štvrtok 16. januára 2020

Streamline and optimize your triceps training with these tips and advice | Steroids4U.eu

Streamline and optimize your triceps training with these tips and advice

Women are interested in butts and men are interested in… but also in butts. But of course the opposite sex. In our country they are forever small and never big hands. Today, we will look at triceps training, focusing mainly on the fundamental things that we need to realize when exercising this triple muscle so that our training has a head and a heel.

You probably don't like anatomy, so just in a nutshell. Triceps consists of three heads - lateral (outer), long and medial (inner). We'll better illustrate this with the image below. The outer head is therefore the legendary "horseshoe", the long head of the triceps is the largest and clamps down to the shoulder blade, and the media head is basically under this long head. This is a tiny part, but it is important in overall strength stability and the development of triceps.

It is not enough to focus on complex exercises

If you're a beginner, all right. In that case, focusing on the core complex exercises is enough, and even your triceps will grow without being specifically dedicated to it. We know that pressure exercises, such as bench presses or shoulder pressures, result in elbow extension, with the involvement of the triceps. However, it is confirmed that if we want to maximize the growth of a given muscle, we need to focus on it individually. And this is doubly true for advanced exercisers. For example, in benchpressing, the position of the shoulder joint changes over the range of motion, and the length / tension relationship on the joint does not allow us to maximize muscle development. So if you want a proper triceps, you need to practice it directly and not to rely on it for pressure or complex exercises.

Triceps has 3 heads and many people ignore this fact a bit unknowingly

Whenever we do an elbow extension exercise, we basically engage all three heads. But beware, if we want to focus on the long head of the triceps, which quite defines the massiveness of our hand, we need to remember one fact. The long head is the only one that goes through the shoulder joint and if we want to hit it, we need to have our hands over your head! This number of people does not know and their training of triceps is then inadequate. The different position of the hands affects the activation of the triceps in a different way, and just when we have our hands over our heads, we mainly involve the long head of the triceps, and that is precisely the above-mentioned anatomy. You will engage the long head with several exercises. We will mention the various variants of extensions, whether with a dumbbell, an EZ bar or a rope on a pulley (you can find inspiration in this video).

Another great exercise is the French skull crushers, but they deserve a little more space. First thing. See the pictures below. On the left you can see a technique that is incorrect and that is what most people do. After lying down, their hands are directed vertically and their body / hands form a 90 ° angle while dropping the dumbbell directly to the forehead or nose during the eccentric phase of the exercise. A mistake. Not huge, but a mistake. At French pressures, try not to have your hands directly above each other at an angle of 90 °, put them more back and let the dumbbell behind your head.

Moving the pulley with the opposite (reverse) grip

Brad Schoenfeld said he does not understand why some people perform triceps pulley retraction with a reverse, supininated grip (palm up). Triceps attach to the elbow bone, so supination has no effect on muscle. In addition, the reverse grip increases hand / wrist engagement to maintain proper grip, ultimately reducing triceps engagement. Lyle McDonald has the same opinion, but he has taken it all in his traditional way: "It's the same movement, only done more stupidly." We see it quite often in the gym, right? First, the classic pulling of the pulley on the triceps, then with a supinovaný grip. However, it is exactly the same, and if those friends said that you would try to pull the pulley underneath, because this-hento-that, and they felt like Columbus in 1492, even this board would even further unify the triceps training.

Best triceps training?

There is no such thing. It is unnecessary to mention any specific training routines for the triceps, and this could finally be understood by people in 2017. Just as they could understand that copying the training plan of Phil Heath or another favorite is also meaningless. Thanks to our article, we already know what is behind the growth of muscle mass and these elements can only be incorporated into the training. Indeed, training is no exception. Try to exercise your triceps at least twice a week, as it has been proven that muscle training at least twice a week is much more effective in muscle growth compared to muscle training only once a week. To do this, try to make use of all ranges of repetitions, because we also have the proven fact that to maximize hypertrophy, we need to focus on the full range of repetitions. This means that during the week when you do the triceps twice, try to use exercises (primarily complex) that use a lower number of repetitions (eg 5), but also exercises with a medium number of repetitions (6-10), but also it pays to use more isolated exercises with 10 to 15+ reps. Try to train it with different angles and what is the biggest foundation? Progressive load increase.

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