štvrtok 9. júla 2020

A simple training consisting of 3 exercises, which stimulate the muscles of the whole body and at home | Steroids4U.eu

A simple training consisting of 3 exercises, which stimulate the muscles of the whole body and at home

The training consists of only three exercises. These three exercises are the basis for all other fat burning and muscle building workouts.
The task in this article was to compile the most effective training at home consisting of 3 exercises. And absolutely without tools. Therefore, you do not need anything for training and you can train at home, outdoors or wherever you want.
Most (the better) training programs are based on a few basic exercises. This list is not long - squat, deadlift, bench press, pressure over the head, bends and board. Secondly, I could name a few more, but these few already make up 80% of the effectiveness of any really effective program.

Training three exercises at home is suitable as a start to the next training process. Training and gradual improvement is a marathon rather than a sprint. That is why it is necessary to approach it in the same way. Even at school, before you started writing dictations, you had to learn to read and write letters. In any training, the letters are these basic exercises.

These are the basics and some of the simplest form of training. Suitable as acclimatization to the next training for beginners. By choosing other variants, added load or increasing the number of repetitions, even experienced athletes can sweat.

I deliberately omitted deadlifts, overhead pressures and bends in my training as more tools are needed to make them feasible, and these are also exercises that are more challenging for the song.

The first exercise is Squat, squat to sit down.
This is a relatively simple exercise that focuses on the leg muscles. The other muscles of the body are also involved. In the literature, squatting is referred to in the literature as knee flexion, and for this reason, knee flexion is a priority movement.

If this variant is too light, the exercise can be made more difficult by adding a load or removing the pad on which it rests.

The second exercise is Push ups, push up on the raised support.
Again, a simple and familiar exercise. It mainly involves the muscles of the torso. The abdominal and leg muscles are also involved secondarily.

If such a variant is too light, it is possible to reduce the pad. Alternatively, train the cranks on the ground (in the plane). For an even more difficult variant, lay your feet on the support (step, chair,…), the higher the legs and lower arms in the crank training, the more difficult the cranks will be.

The third exercise is Side Plate.
Since the crank exercise also comes out of the board, I chose its side variant. If it is necessary to reduce the difficulty, lean on your knees (bend your legs). Hold this position for the specified time. Then don't forget to practice the other side.

If the exercise is too simple for you, choose the variant with outstretched hand.

As a beginner, you can choose the number of repetitions of 10 and the endurance in the board for 20 seconds. Train individual exercises in 4 series. And a break of 90 seconds.

In practice, your training looks like this:

1.Series of squats 10 reps, followed by a 90s pause,

2. A series of squats 10 repetitions, followed by a 90s break,

3. A series of squats 10 reps, followed by a 90s break,

4.Series of squats 10 reps, followed by a 90s break,

5. A series of handles of 10 repetitions, followed by a 90s pause,… and so on.

As an advanced you can choose the number of repetitions of 15 and the endurance in the board of 45 seconds. Train individual exercises in 5 series. And a break of 45-60 seconds.

You will proceed with the training as described above (beginner).

As a very advanced one you can choose the number of repetitions of 20 and the endurance in the board 60 seconds. Train the individual exercises immediately after each other (in a circle). At the end of the circuit, a pause of 60-90 seconds. Repeat the circuit 6 times.

It is necessary to warm up before each workout. Warming up is not only an effective injury prevention, it also plays a role in stimulating your muscles to work.

Warm up with several series of these exercises. Start with partial movements and then increase the range of motion. Do a few repetitions in full. Sufficient warm-up can only take a few minutes.

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