štvrtok 19. marca 2020



What kind of bodybuilder would it be if his very, very popular parts he practiced didn't include biceps? Yes, biceps are often a symbol of your strength and are also a measure of the hard work you do in the gym. The question: “How much do you have over your bike?” Appears almost as often as the question: “How much do you put on the bench?”. But even when practicing as "small" muscle (now, please do not take it as biceps is some "pidisvalik", but compared to back muscles or chest, it seems to be smaller) like biceps, with a lot of athletes commits many mistakes. In today's article, we will focus on the top 5 in biceps training and show you how to fix them.

1. ERROR - Compression of elbows below parallel line

Performing strokes with the upper pulley seems to be quite simple: in a double bicep pose, you push your fists to your ears and back. But the exercise is more complicated when you hold a really heavy load in each hand. Then there is a tendency to push the elbows down and forward, which makes the isolated exercise an unwanted basic exercise. Therefore, hold your upper arm in a stationary position parallel to the ground, making sure that the movement comes out of your elbows only. This effectively connects the short (inner) head of the biceps.

2. ERROR - Not holding your elbows close to your body

This is a mistake made by many really experienced bodybuilders, because they try to handle too high a load and extend the range of movement. Strokes are an isolated exercise, but when you move your elbows away from your body in an effort to lift the dumbbell, it becomes a basic exercise. The front deltas will be involved, sharing the load with the biceps muscles. So you better do this by holding your elbows to your body and preventing them from moving forward. Never look at the stick in the upper phase of the movement - it should be close to the chest. There is really no need to lift the barbell as high as possible. Rather, make sure your elbows don't move forward.

3. ERROR - Using the same grip

Strokes with a large barbell or EZ barbell are the main volume exercises of your biceps workout. You can use a fairly high load because they can help you in some small movements of the body to handle the weight that you could only dream of in other biceps exercises. However, this does not mean that you cannot change your exercise a little bit and revive it. Changing the grip width when performing biceps strokes affects mainly the rotation of the arm. When you use a grip larger than the shoulder width, the arms get into the so-called external rotation to engage the short (inner) muscle head. If you hold the bar rather with a narrower grip, the arm turns inward in internal rotation, so that the outer (long) head of the biceps becomes more active.

4. ERROR - Not stretching arms in elbows

This mistake might have been curious enough if it hadn't been so widespread. In order to contract the biceps, you need to shrug your arm in your elbow. Biceps strokes are based on the fact that by moving the elbow you change the angle and distance between the forearm and the upper arm. However, you can often see athletes who lean back in exercise and their bicep lift is not based on elbow movement rather than waist. But after this exercise, your muscles won't grow. Rather, reduce the load and make sure that the repetition starts from the lower arm phase and lift the barbell until it is bent at the elbow so that the angle between the forearm and upper arm is less than 90 degrees.

5. ERROR - When ignoring tactile and neutral grip exercises

Although it looks very simple and many may feel that you just need to take a dumbbell and lift it up, you will not build on this development of biceps. Not all arm flexors work optimally when using undershot. When the hands are in the neutral position (hammer strokes) or in the tilt (opposite grip), the brachialis, which lies below the biceps and brachioradialis, also engages. You simply don't have a chance to reach your genetic potential if you don't include exercises that involve all the muscles that make up this game. Try performing neutral and tactile exercises at the end of the workout as they can significantly affect the grip strength.

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