utorok 7. januára 2020

Do not exercise during illness or sweat it in the gym? Find out when it is better to take a break and what approach to exercise | Steroids4U.eu

Do not exercise during illness or sweat it in the gym? Find out when it is better to take a break and what approach to exercise

Practice when a six-letter fatal disease attacks a volcano? Or put the gym visit aside? Influenza, colds, coughs or other unpleasantness have already affected everyone, and there is often the question of whether to exercise in this state. You may think of a clear answer that depends on how you feel. However, this topic hides more than that. Should you take a break or sweat it? Do you exercise a positive effect on immunity? And when is bed better than activity?

Understand immunity first

On the one hand, we are attacked by viruses, fungi, parasites or bacteria, especially the upper airways, and on the other, our immune system. Fortunately. He is fighting these pliagami. So let's talk about the immune system first. About two, since you may not know that you have two immune systems.

It is an innate immune system that serves as such a basic defense line. Something like when you see "low-carb is the best style of eating" or "start with detox" profiles on Instagram. You just shake your head and try to argue simply. The innate immune system includes various barriers, such as physical (nasal mucosa), chemical (stomach acids) or various protective cells.

Then we have an adaptive immune system. It is a little more sophisticated and consists of specialized processes and cells. As if instead of simplifying arguing, you draw concrete meta-analyzes on the keto of a madman, evidence-based arguments in conjunction with practice. This adaptive system reloads its weapons when the innate system is no longer in control. It fights infections by preventing the colonization of pathogens and killing microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. The advantage of this system is that it remembers. And when a pathogen attacks again, it can fight it better and more effectively. This process is called lay building of immunity. And yes, that's why children are more often ill - they haven't yet developed an adaptive immune system with such a large “brain”.

That's nice, but the answer to the question if I should go to the gym is still not :(

You don't, because we want to educate you a little. But we'll get to it, don't worry. It should be noted that weight training is an additional stress for the body. When we are healthy, the body can quite easily adapt to it. Gradual adaptation = you are stronger, you have more muscles, you feel better. However, when you are sick, this additional stress can be a good bat for your immune system. This implies that it mainly depends on the type and intensity of the activity.

Walking, low-intensity cardio or light training (any, not just in the gym) can improve immunity! However, even one high-intensity macaque can make it more susceptible to infection. For example, a marathon can temporarily suppress the adaptive immune system for up to 72 hours. Visiting the gym, however, is far from copying the marathon, and science says shorter intensive exercise does not have the same effect of suppressing immunity. Consistent workouts can boost immunity over time, so if you're healthy, work! If you're not healthy, the opposite can happen, so high-intensity workouts or long workouts would be better to put aside during the illness. Exercise and immune system has an inverted "U" curve. This means that people with no exercise usually have an inferior immune system, and conversely, people who exaggerate too much with exercise usually also have a lower immune system. Again, we get to the cliché of the candle. Golden mean.

The general rule is that if you are sick only upside down (volcano, sneezing, less headache, sore throat…), exercise can be fine. It is better to choose lower / medium intensity or lighter cardio. However, if you are ill from your throat (chest, caught bronchi…), training in the gym is not a good idea, as this is a sign that the disease is probably getting worse.

Higher doses of vitamin C and glutamine can also help you fight the disease (especially when you feel something is coming at you). Then glutamine as a supplement finally has some effect! But don't forget about nutrition, as chemicals in the digestive tract fight viruses and bacteria, with the digestive system making up 70% of our immunity. It is worth increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, yoghurts, kefir, fermented products such as kimchi, pickled cucumbers, tempeh or sauerkraut to feed healthy bacteria in the body.

But staying at home has one major advantage - you don't infect other people in the gym. You may be nervous that the missed workout will collapse the world, lose all your muscles and lift no more than 10 pounds (no, nothing like that will happen), but at least don't be selfish and do not spread the disease in a full body. If for any reason this sentence does not apply to you, use the tips from the article and we believe that you will soon overcome the disease.

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