utorok 31. decembra 2019

Exercise is an amazing activity that supplies us with many benefits | Steroids4U.eu

Exercise is an amazing activity that supplies us with many benefits and not just strength and muscle mass. These 7 reasons will convince you

Let's start a bit motivational. A study of 400,000 people who trained on average only 92 minutes per week told us that such subjects have a 14% lower chance of death for any reason. Just a short day's exercise (15 minutes) helps us reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It pays, doesn't it? Many researchers consider exercise to be the closest thing to miracle treatment in many areas. Let's take a look at some of them where exercise can be done. resistance training a real cure and this time it will not just be an obvious gain in muscle mass and strength.

1. Your mental health will thank you

Strength training contributes greatly to mental health, improving memory, reducing the risk of depression, improving sleep quality, helping with chronic fatigue, and improving cognitive ability. Somehow in a nutshell. Last year there was a big meta-analysis on exercise & depression. Exercise (both aerobic and a mix of others) has been found to have a very significant impact on this poor mental state and all data suggests that exercise is a legitimate, science-supported treatment for depression. The authors of the meta-analysis say that the evidence is so clear that we would need approximately 1,000 studies that negate this fact in order to think that this may not be true. Resistant training greatly reduces the symptoms of anxiety that may be associated with depression, mood swings, sleep disturbances and fatigue. This factor is studied quite a bit and the results are really unreal. One of the very nice benefits is that exercise helps us feel better and be more balanced with each other, and resistant training is generally associated with better quality of life. Do you want to feel better, be more self-confident and well-tuned? Practice.

2. If you are trying to lose weight, you should exercise in addition to calorie restriction

Weight loss is influenced by two essential things that every Fitclan follower is already familiar with. It is primarily a caloric deficit, a period when you receive fewer calories than your body emits. However, if the caloric deficit itself is combined with resistant training, miracles happen. The weight loss process is more effective, so if you're trying to lose weight, try focusing on exercise. First, you will look better, the girls will become more shaped, not just flat and poor and at the same time encourage more effective loss of fat. Not to mention that the muscle building process requires more energy, but we wrote that in our earlier article. Do you want to lose weight more efficiently and shape your character? Practice.

3. Bone density is a very important factor

Especially women who are in a long-term calorie deficit and literally hurt themselves should be aware. They can lose up to 4% of bone mineral density (bone density) per year under conditions of long-term caloric restriction and this loss can be permanent! Something such a number of women underestimates or does not know about, the menstrual cycle is less than a year long, holding a low percentage of fat, and they are more fond of Instagram and stellar belly. Although we turn a bit, but amenorrhea is associated with, among other things, heart disease, infertility, fatigue, sleep disorders, greater risk of inflammation, negative digestive system adjustments, PCOS or thyroid problems, or even scarring of uterine tissue or podmozgovym tumor. This is the first thing related to diet. The second thing associated with training is that weight training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. In meta-analysis, resistant training has been shown to prevent or ameliorate 1% of bone loss per year in adult women, and there has been shown an increase in bone mineral density of 1-3%. In the two-year research this positive effect was again, when the improvement climbed up to 3.2%. In any case, it is not enough to just exercise and be years in deficit.

As mentioned by B. Schoenfeld, resistant training counteracts bone loss through the process of bone remodeling and contributes to the development of bone osteoblasts. These are the cells that re-create the bones. Some of the benefits can also be achieved by aerobic exercise, especially in the lower body, but resistance training is the best way to maintain and improve the overall strength of bone mass. Do you want to have healthy bones, joints and tendons not only now, but even when you're older? Practice.

4. You will improve your memory and other cognitive functions

Cognitive functions allow us to think, recognize, learn, remember things. These are all those at first sight automatic things like concentration, understanding of information, memory, perception, ability to plan, solve problems, judge things and so on. It is crazy to imagine that such a thing simply would not work in humans. However, resistant training helps us greatly in these processes, significantly affecting all cognitive functions. Do you want to be smarter, more attentive, remember more, and simply have better cognitive functions? Practice.

5. Alleviate aging and loss of muscle mass or strength at an older age

We know that if a person has a totally sedentary lifestyle and almost does not move at all, from about 30 years of age begins to lose muscle mass. This represents about 1% of muscle mass loss (depending on man) and 1-3% of strength loss. However, when a person is active, has enough protein and exercises, he can push this limit up to the age of 50! During exercise, positive changes were observed in 179 genes associated with age and exercise, and the conclusions of various investigations are clear. Resistant training can reverse the aging factors. Do you want to be stronger and more muscular even at an older age? Practice.

6. You give your farewell to the diseases, or at least keep them far apart

This is probably quite logical. The more muscle mass and less fat through training and good diet, the more illnesses will be circumvented. Exercise has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which are often a risk factor not only for heart disease. The skeletal muscle is a secretory organ and releases anti-inflammatory proteins called myokines, which then circulate in the bloodstream and work with other organs. In this research, resistant training was enough only twice a week and significant decreases in several indicators of inflammation in overweight women have already been noted. As a result of the exercise, we will also improve blood lipid profiles, and this analysis says that resistant training is definitely effective in lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. In a further analysis, strength training is recommended to reduce obesity and at the same time as one of the solutions to metabolic disorders, and it is also often declining insulin sensitivity. In this research exercise was identified as a very important factor in the prevention of 35 chronic diseases and the treatment of 26 chronic diseases. You want to be healthy? Practice.

7. Pain will be a thing of the past. Even though…

Often it is just the opposite and many times we just say that sports to permanent disability. However, this is mostly caused by driving for heavy weights without proper warm-up, incorrect technique or simply bad luck. However, resistant training alone can fight pain, and much research has been done on probably the most common pain - back pain. Training is therefore a science-supported and health-promoting medicine. If you have pain, mostly in the lower back, exercise.

Exercise is just great. Many change us not only physically but also mentally, and as we have said, it is a real cure.

nedeľa 29. decembra 2019

Shoulders or triceps are not small muscle parts. Forget such mislabeling and learn more relevant names | Steroids4U.eu

Shoulders or triceps are not small muscle parts. Forget such mislabeling and learn more relevant names

“What are you practicing today? Ooooh, I will have one big body, chest today, and a small one, for example, shoulders. ' Probably yes. We have been naming muscle parts for a long time, depending on whether it is small or large. Biceps are rooted as a small game, as shoulders or triceps. Legs, chest or back are big muscle parts. Today you will find that it is not so.

Thanks to the new publication, we should all recover a little and choose better words when we talk about muscle parts. Do not use “big” or “small” because it is considerably inaccurate. Such mislabeling is even used in many studies, be it the lower or upper body. This is because we focus on the visual perception of muscle size and not the actual muscle volume. A few studies have referred to shoulder exercises as small muscle exercises, but triceps is actually one of the largest muscles in the body by volume. Even larger than latissimus dorsi (back) or pectoralis major (chest), these muscles are considered to be large muscle parts. area, ie length and width.

Moving the pulley to the triceps or tightening the shoulders are probably known to you. The usual naming of the exercises, respectively. Exercise for “small” muscle parts, and this is incorrect. Instead, it should be said that this is a one-joint exercise in which muscle work is less than in multi-joint exercises. Instead of evil concepts, say we know multi-articulated resp. complex exercises (squats, deadlifts, benchpress, backslides…) or vice versa Insulated exercises (stumbling, kicking, restraining, pulling the pulley on the triceps, furnace deck…) in which we strike the individual muscles.

Thanks to studies and measurements, we know that the largest muscle part of the upper body is the shoulders, followed by the triceps and chest. Thighs and buttocks dominate the lower body.

štvrtok 26. decembra 2019

Can squats also cause greater muscle growth in the upper body | Steroids4U.eu

Can squats also cause greater muscle growth in the upper body and to what extent do they increase growth hormone production?

We hope that the following information will not resolve any of our readers. Leg training is extremely important for several reasons that we discussed in earlier articles, and that squats are one of the best exercises ever to be bigger and stronger. In any case, you have already heard several times the question of what is the best exercise for biceps. And you have read several times that the answer was one-word. Squats. Today we will look at whether such an answer is relevant or whether it is a broscience assertion of a promoted macaque. To help you call another expert on nutrition, sports, strength training, but especially the author of many super books, using his irony to fight the stupidity and nonsense in the world of fitness. Lyle McDonald's his name, and if you haven't followed him yet, be sure to remember that name. Squats, upper body muscles, hormones, leg training & bigger biceps… let's put it all together.

Taking a closer look at testosterone or growth hormone, we find that testosterone is far more anabolic than growth hormone. Yes, growth hormone helps in losing fat, it is also amazing for connective tissue, but it does not miraculously affect muscle growth or strength. However, on the other hand, testosterone is highly anabolic, when it even builds muscles without training them.

We know long ago that muscle growth is primarily a local effect caused by a combination of tension, exertion, muscle damage, and the most important factor - the local hormonal response. Many years ago, researchers have identified the IGF-1 (Insulin like Growth Factor) model in muscles called Mechano Growth Factor, which is crucial for the anabolic response.

Finally, we are getting a little encircling to the merits, as we needed to clarify and organize the ideas on this issue through the two previous paragraphs. It is not only on the lines above that we can prioritize, and thus local muscle training that we want to focus on will bring us better results than using foot training to "chase" hormones and pray for a larger biceps. This statement is confirmed by scholarly literature with an exhaustive analysis by Brad Schoenfeld, who mentioned that if there is any direct link between the influence of hormones caused by squatting or leg training and increased muscle growth (eg upper limbs), this benefit would be maximized only up to 8%. However, the potential impact mentioned requires further investigation, but in the real world for physical exercisers this is absolutely negligible.

The steady and long-standing claim that leg training tremendously affects your muscle gains throughout the body, even without their direct training, is unfortunately not true. Another important thing to remember is that squatting is basically an exercise where we engage muscles all over the body (whether the back, the center of the body or even your hand - holding a dumbbell…), which indirectly also stimulates these muscles. Drep is simply one of the most important exercises where it is one of the leading exercises not only for beautiful and round butt. It is also worth mentioning - have you ever seen a man who is training his legs hard and really hard and does not train everything else, including the top of the body? We doubt it. People who practice their legs and do not miss leg workouts (real leg workouts, not 2 half-squat series) usually put energy into hard upper body workouts. He who trains his legs hard, he trains everything, and everything grows. A person who coughs on his feet and exercises only the top of his body cannot simply expect his feet to grow, as growth is a local effect and the hormonal response is basically insignificant.

As with all fitness things in life, the foundation is specialization and goal setting. If you want to be good at benches = go beneath, if in zumba - continue to grow to the rhythm of music. Do you want to make 30 turns at once? So bending exercise will be your way. Want bigger biceps? Exercise biceps. Unfortunately, the motivated answers that squats are the best exercise for biceps are false.

utorok 24. decembra 2019

How does little sleep affect your performance not only in strength, learning or health? You'll also find out how sweet naps are during the day | Steroids4U.eu

How does little sleep affect your performance not only in strength, learning or health? You'll also find out how sweet naps are during the day

Let me start with one beautiful, motivated quote: "While you sleep, your opponent is training!". Uhm, okay. Let's leave this to everyone who shares motivational pictures on Facebook 7 times a day, while not moving their fingers a day. In today's article, we look at how sleep deficits affect not only our health, memory, learning, but also performance. Next, we will find out how it is with the afternoon nap and you will certainly get a lot of new and interesting information again.

Wound under the belt at the outset because we have to say that sports performance (eg speed, endurance), neurocognitive functions (attention, memory), physical health (illness, risk of injury or weight maintenance) all proved to be negatively affected if one coughs to sleep and actually has a lack of it, or somehow limits it. Perhaps I did not discourage people from further reading, but it is probably clear to any average intelligent person that when there is little sleep, it may not reflect positively. However, it is interesting that many athletes still do not have enough sleep. Compared to non-athletes, they tend to sleep less (around 6.5 to 6.7 hours per night) and even their sleep quality is lower. We can only guess why this is so, but probably what-and-do training plans, the times they train, traveling (jet-lag), pre-competition anxiety, and so on.

Sleep Deficiency & Performance

There are several overlapping areas within the exercise that have been severely negatively affected by sleep deficits. For example, we talk about speed, stamina, strength, attention, executive functions (acting, thinking) or learning (for example, new movements).

Physical performance

The researches were of different character. These two solved the performance and speed of a man on a treadmill all night without sleep. In one case, the distance was smaller, and in the other, the performance deteriorated. Among other things, it turned out that one night without sleep can affect that we will not rule a little before we get used to and increase oxygen consumption during rest and also the rest production of carbon dioxide. During one test during cycling, they found an increase in heart rate and oxygen consumption, as well as higher lactate levels. Again on a single night without sleep. Even a slight sleep restriction can negatively affect accuracy during sports performance. For example, when researching tennis players who slept for less than 5 hours, they found that their first strike accuracy dropped from 37 to 53% as early as the first night. Loss of accuracy has also been shown in research when throwing arrows after a night's sleep limited to 4-5 hours compared to full-time sleep. And let's have a basketball. They investigated the effect of increasing sleep time from an average of 6.6 to 8.5 hours per night. After five weeks, the subjects increased speed by 5%, throw accuracy by 9%, and the threes also tossed 9.2% more accurately. Such benefits of increasing sleep time have also been shown here (this time by 2 hours), again in tennis players, where their accuracy of administration has improved by 5%. The research summary says: "Sleep deficit has a direct physiological effect, manifested by reduced speed, accuracy and endurance."

You ask what about your benchpress, squats and other exercises? There is one good and one bad news. The good news is that studies examining the strength and performance of lifting dumbbells in conjunction with sleep deficits show mixed results. The bad news is that some of the results were negative. Here in ten (yes, we know few) weightlifters, there was no noticeable difference in performance during one night without sleep, but the negative existed in the form of increased fatigue and sleepiness. In another, they found that the force was not adversely affected, also during one night without sleep. However, in another weightlifting study, they found that a three-day sleep deficit was associated with a lower workload (less kilograms) in exercises where the largest muscle groups were involved. The studies were small and used different strategies.

In general, therefore, it can be seen that the combination of low sleep = poor performance is here. Already 4-5 hours of sleep compared to 7-8 hours (which is recommended for most adults) can, or can negatively affect performance in many ways, although purely in the activity of lifting the dumbbells is all sorts of things. Personally, I think it already plays a role in more factors in life (and days around training) and while some are cool, others may be weaker. Either way, all research suggests that adequate sleep plays an extremely important role!

Neurocognitive performance - attention, executive functions (thinking about strategy, making decisions) and learning (new strategies, memory)

Attention turns out to be a highly individualized matter and one sleep deficit can do much more harm than another. However, several conclusions agree that little sleep negatively affects the above-mentioned attention and even. In executive functions, studies tend to speak the same language - little sleep adversely affects an athlete's ability to make quick decisions, read and change tactics, and respond to opponent's strategy changes. And in learning? Sufficiently long sleep enhances faster and higher performance in learned tasks that require physical realization, not to mention that it enables better classification of learned information in the brain.

Sleep Deficiency & Health

Little sleep, poor performance, but great health? Unfortunately not. Numerous studies show the link between sleep deprivation and the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and unfortunately 40 years of research suggests that little sleep has a higher mortality rate.

It is accumulated that lack of sleep increases the risk of injury, respectively. accidents. Mostly these are only correlations (for example, little sleep = higher accident rate, 1.7x higher chance of injury during exercise, and so on), but in connection with the things we discussed above, it is quite relevant and there will certainly be something to it. In addition to injuries, it is also susceptible to disease. In this study, participants monitored the length of their sleep and were given a dose of cold virus, a classic cold. Those who slept less than 7 hours were three times more prone than those with a sleep time of 8 hours or more. Similar conclusions have been shown here. So if you don't want to have an increased risk of developing a bitch who triggers a volcano, coughs and feels under your dog, you'd better sleep. Sleep also plays a role in pain management, but in this study they found a reduced pain threshold of 8% after one night without sleep, and there was a 5-10% increase in pain size by a full night without sleep or disturbed sleep. This can be useful not only for various athletes, but also for ordinary people who go to the dentist, for example.

What about the nap during the day?

First of all, it is best to sleep within normal circadian rhythm, ie at night. But, fortunately, there is the potential to drive performance in conditions where one has limited sleep. But beware, the nap counts as a nap. Not like a three-hour nap! Indeed, a longer nap (more than 30 minutes) has a connection with worsened performance after waking, with such hesitation and shakiness, and also napping at a later part of the day can have a negative effect on good sleep during the night. Therefore, it is recommended to use the classic nap at the latest at 3 pm to 5 pm. In any case, as we mentioned, the effect of a nap on physical performance may or may not be here. Unfortunately, there are few researches and they are very tiny (although some have found the positive effects), so we will not dare say anything completely to the dot. But for the sake of interest, we will mention a few. In a mini-research, they found that a 30-minute nap during a night's sleep shorter helped to improve alertness, attention, sprint time along with other variables; their physical performance before training. The summary of all the research on the topic of nap rather underlines benefits such as better vigilance, reaction time, accuracy, fatigue reduction and the like. But let's be honest. If such little things accumulate, the performance is likely to be higher for many. A nap may have a positive effect on performance, but is likely to be highly individualized and will depend primarily on the type of performance, the total day of the person, the days before, and the size of the sleep deficit at night.

nedeľa 22. decembra 2019

Muscles burn more calories than fats, and that's why you need to exercise. But there is one important though | Steroids4U.eu

Muscles burn more calories than fats, and that's why you need to exercise. But there is one important though

You must have heard about the need to exercise because you will build up muscle mass that makes you burn more, better and more effectively. Of course, this is good advice, and especially women should be aware that cardio clocks certainly do not build a dream figure. You need to exercise, not to be afraid of dumbbells and then, dear ladies, you will be shaped and strong. But today we take a closer look at the statements “adding muscle mass significantly increases metabolism” or “fat is a metabolically inactive mass”.

Many people say that muscles have huge metabolic activity. But speaking of metabolism, let's take a closer look at what covers it. First of all, it is the basal metabolism and consequently the thermal effect of activity, the thermal effect of diet, but of course physical activity (NEAT / NEPA). Basal metabolism usually accounts for approximately 65-70% of metabolism, and it is said that pure muscle mass has the greatest rate of basal metabolism. In fact, however, this explains only about 53-88% of the basal metabolism variability. Pure muscle mass (in other words, a fat-free mass) is nothing homogeneous, but a mixture of different tissues. Pure muscle mass covers muscles, organs, bones, skin and, in fact, everything that is not fat. However, as you will see in the table below, different of these tissues have different metabolic activity.

Note that the muscles are not so enormously metabolically active. Sometimes it was used to say that a pound of muscle could burn about 200 calories a day, when the issue had begun to be explored, they came up half as low, but as you can see, it's actually only 13 calories per kilogram of body weight per day.

Notice the fat. It is not so metabolically inactive. A kilo of fat burns 4.5 calories per kilogram of body weight per day. Fat secretes a wide range of energy-consuming hormones such as leptin or adiponectin.

Note (yes, for the third time) that most of the basal metabolism is active organs. The liver, heart, brain, kidneys, although they make up only 7% of the body weight, burn about 70-80% of the energy from basal metabolism. Muscles can account for more than 40% by weight and yet are less than 30% involved in basal metabolism. And that's just the "but" of the title. Yes, we cannot deny the fact that if we gain a lot of muscle mass, our metabolism will increase. However, I will pay attention to the word a lot. A few tens of grams of muscle in a few weeks will do nothing. But what can do is muscle building, which usually consumes enough energy. However, if we have muscles built, they will not have as much to burn energy.

There are also various factors that affect energy expenditure. Usually, the heavier a person is, the less the metabolic rate to their weight will be. A reason? The organs do not grow very much, rather the metabolically less active muscles or fat grow. So if we look at the various calculators that calculate caloric income, we see a lot of inaccuracies, and that's just one reason why online calculators don't say much and often overestimate harder people. Calories must be set individually according to the person's lifestyle! The study also monitored situations such as lack of food or overeating. In the absence of food, mainly less active tissues than muscles or fat are lost and the necessary tissues as organs are preserved. However, later on, the active organs also decrease their activity, which can be called an adaptive component. On the other hand, metabolism is increased during diet, mainly due to increased levels of protein synthesis, body temperature, greater thermal effects of foods, as well as the elimination of various hormones.

Muscles, therefore, have a major impact on basal metabolism, but a little new muscle will not make a big change and will not be an energy-burning machine, even though muscle building can burn some extra energy. Thus, most of the energy is burned by active organs such as the liver, kidney, brain or heart. However, it is important to realize the great but. On the one hand, fats burn energy (obese people may be happy), although this is not a large number, it is still about a third of what burns muscles. So they burn more calories than fats, but it's not as big and relevant as some eagerly report.

štvrtok 19. decembra 2019

Testosterone: Optimal level, tips for natural increase or positive and negative factors that affect it | Steroids4U.eu

Testosterone: Optimal level, tips for natural increase or positive and negative factors that affect it

With the word testosterone, many people are likely to think of words like gritter, steroids or doping. We will look at this important hormone from the point of view of a natural exerciser, so we will not pay close attention to these attributes today. You will find out if you have an optimal level of testosterone, which affects it positively and negatively, such as testosterone and exercise, how to increase testosterone in kind and you have a supply of facts supported by science.

But first, the basics. Testosterone is a hormone that is produced predominantly in the testes (partly in the adrenal cortex) and its production and production is controlled by luteinizing hormone (LH) and is produced from cholesterol. In skeletal muscle, testosterone plays a major role in the synthesis of myofibrial proteins, and it is in this way that it contributes significantly to muscle hypertrophy. It is one of the four androgenic hormones that is typical of men, but it is also available to women, albeit in a much smaller amount (approximately 14 times less). To make matters worse, there are three forms of testosterone - albumin, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and free testosterone. The value of free testosterone is important for muscle mass building. Now, for many, there seems to be an unpleasant surprise, as its value is only about 2% of the total amount of testosterone in the blood.

Do you have optimal testosterone levels in your blood?

The natural limit is stated to be in the range of 264 to 916 ng / dl; in the simplest terms, the range is 300 to 900 ng / dl, although the above limit can also be found. Of course, it depends on the particular laboratory that performs the tests. In some countries you can meet other units, but almost in the same range - 2.8 to 8 ng / ml. A little help - for example, use this page for conversion. These are total testosterone values ​​in the blood and, interestingly, such a test is around € 7.5, with the fact that once a year you should be entitled to free of charge with your urologist. Of course, it is also possible to test free testosterone, which should range from 9 to 30 ng / dl (in our country 30.9 -147.5 pmol / l). This test is already more expensive, around 17.5 €. The blood testosterone level is highest in the early morning hours and gradually decreases over the course of the day, so it is necessary to take it in the morning. If you want to compare the tests more than once, it is ideal to take them at the same morning and ideally have your testosterone measured.

Maximize testosterone levels in a natural way. What negatively affects it?

If it is not a specific disease, it will mostly be a combination of several factors where we can include, for example:

Lack of sleep and its poor quality - There are several studies, but eg. in this it was found that shortening the sleep time from more than 8 hours to less than 5 hours in five consecutive days results in a testosterone drop in the range of 10-15%. On the other hand, there was no difference even after five days of sleep reduction, with only four hours of sleep in the original 10 hours. However, keep in mind that the absence of sleep for 33 hours continuously (one party upside down) resulted in a 27% drop in testosterone levels. In these studies, total testosterone was addressed. So if you want to maximize testosterone in kind, one of the important points will be sleep.

Caloric deficit - creates only a temporary decline, which returns to normal quickly after returning to the caloric level, and therefore the inclusion of refeeds is of great importance in this respect. The higher and the longer the deficit, the lower the testosterone, so competition contestants who prepare themselves in kind should be particularly aware of this issue. In healthy individuals in a state of hypogonadism (low levels of self-testosterone) that is caused by a caloric deficit, jumps can be made relatively large and fast, even 85% (from 1 to 1.88 ng / ml) in a single day if significant increase calorie consumption (personal observation based on measurements, author's note). This does not mean that it will work similarly if you are at normal levels. The decrease occurs in both total and free testosterone.

Overweight, respectively. Obesity - Too high a percentage of body fat reduces natural testosterone levels in both adolescents and adults. It can be said that the testosterone level in most of them decreases directly in proportion to the degree of overweight.

Low body fat percentage - reduces natural testosterone levels. Recommendations - stick to the optimal, healthy and sustainable body fat limit for most of the year, some of which are higher, others lower. Exact number does not exist, but generally - men 10 -15%, women 18 - 25%.

Excessive alcohol intake - reduces testosterone and can potentially increase estrogen in men. Paradoxically, low alcohol intake caused an acute increase in testosterone, and even post-training "supplementation" in an amount equivalent to about five cops of vodka increased both total and free testosterone. Before you jump into Tesco for a bottle of this testosterone booster water, consider that it was probably due to a reduced testosterone muscle fiber withdrawal, in other words, little in the muscles, much in the bloodstream. Likewise, consider practicing with the monkey extends the time your testosterone is reduced. We may agree that alcohol and exercise do not go together.

Other factors include overtraining, where we can re-emphasize deloading in training cycles, rapid weight loss, zinc and vitamin D deficiency, endurance sports, stress and age.

What has a positive effect on testosterone?

First of all, it is calorie intake at least at maintenance values, respectively. calorie excess and a sufficient amount of fat is important within calories. We are talking mainly about moving from a low-fat diet to a fat-optimized diet, which can vary depending on personal preference ranging from 20 to 40% of total daily calories. In a study comparing low-fat vs. high-fat While high-fat diet total testosterone increased by 13%, free did not. If we look at it from a different angle, the transition from consuming 100 grams of fat per day to less than 20 grams in two weeks reduced the level of free testosterone (about 17%) in two weeks. The consumption of saturated fats may have a positive effect on testosterone, so we should also have some of them in our diet. Omega-3 consumption does not seem to help in this respect. Increased consumption of trans fats has a significant negative impact on both total (-15%) and free testosterone (-17.5%), but this should not be exaggerated even with polyunsaturated (PUFA) consumption. Comparison of vegans and omnivores on this issue revealed that vegans had a 7% higher total testosterone and SHBG by 23%, but at the same time a 3% lower free testosterone. In terms of reproduction fine, in terms of building muscle mass so not. So it would seem, the more fat in the diet the better, right? Not quite, because in this study the hockey team switched from consuming 40% fat and 45% carbohydrates to consuming 30% fat and 55% carbohydrates from total calories and the result? There was an increase in both total and free testosterone compared to the second group.

Next, they are women. This need not be elaborated or justified by research, although of course there are some. It is enough that a pretty woman with a great ass in leggings is squatting in the gym and the progressive increase of the wheels of local exercisers reaches a year maximum. Even plain talking to an attractive woman can help testosterone levels. So you know what to say to your partner in the evening?


Total fat intake should be around 20-40% of the daily calories. Saturated as well as monounsaturated (MUFA) sources are a suitable source for increased testosterone production. higher consumption of PUFAs has the opposite effect, so when they are consumed frequently, the total fat consumption is in the lower band of fat calories given by us. And if you have a woman with you when preparing some of that food, score up.

How does exercise affect testosterone?

The hormonal response of our body to training depends on several factors. Exercise can cause an acute increase in circulating testosterone in the blood depending on the number of muscles involved, the intensity of training, the length of the straps or previous training, as well as adaptation to a particular form of exercise. This increase is manifested mainly after relatively short, high-intensity exercises such as strength training and HIIT, respectively, while decreasing tendency during endurance activities, especially at marathon and utlramarathon. The old known - larger weights and complex exercises = higher testosterone levels after training - is a true claim, but the increase in testosterone in these cases lasts only for a relatively short period of time, because it is an acute increase in post-training levels, in other words in terms of muscle building. In this case, the rule of progressive load increase is clearly the main factor. Therefore, one more marginal note. Just because you are training your legs and triceps does not mean that it will grow better than when you only practice triceps. In other words, placing the legs at the beginning of the training solely in order to increase testosterone, which will have a positive effect on better growth e.g. triceps or biceps did not work because it has only the above mentioned acute effect.

And, as with long-term exercise, increases total testosterone levels? Those who have a normal level and are already actively practicing will not benefit from other benefits. On the other hand, those who have a lowered level or are just beginning to exercise can benefit from testosterone. We can say that initially, exercise has potential in this direction, and the level gradually stabilizes within the natural range.

Is movement within the normal range meaningful? If you take a test and find yourself in the normal range, albeit in the lower half, you don't have to despair now, because it doesn't yet have a major negative impact on your muscle gains. In the words of L. Norton, there is no linearly increasing link between low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) and levels above average (when taking steroids), because increasing natural testosterone levels within natural boundaries has no effect on other muscle gains.

Can't there be any difference? However, it seems that if you go from the very lower limit of the norm (260 ng / dl and 2.6 ng / ml, respectively) to a medium level (570 ng / dl and 5.7 ng / dl, respectively). In this case, differences are shown, because in this study group no. 3 with testosterone at the above-mentioned mean level in the 20 weeks without exercise, gained 3 kg of pure muscle mass while gaining only between 0.3 and 0.8 kg of fat compared to group no. 1. with a lower limit of normal, which has gained a minimum amount of muscle (up to 0,4 kg) but has gained between 1,5 and 3,6 kg of fat. So the difference is considerable. It should be mentioned, first, that they were in a calorie excess, consuming only 1.2 g of protein per kg of TH and not training for 20 weeks. It has only one hook, exogenously administered testosterone, but at a dose that was held by subjects in Group # 3. 3 within the biological limits. Ultimately, there is probably some relevance to these conclusions.

Of course, the effort should always be to get from the low level to the normal level - eg. from 150 to at least 300, or at least to said center. The question is whether moving from 500 to 800 would do anything else, some future study must give a definite answer, and I would therefore refer to the words of Norton. I would also like to contribute personal experience, because lower (but still normal) levels were not a determining factor in whether or not I was able to progress. Although my level is always between 2.8 and 5 ng / ml during caloric excess (I had a maximum of 5.5, and I have had more than 20 donations over 3 years…), I was able to make good progress, strong and muscular.

Testosterone is an important hormone that is affected by many factors mentioned in the article and its long-term natural deficiency (levels below 2.8 ng / ml and 280 ng / dl, respectively) may be one of the limiting factors in your progress. Once in the optimum range, movement within it may provide a potential benefit, at least in terms of movement from the lower to the intermediate level of the optimum level. Even lower natural levels allow you to build a handsome muscular body and strength in your efforts. Therefore, before you have a few darts in the back of a urologist nurse in his outpatient clinic (in the best case) or your sweaty friend after the training (in the worst case), try to eliminate the factors that may be causing this low level.

utorok 17. decembra 2019

Hip Thrusts is not just about building a beautiful round ass. One of the best exercises for glutals is worth doing for other reasons | Steroids4U.eu

Hip Thrusts is not just about building a beautiful round ass. One of the best exercises for glutals is worth doing for other reasons

Although this is one of the top exercises for a beautiful round ass, it's not just about the visual side. Hip thrust is worth doing for a number of reasons, and today you will learn a little more about it, and in the next workout of the lower body, you will be able to put the squat pad in the center of the Olympic pole as well.
One name. Bret Contreras. Someone has a PhD. for example from corporate management, Bret basically from the ass. Of course, a little lightly said. Anatomy, the biomechanics of the lower body, the abundance of buttocks, and the experience of not a decade, so Bret's credits also belong to Bret. You can find much more on his website. Before we go to the article, do you know that of over 7600 people surveyed, 63% practice hip thrusts mainly because of a more beautiful butt and only 8% to improve performance, 12% increase in strength? One way or another, the visual aspect is not so sexy, but the reasons below will convince you that the visual aspect is (almost) nothing compared to the more practical one.

# 1 Reduces spine load, but you can still use heavy weights

Whether into squats, corpses or other movements oriented to the vertical extension of the hips, there is a rather high compressive force on the spine. With horizontal extension, however, hip thrusts allow us to lift heavy weights without “suffering” our spine. This benefit is not only useful in rehabilitation, but it allows us to perform safer exercise than most lower body exercises. Heavy weights and lower risk of injury sounds good, right?

# 2 Significantly helps remove injuries and pain, whether it's back or even knee

Does your lower back hurt? One of the most common causes is weak ass. It is hip thrusts that activate and significantly strengthen the muscles of the butt, which can help us in our unpleasant injuries. I myself was convinced of a similar problem when a physiotherapist told me that, in the pain of the left lower back, I should try to activate my buttocks, which can help reduce pain. I can't say that it's just because of hip thrusts, as I was doing a lot of things at the time, but it keeps my back (lapel, lapel). Strong glutals will affect strength, posture and performance. Due to a weak ass, negatives can lead to poor movement mechanics, even impaired joint health in the knee and even reduce the stability of the ankle. Let us not generalize and point to the ass as a purely female game.

# 3 Improves posture and overall control of our body as we move

Do you have an anversion? Maybe not. But is there something about a swollen butt that you often find on women's instagram profiles? Maybe so. However, such an “asshole” often does not only end in the picture. Many with an anversion, an anterior pelvic tilt (APT), work throughout the day, and their posture is incorrect and unhealthy. The right hip thrust technique teaches you the opposite. Retroversion, a posterior pelvic tilt (PPT), so that he does not bend his back like a cat and risk injury. Thanks to them you can learn to effectively control the spine and pelvis to minimize excessive bending. Also a thing that is useful in various other exercises. From the previous article we know that the volume is the second largest muscle of the lower body!

# 4 It's far from being just a "grandma's"

Hip Thrusty are the primary ass exercises. Ass = women. Women practicing ass. Hip thrusty is an exercise for women. Ufff, such a connection may be relevant at first glance, but looking at it from a more objective perspective and taking into account other points in this article, we can say that it is stupid.

James Harrison is a player in the most prestigious American football league and hip thrusts 306 kg. He also devotes a lot of time to bench press or squats. They also have Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in training, and he has to warm up well because of his lower body injuries during football and wrestling. Bret Contreras and his 328 kg hip thrust don't sound very feminine. Matt Ogus has been in training for a couple of years now, and 270 kg of the series go like butter. In trainings he has bodybuilders, professional athletes, powerlifters, weightlifters, NFL players, NBA players and others who want to strengthen their ass, build strength and speed. Why they do this may be running out.

# 5 Squat or Deadlift Assist Exercise and Full Body Strength Builder

Although this exercise is one of the best for the butt, it also actively activates hamstrings, quadriceps and adductors. You will improve the size, strength, strength and shape of the butt, there is the potential to increase speed and acceleration in, for example, a sprint, improve the functioning of the whole body as the butt affects the mechanism of legs ). Similarly, Dr. Robinson, strength trainer with PhD. in exercise science: “Hitting the glutals with hip thrusts can help with exercises such as squats or deadlifts.” “Hip drive” and body stability. People who love to practice such as relocation or market will also come into their own, not just fans of classics such as corpses and squats.

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nedeľa 15. decembra 2019

Fitness Cemetery: 5 myths about diet, exercise and fit products to be buried | Steroids4U.eu

Fitness Cemetery: 5 myths about diet, exercise and fit products to be buried

After the successful first part of fitness myths and the second one, we are back in a long time! We know enough about carbohydrates after six, breakfast as the most important meal of the day, musculature or anabolic window. Today, we will focus on 5 more myths that need to be shoveled once and for all. For some you will have some fun, for others you will learn something new and you will probably be surprised. Enough words to enter the fitness cemetery.

Myth # 1: "Revolutionary" ways to lose weight from the abdomen

In 2015, we had corsets for slimming down the belly, this year we would like to present the Darwin Prize to body wraps promoters. Neither of these methods has anything to do with losing fat but only losing money from your bank account and water from your body. As we said in the article on body wraps, weight ≠ fat. In this way, you may lose some centimeters and weight (vuéééj, there is something to promote!), But two things are forgotten. This loss of centimeters and weight is only temporary, and when you eat and take a shower, you have them back the next day. And why? Because it is not the fat you lost temporarily, but water. So you're equally fat, with only a slimmer wallet where the money won't come back unlike centimeters and weight. Not to mention that similar ways can be dangerous and, in exceptional cases, can cause death.

The reality is that there is no revolutionary way of losing weight from your stomach, from your leg or from the right side of your ass. In calorie deficit, which is the only way to lose weight, it depends on the body and genetics where the centimeters and fat will go down first. There are places (such as women's hips or thighs, men's lower abdomen) that regret it. And you won't do anything about it. What do you need? Be patient. What you don't need? Spend money on ways that are physiologically impossible to work.

Myth # 2: Muscles cannot be acquired in calorie deficit

Luckily they will. Although it is a topic for a separate article, today we will just briefly tell you why it is possible to recruit muscles in calorie deficit. Most people take the energy balance as a switch or color. Simply on / off, resp. black / white. Unfortunately, from a hypertrophy point of view, it is misleading to look at the energy balance in this way. We know that if we want to gain, we need to be in calorie surplus (income> expenditure) and if we want to lose weight we need to be in calorie deficit (income <expenditure). The old known fact. However! That doesn't mean you have to be in a calorie surplus if you want to gain muscle. Hypertrophy occurs in the gym, not in the kitchen. The stimulus for muscle growth is lifting weights. Food only provides an environment for growth. Do you think that if you are in a calorie deficit -> do not have an environment for growth -> you cannot gain muscle? You're wrong. The energy balance is not black vs. white, on off.

Whenever we eat, we are in a calorie surplus (for some time) and for some time the body works with this energy. If you are out of food for a long time, you are in deficit again (for some time), regardless of whether you have a volume or a stroke. Muscle protein synthesis and protein breakdown are continuous processes that work acute and affect their workouts and diet. The body does not wait for you to fill the TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), it also works during the day at different times. Then, when these times are calculated, it defines whether we will gain or lose weight. But food is not the only source of energy. We still have glycogen, body fat or muscles (for God's sake, we don't want to lose those) that the body can grasp. There are therefore internal and external energy sources.


Pankrac has 6% body fat, has been dieting for an extremely long time, wants to withdraw it to 5%, is on minimum calories. Pankrác may not gain muscle mass, or even lose some.

Servacus has 15% body fat, has a relatively long calorie excess and opts for a 6-week light diet. He sets about 500 kcal deficit, consumes enough protein, has a solid training program. Servant is likely to continue to gain muscle mass while losing fat even when in deficit. Why? Because the energy balance is not black vs. White. Servacus has a good stimulus for muscle growth, is not in such a large deficit, and internal energy sources can also provide space for muscle growth. Of course, this does not mean that Servác gains the same amount of muscle as if he were in a calorie surplus. But it does not mean that Servác cannot recruit any muscles.

This issue is quite challenging and debatable, but we cannot be ignored, because we have not only very interesting studies that confirm these statements, but also evidence-based experts such as Eric Helms, Brad Schoenfeld or Bret Contreras, who also say it is possible, though not most effective.

Myth # 3: Slimming tablets, CLA, green tea

This year, friends of “celebrities”, whose domain is artificial breasts and punctured lips, decided to bring special detox and slimming tablets to our market. And then other "celebrities" promoted what their friends did. Of course, there are more products. But when you look at the ingredients, you will see green tea and, for another product, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA is a kind of modern revolutionary trouble. What is stated on the product packaging? It increases metabolic rate at night, fat stores are burned when they are more likely to reduce the growth of fat cells, and even prevent muscle breakdown, plus some other marketing rumor. It sounds more than good for 16 euros, right?

But the reality is different. CLA, which is found in the product (and many others) in an amount of mostly 1000 mg, will not help you. The effective dose of the substance is 3200 - 6400 mg per day, so the recommended dosage you give yourself… nothing. To be precise, let's say the average amount (4800 mg) is reached in five tablets. So you miss out on 12 days, so you are poorer by about € 30 in less than a month (that's the average price of a season ticket for a whole month or 16 pounds of cottage cheese).

Revolutionary CLA tablets don't really help you on your way to a dream figure. You're throwing money in your stomach. CLA affects PPAR receptors minimally to cause fat loss. In the study, CLA and cardio were combined in a body composition in overweight women. No benefits of CLA supplementation have been shown. And Lyle McDonald's statement: “It has always been total crap. You’re not a mouse ”(since some research on mice has shown little benefits, not on humans). And as a bonus, any other CLA tablets cost about the same amount of about 6-8 €, just without the instagram / celebrity marketing from fitgirls, so the overshoot price is not for efficiency.

Myth # 4: Calories are the only thing on a diet (or when you take it)

The fact remains that calories are the most important element in weight loss and weight gain. This innocent fact, however, has been translated by many people as follows: "It only depends on calories, so I will eat Snickersky, mecca, lentils and fiddly meat on the diet." who know as much about nutrition as I do about catching night butterflies, have also written about IIFYM as an unsuitable diet, where you only consume nutritionally unhealthy and processed foods. However, we have a separate article about this reversal. However, regular Fitclan readers already know that calories are not the only thing.

For optimal functioning of the body it is important to focus on the quality of food and eat at least 80% of all-day intake of nutritionally valuable food, fiber, sufficient protein, greenery…. Aaaa, everybody knows. Food choices can affect not only our performance, sleep, muscle gain, but also hunger, which can have a fatal outcome and lead to endless overeating. You know. Oreo Milka will look better on your Instagram than chicken breasts with rice and broccoli. But you kill 500 calories with Milka, and hunger is "put the paper here, it certainly tastes good". Food needs to be tactically selected according to how we are doing. Does anyone have a 4600 calorie intake and want this chocolate? He may be happy to quickly calorie, because eating 4600 kcal of nutritionally valuable foods is a chore. But if a woman in a more advanced stage of deficit, say 1500 kcal, gives her all Milka, she "disappears" her more than 500 kcal, which is 33% of all-day income, which evaporates in 17 seconds with wiping off the corners. In that case, it would be better to have a nutritionally rich meal that is not only of better quality (composition), but also has the ideal amount of protein (we know that we should eat at least 20-25 g of protein for each meal because of MPS), better carbohydrates and healthier fats. Of course, everything depends on the overall context, but forget that it only depends on calories, so we can fill them with bullshit.

Myth # 5: HIIT is the best and most effective cardio for fat loss

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is less time consuming because you will be locked in for a short time, high-intensity interval at a few intervals and you're done. For some people, it may be more fun than classical, low or medium intense cardio. But HIIT also has drawbacks - it is more demanding to regenerate and can negatively affect strength training. Within HIIT, EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) is often inflected, ie increased oxygen consumption after exercise. In other words, behind this abbreviation lies the theory that HIIT will start your body so much that you burn extra calories a few hours afterwards. In practice, however, it is… so! It's really true. So you're wondering where the hook is? In translating this theory and practice into the real world.

Calories burned during exercise have a higher effect than those additionally caused by EPOC. According to research, although EPOC is higher in high-intensity exercise, each time the difference shows up at the crazy volume of this workout and ultimately the overall EPOC is ridiculous. For example, in this summary of several investigations, it has been shown that EPOC caused a 14% increase in metabolic rate, but specifically the number was 80 extra calories burned after an 80-minute HIIT (something like slow death). Ask yourself what will contribute to fat loss more? 800 calories burned during training or 80 calories burned after training? In another study, subjects ran 20 × 1-minute intervals above the VO2 max (maximum oxygen uptake rate) with two-minute pauses. Although double EPOCs were shown compared to those who performed less intense cardio at 70% VO2 max, there were only 32 calories overall. Congratulations. They burned a third of a medium-sized banana. Such EPOC. Much fat loss. Just wow! Last year's systematic analysis has also proven irrelevant to EPOC.

It was also found that the energy output during 24 hours is very similar, whether it is HIIT cardio or MICT (moderate intensity). In addition, the results suggest that both HIIT and MICT cardio produce similar improvements in fat storage in the body, and so are very similar in terms of efficiency, only HIIT wins (logically) in that it lasts shorter. It is interesting to note that when HIIT or MICT is performed alone, ie without diet adjustment, there is no significant weight loss (> 5% reduction) within body weight and fat. It can only take place when a truly large amount of work is done in this exercise. The latest meta-analysis confirms these conclusions. Whether you choose HIIT or LISS (or MICT), there is a very similar loss of fat.

No matter if you are doing HIIT training or LISS / MICT, the results will be similar in terms of fat loss and the main disadvantages of both forms of cardia should be addressed. HIIT certainly won't help you regenerate and can negatively affect your fitness performance, LISS / MICT takes a long time. Choose what goes hand in hand with your goals, what you enjoy and remember that the effect on fat loss is mainly strength training and caloric intake. Cardio should only be an aid.

štvrtok 12. decembra 2019

Two misunderstood and underestimated butt muscles, which play an important role in its shape, but also in overall performance | Steroids4U.eu

Two misunderstood and underestimated butt muscles, which play an important role in its shape, but also in overall performance

Gluteus maximus gets the most attention. But there's no wonder. It is the main driving force for exercises such as squats, hip hinge exercises as various variants of deadlifts or hip thrusts, or even while running. As a bonus, it is the biggest, hardest and… and a well-developed ass is just sexy. Today, we'll start off. Anatomy. Anything, like this image, gets on the Internet.

If you just look at it and go save it, stop it. It's pretty bad. In fact, this does not look like anatomy from the ass. Brazil's campaigns, however, have the power and that is why Instagram is spreading (along with various other variations) as dogmas about the need to eliminate carbohydrates on a diet. Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are not in the lower outer part of the butt. They are the smaller muscles on the upper outside.

Gluteus medius has 3 areas - front, middle and rear. His primary role is abduction (imagine lifting the leg sideways) or stabilizing the hip during walking. The front of the fibers helps in the internal rotation of the loins, while the backs assist in external rotation and play an important role in stabilizing the pelvis when standing on one leg. Just a weak gluteus medius (but this applies generally to a weak ass) is a common cause of chronic back pain. Well, the gluteus minimus, which is located under the muscle of the gluteus medius in the upper outer quadrants and is not at the bottom of the butt, as shown by popular shared images, serves mainly as a lumbar stabilizer and works together with gluteus medius.

Interestingly, the average muscle mass of gluteus maximus is 844 grams, which is roughly twice the gluteus medius and minimus together (421 grams). This does not mean that these muscles do nothing (see above).

How to focus on gluteus medius & minimus? Get some exercises!

Lateral training, from side to side, ideally with a load, if you want to effectively exercise and feel these smaller but important muscles of your ass. Every woman is different. As you already know, not everybody is built on heavy squats, some of his butt feel better through those exercises and her buddy again by others. However, if we could bounce off something, we can show some effective exercises based on the experiment and measurements of Bret Contreras or other research on butt activation.

1. Quadruped Hip Circle

Bret Contreras and a few conclusions from his various tests say that in general this is probably the most effective butt exercise you can do with your body. It showed the highest EMG activity (electromyography, thanks to which it is possible to find out a lot of information about nerves, muscles, etc.), either average or at the top, ie the one with the greatest muscle activation. We know that EMG is not the Holy Grail, but we have to have a springboard. See the technique in the video rather than studying the text. Don't forget to twist your tip and squeeze your butt properly while avoiding bending your back and using all the muscles on your body awkwardly.

2. The side-lying clam

Being a key exercise in the rehabilitation of butt muscles might not convince you. However, the fact that this is an exercise with high gluteal activation has been convincing, namely the average muscle activity was measured at 77% within the gluteus medius (and 53% gluteus maximum). Exercise does not look as cool as deadliffs or squats, but it will serve all those who need to feel butt, make the connection between muscles and the mind more effective and engage gluteus medius. Do not forget to deny one foot to the other and focus on the movement, which must be controlled.

3. Lateral side walk

Simple and efficient. All you need is an eraser, but every woman who is serious about #bootygainz is supposed to. You will see the technique in the video. A little tip: If you are hurting while squatting, try lateral side walks, for example 2 easy runs of 20 reps. Many powerlifters confirm that this is a great way to eliminate pain. One study showed that higher activation of the gluteus medius occurs when you place the rubber on the soles of the feet (not on the feet) and not higher (around the knees). So try this way too, you may feel your ass more.

4. Side-Lying Hip Abduction

You may know the variants on the ground, but these abductions on the bench will allow you to increase the range of movement, probably make exercise more difficult and better involve muscles. As Bret says, with this design, you will stretch the hip flexors in the lower phase of movement, which may be another way to muscle growth. The toes of the foot that you move are pointing downwards to ensure that your hips are engaged, not your thighs.

5. Band hip internal rotation

Research suggests that the gluteus medius posterior filaments become more active in the internal rotation of the hip than in external rotation. In another test, it was confirmed that the upper gluteals were heavily activated during the exercise and the gluteus medius, especially the posterior fibers, burned completely. It is actually an internal rotation of the loins in a relatively neutral position of the hip joint. In the video below, this is the last of the circular exercises the woman is doing.

6. Side plank

Surprise? Probably for most. However, the side plank showed 96% gluteus medius activity. Of course, you will not build a butt of dreams, but probably none of these exercises. To do this, you also need to perform complex exercises with heavier weights, as mechanical stress is one of the most important factors for hypertrophy. However, we wrote about this in an article about muscle fibers & buttocks. Back to the plank. This exercise primarily on the center of the body and abdomen also activates the muscles of the butt, to a great extent. Kill two flies with one shot and strengthen the whole core and ass.

As indicated several times, these are exercises that cause increased metabolic stress (this is typical burning) and you can increase the volume of training without much intervention in the central nervous system, which will be useful for heavier series and complex exercises, whether squats , deadlifts, hip thrusts and the like. But if you do only 2-3 heavy-weight exercises on your butt, it's probably better than a variety of weird exercises from the million influencers videos on Instagram, but after this article you know it's worth focusing and lighter exercises, using rubber or light weights the ankle and try to feel the gluteus medius & minimus. You can also use all of these exercises for warm-up or to finish your workout. Two to three series after 15-30 reps and suddenly your butt will burn like at the beginning of your workout, where you hip thrusted three digits.

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utorok 10. decembra 2019

5 myths about squats that everyone should know long ago | Steroids4U.eu

5 myths about squats that everyone should know long ago

Whether they are Internet experts or unhappy interpretations of research, much has been said about squats. We have collected the 5 most common myths that are associated with one of the king's exercises - squats and we believe that they will be buried once and for all. Let's go!

# 1 The knees must not go in front of the toes!

They may. In many cases, they should even. Even if your favorite bikinist tells you: "when the knees go forward, they then suffer of course," so he should consider these tips to the extent that her discount coupon for a revolutionary fat burner. In older research, 2 scenarios were addressed. Scenario A, where the knees could go beyond the toes, and B, where the knee movement was restricted.

In scenario B, knee stress moved to the hips and lower back. Specifically, we are talking about a 22% drop in knee torque, but an increase of 1070% in side torque. A little difference, right? And now the rhetorical question, what could be worse in terms of potential injury? Of course, stress on the knees is increased when they go beyond the toes, but that doesn't mean they explode and suffer. It is still within the limits of what the knee can do without any problems. Not to mention that it is more or less necessary to achieve a good squat depth. Or does anyone want to tell us that all Olympic weightlifters are doing it wrong?

However, if one of those who has pain in the front of the knee and is not a 100% evil technique, it would be wise to first visit a quality physiotherapist, play with the squat technique and limit the knee forward movement by at least a little. In this case, you can make squats painless. Or try to do other types of squats, such as box squats or low-bar squats.

Either way, instead of tacking the tip of the knee, we should focus on avoiding the knee rotating to the bottom (knee valgus, left in this figure). This is a much worse case that can lead to injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament.

# 2 Squats are the best ass exercise

Squats are a great exercise for your butt, but certainly not the best. If someone reports to squat, squat and squat, he probably only heard it somewhere and borrowed this cliché. First, there is no best ass exercise. Everyone has something in them. For example, hip thrusts have the advantage of constant tension and active peak tension or metabolic stress, with muscle damage and passive peak tension in squats. And we know that for the top ass, it is necessary to do different exercises in different number of reps with different load. If we look at the top butts of the world, that is ... women who have likeable glutals, none of them do squats. When you see a beautiful, strong, sculpted butt, squats are just one element that enriches this complex. the individual to squat his muscles to the maximum, even with excellent technique.

Some exercises produce more tension than others, some more metabolic stress, others produce more muscle damage. Some exercises affect different parts of the muscle. One single exercise cannot maximize the hypertrophic response (muscle growth). ”- Bret Contreras

And what kind of ass exercises are worth doing in our article Every anus can charm you in the first and second episodes.

# 3 If you don't go to the bottom (ass to grass), you don't even have to

Internet exercisers score once again. Each person is unique and to some extent performs squat differently. What the squat looks like and whether it is possible to go ass to grass affects what we cannot change or improve, in addition to mobility, flexibility, prepping series. For example, the length of the torso or femur. Someone's femur can point down, others up. Someone has a longer torso and shorter femur, some have the opposite. Some have pelvic cases that are part of the hip joint more open, others less. We showed the visual differences in another article, where we also described one experiment of two women of the same height, so check it out.

You must be clear that someone ass to grass squat can't do. How low then squat? The loins should go lower than the imaginary top of the knee. Deep squats (ass to grass) are fine and if your body and excellent technique do it, do them. But if you are hindered by mobility and even by your body, pursuing such a squat can do more harm than good.

# 4 Squats damage the knees

We have outlined something in point # 1 and have already covered this topic more comprehensively in the older article "Deep Squats and Knee Health". If deep squats are technically correct, they are not only safe (taking into account most of the more relevant research and conclusions), but even contribute to the development of strength, strengthen connective tissue, including muscles, ligaments, tendons. Injured people often like to attribute squats, but in many cases they are not squats, but bad squats. In addition, a number of studies showing the benefits of deep squats are far more than those at least a bit contradictory to this claim. They usually agree that deep squats are a clear choice for people who can squat deeply and without pain. This is also our general recommendation.

# 5 Big Dumb Squats You MUST do!

We mean classic back squats, which everybody would imagine if they say squat. As they say, you just have to die. Squats are an excellent exercise, probably everyone should be able to do a nice squat, at least with their own body. It involves a lot of muscles and is really one of the kings of exercise. That is all true, and in most of our coaching squats are part of the plan unless there are compelling reasons to suggest that this might not be the best strategy, at least at the outset. Either way, if you're not a powerlifter, you don't have to do squats. Are you robbing a lot of benefits? Perhaps. But you have a million squat variants and a classic back squat just don't have to do if the reasons are relevant and it's not just "I don't want to". You can also build quality legs differently, you can still do Bulgarian, front, globlet or box squats. If somebody tells you that you just have to do squats, otherwise leg training doesn't make sense, we probably wouldn't agree.