štvrtok 23. januára 2020

Almost everyone does the pulley pulls on the back, but often not right. Check out 4 important tips to help you practice them effectively | Steroids4U.eu

Almost everyone does the pulley pulls on the back, but often not right. Check out 4 important tips to help you practice them effectively

Is there anybody who has not performed pulley pulls on his back? I doubt. It is by no means a purely feminine exercise. On the contrary. If our technique is correct and we use a progressive increase in load, we can perfectly hit the back muscles, especially latissimus dorsi, the broad back muscle, or wings if you wish. But here's the problem. The right technique. Many people do not know where to pull the pulley, how to grab it, whether to lean or not, and a quality exercise eventually becomes a kind of hybrid… I don't even know what. Many of the "techniques" in the gym are really inimitable, so let's look at how to do this superb back exercise properly.

# 1 The wider the grip, the wider the back?

If somebody ever told you that you need to grasp the pulley as wide as you know, he didn't advise you well. At all! Let us also enrich the practical advice with research, where the issue of grip was addressed. In this study they compared three handles. Broad, moderate (slightly more than shoulder width) and straight (hands pointing straight up). Within the eccentric phase (negative, i.e., pulley release), latissimus dorsi was most involved at average to wider grip. Within the concentric phase, all three handles were very similar. But if we look at all the details in more detail, we can say that the most effective way will be to pull the pulley at an average grip, that is, the hands will point up slightly wider than your shoulder width.

# 2 Okay, but over or under?

Here, people were divided into four groups - broad gripping, broad gripping, flat gripping, and also gripping. Regardless of the grip width, it has been found that the tactile grip is more effective than the underhand grip in engaging the widest back muscle.

# 3 And should I pull the pulley in front of my head or behind my head?

In further research, they looked at different variants (see picture) of pulley backs, and in short, found that the most effective way to reach the widest back muscle was a wide grip, with the pulley facing the head (breasts). From this we can say that head-to-head sweeps are likely to be more effective than head-to-head sweeps. So we have already found out that in front of the head the most effective are the activation of the widest back muscle, but there are other reasons to choose this option as well. When pulling behind the head, the shoulders get into an unfortunate position within their external rotation. Your shoulder rotator may not like it. Another thing, many people lack enough flexibility to pull the pulley down in a straight line, which in turn will not like the cervical spine. I'm not saying that the variant behind the head will hurt every single person on the planet. A person with sufficient flexibility of the shoulders, who does not neglect the warm-up and cares about the technique, may not notice any major complications, but the variant in front of the head is still better, no matter what. And when we see someone pulling the pulley by the head, it is often the unfortunate way of having the head in an unnatural position, and it all looks like a quarrel of shoulder rotators with a cervical spine and the pulley itself.

If you have chaos in it, let's summarize it all. The most effective way of doing this exercise is to grab the pulley with a tact, at an average grip (more than the width of the shoulders) and pull the pulley to the breast.

# 4 Is cheating allowed in this exercise?

Is an! Of course, but not the circus pieces that we see here and there in the gym. Studies have also taken away some of the cheating. Activation of latissimus dorsi will be 11% higher if you lean slightly (135 °) than when you pull the pulley in an upright position (180 °). But everything is true only with the right technique. In the video below, you can see what this could look like if we take into account not only cheating but also the aforementioned pulling in front of your head and grip.

You see that the pulley must be pulled "over the elbow", not over the biceps. You just have to feel your back, forearms and hands should only serve as hooks. If you're biceps burning for the third time, you're probably not going to do it right. Also note that we are pulling the pulley to the level of the breast, not underneath and not to the neck. Just pulling under the breasts, as if downwards is one of the most common mistakes of people who simply did not have anyone explained the technique of exercise.

Regardless of her grip, you may notice 2 common mistakes. On the left pulling the pulley down and on the right turn a huge backward. Avoid both things!

You already know that by pulling pulleys on your back you mainly hit latissimus dorsi. You also know that the "bro" is not the fact that the wider the grip, the wider the back. Fortunately, we can also say that gripping is more effective than gripping and that pulls in front of the head are also more efficient and acceptable not only for our shoulders. However, it should not be forgotten that as the right bodybuilders, we should occasionally try other variations, such as the above-mentioned pulling of the podhmatem, or pulling not with a classical pulley, but with a "V" holder. In this article, however, we wanted to focus mainly on the biggest classics that many perform incorrectly, and we hope that this article will improve.

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