8 effective tips for dealing with hunger
What is hunger? To be honest, hunger is a very complicated thing. If we wanted to say everything about hunger, it certainly wouldn't be just one article. Studies are still revealing newer and newer facts about how our hormones work and how we monitor what we eat. Then they send a signal to our brain through various processes, and that is actually hunger. There are several reasons why we are hungry. Sometimes it's just out of boredom, because we're at a party where the food is (let's face it, cakes or sandwiches smile at us and it's hard to resist) or we just eat because there was a chocolate advertisement, it looked great, and so we hunger fell. Our eyes would eat. But let's get to the point and say 8 ways to deal with hunger and conclude with one special bonus.

1. Eat more protein
While various nutritionists will estimate whether carbohydrates or fats will feed us more and in less time, studies show that protein wins over both of these macronutrients. More and more research shows that in the long run, protein wins more in this fight (mostly poor white meat, beef, pork, poor fish). So protein should always come first. Eating protein is also very important during the diet if someone wants to lose weight, as they help us to protect muscles in caloric deficiency. You can also read more about proteins and their intake in one of our articles, where you will also find the mentioned research.
2. Eat fruit
Unfortunately, fruit does not have a very good reputation for weight loss when it comes to athletes and fitness, but the truth is elsewhere. Fruit is portrayed as bad, but it's not. One cause of hunger is glycogen in the liver - if the glycogen in the liver is depleted, the liver sends a signal to the brain, and so we are hungry. The fructose that the fruit contains fills the liver with glycogen, so people who have an adequate amount of fruit in their diet feel less hungry. This is due to the important fiber that the fruit contains. But of course eat fresh fruit and avoid juice, it's not fruit and in 99% it's waste, respectively. sugar water, which will not help you in anything, only in driving up a lot of calories without other micronutrients.

3. Consume more fiber
This list would not be complete without fiber as such. Fiber can help us fight hunger in two ways. First, from a psychological point of view, it is the so-called By "fooling" our stomach, and this is one of the signals of how much food we can eat, and when we mentally deceive our stomach, our brain thinks we are satiated. Foods high in fiber can feed us more and in the long run. Second, by keeping food longer in the stomach, a diet with a higher fiber content will feed us more and therefore for a longer period of time. Sure, Mom was right when she said we had to eat vegetables.
4. Add fats to your diet
Studies show that low-fat diets usually cause greater hunger. The moderate content of fats in the diet causes less hunger in the long run, because it fills us more and we are not so often hungry. Our diet should never contain less than 20-25% fat from total calories when we are in caloric deficiency. In some cases (on low carbohydrate diets) these percentages should be even higher.
5. Do Workout!
Exercise can sometimes increase hunger, sometimes decrease, and sometimes has no effect. Some of these effects are purely psychological. On the one hand, exercise increases leptin levels, which can help some hunger signals work better, but on the other hand, some people may have elevated sugar levels with exercise, which increases hunger. There are people who unfortunately use exercise as an excuse to eat more. They say they must have burned at least 1000 kCal with exercise, so they deserve to eat a steak or chocolate. Of course, people still exaggerate how much they burn and it can only hurt them.

6. Think about Intermittent Fasting
IF is a relatively popular "trend" and the fact is that you have a "fast" for some time (16 - 20 h) and then you receive calories during the day in the so-called "feeding" time. There are many explanations, but studies suggest that this style of eating has various health benefits. IF can help someone who is in a caloric deficiency and is not eating a lot of food. For example, if someone loses pounds in deficit and eats 2,200 calories a day, in addition to regulating hunger, IF will help him during the day, when he divides most calories into fewer foods, which logically feeds him more.
7. Be more flexible in your diet
I ask you, "What would you do if I told you that you could never eat a certain food again?" Let's just say it's something you really adore. What we forbid the most, we want the most, and that desire is enormous. This is how the human mind works. As the saying goes - forbidden fruit tastes best. The fact is that if we want to change our lifestyle in the long run, it will be easier for us to be consistent in our diet if we are not so strict and our diet is more flexible.
Just as there are no foods to lose weight, so there are no foods to gain weight from. They are the only ones that affect our body differently and have a different amount of calories. Imagine you consume 3,000 calories a day and 2,800 of them are nutritious foods full of “quality” macronutrients. What happens if we have the remaining 200 calories in the form of "get your favorite food"? Nothing. But what happens when people think that chicken breasts on rice water are dietary and don't eat any food at all? They get a cube of chocolate, they get incredible remorse and it ends with the so-called "Binge eatingom". Flexible eating has its own article, so don't miss it either! From my own experience, I can say that flexible dieting is the way forward. Since it is not specified what I should not eat until I reach a certain amount of nutrients and numbers every day, I have no problem getting something that may not fall into the category of "dietary". Therefore, my mind is calm and I do not have dreams of various forbidden foods.
8. Pay attention to the drinking regime!
Hunger is sometimes just disguised thirst. When I'm hungry or I have a taste, I think about whether I'm really hungry. If I just ate a while ago, I will simply drink and it will almost always help me. Drinking is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, so don't neglect it and have a drink before we get to the last bonus point!
Bonus: Give up and stay fat
Unfortunately, if you use all these tips, sometimes you will feel hungry and it is up to you how to deal with it. In short, if we want to lose weight, spending must be higher than income and, unfortunately, sometimes there is hunger.
Many people get to the stage where they have to decide whether it is more important for them to lose weight, be fit or whether the calorie intake is greater and more important.
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