utorok 3. decembra 2019

Ketogenic Diet - The Truth About Weight Loss Without Carbohydrates | Steroids4U.eu

Ketogenic Diet - The Truth About Weight Loss Without Carbohydrates

Lose 2 kilograms a week without strenuous exercise. Sounds tempting? This is guaranteed by companies that sell ketogenic diet products. But is such a rapid weight loss beneficial to health? Take a look at the risks, facts and myths associated with a ketogenic diet!

What is a ketogenic diet?

Ketogenic diet is a way of eating low carbohydrates and high fat. While rational diets consume 45-55% carbohydrates, 15-20% protein, and up to 30% fat, the keto diet allows only 5% carbohydrates. However, fats make up 75% of total energy intake.

What is a ketogenic diet?

The essence of this diet is that it forces the body to burn fat because there is a low amount of carbohydrates in the body. These are usually converted to glucose, which is then transported to the body and is particularly important in promoting brain function.

What is ketosis?

If the body stops breaking down carbohydrates for energy and instead uses fats as a substitute source, there is a metabolic phenomenon called ketosis. The process by which the body slowly enters this state is called ketogenesis. The essence of ketosis is the formation of ketones, organic compounds which in small quantities serve as a substitute for sugars. However, if ketones are produced rapidly in the body and accumulate in blood and urine, this can lead to ketoacidosis. This refers to a process in which changes in the function of the liver and other important organs, where carbohydrate energy is routinely made, result in their malfunctioning.
What is ketosis?

There are several ways you can get into a state of ketosis. These include, for example:
Starvation - 400 years BC l. Greek doctor Hypokrates has detected the effects of ketosis. A patient who suffered from seizures very similar to epileptic was ordered to be treated with hunger. The fasting period resulted in seizures lessening. These are the first proven effects of ketosis on metabolic problems. So if you stop taking any nutrients, your body will be in a state of ketosis in a few tens of hours.
Ketogenic diet - adherence to low-carbohydrate diets results in the depletion of all carbohydrate stores that are routinely converted to energy and the body forced to seek an alternative source of energy - fats that turn into ketones. In the process when the body starts using fats as a source of energy, ketosis occurs. Therefore, in order to get your body into a state of ketosis, you do not have to follow a strict hunger strike, it is enough to significantly reduce carbohydrate intake.
Ketone Supplements - There are nutritional supplements on the market to help you deliver ketones to your body. However, these are predominantly supplements that accelerate ketone formation if you are already on a ketogenic diet. However, as these are relatively new products, there are no relevant human studies to confirm the effects of keto supplements on ketosis. However, it is not excluded that in the future such dietary supplements will have the same effects as ketogenic diet.

Effects of ketogenic diet

In recent years, the ketogenic diet has seen a high rise in popularity. The main reason is that there is a significant weight loss. As we mentioned, your body runs out of carbohydrates and stops converting glucose into energy, and is looking for an alternative energy source, fat.

However, these effects of the ketogenic diet have been discovered as a side effect. Ketogenic diet has been used in the medical environment for over 100 years. Its effects were recorded in 1911, when it was first used to treat epilepsy. Later, patients who were on a keto diet were found to lose weight during treatment. This has led to the popularity of ketogenic diets as a quick method for weight loss.

Gradually, celebrities and professional athletes, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian and LeBron James, have discovered her charm, promoting the keto diet as their diet plan for weight loss, weight maintenance and improved sports performance. However, they also include ketogenic eating style in their diet only at short intervals.

Effects of diet

Types of ketogenic diet

We know several kinds of ketogenic eating. They are largely different in the intake ratio of important macronutrients. These include:

standard ketogenic diet (SKD) - a diet with a low carbohydrate content (5-10%), a moderate protein content (20%) and a high fat content (70-75%).
cyclic ketogenic diet (CKD) - a diet that alternates between days when you consume low-carbohydrate foods and those with high carbohydrate intake. Example: 5 days of a low-carbohydrate diet and 2 days of eating a carbohydrate-intensive diet.
Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD) - during a training or a training day, you receive a high carbohydrate diet and a low-carbohydrate diet during non-training days.
high protein ketogenic diet - is similar to a standard ketogenic diet, but with a higher protein content (35% protein, 60% fat, 5-10% carbohydrates).

A cyclic ketogenic diet in which high and low carbohydrate intake alternates is recommended. It is the safest way of eating low carbohydrates.

Diet of ketogenic diet

Since keto diet allows only 5% carbohydrate intake as opposed to up to 75% fat, keeping a keto diet can be problematic. You should exclude high carbohydrate foods such as:

legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
milk products
flavored drinks
sweet food
pastry and bread

Products that are permitted on a keto diet include foods high in fat and protein, such as:

meat - chicken, turkey, beef
the fish
low-carbohydrate vegetables - tomatoes, aubergine, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy vegetables, avocado
whole milk and curd
pumpkin and sesame seeds
nuts and natural 100% nut butter


A great way to achieve a feeling of satiety on a ketogenic diet is by taking whey protein. It not only has excellent effects in weight reduction, but also ensures a feeling of satiety. It is recommended to take pure whey protein without flavor. Such a protein contains approximately 2 g carbohydrates per 30 g scoop of protein.

Benefits of ketogenic diet

A ketogenic diet has a long history, and so there are many studies that have investigated its effects. These are mainly studies of its effect on weight reduction, treatment of epilepsy and other metabolic diseases. These benefits will also be discussed in the following lines.                                  

1. Keto diet and weight loss

The main reason for the popularity of ketogenic diet is its impact on weight loss. The effects of keto diet on weight loss are significant and occur in a short time. When your body stops converting sugars into energy and begins to break down fat instead, the numbers on your weight will drop rapidly. You can lose up to 2 kilograms a week.

In an 8-week study, a group of young men attended a program that involved taking a ketogenic diet. They were divided into 2 groups - one receiving a keto diet and the other consuming a normal balanced diet. The study resulted in lower weight gain in the keto diet group compared to the normal diet group.

In the first weeks of a ketogenic diet, water is mostly washed out of your body. This means that once you stop following a ketogenic diet and start taking carbohydrates again, you can expect weight gain again and you will experience a yo-yo effect.

In the short term, however, a ketogenic diet can be an effective way to lose weight quickly. However, if you follow this diet for a long time, it can be very harmful to your body. Among other things, you may have a so-called. keto flu, which we will discuss below.

2. Keto diet and relieve the symptoms of epilepsy

Initially, a ketogenic diet was used to treat epilepsy. Several studies have shown that a keto diet is very effective in alleviating and controlling seizures caused by epilepsy, but it does not cure the disease. In some cases, the effect of adhering to this diet in epileptic seizures is the same as when patients are receiving antiepileptic drugs.

In one study, 103 children conducted research into the effects of the keto diet on epileptic seizures. Within 3 months, one group of children ate a strict ketogenic diet and the other group did not. The average percentage of epileptic seizures in the diet group was much lower than in the second group. It was almost 75% fewer seizures. Research has not done without the side effects that the keto diet brings to a large extent, namely constipation, lack of energy and hunger. Ketogenic diet as a way of treating metabolic disorders should only be followed if you are under the supervision of an experienced physician.

3. Ketogenic diet and type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects blood sugar control. It is characterized by changes in metabolism, high blood sugar, impaired insulin function and obesity. 

Insulin is used to transfer glucose in the body. However, people with diabetes do not work properly, impairing the body's ability to use carbohydrates efficiently and raising blood sugar. Lower carbohydrate intake in the diet may help eliminate blood sugar, reducing the need for insulin. One study found that ketogenic diet improved insulin sensitivity in patients with diabetes by up to 75%.

Obesity is also a side effect that affects people with diabetes. A ketogenic diet can also help in this case by allowing people with diabetes to lose excess kilograms.

Ketodiet and diabetes

Disadvantages of ketogenic diet

When your body begins to use fats as a source of energy, it gets into a state of ketosis and undergoes several metabolic changes. However, many of them present unpleasant risks. Ketogenic diets are safe for healthy people, but various side effects can occur when adapting the body to low carbohydrate intake. Take a look at some of the most common threats that a ketogenic diet may cause.

1. Less muscle mass and yo-yo effect

Carbohydrates are very important in building muscle, as they are partially converted to glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and helps them grow and regenerate. When your body enters ketosis, you begin to lose accumulated carbohydrates from your muscles, thus reducing muscle mass.
During the 8-week study, the effect of a ketogenic diet on muscle building in young men aged 30 years was investigated. The men were divided into two groups, a group that received a ketogenic diet and a group with a normal diet. The study found that the keto diet group had lost more kilograms, but was not able to build muscle like the group that received normal carbohydrate levels.
If you stop using a ketogenic diet, it may take some time for your body to be able to build muscle again. During a ketogenic diet, you have been consuming a lot of fat, and it is you who have to get rid of the body before using carbohydrates for muscle growth. These changes may also result in differences in metabolic rate.

2. Keto flu

Even after a few days to weeks, your body is unable to recover from ketosis and is getting used to low carbohydrate intake. The main symptoms of a prolonged state of ketosis are ketogenic influenza, which is conspicuously brought to the common influenza. It is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches and fatigue. Symptoms are the result of temporary imbalances in energy sources, insulin and minerals in the body.

Keto flu

3. Bad breath

A common side effect of ketosis is bad breath, which occurs because ketones leave the body through breath and urine. If you follow a ketogenic diet, you may notice that your breath smells sweet. This is caused by ketones such as acetone, benzophenone and acetophenone. 

Side effects persist as long as your body is in a state of ketosis and therefore it is impossible to get rid of them naturally. You can soften them by using sugar-free chewing gums that the ketogenic diet allows. It is also recommended to follow the drinking regime and occasionally rinse your mouth with clean water.

4. Lack of vitamins, minerals and feeling tired

Ketogenic diet prohibits the consumption of fruits and certain vegetables. They contain a number of vitamins and minerals whose low intake may have several side effects. With a keto diet, your body begins to secrete carbohydrates, water, and glycogen, and you also lose electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

A sudden decrease in carbohydrate intake, which also contains many vitamins and minerals, can lead to a decrease in energy levels. Some people on the keto diet claimed to feel tired and confused. In order to avoid these disadvantages, it is appropriate to replenish mineral and vitamin stocks through nutritional supplements.

5. Risky pregnancy and irregular menstrual cycle

Low carbohydrate intake can have side effects for pregnant and breastfeeding women. If you are pregnant and follow a low-carbohydrate diet, this may affect your baby's weight, its development and may also prevent you from getting more of the substances you need for your baby's health.

In addition, if you do not eat enough carbohydrates, there may be an irregular menstrual cycle problem. In a 6-month study investigating the effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on healthy women, it was found that nearly half of them suffered from irregular menstrual cycles after the study.

6. Constipation

As we have already mentioned, with a strict low-carbohydrate diet, the consumption of fruit and vegetables is very limited. However, fruits and vegetables are great sources of not only vitamins and minerals, but also fiber, which promotes bowel movements, regular laxation and is needed for a healthy intestinal flora. If the body is low in fiber, it suffers from constipation. Research has confirmed that they experienced constipation-related side effects in children who followed ketogenic diets. In most cases, this happens because the large intestine absorbs too much water from food. The slower the food moves through the digestive tract, the more water it absorbs the colon. As a result, the stool becomes dry and hard, leading to painful emptying.

Who is ketogenic diet suitable for?

In the short term, a ketogenic diet is an effective way to drop a few kilograms. Basically, like any other diet, a keto diet works on a calorie deficit, which is achieved by controlling food intake and carbohydrate restrictions. Therefore, it is to be assumed that in the first weeks of your body water washes out, so as soon as you finish your keto diet, kilos will go up again. Moreover, if the body experiences a carbohydrate-shock shock, it can cause many health problems, especially in the long term.

Who is ketogenic diet suitable for? If you long for a quick weight loss with a short-term effect, ketogenic eating is something for you. If you suffer from metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes or epilepsy, treatment with a ketogenic diet may be effective for you, but you must clearly follow it under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Who is not keto diet suitable for? If you are serious about weight loss in the long run, a ketogenic diet is not the right choice for you. It is also unsuitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers or women with irregular menstrual cycles. Keto eating is also not recommended for active athletes as it can cause muscle loss.

It is really important to consider whether or not to start a low-carbohydrate diet. We believe you have learned all the necessary information about the ketogenic diet and its effects on your body.

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