

3. Change your lifestyle

A study of 439 overweight women confirmed that lifestyle changes can be effective in reducing fat in people who have experienced jojo and diet. Think of it as an encouragement that despite dieting and jojo, you can lose weight. All you have to do is change your eating habits, gradually start playing sports, avoid unhealthy bad habits and you will succeed.

4. Don't stress for each calorie

Yes, the idea of ​​dieting is to reduce kilograms by controlling the intake and output of calories. This is very difficult at the beginning because you are constantly checking yourself and you still don't see any results. Even if you do everything right, your weight may fluctuate throughout the day, in the morning you will weigh less than after lunch. Your weight will also depend on the state of hydration and many other factors. Do not panic. Remember that if you over-monitor your caloric intake, you will be under more stress, leading to an increased level of cortisol, which causes overeating.

Instead of guarding each calorie, think about how a healthy diet and exercise has a positive effect on your health. You will have more energy and strength, so you should also notice the small positive effects of your new healthy lifestyle.

5. Support for the environment is important

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