nedeľa 26. januára 2020

6 simple tips on how to initiate change not only in eating or training, but overall on the path to a healthier lifestyle |

6 simple tips on how to initiate change not only in eating or training, but overall on the path to a healthier lifestyle

Obviously, even a great deal of truthful and proven information, confirmed by countless studies and practice, can evoke almost identical feelings in beginners - frustration, hopelessness. The same frustration arises in us when we see many dubious sites advertising detox teas or miracle pills and “proven” menus. There are too many of them. The number of readers is constantly increasing, so if you are new here, or you still do not know how to restart the change (not only) in the diet, then in the following lines you will learn a few tips that can help you.


Being able to set a goal and correctly determine how to achieve it is a good step towards a better diet, a healthier body, and possibly getting the craved dice on your stomach, but of course they do not define who is and who is not fit. What do you want to achieve? Lose weight 10 kilograms, or do you put on some of your favorite clothes that just hang in the closet? Look good on vacation or drink fewer calories of sweet drinks? Remember to mark a specific target on paper, on the phone, anywhere. It should be realistic and limited by a certain period of time.

Difference of the body

In addition to the different professions, hobbies, type of training, there are things that unfortunately we will not change. Metabolism, body response to certain foods, better acceptance of higher / lower specific macro-nutrient values, etc. Even identical twins with the same hobbies, work, will need different calories to gain muscle or lose fat. The trial-and-error method is the ideal way to determine your preferences. Breakfast or no breakfast? Do you prefer a larger number of meals distributed throughout the day or eat only three times a day? Of course there are recommendations that apply more or less to all individuals (eating fruits, vegetables, having more sleep ...), but it is still known that what applies to me may not immediately be ideal for you. There are more roads to Rome. Read, study, put things into practice and try to figure out what suits you and fits in your lifestyle over the years. If someone tells you that you have to have breakfast, hands off! If someone tells you not to have breakfast, hands off! The black and white look not only in fitness is utterly stupid and therefore be open minded but cautious. There are some facts that calories are the most important element in the diet, but don't get on a road that has only one direction. The layout of macronutrients, eating style and other subcategories within nutrition are up to you.

Time utilization

The old known truth that we all have the same number of hours per day is true, but as we have used and used the hours it is highly individual. We can never compare a person who has only one 30-minute break in 12 hours at work and an employee working from home. Another, not very ideal example in terms of preparing meals for the day ahead will be, for example, a courier that does not even have a refrigerator. But even an individual who spends a huge amount of working hours behind the wheel can accomplish their goals with a variety of helpers - protein sticks / shakes, dried meat, protein chips or other food, or using intermittent starvation during working hours when his first meal of the day may be when returning home. There are many possibilities available, do not use the phrase "I have no time" as an excuse. Sometimes it is difficult with time, but any situation can be solved in an optimal way so that you do not lose your goals. Take your day into small work as well as your work and mark the time when you can get food, train, sleep and do your job at the same time. Don't worry if you can't eat every two hours, that's not the only way to get to your destination, as we said in the paragraph above.


Another variable in your equation is training. Not only its intensity, the amount of training per week, but also the type of training (strength, cardio, or even crossfit and others) plays a major role here. It is not as easy to identify the training intensity as it may seem at first glance. If you can't walk 4, 5 or 6 times a week to practice, don't panic. Good and effective training can be built even at a lower frequency. First of all, your workout plan must be realistic, because you will have the goal of practicing 6 times a week if you simply do not keep up with time, regeneration, work and you will not be able to keep it. You will jump for a specific training for free if you absolutely do not enjoy it and in the long run you will not observe it. Choose a training that you can consistently follow. It brings results and progress! The best and optimal plan does not exist, but if you like the word optimal, it will be the one you keep and complete. If you think the best workout is 4 times a week, but you don't have the chance to go to the gym so often, don't worry about it, practice 3 times and don't get nervous about what you can't influence.

Own research

Before you head over to the new for you, read a few researches, articles, or read a publication. Expand your horizons. Or just read every single article on our site. It is often the case that we have a question that is answered in one of the articles, along with a lot of science, application in practice and our own opinion. What types of diet are there, such as those calories, and which types of diet could fit your lifestyle? Give yourself a moment of your free time and find out what your real possibilities are for you.

Use of advice

If you read up here and still don't know how to go for your goal, don't despair. You can still use the advice of coaches. However, be very careful here, because not every coach is also a good coach. Also try not to get entangled in the web of deceptions by many "advisors", a fitness instagram of "celebrities" who will also sell you mystical clear water from which you will surely lose weight. Do you know a friend who can practice? Try to ask him for 2-3 joint workouts. Maybe over time, the Fitclan team will be able to solve this problem too…

We know that there are a lot of new readers every day, so this article was a summary of how to get started, and it can also serve as a rebuilding of the information already acquired for more experienced individuals who have gone from an imaginary journey to their goals. These few points can be applied not only to diet, but also to training, lifestyle changes and much more. And remember, each one of us has something different, we have different occupations, hobbies, duties. Find out, challenge and test. | Online Steroid Shop - Buy Steroids - Cheap Steroids for sale

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