utorok 10. decembra 2019

5 myths about squats that everyone should know long ago | Steroids4U.eu

5 myths about squats that everyone should know long ago

Whether they are Internet experts or unhappy interpretations of research, much has been said about squats. We have collected the 5 most common myths that are associated with one of the king's exercises - squats and we believe that they will be buried once and for all. Let's go!

# 1 The knees must not go in front of the toes!

They may. In many cases, they should even. Even if your favorite bikinist tells you: "when the knees go forward, they then suffer of course," so he should consider these tips to the extent that her discount coupon for a revolutionary fat burner. In older research, 2 scenarios were addressed. Scenario A, where the knees could go beyond the toes, and B, where the knee movement was restricted.

In scenario B, knee stress moved to the hips and lower back. Specifically, we are talking about a 22% drop in knee torque, but an increase of 1070% in side torque. A little difference, right? And now the rhetorical question, what could be worse in terms of potential injury? Of course, stress on the knees is increased when they go beyond the toes, but that doesn't mean they explode and suffer. It is still within the limits of what the knee can do without any problems. Not to mention that it is more or less necessary to achieve a good squat depth. Or does anyone want to tell us that all Olympic weightlifters are doing it wrong?

However, if one of those who has pain in the front of the knee and is not a 100% evil technique, it would be wise to first visit a quality physiotherapist, play with the squat technique and limit the knee forward movement by at least a little. In this case, you can make squats painless. Or try to do other types of squats, such as box squats or low-bar squats.

Either way, instead of tacking the tip of the knee, we should focus on avoiding the knee rotating to the bottom (knee valgus, left in this figure). This is a much worse case that can lead to injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament.

# 2 Squats are the best ass exercise

Squats are a great exercise for your butt, but certainly not the best. If someone reports to squat, squat and squat, he probably only heard it somewhere and borrowed this cliché. First, there is no best ass exercise. Everyone has something in them. For example, hip thrusts have the advantage of constant tension and active peak tension or metabolic stress, with muscle damage and passive peak tension in squats. And we know that for the top ass, it is necessary to do different exercises in different number of reps with different load. If we look at the top butts of the world, that is ... women who have likeable glutals, none of them do squats. When you see a beautiful, strong, sculpted butt, squats are just one element that enriches this complex. the individual to squat his muscles to the maximum, even with excellent technique.

Some exercises produce more tension than others, some more metabolic stress, others produce more muscle damage. Some exercises affect different parts of the muscle. One single exercise cannot maximize the hypertrophic response (muscle growth). ”- Bret Contreras

And what kind of ass exercises are worth doing in our article Every anus can charm you in the first and second episodes.

# 3 If you don't go to the bottom (ass to grass), you don't even have to

Internet exercisers score once again. Each person is unique and to some extent performs squat differently. What the squat looks like and whether it is possible to go ass to grass affects what we cannot change or improve, in addition to mobility, flexibility, prepping series. For example, the length of the torso or femur. Someone's femur can point down, others up. Someone has a longer torso and shorter femur, some have the opposite. Some have pelvic cases that are part of the hip joint more open, others less. We showed the visual differences in another article, where we also described one experiment of two women of the same height, so check it out.

You must be clear that someone ass to grass squat can't do. How low then squat? The loins should go lower than the imaginary top of the knee. Deep squats (ass to grass) are fine and if your body and excellent technique do it, do them. But if you are hindered by mobility and even by your body, pursuing such a squat can do more harm than good.

# 4 Squats damage the knees

We have outlined something in point # 1 and have already covered this topic more comprehensively in the older article "Deep Squats and Knee Health". If deep squats are technically correct, they are not only safe (taking into account most of the more relevant research and conclusions), but even contribute to the development of strength, strengthen connective tissue, including muscles, ligaments, tendons. Injured people often like to attribute squats, but in many cases they are not squats, but bad squats. In addition, a number of studies showing the benefits of deep squats are far more than those at least a bit contradictory to this claim. They usually agree that deep squats are a clear choice for people who can squat deeply and without pain. This is also our general recommendation.

# 5 Big Dumb Squats You MUST do!

We mean classic back squats, which everybody would imagine if they say squat. As they say, you just have to die. Squats are an excellent exercise, probably everyone should be able to do a nice squat, at least with their own body. It involves a lot of muscles and is really one of the kings of exercise. That is all true, and in most of our coaching squats are part of the plan unless there are compelling reasons to suggest that this might not be the best strategy, at least at the outset. Either way, if you're not a powerlifter, you don't have to do squats. Are you robbing a lot of benefits? Perhaps. But you have a million squat variants and a classic back squat just don't have to do if the reasons are relevant and it's not just "I don't want to". You can also build quality legs differently, you can still do Bulgarian, front, globlet or box squats. If somebody tells you that you just have to do squats, otherwise leg training doesn't make sense, we probably wouldn't agree.

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