Lies, pofider fitness or sales in the fitness industry. Government ignorance, ignorance or stupidity?
We live in a time when people believe in almost everything they read. We live in a time when those who have a degree are automatically smarter, more qualified and their information is 100% true. When people whose body looks good are immediately the most professional and it is not possible that their fitness advice is not really true. At a time when people do not think they do not want to think and do research or what they have read makes sense and it is true. At a time when the relevance and quality of information is based on the number of followers on the Instagram. But I'm not surprised. To seek the truth in such a quantity of misinformation that is public and often signed by "experts" is not important to the average person. Where to look? What is really true? An ordinary young lady or mother who is trying to lose weight and shape her ass simply cannot know what is true and what is not, so she simply orients herself according to what she is doing around in fitness circles all the time. Or according to what pops up on Facebook, whether according to titles, characters, beauty, articles that serve someone only as a marketing tool for selling products, whether according to stupidities on television or according to the number of followers. The more, the greater the truth.

He who has a weaker heart and the truth will knock him down, pour salt into the wounds, he should immediately press the CTRL + W key combination. In this article, we will not learn what it is like with gluten, nor will we talk about what is behind the secrets of training to maximize muscle growth. We sincerely regret that we have to publish this article, but the situation is such that it is necessary, although many will certainly not like it, and in the end they may say the typical thing: “aaeh, they envy. Ordinary heyers! ”But we would like you to stop your time and try to think while and after reading.
Tailor-made menus
Let's start with what is not only unfortunate and ill, but can also seriously damage health and actually destroy a person's mental state. Menus from "fitness". However, we will write in advance in capital letters, HAVE EXCEPTIONS. Of the 100 random women who exercise, we would find at least 80 who have an instagram account, or the more daring Facebook fan page "XXX YYY Fitness" and at least half would offer tailor-made menus. If a woman looks good, people think that her menus must work wonders and be excellent. They see beauty, they want beauty. Will they pay any money and get what they want? Partially. And unfortunately, it's not just about "instagram fitness", but also about professional ones, if we can call it that. It wasn't so long ago that the menus of one Czech two-time bikini fitness champion got on Facebook. "Is she sympathetic, pretty, elaborate, competing, has she even won many times and offers menus? This is an instant purchase! ”Unfortunately, and sometimes it is thankful that, unfortunately, there is the Internet. Here you see a menu that has reached the public, respectively. its censored version.
When calculating the calories of the foods that came out with the menu, it was found that:
On Monday, a man (say a woman) was supposed to take 660 calories (79g of protein, 49g of carbohydrates and 23g of fat)
Tuesday 1252 calories (93g protein, 149g carbohydrates, 29g fat)
In the middle of 645 calories (50g of protein, 91g of carbohydrates, 8g of fat)
Thursday 802 calories (73g of protein, 106g of carbohydrates, 8g of fat)
…… (no longer budgeted) ……
However, an ordinary woman who wants to lose weight doesn't know much about calories (so she probably won't throw them into MyFitnessPal), she only sees the given foods on paper and thinks if she hopes this is the right way to go on her way to a poorer figure. Wrong. Note the low values. Anyone who has at least minimal attention to nutrition knows that this is critical and health threatening. With such a diet, the following things are possible (based on a mix of different studies): gallstones, fatigue, damage to hair, bones, loss of valuable muscle mass, nausea, less serious and very serious disruption of metabolic processes, destruction of certain hormones and other health problems. complications, metabolic damage and completely common are "women's things" such as serious menstrual problems and the like. Not to mention a mental disorder. "Aaaale, it's probably normal when we're on a diet." No, it's not. Or does this seem normal to you?
We should lose weight gradually (!!) - by increasing our activity, improving training, adding a device called cardio, followed by slow and gradual calorie restriction. Finally, we have a pile of articles on Fitclane. Certainly not by putting on such and similar diets. These are nothing magical, just know the foods and their nutritional information.
In a few days, another gem came on the Internet. We will state (we will quote, even with mistakes) we will only part of the menu, for an idea (specific names of supplements will be censored)
5:00 - Glutaf ****** 5g + Ana *** Amino prof 5g + 3000 mg l-carnitine + Thermo fus *** 4 tab, alternate with Therm ene *** power 6 tab. + 1000 mg Vitamin C + 0-3 - 05l tea
6:00 - 60 minutes Airobial activity (stairs, stepper, lunges… focus on glutes) + contractions on the sciatic muscles 3x 100 repetitions for each polka During the airoba we drink 5 - 10g bcaa powder
12:00 - 100g salmon + 50g green beans
14:30 - vegetables, or, if you have a workout, give 50g of chicken
Summa-summarum, the menu contained 10 meals, and we could label a meal with only about 3 phases. Nutritional supplements have outperformed the food itself, and something is wrong here. Another blow below the waist occurs after a complete addition of calories, which according to sources is 848 calories, in addition to cardio 5 times a week on an empty stomach and another 4 times 40 minutes of cardio along with training. And who was the menu for? For an ordinary girl who wants to lose weight. Anyone who knows a little knows that this borders on another serious case. Really sad if we know he's a "professional coach".
Well, let's not be naive, thinking that this is just a random, unique and unfortunate case. Anyone who is familiar with fitness a little deeper and for more than a year knows that these cases are uncertain. A meal plan that has been stored in Word for ten years and sends it to everyone - line by line. It doesn't matter if you are a man, a woman, you are 17 years old or 71. Here you have a menu "right for you" and we are equipped. At first glance, maybe funny, at second not so. If you can't happen to eat a food, it will tell you that there is no substitute. Gems like "you can only eat an apple for the first month, from 12 noon to 5 pm" or "eat eggs both raw and cooked" or the advice that "you can only eat Cleopatra Light from cheeses after one month of my diet". What is this fabrication? Unfortunately, the cruel reality of another personal trainer with the number of likes on Facebook exceeding several tens of thousands. Now comes the tears-with-me-push-into-the-eyes idea again. A thousand women will receive a similar thing in the mail. Every second one passes these advice to other women, friends. The others and…. I refuse to continue. We can all imagine the fatal consequences together. Bonus No.2, inspiring customer transformations. Great! It's a pity that almost all of you will find a reverse google image search engine with links to foreign forums or random tumblr blogs of various people from America or other parts of the world. Where is it going?
Heavy money due to lies - marketing, fitness, fitness, biohackers, erotic industry, power
Topics that are more or less related to the previous chapter. Many people do not want to realize that the fitness industry is enormously intertwined with marketing and is associated with creating product awareness and pushing to end consumers. It should be noted that beauty does not make a person an expert, neither a 45-centimeter biceps, nor more than 10,000 followers on Instagram, nor a certificate (mainly in Slovakia) and unfortunately not a won competition (see menus above). Of course, there are certainly people who are subject to all this, but even so, they are real professionals who deserve honor. In our extremities, however, the sad reality is that if someone loses weight or looks good, they don't compete, they have to be right, and any product from their hands and the information from their mouths must be legitimate. In America, there are several companies with nutritional supplements, whose motto is the promotion of products through women with blowjob breasts and buttocks. And it's not just detox teas that we've been talking about a long time ago. These are various carbohydrate blockers, fat burners, metabolic accelerators and testosterone boosters. The rhetorical question - what happens if a company with two million fans promotes non-functional silly nutritional supplements and other products?

Marketing is the ruler, ignorance is the donor. Today, unfortunately, everyone who trains for half a year and has a personal trainer course (with whom something should be done seriously, because its relevance is deep beneath the earth's surface along with the quality of the information provided in the courses) is a fitness worker. Own fan site, a few photos, a motivational quote for it, and a fan base is built. Just pan for pre-flood products through affiliate marketing, or continue to play as a nutritionist and take the tremendous money for the menus we saw above. Or both. Easily build brand awareness when we have people under our control even with a million fan bases. But billions of euros or dollars are spinning here, which some do not realize.
Who is outraged now and wonders why we publish photos from Brazzers? Unfortunately, this is just another supplement promoting and motivating fitness from Instagram. We're probably no longer surprised that many have so many followers, right? And this is not only a foreign case, but also from our extremities.
In our extremities, slimming belts fly to narrow the hips. However, it does not end there and various nonsense based on marketing is promoted. What's even sadder? All these statements were made by professional fitness professionals, even with the IFBB subtitle. Yes, this is also our Slovak and Czech fitness industry.
However, not everyone. There are still a number of people who only need to take a picture of a given fitness or bodybuilder with a given product. In addition, if he says that he uses / consumes this product himself, it is an automatic purchase.
Easy dissemination of misleading information due to waterlessness
About 3-4 times we received a message why we don't contribute articles more often - every day - that they are great and you would like more. First of all, thank you for such words and we would like to have articles like on a treadmill. However, producing them takes a lot of time to maintain quality. For many sites, it's easy to have a lot of articles on a daily basis. There are hundreds of special diets, detox diets and foods as well and guaranteed weight loss guides, which are something like glue on handles and that can be recycled around, just in the form of a slightly different context and title, too. Today it will be a carrot diet, a detox kiwi and the next day a cucumber 28-day diet with guaranteed results in the form of weight loss. Yes, you really lose weight, just look at it with a more critical eye. If you consume calories below your basal metabolism every day, it is clear that the pounds are going down. In addition, you spread hormones beautifully, you ruin your health, you ruin your metabolism and after the end of your diet you are where you have been, even worse. However, following a nonsensical diet based on the stupidity of the coarsest grain is easier than spending your precious time reading about calories, caloric deficiency and macronutrients, so that people understand what all weight loss is about, what it is based on and that they don't have to eat only tilapia. without salt and pepper eight times a day. It is a pity that the mentioned things are always guaranteed success in Slovakia.
I also think that if someone tries to help with various fitness topics, they cannot proudly write that: "insignificant sand = carbohydrates" It's not just nonsense, but such a style only spreads misinformation and does not lead to any teaching. However, when people can print their content into commercial programs or pofider opinion-forming media, unfortunately, I never, I repeat, the situation in Slovakia will never improve. Well, it's not like I'm a trainer / bodybuilder / fitness / biker, you can trust me. And it is a great pity that this is not the case.
… And of course there is more. Trust us, we didn't want to publish an article on this topic. We didn't want to get involved in what we might not do anything about. We don't want to spread any negativity in any case - it's not about a healthy lifestyle and the joy of it. However, the situation is so bad and it seems to be getting worse that we have published it. We know that some will not be enthusiastic and will say that we are just jealous, but we think that many of you will agree with us. We simply want to point out the other side of the fitness industry, which many are reluctant to see. And again, we honor the exceptions. However, if none of this applies to you, you should not be affected. Finally, I'll just add, do research, don't believe everything you see on TV, don't buy AB Generators for € 99.99, remember, not all fitness sites in the world offer information to seriously help people, not everyone who has a great form, he also has the knowledge, and not everyone who gets the adjective fitness trainer and nutritionist provides quality information. Open your eyes, stay open-minded, enjoy exercise, diet and fitness. It's a lifestyle that many destroy.
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