štvrtok 30. januára 2020

7 things a person would be able to give to their younger self after years of serious fitness | Steroids4U.eu

7 things a person would be able to give to their younger self after years of serious fitness

Suddenly there will be a time when you say you start doing something with yourself. You're different. Exercise really enjoys and fills you and a healthy lifestyle for you is not just a summer trend, during which you only exercise biceps and breasts. You try, try, read. In a year you will find out how stupid you were and what you would like to have if you had current knowledge already. A similar scenario occurs in two years. And by 5 years or more? Again you think that if you knew what you now know, your character would be on a different level. The common situation of ordinary people in the ordinary world under normal circumstances. That's how it is. In this article, we will describe the key things that will hopefully help all beginners and moderately advanced to find out about 5 or more years of honest exercise (or curse a little less).

1. Never underestimate warm-up, mobility and flexibility

How many people, after arriving at the gym, are waving their hands a few times, using a minute of physical education and going to lift heavy weights? Indeed, there are those who do not warm up at all, they do not run a warm-up series and immediately start the work series without any warming up, respectively. warming up. A mistake! Those more resilient and happier are not injured. They won't hurt after a week, after a month, after a year, and maybe even after three. But when he strikes the fourth year, it suddenly comes and the body simply talks enough. Problems with shoulders, spine, knees, wrist, forearm, and so on. It may not come after three years, but it may - sooner or later. If in the early thirty a person does not even do a crank without pain or lift through his shoulder or half his weight on a benchpress, then sadness occurs. Many young boys neglect warm-up before exercise and I was no exception when I was just starting to exercise. And maybe this is also a consequence of a diagnosis about 2 years old, when I had an intra-essential edema in the tendon. Therefore, as soon as the first tip is just this - do not underestimate the warm-up! We encourage you to watch videos and take advantage of the tips in this article and this one. No one claims to "kill" a warm-up time longer than the exercise itself. This already depends on your degree of mobility, flexibility and lifestyle. A person with a sedentary job will need more mobility and flexibility exercises and a better quality of warm-up than one who works physically and has regular exercise.

2. Leave the ego before strength and competition with yourself

A point, kind of linked to the first. Leave the ego before entering the gym and solve the technique. Although everyone would like to lift heavy weights and break records after a month of exercise, try to focus on the full range of exercise and the exercise technique. If you ignore it, there is a high risk of injury and detonating your shoulder right at the beginning of your “fitness career” is not pleasant. If you're starting to work out with someone bigger and stronger, it's okay. But do not let yourself be broken by the idea that you will be on this person's level in two weeks. A buddy raises 100kg on a benchpress and you're trying to run it fast, you load the same way, do forced repetitions, your shoulders are burning, and a buddy yells "you go alone .. come, come one more!"? Say hello to people in a few months or years on magnetic resonance as they find out what's going on with that arm. Studies also suggest that technique and full range of motion are (among others) key factors for muscle growth, so exercise with reason.

3. You won't fool the basics, remember that

As we said before, the best way to get maximum muscle activation was and always will be lifting heavy things. For 99% of beginners and intermediate exercisers, squats, deadlifts, chest presses, shoulder presses, back pulls, bends, etc. allow and help create a fantastic character. Focus on training mostly on complex exercises involving a large part of different muscles. As a beginner, coughing up fictions that some new exercisers show off. Cough for 4 isolated biceps exercises, don't go to the gym as a beginner in order to have a “triceps day”. Focus on the foundation that simply works and you don't fool. As a beginner, you will grow from basically just when you enter the gym and you have an instant bicep centimeter after you buy a pass, since “noob gains” are and will be, but use this potential properly! No “bro” splits and workout games once a week. Practice each game at least twice a week, do basic complex exercises, eat. Equipped.

4. Use wisdom, be vigilant and study and review information yourself. But watch out for various gurus

On the one hand, you hear how great it is to eat raw eggs, because they did so in old movies, and on the other hand, it's absolutely stupid (by the way, it's stupid). If you are a beginner, it is difficult to navigate between the ton of information flowing at you and as a beginner at the same time you will hardly know what is true and what is not. One of the tips, however, would be not to listen to the gurus who say "never" and "you must". You have to breakfast… Never eat after six in the evening… You have to exclude carbohydrates… Not only are all the examples given totally false, but many coaches who need a coach build their expressions on the terms you have to and never. Unfortunately, in the fitness world, in 99% of cases there is no black or white. There are always shades of gray, and each theme has certain characteristics that depend on many personality factors. The second tip, whatever you hear, study in the comfort of your home. Read articles with references, then read references (because if someone plays a guru, but in the references you see studies only in rats, something will be wrong). At least bother about this issue, even if you may not know which name from the fitness & science scene is relevant, try to search as much as possible, be critical but open.

5. The shelf with supplements should not weigh more than the refrigerator itself

This is where all beginners will be found. Most put all-in on cards called nutritional supplements. After all, even the least knowledgeable knows that there are some pills for athletes from which (apparently) grow muscles, and the ordinary beginner knows so much once. Thousands of supplements, hundreds of e-shops and countless minutes spent, but mostly for supplements that simply do not work. First of all, it is important to remember that diet is essential. It defines (of course, taking into account the trainings) what you will look like. Unfortunately, most beginners simply do not have food, they cannot have it. What they have in mind is a shelf with eighteen nutritional supplements. A mistake. This money was to be invested in meat, eggs, flakes, rice, potatoes and other nutritionally valuable foods. Believe us or not, you would do better. Don't make the mistake of looking at a supplements store longer than some serious information about training or diet. Protein can be understood to supplement protein, creatine is one of the few supplements that really works, fish oil is also great as a bonus of vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. But the various “special, clinically proven” supplements for sudden muscle growth, steroid replacements, tribulus, and the like? Indeed, rather focus on looking at the nutritional values ​​of foods in the store.

6. It's not really difficult with that diet, but…

But first, we need to know what the diet is about. Fitness diet is not something that is “dietary” and “non-dietary”, it is not “clean”, nor is it chicken breast, broccoli, tilapia on water or fruit. They're calories. Do everyone have to write down and count calories? Absolutely not! However, just this term associated with the concept of macro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) will lead you to the right path. I used to eat whole wheat bread with vegetables a long time ago because I thought it was “dietary”. I ate 5 times a day chicken breast with rice in small portions because I saw it and read it almost everywhere. They are the best foods, and if I eat only those, the results will be enormous! If I blend those flakes with protein in the morning at 5:00 before noon, I'm going to be in maximum anabolism because they say breakfast is the most important! No, this is not how it works.

It was only when I began to deal with the above-mentioned concepts that I gradually educated myself before I understood the whole "science". Whole grain bread with vegetables was an extremely bad idea, 5 times a day chicken breasts with rice as well and forcibly consuming breakfast detto. I recommend each one of you to read things about calories and macronutrients. Having fun with people, watching discussions, and still confirming the fact that only after you start to deal with calories and understand the key factual things about nutrition, will you read something about proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the food will turn around and follow the nutrition tables before moving in the real directions that always apply and pay. With this diet, it's actually quite simple, though complex. This will teach you, however, and it is an excellent stepping stone into lukewarm waters, not deeper ones in which most of you are just drowning.

7. Become a scorer

There's really nothing better than having a chance to look at your notebook or Excel, how you eat during those days, weeks, and months, how many calories you have received, how much you have experienced during different months, how many times you have practiced within a week, how much he went to your training, how much you had, and how much you picked up on that exercise. Maybe you're still wondering why with these lines. Only after years when the progress does not go as it did during the beginning and perhaps the first, second year of exercise, do you realize that any analysis of the various factors that have influenced your life, analysis of training, amount of activity, lifted kilograms to think once again that what kind of change you should actually make to move it forward again. I was in great shape then, I see it in older photos, which I have stored in folders by months, because then I still felt very tired, because then I was extremely strong, because then I had a great sleep, because then I had 80kg and I looked like this, because then ... Do you understand? You can look back, analyze the situation then and today and try to make the necessary changes. Even if you start to write plans and goals for a given day, week, or even long-term plans within a given year, every day in the morning or evening.

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