Slender corsets have arrived in our limbs and health goes aside
Blindness has taken a new level! Only recently have we decided to write an article on detoxifying teas for weight loss, whose photos on Instagram were spreading at lightning speed. A senseless trend, popular in America, unfortunately arrived in Slovakia, and many women proudly boasted of tea that leaned for you and detoxified everything around. Actually, I'm not surprised. The thing promised by a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure and perfect ass just has to work, right ?! Marketing is a non-existent concept at the moment, obviously. However, I certainly did not expect the Slovaks to suffer another mania, this time perhaps worse. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the "slimming" corset, whose photo we have unfortunately seen many times on the Internet and in Slovak fit waters.

Detoxikačné čaje teda neboli jediným hlúpym trendom, ktorý k nám dorazil. Tentoraz prichádza na rad korzet, ktorý má za úlohu zoštíhliť váš pás. Zober si do ruky zubnú pastu. Stlač tubu niekde v strede. Čo sa stane? Stále je rovnako plná, len jej obsah nachádzajúci sa v strednej časti, je zrazu vytlačený nahor alebo nadol. Inými slovami, hmota sa premiestnila z jedného miesta na iný, objem sa však nezredukoval tak, ako je sľúbené.
But what is that slimmer corset, in other words, belt training? According to official information on the products, these are body shapers that are recommended to wear at least 8-10 hours every day. They reduce waist circumference, allow weight loss and at least 10 cm of waist, flat belly and strengthen the center of the body, corsets apparently burn fat on the abdomen.
One brand dared to add to these benefits that the best results are achieved through proper diet and exercise. Wow, do they say that the two most important factors supporting fat reduction, proper diet, and physical activity work even with a corset on the abdomen? No sh * t Sherlock! Even if I had a wrapped bow of a Christmas present around my stomach, I would lose weight with proper eating and exercise. Using a corset has nothing to do with losing fat, as companies advertise, but with forcibly modifying the figure. Or wearing skinny jeans makes you lose weight from your thighs? Moreover, I don't have to say that local weight loss is one big myth.
Do you really want to look leaner in some part of your body for some time than actually BE Healthy throughout your life?
Do you really want to interfere unnaturally with your body? Do you really want to risk potential organ problems caused by their position change, breathing problems, diaphragm, spine? Do you really prefer shortcuts that are not shortcuts? Health from something so stupid? Will you leave your earned money in the hands of companies that only laugh? Slimming corsets are not the right choice.
Also, it may not be the safest to stimulate a certain part of the body for more sweating, and we should leave the body with anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) to regulate water in the body. This is simply not the most rational tactic. Is it not healthy for someone to press forcibly on the internal organs to reduce the belt? Springfield physician Nicole Florence said that "training" the belt in this corset way can restrict the movement of the diaphragm, reduce the work of the lungs and intestines, resulting in bruises and pain. Among other things, they can cause spinal weakening. As I have already indicated, this stupid method has nothing to do with losing fat. Fat and its mobilization are conditioned, inter alia, by genetics and on the basis of your energy intake, activity level, etc. The Canadian professor of medicine, Dr. Sharma. Very old expression, but still - Dr. Dickinson has pointed out that all of this can change breathing in women by limiting the lower lungs and causing uterine problems when worn for a long time. Of course, we do not want to tell you that wearing these “innovators” for a long time will have all of the above problems once, but these are potential risks that I do not understand for what reason women are taking. Some research has been done on this topic, but they are older, but suggest very similar conclusions.
The saddest of all is that women will drink anything, eat, wear anything, starve and keep the most primitive types of diets, but to be active, they do exercise, calmly and run, not. Unfortunately, many prefer grapefruit and 2 tangerines a day. After all, I have stopped eating after six o'clock in the evening and the results are still missing, where am I making a mistake? Oh, the irony. Subsequently, she likes to offend a well-trained woman with a sixpack, actively engaged in exercise and other activities, which she calls an anorexic and claims that her character is disgusting. I just wanted to say that no, there are no special shortcuts in the form of teas and corsets. How about talking a few articles, studying everything needed and working, working, working?
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