štvrtok 30. júla 2020

In the beginning, the muscles grow faster and easier. What is neural adaptability? | Steroids4U.eu

In the beginning, the muscles grow faster and easier. What is neural adaptability?

Why can beginners gain more muscle mass than experienced individuals in the same period of time?
People who have just started exercising very often look for "shortcuts" to get to their dream body faster. Assuming results after a few workouts is, of course, unnecessary. Then comes either the moment when a person gets stuck and begins to examine the issue from a professional point of view… Or he simply pushes the shaping of his body aside.
Article content:

Why does the body respond better to training in the early stages?

How long does such an initial muscle growth process take?

What is neural adaptability?
Effects on the entire central nervous system (CNS) - not just the muscles.
How to continue to achieve results?

Why does the body respond better to training in the early stages?

The key to changing characters is the right start. This applies not only to strength training, but also to overall sports activity. Even if the transformation of your body does not take place "miraculously fast", you will be able to see several changes in yourself from the beginning. So what happens to your body as soon as you start moving?

You will feel total arousal during the first training. Due to the accelerated heartbeat, your blood will flow faster, which will also cause a faster contribution of oxygen to the brain. However, in addition to such a boost, it is also necessary to take into account DOMS - delayed muscle pain syndrome (colloquially muscular). But the good news is that the more your body moves, the less likely it is that the pain will come to that extent again.

In this way, a beginner can gain more strength and muscle mass as a percentage of his weight than a person who has already achieved some progress. In general, the harder it is to achieve an increase in muscle mass, the more you have from previous progress. Simply put - the more muscle you have, the slower you will grow.

How long does such an initial muscle growth process take?

During the first few weeks, your mitochondrial production will increase. They are involved in the processes that convert sugars, fats and proteins into fuel, thanks to which the body does its job. Studies have shown that during the first 6 to 8 weeks, these processes are up to 50% better.

After the first six months, you most likely know how to see real results. At this stage of the transformation of the body, it is usually no longer assumed that one would want to end it. During the first half of the year, up to 50% (allegedly up to 90%) of people can drop out of exercise for various reasons. But when this time has elapsed, this percentage rises even more dramatic.

According to studies, the whole "accelerated" process declines after about the first year of active exercise. Each of us has a predetermined genetic potential. The closer you get to him, the slower you will go. In addition to appearance, muscles have many other benefits (strength, performance, health, etc.), but the larger the muscle mass, the "more expensive" it is to maintain it in terms of nutrition - diet.

What is neural adaptability?

Simply put, it is the adjustment of muscles to a given effort. Stimulation of muscle cells causes changes that increase strength and muscle mass. The more intense we strain our muscles, the more resistant they become to stress.

However, it is not possible to say that at the beginning of the journey behind your dream body, the same influences will always react to you. Your muscles will get used to it and it will be necessary to "shock" them with increased / other effort, which we will talk about later in the article.

Effects on the entire central nervous system (CNS) - not just the muscles.
At the same time, strength training does not only affect the muscles themselves. It also has a significant effect on the CNS, where changes manifest themselves in several ways. This increases the level of fatty acids in the plasma, which also increases the contribution of tryptophan (an aromatic amino acid that is essential for human nutrition, the basic substance for the production of serotonin) to the central nervous system. As a result, it causes a higher concentration of seratonin - the hormone of happiness.

How to continue to achieve results?

As I wrote at the beginning, building your ideal body is a long way. The longer you wake up to it, the harder it will be for you to build new muscle mass. The basic division of these periods falls into three categories:

Beginner - able to gain 1 to 1.5% of body weight per month
Average - able to gain 0.5 to 1% of body weight per month
Advanced - able to gain 0.25 to 0.5% of body weight per month
As the muscles become more and more resistant, it is recommended to increase the training effort with increasing load, shorter breaks between exercises, or more repetitions in a single series for constant progress.

For example, it is certainly not possible to increase the load indefinitely. As well as the rate of muscle gain, the increase in strength will decrease over time. It is then that it is recommended to think about the change in the length of rest between individual series. Alternatively, a larger number of repetitions with the same weight sooner or later will also lead to an increase in the maximum possible load (usually measured per repetition). Alternatively, use other intensification options.

After a quick gain of muscle mass, it is necessary to train systematically. You will need to do real hard work so that your body gains at least a small amount of muscle from year to year. At least not to lose the ones worn out so far.

utorok 28. júla 2020

Lies, pofider fitness or sales in the fitness industry. Government ignorance, ignorance or stupidity? | Steroids4U.eu

Lies, pofider fitness or sales in the fitness industry. Government ignorance, ignorance or stupidity?

We live in a time when people believe in almost everything they read. We live in a time when those who have a degree are automatically smarter, more qualified and their information is 100% true. When people whose body looks good are immediately the most professional and it is not possible that their fitness advice is not really true. At a time when people do not think they do not want to think and do research or what they have read makes sense and it is true. At a time when the relevance and quality of information is based on the number of followers on the Instagram. But I'm not surprised. To seek the truth in such a quantity of misinformation that is public and often signed by "experts" is not important to the average person. Where to look? What is really true? An ordinary young lady or mother who is trying to lose weight and shape her ass simply cannot know what is true and what is not, so she simply orients herself according to what she is doing around in fitness circles all the time. Or according to what pops up on Facebook, whether according to titles, characters, beauty, articles that serve someone only as a marketing tool for selling products, whether according to stupidities on television or according to the number of followers. The more, the greater the truth.

He who has a weaker heart and the truth will knock him down, pour salt into the wounds, he should immediately press the CTRL + W key combination. In this article, we will not learn what it is like with gluten, nor will we talk about what is behind the secrets of training to maximize muscle growth. We sincerely regret that we have to publish this article, but the situation is such that it is necessary, although many will certainly not like it, and in the end they may say the typical thing: “aaeh, they envy. Ordinary heyers! ”But we would like you to stop your time and try to think while and after reading.

Tailor-made menus

Let's start with what is not only unfortunate and ill, but can also seriously damage health and actually destroy a person's mental state. Menus from "fitness". However, we will write in advance in capital letters, HAVE EXCEPTIONS. Of the 100 random women who exercise, we would find at least 80 who have an instagram account, or the more daring Facebook fan page "XXX YYY Fitness" and at least half would offer tailor-made menus. If a woman looks good, people think that her menus must work wonders and be excellent. They see beauty, they want beauty. Will they pay any money and get what they want? Partially. And unfortunately, it's not just about "instagram fitness", but also about professional ones, if we can call it that. It wasn't so long ago that the menus of one Czech two-time bikini fitness champion got on Facebook. "Is she sympathetic, pretty, elaborate, competing, has she even won many times and offers menus? This is an instant purchase! ”Unfortunately, and sometimes it is thankful that, unfortunately, there is the Internet. Here you see a menu that has reached the public, respectively. its censored version.

When calculating the calories of the foods that came out with the menu, it was found that:

On Monday, a man (say a woman) was supposed to take 660 calories (79g of protein, 49g of carbohydrates and 23g of fat)

Tuesday 1252 calories (93g protein, 149g carbohydrates, 29g fat)

In the middle of 645 calories (50g of protein, 91g of carbohydrates, 8g of fat)

Thursday 802 calories (73g of protein, 106g of carbohydrates, 8g of fat)

…… (no longer budgeted) ……

However, an ordinary woman who wants to lose weight doesn't know much about calories (so she probably won't throw them into MyFitnessPal), she only sees the given foods on paper and thinks if she hopes this is the right way to go on her way to a poorer figure. Wrong. Note the low values. Anyone who has at least minimal attention to nutrition knows that this is critical and health threatening. With such a diet, the following things are possible (based on a mix of different studies): gallstones, fatigue, damage to hair, bones, loss of valuable muscle mass, nausea, less serious and very serious disruption of metabolic processes, destruction of certain hormones and other health problems. complications, metabolic damage and completely common are "women's things" such as serious menstrual problems and the like. Not to mention a mental disorder. "Aaaale, it's probably normal when we're on a diet." No, it's not. Or does this seem normal to you?

We should lose weight gradually (!!) - by increasing our activity, improving training, adding a device called cardio, followed by slow and gradual calorie restriction. Finally, we have a pile of articles on Fitclane. Certainly not by putting on such and similar diets. These are nothing magical, just know the foods and their nutritional information.

In a few days, another gem came on the Internet. We will state (we will quote, even with mistakes) we will only part of the menu, for an idea (specific names of supplements will be censored)

5:00 - Glutaf ****** 5g + Ana *** Amino prof 5g + 3000 mg l-carnitine + Thermo fus *** 4 tab, alternate with Therm ene *** power 6 tab. + 1000 mg Vitamin C + 0-3 - 05l tea

6:00 - 60 minutes Airobial activity (stairs, stepper, lunges… focus on glutes) + contractions on the sciatic muscles 3x 100 repetitions for each polka During the airoba we drink 5 - 10g bcaa powder

12:00 - 100g salmon + 50g green beans

14:30 - vegetables, or, if you have a workout, give 50g of chicken

Summa-summarum, the menu contained 10 meals, and we could label a meal with only about 3 phases. Nutritional supplements have outperformed the food itself, and something is wrong here. Another blow below the waist occurs after a complete addition of calories, which according to sources is 848 calories, in addition to cardio 5 times a week on an empty stomach and another 4 times 40 minutes of cardio along with training. And who was the menu for? For an ordinary girl who wants to lose weight. Anyone who knows a little knows that this borders on another serious case. Really sad if we know he's a "professional coach".

Well, let's not be naive, thinking that this is just a random, unique and unfortunate case. Anyone who is familiar with fitness a little deeper and for more than a year knows that these cases are uncertain. A meal plan that has been stored in Word for ten years and sends it to everyone - line by line. It doesn't matter if you are a man, a woman, you are 17 years old or 71. Here you have a menu "right for you" and we are equipped. At first glance, maybe funny, at second not so. If you can't happen to eat a food, it will tell you that there is no substitute. Gems like "you can only eat an apple for the first month, from 12 noon to 5 pm" or "eat eggs both raw and cooked" or the advice that "you can only eat Cleopatra Light from cheeses after one month of my diet". What is this fabrication? Unfortunately, the cruel reality of another personal trainer with the number of likes on Facebook exceeding several tens of thousands. Now comes the tears-with-me-push-into-the-eyes idea again. A thousand women will receive a similar thing in the mail. Every second one passes these advice to other women, friends. The others and…. I refuse to continue. We can all imagine the fatal consequences together. Bonus No.2, inspiring customer transformations. Great! It's a pity that almost all of you will find a reverse google image search engine with links to foreign forums or random tumblr blogs of various people from America or other parts of the world. Where is it going?

Heavy money due to lies - marketing, fitness, fitness, biohackers, erotic industry, power

Topics that are more or less related to the previous chapter. Many people do not want to realize that the fitness industry is enormously intertwined with marketing and is associated with creating product awareness and pushing to end consumers. It should be noted that beauty does not make a person an expert, neither a 45-centimeter biceps, nor more than 10,000 followers on Instagram, nor a certificate (mainly in Slovakia) and unfortunately not a won competition (see menus above). Of course, there are certainly people who are subject to all this, but even so, they are real professionals who deserve honor. In our extremities, however, the sad reality is that if someone loses weight or looks good, they don't compete, they have to be right, and any product from their hands and the information from their mouths must be legitimate. In America, there are several companies with nutritional supplements, whose motto is the promotion of products through women with blowjob breasts and buttocks. And it's not just detox teas that we've been talking about a long time ago. These are various carbohydrate blockers, fat burners, metabolic accelerators and testosterone boosters. The rhetorical question - what happens if a company with two million fans promotes non-functional silly nutritional supplements and other products?

Marketing is the ruler, ignorance is the donor. Today, unfortunately, everyone who trains for half a year and has a personal trainer course (with whom something should be done seriously, because its relevance is deep beneath the earth's surface along with the quality of the information provided in the courses) is a fitness worker. Own fan site, a few photos, a motivational quote for it, and a fan base is built. Just pan for pre-flood products through affiliate marketing, or continue to play as a nutritionist and take the tremendous money for the menus we saw above. Or both. Easily build brand awareness when we have people under our control even with a million fan bases. But billions of euros or dollars are spinning here, which some do not realize.

Who is outraged now and wonders why we publish photos from Brazzers? Unfortunately, this is just another supplement promoting and motivating fitness from Instagram. We're probably no longer surprised that many have so many followers, right? And this is not only a foreign case, but also from our extremities.

In our extremities, slimming belts fly to narrow the hips. However, it does not end there and various nonsense based on marketing is promoted. What's even sadder? All these statements were made by professional fitness professionals, even with the IFBB subtitle. Yes, this is also our Slovak and Czech fitness industry.

However, not everyone. There are still a number of people who only need to take a picture of a given fitness or bodybuilder with a given product. In addition, if he says that he uses / consumes this product himself, it is an automatic purchase.

Easy dissemination of misleading information due to waterlessness

About 3-4 times we received a message why we don't contribute articles more often - every day - that they are great and you would like more. First of all, thank you for such words and we would like to have articles like on a treadmill. However, producing them takes a lot of time to maintain quality. For many sites, it's easy to have a lot of articles on a daily basis. There are hundreds of special diets, detox diets and foods as well and guaranteed weight loss guides, which are something like glue on handles and that can be recycled around, just in the form of a slightly different context and title, too. Today it will be a carrot diet, a detox kiwi and the next day a cucumber 28-day diet with guaranteed results in the form of weight loss. Yes, you really lose weight, just look at it with a more critical eye. If you consume calories below your basal metabolism every day, it is clear that the pounds are going down. In addition, you spread hormones beautifully, you ruin your health, you ruin your metabolism and after the end of your diet you are where you have been, even worse. However, following a nonsensical diet based on the stupidity of the coarsest grain is easier than spending your precious time reading about calories, caloric deficiency and macronutrients, so that people understand what all weight loss is about, what it is based on and that they don't have to eat only tilapia. without salt and pepper eight times a day. It is a pity that the mentioned things are always guaranteed success in Slovakia.

I also think that if someone tries to help with various fitness topics, they cannot proudly write that: "insignificant sand = carbohydrates" It's not just nonsense, but such a style only spreads misinformation and does not lead to any teaching. However, when people can print their content into commercial programs or pofider opinion-forming media, unfortunately, I never, I repeat, the situation in Slovakia will never improve. Well, it's not like I'm a trainer / bodybuilder / fitness / biker, you can trust me. And it is a great pity that this is not the case.

… And of course there is more. Trust us, we didn't want to publish an article on this topic. We didn't want to get involved in what we might not do anything about. We don't want to spread any negativity in any case - it's not about a healthy lifestyle and the joy of it. However, the situation is so bad and it seems to be getting worse that we have published it. We know that some will not be enthusiastic and will say that we are just jealous, but we think that many of you will agree with us. We simply want to point out the other side of the fitness industry, which many are reluctant to see. And again, we honor the exceptions. However, if none of this applies to you, you should not be affected. Finally, I'll just add, do research, don't believe everything you see on TV, don't buy AB Generators for € 99.99, remember, not all fitness sites in the world offer information to seriously help people, not everyone who has a great form, he also has the knowledge, and not everyone who gets the adjective fitness trainer and nutritionist provides quality information. Open your eyes, stay open-minded, enjoy exercise, diet and fitness. It's a lifestyle that many destroy.

nedeľa 26. júla 2020

Does ice water limit long-term gains in muscle mass and strength after training? | Steroids4U.eu

Does ice water limit long-term gains in muscle mass and strength after training?

Recently, one very interesting study flew around the world of fitness & science, which addressed the effect of only ice water after training on muscle growth and strength. What did she tell us?

The study addressed functional, morphological and molecular adaptation to strength training in immersion in ice water through 2 studies. In the first, 21 physically active men trained for 12 weeks, while after training they had either a cold bath or active regeneration (ie some warm-up, stretching). In the second study, nine men performed strength training on only one leg on different days, and this "training" ended again with a cold bath or active relaxation. For details (number of satellite cells expressing nerve adhesion molecules of the cell… and similar data that don't even tell me that extra, I'm not going to play scientist) click here. In any case, the final data suggested that a cold bath after strength training alleviates changes in the number of satellite cells and the activity of kinases (enzymes) that regulate muscle growth, which may be reflected in long-term impoverishment and hypertrophy ( muscle growth), even with strength performance. Even, similar results were demonstrated in this next study, again from 2015.

Of course, there is no need to draw clear conclusions. And even that is not possible. We have, for example, cryotherapy that can reduce inflammation, no one claims that ice baths are not good for other things and there is even the potential of ice water to reduce pain in tendons, joints, but it seems that this may be at the cost of limiting long-term muscle gain. . However, there is still some speculation on this topic and it is not even completely known the whole process of rebuilding muscles to be stronger and bigger within the mentioned "ice" methods. We know that many (even top) athletes and athletes use the ice bath method. Are they losing long-term muscle gain at the expense of improved regeneration? Hard to say. Also, if we want to be skeptical after all, a lot of (even top) athletes and athletes do many things that are not optimal and even "work" only through a placebo. Again, we cannot draw a clear conclusion unless there are more studies of ice water after strength training to address hypertrophy, but many people will probably at least consider whether to take an ice bath immediately after exercise. We will inform you.

štvrtok 23. júla 2020

What effect does a few hours of sitting have on our back and overall health? | Steroids4U.eu

What effect does a few hours of sitting have on our back and overall health?

Chairs are like a torture tool. Many sit on their chairs for hours and hours, but may not realize that they are actually hurting themselves.

We can talk about four stages of back pain:

Twenties who live with the onset of pain and feel a little stiff
Thirty people who live in constant anger from back pain and stiffness
Forty-year-olds who suffer from a number of disorders and weaknesses associated with the spine
Fifty people who had to quit their jobs due to really serious disorders caused by constant sitting

From this point of view, it is not difficult to see how relatively minor injuries develop. For young people, let's call them chair warriors, stiffness is just some irritation. But for a physiotherapist, this is the beginning of the end!

What is the problem with sitting?

The problem is immobility. Everything works in a certain way of response and nothing works just like that without any previous stimulus. The first consequence of immobility is the stagnation of soft tissues, for which Christopher Reeve, for example, also died (infected with bedsores, literally). If you can move, but you don't do it as often as you should - like a lot of office workers - you basically have a serious problem. Your muscles will scream that they want and need physical and neurological stimulation to survive and thrive. By moving, you remove what you don't want to happen - to become "dead". In addition, however, they become ill with minimal movement. The most affected are the shoulders, back and hips, which tend to remain relatively still.

We know a rather popular claim that excessive sitting causes shortening of muscle tissue (especially shortening of lumbar flexors). This statement is in itself essentially true. For example, one study found that high heels shortened the calf muscles by 13%. The trusted biologist D. Lieberman also commented on the topic of problematic, constant sittings:

“Paper after paper, study after study proves that chairs really cause back problems because they shorten lumbar flexors, weaken the spine and make us simply sedentary - inactive people. We spend a lot of time sitting on a chair, but many don't even mind - you know what, they're comfortable. "

Unfortunately, all this is not so clear. Even if your muscles are shortened, it doesn't have to be a disaster right away. The shortening of the calf muscles mentioned above? The authors of this study also found that it actually had no measurable effect on ankle function, but…!

"It is known that immobilizing a joint over a long period of time can lead to loss of muscle contracture and cross-linking of connective tissue."

However, some studies have found that any negative effects can be eliminated by a short, not frequent movement. In one study, the researchers left the "soleus" muscle of the rat completely immobilized in plaster for 10 days. Every 2 days, the plaster was removed and the muscle stretched for about 15 minutes. This was enough to maintain the length of the tissue.
In another study, in which the daily length of "stretching" was a maximum of 30 minutes and the rest of the time was filled with sitting on a stool, it was found that sitting on a stool almost all day will not cause tissue length loss if you walk here and there and visit a refrigerator.

I'll buy a great chair and it will be fine

Well, no, it won't! The importance of extremely comfortable and ergonomically dazzling chairs is a bit exaggerated. There is no such thing as a perfect chair. It is simply not comfortable for our body to sit for several hours at a time.

So is it enough if I go to work a few times to scan something or go to the toilet?

Yes, but no. Any getting up is much better than being stuck on a stool. There is no doubt about that. But on the other hand, it is not enough! The key point is that you can't go through your back muscle in the office. Standing above the scanner and pressing the buttons is also not a musculoskeletal challenge, just like a trip to the toilet. You just need to be active during the day - exercise is best. However, some work requires sitting on a chair for several hours. So at least try not to keep the monitor above eye level, do not cross your legs while sitting, keep your feet flat on the floor (knee and middle finger should be at the same angle). Try to have your hips and knees at right angles. How many of you have relocated?

What are some of the most common, common, but literally catastrophic things?

No mini-breaks while sitting, monitors high above eye level and frequent holding of the phone to the ear by the shoulder. Of course, the occasional violation of these things does not make such a problem, but a similar daily routine can lead to continuous headaches and neck pain.

In conclusion, it must be added that constant sitting may not immediately lead to serious problems, but most likely it will really be in a few years. You run the least risk (chronic, serious, serious, painful problems with mobility and flexibility), and indeed. A healthy lifestyle is simply not compatible with chair warriors. If your work requires several hours of sitting on a chair, try to shorten the length of the session, get up often, stretch, but do not forget the most important thing - the overall activity. You can also use the tips from our article on warming up, where you will find many tips in the videos on how to avoid back pain (also). And now get up!

utorok 21. júla 2020

8 effective tips for dealing with hunger | Steroids4U.eu

8 effective tips for dealing with hunger

What is hunger? To be honest, hunger is a very complicated thing. If we wanted to say everything about hunger, it certainly wouldn't be just one article. Studies are still revealing newer and newer facts about how our hormones work and how we monitor what we eat. Then they send a signal to our brain through various processes, and that is actually hunger. There are several reasons why we are hungry. Sometimes it's just out of boredom, because we're at a party where the food is (let's face it, cakes or sandwiches smile at us and it's hard to resist) or we just eat because there was a chocolate advertisement, it looked great, and so we hunger fell. Our eyes would eat. But let's get to the point and say 8 ways to deal with hunger and conclude with one special bonus.

1. Eat more protein

While various nutritionists will estimate whether carbohydrates or fats will feed us more and in less time, studies show that protein wins over both of these macronutrients. More and more research shows that in the long run, protein wins more in this fight (mostly poor white meat, beef, pork, poor fish). So protein should always come first. Eating protein is also very important during the diet if someone wants to lose weight, as they help us to protect muscles in caloric deficiency. You can also read more about proteins and their intake in one of our articles, where you will also find the mentioned research.

2. Eat fruit

Unfortunately, fruit does not have a very good reputation for weight loss when it comes to athletes and fitness, but the truth is elsewhere. Fruit is portrayed as bad, but it's not. One cause of hunger is glycogen in the liver - if the glycogen in the liver is depleted, the liver sends a signal to the brain, and so we are hungry. The fructose that the fruit contains fills the liver with glycogen, so people who have an adequate amount of fruit in their diet feel less hungry. This is due to the important fiber that the fruit contains. But of course eat fresh fruit and avoid juice, it's not fruit and in 99% it's waste, respectively. sugar water, which will not help you in anything, only in driving up a lot of calories without other micronutrients.

3. Consume more fiber

This list would not be complete without fiber as such. Fiber can help us fight hunger in two ways. First, from a psychological point of view, it is the so-called By "fooling" our stomach, and this is one of the signals of how much food we can eat, and when we mentally deceive our stomach, our brain thinks we are satiated. Foods high in fiber can feed us more and in the long run. Second, by keeping food longer in the stomach, a diet with a higher fiber content will feed us more and therefore for a longer period of time. Sure, Mom was right when she said we had to eat vegetables.

4. Add fats to your diet

Studies show that low-fat diets usually cause greater hunger. The moderate content of fats in the diet causes less hunger in the long run, because it fills us more and we are not so often hungry. Our diet should never contain less than 20-25% fat from total calories when we are in caloric deficiency. In some cases (on low carbohydrate diets) these percentages should be even higher.

5. Do Workout!

Exercise can sometimes increase hunger, sometimes decrease, and sometimes has no effect. Some of these effects are purely psychological. On the one hand, exercise increases leptin levels, which can help some hunger signals work better, but on the other hand, some people may have elevated sugar levels with exercise, which increases hunger. There are people who unfortunately use exercise as an excuse to eat more. They say they must have burned at least 1000 kCal with exercise, so they deserve to eat a steak or chocolate. Of course, people still exaggerate how much they burn and it can only hurt them.

6. Think about Intermittent Fasting

IF is a relatively popular "trend" and the fact is that you have a "fast" for some time (16 - 20 h) and then you receive calories during the day in the so-called "feeding" time. There are many explanations, but studies suggest that this style of eating has various health benefits. IF can help someone who is in a caloric deficiency and is not eating a lot of food. For example, if someone loses pounds in deficit and eats 2,200 calories a day, in addition to regulating hunger, IF will help him during the day, when he divides most calories into fewer foods, which logically feeds him more.

7. Be more flexible in your diet

I ask you, "What would you do if I told you that you could never eat a certain food again?" Let's just say it's something you really adore. What we forbid the most, we want the most, and that desire is enormous. This is how the human mind works. As the saying goes - forbidden fruit tastes best. The fact is that if we want to change our lifestyle in the long run, it will be easier for us to be consistent in our diet if we are not so strict and our diet is more flexible.

Just as there are no foods to lose weight, so there are no foods to gain weight from. They are the only ones that affect our body differently and have a different amount of calories. Imagine you consume 3,000 calories a day and 2,800 of them are nutritious foods full of “quality” macronutrients. What happens if we have the remaining 200 calories in the form of "get your favorite food"? Nothing. But what happens when people think that chicken breasts on rice water are dietary and don't eat any food at all? They get a cube of chocolate, they get incredible remorse and it ends with the so-called "Binge eatingom". Flexible eating has its own article, so don't miss it either! From my own experience, I can say that flexible dieting is the way forward. Since it is not specified what I should not eat until I reach a certain amount of nutrients and numbers every day, I have no problem getting something that may not fall into the category of "dietary". Therefore, my mind is calm and I do not have dreams of various forbidden foods.

8. Pay attention to the drinking regime!

Hunger is sometimes just disguised thirst. When I'm hungry or I have a taste, I think about whether I'm really hungry. If I just ate a while ago, I will simply drink and it will almost always help me. Drinking is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, so don't neglect it and have a drink before we get to the last bonus point!

Bonus: Give up and stay fat

Unfortunately, if you use all these tips, sometimes you will feel hungry and it is up to you how to deal with it. In short, if we want to lose weight, spending must be higher than income and, unfortunately, sometimes there is hunger.

Many people get to the stage where they have to decide whether it is more important for them to lose weight, be fit or whether the calorie intake is greater and more important.

nedeľa 19. júla 2020

Not yogurt like yogurt, or dairy products are great, but you need to be careful | Steroids4U.eu

Not yogurt like yogurt, or dairy products are great, but you need to be careful

If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle, you are reading Fitclan and you are not vegan, we are almost sure that you include dairy products in your diet. And you're doing well! Let's take a look today under the lid of a popular trio of dairy products, namely yoghurt, Greek yogurt (+ Greek-type yogurt), curry and a bit of cottage cheese.

It starts with milk

Everything about yoghurts, scallops, cottage cheese, etc., starts with milk, and therefore perhaps it would be appropriate to start with it, the most important thing. Milk is the basic raw material for which it is made, that makes sense. Although we can get milk from several mammals, we will talk here today mainly about cow's milk.

Milk is an excrement from the mammary gland of mammals, which is intended for the first nutrition of their young - it is therefore a complex food containing all nutritionally important substances. It plays an important role in human nutrition, especially as a source of calcium, but we get much more from it into the body!

Classic cow's milk contains on average 4% fat, 3.2% protein (casein protein of four fifths, the rest of serum protein), 4.6% milk sugar (lactose), 0.7% minerals (Ca, P, Na, Mg, K, Cl), vitamins (B2, A, D, E, K, C), enzymes and more. However, as the milk is further processed, its specific values ​​begin to vary, especially those of fat.

Specifically, in the dairy in most cases it looks like this: Fresh milk is brought, which naturally has a fat content of about 4% and then goes to the centrifuge, where the skimmed milk (about 0.03% fat) is separated from the cream (38-42% fat), from which products of different fat content are then mixed. However, there are dairies that do not have this step in their production process at all, and therefore work all the time only with milk with a fat content of about 4%, and thus all the resulting products have about 4% fat.

It's fascinating for me that all I have to do is take milk and just choose whether I want to have yogurt, a pie or cheese. It's all more or less about what bacterial culture, what temperatures and how long I choose. So how do the individual best-known products differ?


How is yogurt made?

The first process, after the milk is transported to the factory, is homogenized. Why is this step necessary? The fat in the milk is in the form of such microfat balls, and by this process these milk fat balls are reduced and unified. This is because the milk is forced through a sieve with very small holes. If the milk did not homogenize, fat could be released during fermentation, so we would then have a cup of yogurt with yogurt at the bottom and a layer of fat at the top. However, it is not absolutely necessary, if I remember correctly, some dairies do so intentionally - but there are a minority of them.

The second step is pasteurization, a completely normal and, from a certain year, a mandatory process by law, where the milk is heated rapidly to about 90-95 ° C for a few seconds and then cooled to 40 ° C. This process removes (potentially) pathogenic substances and makes the milk completely safe. And also more durable.

And now it's time to "inoculate" such treated milk with bacterial cultures, ie fermentation. A "pure yoghurt culture" is considered to be a mixture of two types of bacterial cultures, namely Streptococcus thermophillus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in a certain ratio. However, each manufacturer of yogurt (or any fermented milk product) has its own "recipe", the number of individual bacterial strains and the (post) fermentation process. For example, such Activia is not much hidden by the bacterial cultures it uses. Surely you have somewhere in your subconscious rooted in the ads of Bifidus actiregularis. This is a probiotic bacterial strain that is specific exclusively to this brand, so their final product differs from others. The types of yoghurts are usually not differentiated according to the milk culture, the producers usually do not and do not have to state the specific composition of the milk culture.

All of these healthy bacteria thrive best at temperatures around 40 ° C (37-42 ° C), so this is exactly the temperature that is set and allowed to ferment for several hours (depending on the recipe, 4-6 hours). During this time, the bacteria convert milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid and other by-products. This is one of the reasons why fermented milk products are more suitable for people with lactose intolerance - lactose is naturally declining.

There are two methods of fermentation, respectively. two technologies of yogurt production - technology of production maturing in tanks vs. technology of production maturing in a crucible (in consumer packaging). In the first, the yoghurt is formed in bulk in a huge vat, in the second, the "inoculated" milk is bottled in cups, sealed and then inserted into the fermentation chambers already prepared. Nothing changes in their resulting nutritional values ​​or perhaps safety, it is more a matter of texture. Yoghurt that matures in a crucible has a coarser structure, is stiffer and often contains clumps / pieces, while yoghurt that has matured in a tank has a more homogeneous structure and is finer - this makes sense because the milk is mixed during the fermentation process.

So, and we have white yogurt! But what about fruit?

Did you know that the first fruit yogurt ever was created in 1933 in the Radlická dairy in Prague in Smíchov? At that time, several teaspoons of strawberry jam were placed on the surface of the yogurt. However, the original intention was different than you think - it was done to prevent the formation of mold. This was patented by Radlická mlékárna and then sold this patent in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Fruit yogurt is not like fruit yogurt.

Many fruit yogurts did not see a piece of fruit even from the express. This is because the fruity taste of the drawbar is often smelled. Fruit concentrate is taken (which in itself is more or less a waste product in the production of another fruit product), even in such a quantity that the yoghurt can be called after that fruit according to the legislation, so for example 5%, aroma, dye, water and stabilizers, it mixes with yogurt and tada, "fruit" yogurt is in the world. Damn cheap to make.

However, some companies go the longer, more thorny and expensive route and add really good fruit jam. So often in the composition you will see only fruit (of which there is at least 50% of the content of the flavoring component), sugar and pectin (which is a gelling agent necessary for the formation of dense jam). Yogurt is more expensive, but also much more natural? Tastier? Just BETTER.

What about those low-fat yogurts?

I remember the time about 10 years ago, when I decided (of course very unnecessarily) to lose weight and so I started buying yogurts with 0.1% fat. Often, an ultra-thin mass was waiting for me in the cup, or, on the contrary, almost gelatin, which did not resemble yogurt at all. I'm almost certain that if I had known about calories at the time and looked at the nutritional value, I would find that such yogurt has 0.1% fat, but on the contrary has a higher carbohydrate content - even though it was unsweetened white yogurt. So one such cup came out calorically as if I had bought a classic 3.5% yogurt. This is because various thickeners and starches are often added to low-fat yoghurts to keep them together at all, which then simply increases the caloric value. However, to be honest, at least during my last wanderings through larger stores, trying to figure out if these yogurts still existed and what they look like now, I didn't come across them.

Yoghurts from Greece, or Greek yoghurts. Or not?

Although we might think from the name that it is perhaps made in Greece, this is not the case. Greek Czech yogurts can already be produced by our Czech or Slovak dairies. In fact, there was a case around this in 2016/2017, when the Greek Ministry complained about exactly this - that it was the introduction of the consumer, so according to Decree 397/2016 Coll., Which came into force in the Czech Republic on 1.1. 2017, must now indicate the country of origin of the product.

In addition, the same decree sets out what may be described as "Greek yoghurt". It is a yoghurt which must contain at least 5.6% protein and in which whey is removed after fermentation. Production begins in the same way as with classic yogurt, only after fermentation comes the next step, namely the dripping / draining of whey - that's why Greek yogurt is so thick in the end. The decree also stipulates that it must contain at least 5.6% milk protein, which, however, was not intentionally added to the product in concentrated form. Thus, 3 kg of milk is used to produce one kilogram of Greek yogurt.

Greek-type yogurt (or Greek-style yogurt) is not the same. It must also have at least 5.6% protein as well as Greek yogurt, but its production process is different. Before fermentation, dried milk proteins are added. Thus, 1 kg of milk is used to produce one kilogram of Greek-type yoghurt before adding the dried milk proteins. Of course, these milk proteins also come from milk, but their amount then again varies from producer to producer; therefore, I cannot state the final value of milk consumption.

As for bacterial strains, they are used the same as in the case of yogurt, so the difference is in the production technology.

Skyry, (Greek) yogurts from Iceland. Confused yet?

Skyr is a traditional dairy product that comes from Iceland. It has been a part of their kitchen for more than 1000 years! In many respects it is similar to Greek yogurt, but its nutritional values ​​are generally even better, resp. more suitable for a healthy lifestyle. Skyr is made from skimmed (skimmed) milk, so it boasts a low percentage of fat - it contains an average of 12% protein, 3% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat and, as a bonus, a high amount of calcium.

Skyr is created quite similarly to Greek yogurt, so after fermentation the whey is filtered off. However, other bacterial cultures are used here and the fermentation takes longer - again, it depends on the manufacturer, however, it is stated for more than 8 hours. However, the production of 1 kg of scorpion uses a little more milk than Greek yoghurt, up to 4 kg of milk.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is made completely differently than previous products. It is not a fermented dairy product (ie lactic acid bacteria are not used in its production). Cottage cheese is made by precipitating casein protein and then draining the whey using rennet. And what is rennet? There are two types (and two different types of cottage cheese are created on this basis).

But let's just talk about the classic soft cottage cheese from the tray, as we know it and probably all of us. This is created using rennet enzymes. The milk (after pasteurization) is heated to 22-28 ° C, a mixture of rennet enzymes is added and the milk is left to ferment for 16-18 hours. The acidified milk precipitate is mixed slowly and heated to 35-38 ° C. The aim is to strengthen the precipitate and separate the whey. The obtained precipitate is pressed in the so-called curds (special cloth bags), or the precipitate is centrifuged, where on the one hand we obtain a liquid part (whey) and on the other hand we obtain curd (dry matter about 20%). Soft curds show a pleasantly sour milky taste and aroma, a uniform consistency without the release of whey.

As with yoghurts, we can get various fatty cottage cheese in cottage cheese. Fatter curds are tastier, but contain less protein to the margin of higher fat content. Low-fat cottage cheese, on the other hand, is super-friendly for our lifestyle, but it's not something we didn't know for a long time.

So what's best for me?

Taking this from the point of view of protein content, in this case it is definitely best to reach for cottage cheese, scurf and (low-fat) Greek yogurt. Cottage cheese always contains about 17 g of protein / 100 g, skyr always contains at least 12 g of protein / 100 g and Greek yogurt according to the legislation 5.6 g of protein / 100 g, however, for example the most famous Greek yogurts in our country from the manufacturer Milko are around 10 g of protein (depending on flavor). From this point of view, these products are more suitable, because classic yogurt will always have a protein content of around 3-5%, in most cases for the same number of calories (depending on the flavor).

If I look at it from the point of view of overall health, any honest yogurt (where there are no unnecessary starches, thickeners), Greek yogurt, Greek-type yogurt or skyr is suitable. They all contain lactic acid bacteria, which help the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

From my point of view, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing classic yogurts. In the case of Greek yoghurt or skyr, producers cannot (or should not) afford to supply anything other than fruit flavors, ie. no stabilizers or other artificial food substances, which speak a bit about the fact that the manufacturer tried to create the product as cheaply as possible. With Greek yogurt, just pay attention to the fatness, however, if it fits into your macros, there is no reason to avoid even fatter Greek yogurt.

Yogurts are usually significantly cheaper than Greek yogurt or skyr, but we would certainly recommend buying Greek yogurt / skyr much more at the cost of being more expensive, because you can get much more from it for the body - both healthy bacteria and a decent load of quality protein. And cottage cheese? Although it does not contain healthy bacteria, it boasts the highest content of (casein) proteins. The price is slightly lower than skyr / Greek yogurt.


# 1 What about lactose-free dairy products?

Lactose-free dairy products are produced by adding the enzyme lactase to the mixture during the production process. This is an enzyme that is lacking in people with lactose intolerance. Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of glucose and galactose, and this enzyme is then responsible for breaking the bond between the two sugars. In the final lactose-free product, the difference in the final is just that instead of lactose, which an allergy sufferer / intolerant cannot digest, there are two simpler sugars (glucose and galactose).

# 2 Do they include dairy products?

This myth is as old as humanity itself. There is no evidence or perhaps scientific study to confirm this. The feeling of being overwhelmed depends on whether you believe it. Incorporation studies have been performed in both asthmatics and volunteers who have been infected with viruses that cause respiratory diseases. The result was the same for all. The feeling of being overwhelmed was more indicated by those who believe in it.

# 3 Probiotic yogurts

According to the recommendations of the FAO Working Group of 2001, probiotics are "living microorganisms that, when administered in appropriate doses, bring health benefits to the host". It must be said here that all yoghurts are to some extent probiotic. For the fermentation of yoghurt, as we wrote in the introduction, two bacterial strains are used, which belong to the lactic acid bacteria, namely Streptococcus thermophillus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. Many strains, especially from the genus Lactobacillus, have also been confirmed to have probiotic properties. However, if the yogurt is clearly proud of the adjective "probiotic" on the packaging, it also contains some additional probiotic bacteria. So is advertising that says that probiotic yogurts are healthy, misleading advertising? Not at all. However, we will discuss the benefits in another follow-up article.

štvrtok 16. júla 2020

Ice Shower: A Hit for Motivated Bloggers or a Tool for Better Physical and Mental Health? | Steroids4U.eu

Ice Shower: A Hit for Motivated Bloggers or a Tool for Better Physical and Mental Health?

If you haven't seen at least one person on Instagram in recent years who jumped on a train called an ice shower (ideally early in the morning, right after waking up), you probably don't have an Instagram. Does this, at first glance, rather unpleasant activity have real benefits supported by science, or is it just a kind of hype based on anecdotal evidence (that is, something that one thinks, feels, and so it is true regardless of anything else)?

We will not keep you tense and we will say straight away that even though the anecdotal side is very strong, science also suggests that ice showers have the potential for better physical and mental health. But there are hooks. In today's article, we will also focus on a contrasting shower, not just pure ice. A contrasting shower is one in which you alternate hot and cold water at certain time intervals. For hot water, a time of at least 2-3 minutes is recommended, while for cold water one minute. It was contrasting showers and ice showers that were the most addressed in the research, and thus somehow combined into one unit.


# 1 Reduce muscle and improve regeneration

To breathe a sigh of relief at the outset of this issue, I will say that an ice shower or even cryotherapy is quite a matter of regeneration in terms of regeneration.

"But… but ... everyone says…" Yes, yes, I know. Claim.

I am not saying that these methods (ice, contrast shower and cryo) have no effect on regeneration, but that we have more efficient and pleasant methods in terms of regeneration. The most interesting benefits are proven under conditions that are irrelevant to most of us. For example, with a long ice bath, not your two-minute (if at all) relatively cold shower.

However, you don't have to be sad, because the advantages, as I mentioned, are here, in the meta-analysis, they found an improvement in the muscle muscle in an 11-15 minute shower around 10-15 ° C. Many times before, such subjective satisfaction and relaxation occur, which can have a positive impact on the body. I can boldly say that a contrasting shower, but also an ice shower will not only (a little!) Improve your regeneration after strenuous workouts, but also reduce your muscles. Last but not least, another benefit of the contrast shower is the improvement of blood flow. And where there is blood, there is life and nutrients for tired muscles. Although it may not be a pleasant method at first, you should definitely give it a chance. At a minimum, the contrasting shower, as the meta-analysis points to benefits and, in addition, a reduction in creatine kinase levels (one of the indicators of muscle damage) was found. Here, a lower perception of fatigue in team sports was demonstrated.

However, you would definitely expect bigger and clearer conclusions, especially when every second article about ice showers tells you that you will be Robokop. The advantages are here, but especially for longer showers / baths (10+ minutes).

# 2 Armored immune system, but…

But the armor is also… no… cardboard. I myself was disappointed with the data behind better immunity, but then I realized that enough had been done about the immune system, most recently during the coronavirus. However, the boost of immunity due to ice showers can occur, at least to a small extent. With 14 degrees of water for one hour, the benefits have not been demonstrated, but with repeated activity (ice showers 3 times a week for 6 weeks) already yes, although we are talking about small differences in the increase of monocytes, lymphocytes and the like, which are related to immunity.

In this study, 3,018 participants (79% completed the study) had a 29% reduction in morbidity. It was self-reported data about how employees went / did not go to work due to a cold, but at least something. In addition, I know a ton of anecdotal evidence when people really praise similar benefits.

# 3 Exiting the comfort zone

The comfort zone is actually a psychological state in which you feel comfortable and feel very low to no anxiety or stress. However, a slight increase in these conditions results in better adaptation. As early as 1907, psychologist Rober Yerkes noted that when people want to achieve maximum performance, it is fine if their stress levels are slightly higher than normal. He called it optimal anxiety and a condition outside our comfort zone. It is the ice shower and your (super) ability to handle it that can help you in other uncomfortable situations.

# 4 You burn calories, but…

Unfortunately, it's not what you might think. Although the titles of opinion-forming media are easy to sell (you know - "Shocking! Ice shower will help you burn fat", the reality of calories burned during ice showers is a bit different. We discussed everything in the Premium article and apart from calories you can find out more about brown and white Not to mention the fact that Premium membership (2.99 € / month, which is 77 CZK), you support Fitclan, you have access to 230+ articles, discounts in our e-shop, discount on Actin, progress sheet for recording your day / calories, info / presale / discount on webinars, seminars and the like.

# 5 Better mood

These are rather hypotheses and anecdotal conclusions, but since the ice shower has an effect on the sympathetic nervous system and increases neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and endorphins, mood improvement and simply a better feeling is possible. If you last 5 minutes and give it at least 2-3 times a week, the symptoms of depression may be lower, resp. suppressed and mood better. How much, it is questionable, but we must mention a positive point.



# 1 Yes. It. Ice.

Um, the unexpected fact that it's just icy, annoying in an ice shower. Unfortunately, the body is very good at adapting and over time you don't have to feel this negative and it is likely that you will simply look forward to that shower and most importantly, you will not feel it as icy as the first times. The adaptation of the organism and at the same time all the mentioned benefits will simply win over the feelings of winter.

# 2 Potential reduction in muscle growth if…

The latest conclusions were not entirely clear, although it seems that ice water after training will not be the real nut for our muscles, if our goal is maximum hypertrophy (muscle growth). Anyway, we have a study that says the following. In this "ice process", the expression of factors that promote ribosome biogenesis is negatively affected - this difficult word can play an important role in hypertrophy during training. So this confirms the previous information that we wrote, respectively. found in the study. Indeed, it seems that if we want to maximize the growth of muscle mass, diving into ice water is not the best strategy. We wrote more about cryotherapy in the article, where we learn similar conclusions in the latest meta-analysis, although in terms of regeneration, similar tactics have their benefits.

In any case, the final data suggested that a cold bath after strength training alleviates changes in the number of satellite cells and the activity of kinases (enzymes) that regulate muscle growth, which may be reflected in long-term impoverishment and hypertrophy ( muscle growth), even with strength performance. Even, similar results were demonstrated in this further study.

Of course, there is no need to draw clear conclusions. And even that is not possible. For example, we have cryotherapy that can reduce inflammation, no one claims that ice baths are not good for other things and there is even the potential of ice water to reduce pain in tendons, joints, but it seems that this may be at the cost of limiting long-term muscle gain. . However, there is still some speculation on this topic and it is not even completely known the whole process of rebuilding muscles to be stronger and bigger within the mentioned "ice" methods. We know that many (even top) athletes and athletes use the ice bath method. Are they losing long-term muscle gain at the expense of improved regeneration? Hard to say. Also, if we want to be skeptical after all, a lot of (even top) athletes and athletes do many things that are not optimal and even "work" only through a placebo. In short, if you want maximum muscle growth, do not take an ice shower right after training.

# 3 It can lift your appetite

Dieting may not be what you want. However, an ice shower or bath together with training can actually cause an increase in your caloric intake due to higher hunger and affecting ghrelin and leptin. It is information mainly for people who do not monitor caloric intake, because in the research it was not a few extra calories, but we have already discussed this in the aforementioned on calories and ice showers.


The ice shower is heated. I don't like to say it when sentences like pressure are pressed on you from every corner, thanks to them you will lose weight more, you won't get a cold like a year long, your injuries will be avoided and your body will be like a rock. On the other hand, the claimed benefits are here, the data behind them exist, but the reality is at a much lower level under real conditions, as no one is likely to shower in an ice shower for 10-15 minutes. However, in the world of natural exercise and a healthy lifestyle, every little thing counts, and if you can / probably improve regeneration, you reduce your muscle mass by at least a percentage, why not try it? And most importantly, you will teach your head something more and it will harden you, perhaps from the psychological side. We currently have very warm weather, so give it a try, there are definitely no disadvantages here, so?

utorok 14. júla 2020

Am I dehydrated? | Steroids4U.eu

Am I dehydrated?

Am I dehydrated?' is not something we tend to think about unless dehydration is already causing obvious symptoms such as a raging thirst and bright orange urine. At this stage, dehydration can already be creating lasting problems to your health and fitness levels. But what are the ramifications of dehydration?

Dehydration definition - what is dehydration?

At its simplest, the definition of dehydration is the harmful reduction in the amount of water in the body. Many things can cause this depletion in fluid levels. Some of these are dramatic such as excessive vomiting or diarrhea due to illness or through excessive exposure to heat, especially if you are unaccustomed to it. For most people, however, dehydration can be more subtle. It can creep up on you without you being aware. This might be through strenuous or prolonged exercise sessions, the use of specific medication such as diuretics, by simply not responding to changes in temperature as the seasons come and go or within our living and working environments.

Dehydration also has potential effects on our body. These can range from excessive weight loss in extreme cases of dehydration to prolonged issues with your urinary system and possible kidney failure. For most of us, however, some common signs and symptoms act as early warning signs.

Tell tale signs of dehydration

Jean indoors drinking water
  • Thirst: This is one of the most obvious signs that your body needs more water. It is a fact that by the time you feel thirsty, you are already suffering from dehydration.

  • Urine: Take a look at your urine when asking, 'Am I dehydrated?' If it's dark yellow to orange in color and has a strong scent, this is a sign of mild to severe dehydration. The color of healthy urine should range from virtually clear to straw-like, and there should be no significant odor. If you are passing less urine than usual, this is also a sign that your body needs more water. Going for ten hours or more without peeing is a sign that your body is in pressing need of water.

  • Mouth: Saliva is almost 99 percent water, so it's no surprise that dehydration causes a dry or sticky mouth and tongue often accompanied by stale smelling breath. Saliva plays a vital role in preventing a build-up of potentially dangerous and undoubtedly smelly bacteria in the mouth.

  • Skin: Your skin plays an essential role in monitoring and adjusting the fluid levels in our body, and suffers when dehydration kicks in. When you' re dehydrated your skin may become rough, flaky, red, clammy or even lose its suppleness. When lips are dry, you will find yourself continually licking them, which causes them to become cracked and sore.

  • Bowels: Healthty fluid intake is essential for regular bowel movements, as water helps digest food as well as move it along the digestive tract. When dehydrated, your poop may become small and dry while fewer or more painful bowel movements signal painful constipation.

  • Blood pressure: 55 percent of blood is liquid, so it responds quickly to a lack of fluid. Blood volume lowers, which in turn lowers blood pressure causing symptoms such as feeling lightheaded, dizzy, faint, and even nauseous. Low blood pressure can also trigger headaches, which are often one of the first sign of dehydration, as well as causing a rapid and pounding heartbeat and breathlessness.

  • Mental alertness: The brain is another organ that relies heavily on water. When it's dehydrated, alertness, concentration, reaction times, and memory can quickly become impaired. Did you know that driving while dehydrated can impact on your driving skills?

  • Fatigue: Dehydration can quickly lead to tiredness and muscle fatigue. If you always feel tired even though you're getting enough sleep and eating healthily, then drinking more water may help alleviate the tiredness. As muscle tissue contains approximately 75 percent of water, muscles become easily fatigued or may even cramp during your exercise sessions.

  • Mood: If you are feeling anxious, edgy, or tense for no apparent reason, it may well be that you're dehydrated. These symptoms, along with irritability, can be a severe indication that you need to rehydrate asap.

The importance of good hydration

Lemon water morning drinking

Identifying whether you're dehydrated is quite easy -- simply scroll through the above checklist of the signs of dehydration. While opinion on the amount of water you should drink a day varies from source to source, it is recommended that for proper hydration you should be drinking up to 11 cups of water a day or around 1.5 liters. Maintaining adequate hydration, however, is not just about drinking lots of fluid. The type of fluid you drink is significant, as some liquids are better at maintaining healthy hydration in contrast to others.

Your daily fluid requirement can be ingested in different ways, it doesn't have to come solely from plain water. It's best, however, to avoid sweet beverages such as fizzy drinks and sodas, fresh fruit juices which are laden with natural sugars and caffeine-based drinks such as black tea or coffee. Even sodas labeled as zero-calorie and supposedly healthy energy drinks are still feeding into your sugar cravings and encouraging unhealthy eating and drinking habits. In fact, caffeine-based or soda drinks can draw water from the body, increasing dehydration. So what can you do to ensure you well hydrated? Take sugary beverages off your shopping list!

Easy ways to put the fun into drinking water

  • Start the day right: Make topping up your fluid levels the first task of the day and you will reap the benefits in hydration and energy levels whatever your schedule. Try a glass of warm water flavored with the fresh juice of half a lemon. Not only does it taste good, but it also has a useful detox effect as well.

  • Drink ahead of a workout: Make any exercise session easier by drinking half a liter of water or flavored water before you begin. Then remember to keep topped up with water as you workout.

  • Herbal teas: Experiment with different herbal teas to find ones you like. Many also have various benefits such as detoxing (lemon and ginger), de-stressing (peppermint) and helping you to get a restful night's sleep (chamomile or lavender).

water ALOE VERA drink detox
  • Spice up your water: Take a peek into your spice cupboard or fridge for easy ways to level-up your fluid intake. Add shots of ginger or cayenne pepper to your water bottle and shake well. Alternatively, chop up fresh fruit (lime, strawberry), veggies (cucumber), and herbs (basil, mint) to add flavor. Be creative, mix and match until you find combinations that make drinking water a breeze.

Tips for tracking your water intake

It is easy to start off with good intentions about upping your water intake and staving off the signs of dehydration. I can be hard to maintain the good work. But, there is help at hand:

  • Create routines: Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water after every visit to the bathroom or every time you step into the kitchen.

  • Make good use of apps: Use your smartwatch, or smartphone to set alarms and alerts that remind you when it's time to have a drink. Set a daily intake target and see how many days in a row you can meet or exceed it.

man drinking water
  • Keep your favorite drink in sight: Whether it is plain or flavored water, if a drink is sitting in a jug on your coffee table, desk, or work surface, you are more likely to pour yourself a glass. Treat yourself to a pretty glass to sip from for added incentive.

  • Get the refill habit: As soon as your glass or water bottle is empty, fill it up ready to drink again. This is a surprisingly easy motivator.

  • Use eco-friendly straws: Did you know that we drink faster through a straw (maybe the reason bars and cafes love them so much)? Invest in some reusable bamboo straws or a packet of recycled paper ones and watch the water level in your glass go down.

  • Go one-to-one with alcohol: If you enjoy an evening drink or a night out with your friends, counteract the dehydrating effects of your favorite tipple by alternating it with a refreshing and rehydrating glass of still or fizzy water.