How to gain 10kg of muscle mass? Basic requirements and the most common mistakes in building muscle mass
How to build muscle mass and avoid the mistakes that are most common in the process of building it?
Muscle growth is a topic especially for men. However, this is not an exclusively male issue. Even women should not be skeptical about building muscle. Muscles are the active mass of every body. They allow us not only to look better but especially easier to live.
Article content:
* What are the benefits of muscle?
* How to exercise for muscle growth? Increase muscle mass and what affects it?
* Muscle mass - Price, options, real use, real goal?
* Basic training rules and the most common mistakes in building muscle mass.
What are the benefits of muscle?
Muscle mass is not just about bodybuilding muscles. Muscle mass is mainly a functional (active) "part" of the body, which is responsible for a number of bodily processes. Above all, however, it is a strong indicator of your health.
I will not name the ones you are guaranteed to know. Lesser known benefits include:
Thermogenesis - Sufficient muscle mass has a beneficial effect on thermogenesis. Respectively. heat regulation in the body. Due to the larger number (muscles) of capillaries and better blood circulation, it is much easier to heat and cool the body.
Posture - muscle mass is the "system" that holds your body. Enough muscle mass allows you to hold your body properly and makes it easier. Proper posture is closely related to the implementation of movements. If you hold your body correctly, it is assumed that your movements will be correct.
Self-confidence - improving physical proportions with enough muscle mass makes your body and your person more attractive. This significantly strengthens your self-esteem and your self-confidence. And as you know, confident people are usually more successful in life.
Functionality - muscles perform not only the function of moving (flexion, extension, adduction, ..). They are also largely responsible for the range of motion. With the right training, you will achieve not only greater strength but also greater ranges of movement. In terms of muscle function, your daily activities will be easier and simpler.

Strength - the priority indicator of strength is the muscles. The bigger your muscles, the more power you have. Several studies have shown that the stronger you are (the strength of your handshake), the better your health.
Power - as well as strength. Is performance directly proportional to sufficient muscle mass resp. condition that allows you to give strength.
Fat Burning and Weight Loss - With enough muscle mass, it's easier to lose weight and burn fat. The reason is that muscle mass is active mass. Active means it consumes energy. That energy also comes a lot from your fat stores.
How to exercise for muscle growth? Increase muscle mass and what affects it?
There are many exercises and workouts for muscle growth, they are affected by many variables. You have to try, evaluate and adjust the specific load parameters yourself. Your indicators should be muscle work, muscle load volume, number of repetitions and regularity of load. At the beginning of your training effort, my book Start Practicing with MOTION for Men and Start Practicing with MOVEMENT for Women can be a good guide. If you have already developed suitable training plans for building muscle mass in your training, you will find my Membership in MOTION program.
It can be argued that every movement stimulates muscle growth. The question remains to what extent this stimulation occurs, resp. what is the consequence (size) of the increase.
Studies and practice show that muscle growth is most significantly affected by muscle load (strength training) - muscle fatigue. Specifically, it means muscle load (exhaustion), which is under certain conditions (rest, nutrition) a stimulation for their subsequent growth. The whole process of muscle growth, including individual processes, can be found in the article: The principle of muscle growth as old as (Matuzalem) strength training itself. Old but functional, guaranteed and in fact the only one.
How to recognize these muscle growth variables, and which ones to use to your advantage?

You should use all the variables that are offered to you.
muscle work,
muscle load volume (number of series),
number of repetitions and
regularity of load.
Muscle work is basically a mix of load volume, number of exercises, series, repetitions and regularity of load. It is not the most important thing to devote only one "part" of the effort. On the contrary, make the most of it. If your training will be perfect in terms of all parameters, but the regularity of the load of training the growth of muscles will be absent, you will not see.
It is also possible that you will perform your trainings often enough with "tuned" other parameters, but there will be no muscle fatigue. You will not see a significant increase in muscle.
Work with all parameters. Muscles get tired enough, load them with a sufficient amount of training in the appropriate range of repetitions and perform the whole process often enough. You won't have to wait long for muscle gains.
Muscle mass - Price, possibilities, real use, real goal?
Building muscle is a demanding and long-term process. There is a price associated with this process on your part. The price in the sense of your effort (we can also call it a sacrifice) that you are willing to spend on muscle mass. This price may not be too high, but it depends on your approach, zeal and discipline.
The price of muscle mass is associated with your options. You must set aside enough time and energy for training and (non) activities outside of it. In addition to responsibilities and joys such as work, family, household, hobbies and others, it is seldom possible to waste time and energy. With a well-designed training plan, you can save a lot of this limited potential to your advantage.
The actual use of muscle mass is different from person to person. For some, enough muscle mass is the appearance of a 130kg bodybuilder, for others it is an 80kg athlete. How you know (want) to use the acquired muscle mass is again your choice. When choosing your optimum, take your real goals into account.

I meet the real goal in practice as very complicated. Specifically, I repeatedly met runners (men only) who wanted to gain X kg of muscle mass in order to look better. Their running performance (due to weight gain) decreased.
Even in endurance sports, it is necessary to have enough muscle mass. However, excessive muscle development is undesirable in these cases. These runners, therefore, immediately decided to lose weight. Endurance sports also require some muscle development, but in this case it is completely different from what was required.
Muscle mass and its development affect many other things (including changing the wardrobe). Therefore, consider the real goal of why you want more muscle and how you want to use that muscle. If you have doubts about the correctness, consult your goal and settings with an expert.
Basic training rules and the most common mistakes in building muscle mass.
Muscle overload - in training you train mainly muscles. Muscle failure is an indicator of sufficient training (training work). The literature lists several names. This is usually a muscle failure. This means that further movement of the load is no longer possible by engaging the muscles.
This is not a power failure when further load manipulation is not possible due to a lack of strength. It is also not a condition (breathing) failure when further manipulation of the load is not possible, because you lack fitness. Simply written, you can't breathe another repetition.
The biggest mistake in building muscle mass - Muscle overload.
I encounter these mistakes when developing training plans as well as in coaching practice. Preference for dynamic, functional or conditioning exercises over strength (muscle) load.

The development of your functionality, flexibility, speed,… is extremely important from the point of view of the necessary degree and from the point of view of general development.
However, for building muscle, you should prefer strength (muscle) loading through basic and additionally isolated exercises.
The biggest mistake in building muscle mass - The volume (load) of training.
The volume should be at its optimal range. This is determined in the literature as about 8-10 series for smaller muscle parts and about 12-16 series for larger muscle parts.
The numbers given are very general. This range is effective for muscle growth when it concerns "acclimatized" beginners in training and advanced trainers. It is also necessary to take into account the frequency of training and its composition.
The volume of training for beginners is very small and for the more experienced it is very large. It is necessary to start from the stated (book) numbers.
Very little training means that there is no stimulus for muscle growth. On the contrary, a lot of training places high demands on nutrition and subsequent muscle regeneration after giving too strong (bulky) stimulus to growth.
The number of repetitions is again determined in the literature in the range of 10 - 15 repetitions. I think these numbers are mostly correct (more correct than the number of series in the case above). From my practice, it follows that the most effective is to perform a majority of 13 repetitions.
There are two reasons. The first is that the number 13 is located exactly in the middle of the range 10 - 15. The second reason is the length of the muscle load. The study reported (and several others confirmed) that muscle growth occurs most at a muscle load of 60 seconds. I understand that one series of exercises should last about 1 minute. This is the time when muscles respond most optimally to their growth.
In most of my (measured) exercises resp. series, the length of time under voltage was closest to 60 seconds if the number of repetitions was 13.
The biggest mistake in building muscle mass - Number of repetitions.
The most common mistake in the process of building muscle mass is the low number of repetitions. A lower number may be suitable for primary strengthening, but it mainly develops strength and muscles at the level of myofibrillar mass.
To achieve muscle growth, it is also necessary to stimulate sarcoplasmic muscle mass.

Regularity of load means frequency of training. That's how often you train. This frequency depends on the volume of training. The largest muscle gains were recorded in the study (as further research confirmed) when the muscles were loaded twice a week. One training session for the muscular part was in full volume and the second training session for the same muscular part in the week was about 20% lower in volume. In this way, the largest muscle gains were achieved compared to several other variants.
The biggest mistake in building muscle mass - Regularity of exercise.
The most common error in the regularity of the load is similar to the number of repetitions. Beginners train little and advanced very much. In advanced training, I also perceive a significant mistake in the fact that they repeatedly load the same and also repeatedly omit the same muscle parts.
Training results in the form of an increase are also significantly influenced by factors outside of training.
Relax - in the sense of sufficient regeneration (sleep). The need for sleep increases the more and the more demanding the training.
Nutrition - enough calories and then a suitable macro formula. Increase caloric intake by 100-400 kcal per day with priority protein. Really (medically appropriate) the reported increase in muscle mass by 0.5 - 2 kg of muscle mass per month. According to the above and your settings, it is possible to gain the stated (in the title) 10 kg of muscle mass within 5 - 20 months. However, this development may not be (or will not be) linear, taking into account your level of training, as beginners gain muscle mass faster in training.
Mode - minimize stress (rush) during most of the day. Constant pressure and stress during the day, which is associated primarily with work, stimulates the release of the hormone, which is the biggest enemy of muscle. Cortisol. By minimizing your stress, you are minimizing cortisol levels and giving your muscle growth "green."
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