utorok 21. januára 2020

Rowing or lower back pulleys are a simple and great exercise, but many people do it badly. | Steroids4U.eu

Rowing or lower back pulleys are a simple and great exercise, but many people do it badly. Check out common errors, tips, and variations

The back is a bunch where we find a large portion of muscles, so including the exercises to stimulate them in the training plan and also the right exercise should be one of the priorities. Although there are people who ignore the back somewhat, since it is not a "mirror muscle" (you can't see it when you look in the mirror, so you don't need to practice it). However, in addition to creating the desired shape, which we all chase, many of the given muscles also serve to promote proper body posture and promote shoulder health. All of this needs to be well understood, so we have prepared an article for one excellent exercise, but many people do it incorrectly. After tips, bugs, gadgets, and rows in the backsets of the dumbbells, folds, classic pulley pulls, today we'll look at rowing, or, if you wish, lower back pulley pulls.

The center of the back (teres, rhomboids), “wings”, trapezes, back erectors, but also biceps or even triceps. All this is involved in rowing, and in addition to the correct technique and frequent mistakes, we will also look at various variations.

In the picture below, you may notice at the start position slightly bent knees, the center of the body is only slightly inclined forward and the body is in an upright position. From this position, we pull the pulley back as close to the body as possible, "bust" and try to connect the shoulder blades, with the elbows ending slightly behind the body. The best tool to help you get into this position is when you imagine that there is a person behind you who wants to tickle your armpit and you press the triceps and hands against your body so that they don't get there by your hands. You may have laughed and shook your head after reading this sentence, but try. At a minimum, beginners will understand and realize what they should do when learning technology.

In the next series of photos we can see incorrect exercise techniques that occur mainly when using too much weight and / or if we have shortened pectoral muscles and shoulders, which do not allow us the full range of movement. Note that the chest is down, the shoulders are not far enough back, creating a dangerous rounding of the back. Individuals who do this exercise often complain about the pumped forearms and biceps, sometimes triceps. They just feel all the muscles, but not the back that this exercise is actually designed for.

The second bad way is to turn this exercise into back extensions, and we're too far back. Here all the work is taken over by the lower back and possibly hamstrings.

Variants of rowing, resp. lower pulley rests

In the lines above we have already discussed the right and wrong technique, so now we can tackle the various variants and their specific involvement of the back muscles. If we pull the pulleys to the back correctly and at the end of the exercise we have the blades almost connected, the most we engage the center of the back, where the size of the biceps and the wings depends on the type and width (how far my hands are) of the grip.

1. Undershot and tidbit

We use a similar mechanism as in the previous pictures, where the grip is approximately the width of the shoulders and pulling pulley to the body to the level of the navel. Biceps are the most involved in this procedure of all variations of the exercise, while we also use wings (latisimus dorsi). Another advantage lies in the excellent protection of the arms, as we can easily hold them down and do not require too much attention to control the shoulder rotators.

2. Overshot and wide

Grasp the pulley with a palpation (palms facing the ground) and slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Pulley pulled higher, almost to the breast. In this variant, the wings go into the background and the most we engage the center of the back and the high activation is obtained by the rear arms. However, we must be careful to constantly check the position of the arms and keep pushing them downwards to avoid unwanted injuries. A variant suitable for all who exaggerate with striking wings and their center of the back is much weaker and less developed.

3. At neutral, hammer grip

A kind of center between the previous two variants. It can be performed by over / under, but most often by neutral grip. We pull the pulley below the level of the pectoral muscles and again think of the position of the shoulders that we push back and down, with the elbows facing the body.

The technique by Albert Nunez, where you are basically focused on creating a double chin, can help you with the technique - you simply push your chin to your throat, because at this point many people realize how they tended to push their heads forward.

In conclusion, we also recommend a more general video where Eric Cressey demonstrates the basic flaws of all back exercises where we simply “pull”. If you don't like English, sacrifice 7 minutes and practice effectively!

The variants can also be converted into other exercises on the back. For example, in the case of the dumbbells, the closer the elbows are to the body, the more we engage the wings, and when the elbows are directed outwardly, we hit the middle of the back. In all exercises we use almost identical techniques. The key to success in using any option is to have your breasts turned off, your back slightly bent (not too much!) And your shoulders pressed down the back. Once again, we leave the ego at home and pull only the weight that we keep to 100% technique. Only after complete assurance and mastery of all necessary aids can we reach for other bodybuilding and especially proven techniques.

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