Hip Thrusts is not just about building a beautiful round ass. One of the best exercises for glutals is worth doing for other reasons
Although this is one of the top exercises for a beautiful round ass, it's not just about the visual side. Hip thrust is worth doing for a number of reasons, and today you will learn a little more about it, and in the next workout of the lower body, you will be able to put the squat pad in the center of the Olympic pole as well.

One name. Bret Contreras. Someone has a PhD. for example from corporate management, Bret basically from the ass. Of course, a little lightly said. Anatomy, the biomechanics of the lower body, the abundance of buttocks, and the experience of not a decade, so Bret's credits also belong to Bret. You can find much more on his website. Before we go to the article, do you know that of over 7600 people surveyed, 63% practice hip thrusts mainly because of a more beautiful butt and only 8% to improve performance, 12% increase in strength? One way or another, the visual aspect is not so sexy, but the reasons below will convince you that the visual aspect is (almost) nothing compared to the more practical one.
# 1 Reduces spine load, but you can still use heavy weights
Whether into squats, corpses or other movements oriented to the vertical extension of the hips, there is a rather high compressive force on the spine. With horizontal extension, however, hip thrusts allow us to lift heavy weights without “suffering” our spine. This benefit is not only useful in rehabilitation, but it allows us to perform safer exercise than most lower body exercises. Heavy weights and lower risk of injury sounds good, right?
# 2 Significantly helps remove injuries and pain, whether it's back or even knee
Does your lower back hurt? One of the most common causes is weak ass. It is hip thrusts that activate and significantly strengthen the muscles of the butt, which can help us in our unpleasant injuries. I myself was convinced of a similar problem when a physiotherapist told me that, in the pain of the left lower back, I should try to activate my buttocks, which can help reduce pain. I can't say that it's just because of hip thrusts, as I was doing a lot of things at the time, but it keeps my back (lapel, lapel). Strong glutals will affect strength, posture and performance. Due to a weak ass, negatives can lead to poor movement mechanics, even impaired joint health in the knee and even reduce the stability of the ankle. Let us not generalize and point to the ass as a purely female game.
# 3 Improves posture and overall control of our body as we move
Do you have an anversion? Maybe not. But is there something about a swollen butt that you often find on women's instagram profiles? Maybe so. However, such an “asshole” often does not only end in the picture. Many with an anversion, an anterior pelvic tilt (APT), work throughout the day, and their posture is incorrect and unhealthy. The right hip thrust technique teaches you the opposite. Retroversion, a posterior pelvic tilt (PPT), so that he does not bend his back like a cat and risk injury. Thanks to them you can learn to effectively control the spine and pelvis to minimize excessive bending. Also a thing that is useful in various other exercises. From the previous article we know that the volume is the second largest muscle of the lower body!
# 4 It's far from being just a "grandma's"
Hip Thrusty are the primary ass exercises. Ass = women. Women practicing ass. Hip thrusty is an exercise for women. Ufff, such a connection may be relevant at first glance, but looking at it from a more objective perspective and taking into account other points in this article, we can say that it is stupid.
James Harrison is a player in the most prestigious American football league and hip thrusts 306 kg. He also devotes a lot of time to bench press or squats. They also have Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in training, and he has to warm up well because of his lower body injuries during football and wrestling. Bret Contreras and his 328 kg hip thrust don't sound very feminine. Matt Ogus has been in training for a couple of years now, and 270 kg of the series go like butter. In trainings he has bodybuilders, professional athletes, powerlifters, weightlifters, NFL players, NBA players and others who want to strengthen their ass, build strength and speed. Why they do this may be running out.
# 5 Squat or Deadlift Assist Exercise and Full Body Strength Builder
Although this exercise is one of the best for the butt, it also actively activates hamstrings, quadriceps and adductors. You will improve the size, strength, strength and shape of the butt, there is the potential to increase speed and acceleration in, for example, a sprint, improve the functioning of the whole body as the butt affects the mechanism of legs ). Similarly, Dr. Robinson, strength trainer with PhD. in exercise science: “Hitting the glutals with hip thrusts can help with exercises such as squats or deadlifts.” “Hip drive” and body stability. People who love to practice such as relocation or market will also come into their own, not just fans of classics such as corpses and squats.
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