utorok 31. decembra 2019

Exercise is an amazing activity that supplies us with many benefits | Steroids4U.eu

Exercise is an amazing activity that supplies us with many benefits and not just strength and muscle mass. These 7 reasons will convince you

Let's start a bit motivational. A study of 400,000 people who trained on average only 92 minutes per week told us that such subjects have a 14% lower chance of death for any reason. Just a short day's exercise (15 minutes) helps us reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It pays, doesn't it? Many researchers consider exercise to be the closest thing to miracle treatment in many areas. Let's take a look at some of them where exercise can be done. resistance training a real cure and this time it will not just be an obvious gain in muscle mass and strength.

1. Your mental health will thank you

Strength training contributes greatly to mental health, improving memory, reducing the risk of depression, improving sleep quality, helping with chronic fatigue, and improving cognitive ability. Somehow in a nutshell. Last year there was a big meta-analysis on exercise & depression. Exercise (both aerobic and a mix of others) has been found to have a very significant impact on this poor mental state and all data suggests that exercise is a legitimate, science-supported treatment for depression. The authors of the meta-analysis say that the evidence is so clear that we would need approximately 1,000 studies that negate this fact in order to think that this may not be true. Resistant training greatly reduces the symptoms of anxiety that may be associated with depression, mood swings, sleep disturbances and fatigue. This factor is studied quite a bit and the results are really unreal. One of the very nice benefits is that exercise helps us feel better and be more balanced with each other, and resistant training is generally associated with better quality of life. Do you want to feel better, be more self-confident and well-tuned? Practice.

2. If you are trying to lose weight, you should exercise in addition to calorie restriction

Weight loss is influenced by two essential things that every Fitclan follower is already familiar with. It is primarily a caloric deficit, a period when you receive fewer calories than your body emits. However, if the caloric deficit itself is combined with resistant training, miracles happen. The weight loss process is more effective, so if you're trying to lose weight, try focusing on exercise. First, you will look better, the girls will become more shaped, not just flat and poor and at the same time encourage more effective loss of fat. Not to mention that the muscle building process requires more energy, but we wrote that in our earlier article. Do you want to lose weight more efficiently and shape your character? Practice.

3. Bone density is a very important factor

Especially women who are in a long-term calorie deficit and literally hurt themselves should be aware. They can lose up to 4% of bone mineral density (bone density) per year under conditions of long-term caloric restriction and this loss can be permanent! Something such a number of women underestimates or does not know about, the menstrual cycle is less than a year long, holding a low percentage of fat, and they are more fond of Instagram and stellar belly. Although we turn a bit, but amenorrhea is associated with, among other things, heart disease, infertility, fatigue, sleep disorders, greater risk of inflammation, negative digestive system adjustments, PCOS or thyroid problems, or even scarring of uterine tissue or podmozgovym tumor. This is the first thing related to diet. The second thing associated with training is that weight training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. In meta-analysis, resistant training has been shown to prevent or ameliorate 1% of bone loss per year in adult women, and there has been shown an increase in bone mineral density of 1-3%. In the two-year research this positive effect was again, when the improvement climbed up to 3.2%. In any case, it is not enough to just exercise and be years in deficit.

As mentioned by B. Schoenfeld, resistant training counteracts bone loss through the process of bone remodeling and contributes to the development of bone osteoblasts. These are the cells that re-create the bones. Some of the benefits can also be achieved by aerobic exercise, especially in the lower body, but resistance training is the best way to maintain and improve the overall strength of bone mass. Do you want to have healthy bones, joints and tendons not only now, but even when you're older? Practice.

4. You will improve your memory and other cognitive functions

Cognitive functions allow us to think, recognize, learn, remember things. These are all those at first sight automatic things like concentration, understanding of information, memory, perception, ability to plan, solve problems, judge things and so on. It is crazy to imagine that such a thing simply would not work in humans. However, resistant training helps us greatly in these processes, significantly affecting all cognitive functions. Do you want to be smarter, more attentive, remember more, and simply have better cognitive functions? Practice.

5. Alleviate aging and loss of muscle mass or strength at an older age

We know that if a person has a totally sedentary lifestyle and almost does not move at all, from about 30 years of age begins to lose muscle mass. This represents about 1% of muscle mass loss (depending on man) and 1-3% of strength loss. However, when a person is active, has enough protein and exercises, he can push this limit up to the age of 50! During exercise, positive changes were observed in 179 genes associated with age and exercise, and the conclusions of various investigations are clear. Resistant training can reverse the aging factors. Do you want to be stronger and more muscular even at an older age? Practice.

6. You give your farewell to the diseases, or at least keep them far apart

This is probably quite logical. The more muscle mass and less fat through training and good diet, the more illnesses will be circumvented. Exercise has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which are often a risk factor not only for heart disease. The skeletal muscle is a secretory organ and releases anti-inflammatory proteins called myokines, which then circulate in the bloodstream and work with other organs. In this research, resistant training was enough only twice a week and significant decreases in several indicators of inflammation in overweight women have already been noted. As a result of the exercise, we will also improve blood lipid profiles, and this analysis says that resistant training is definitely effective in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. In a further analysis, strength training is recommended to reduce obesity and at the same time as one of the solutions to metabolic disorders, and it is also often declining insulin sensitivity. In this research exercise was identified as a very important factor in the prevention of 35 chronic diseases and the treatment of 26 chronic diseases. You want to be healthy? Practice.

7. Pain will be a thing of the past. Even though…

Often it is just the opposite and many times we just say that sports to permanent disability. However, this is mostly caused by driving for heavy weights without proper warm-up, incorrect technique or simply bad luck. However, resistant training alone can fight pain, and much research has been done on probably the most common pain - back pain. Training is therefore a science-supported and health-promoting medicine. If you have pain, mostly in the lower back, exercise.

Exercise is just great. Many change us not only physically but also mentally, and as we have said, it is a real cure.

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