štvrtok 12. marca 2020

Visualization to Success: Linking Body and Mind | Steroids4U.eu

Visualization to Success: Linking Body and Mind

Several studies have shown that mental techniques can improve performance in certain circumstances. What are the best techniques? Are some better than others? They examined these questions in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning and came up with some interesting answers. The researchers decided to find out the most effective ways of mental preparation before training. They examined this by two methods.

The first method was visualizing ourselves, performing the task as best we know. The second method was excitement, which simply involved as much enthusiasm as possible before performing the task. The test was carried out on sixteen experienced male sprinters. Each of them made a 30-meter sprint followed by rest. Sprinters should use one of the above techniques. The conditions tried to create almost identical for each sprinter and the researchers tried to find the results as relevant as possible. When the data were analyzed, they found that visualization was a better technique. When the sprinters used visualization while resting, they always had a slightly lower time in the sprint.

zdroj: pixabay.com
Visualization is simple. Imagine yourself before doing what you do and how you can do it. It does not have to be only a sprint, but the visualization is valid both in everyday life (work, tests) and before lifting the dumbbell in the gym. The body responds to what you think and then works accordingly. A similar method was used in martial arts. The warriors were supposed to hold the eggs in their right hands and with the same hand they should send a good blow so that the eggs would not break. It was the technique of visualizing the aura - the so-called. “Ki” that protected the eggs while they were struck. This task was difficult, but every warrior absolutely agreed that visualization was a lot easier and the task was feasible, as opposed to nonsense punches without visualizing this aura, linking mind to body and focusing.

This vision will also become a reality in your workouts. You won't be holding eggs for benchpress, no. With the right visualization of the lift, however, the body will cope with everything else, which affects your strength in lifting the dumbbell. Your body will automatically know what to do and do all the extra work and perfectly activate all the auxiliary muscles that serve as the support for the dumbbell lift.

As I wrote, it's easy. Imagine what you're going to do, focus, and your performance will increase. Imagining how to make a perfect series or repetition on a benchpress, believe it or not, can do wonders. According to researchers, people use the same areas of the brain in performing and visualizing the act. So here's some connection. Visualization can be described in three steps: First it is relaxation, then concentration and finally the visualization itself. Relaxation and concentration are important. You sit on the bench, focusing on the regular rhythm of breathing - inhalation through your nose, exhalation through your mouth. Then you lie under a 100kg benchpress bar that you haven't picked up yet. You clear your mind from foolishness, you don't perceive the surroundings, then you visualize your goal - a 100kg PR on benchpress and you're on it. In this way, your personal record is likely to fall before you lie under a 100kg stick, you tell Sparing 4x that you probably won't, you have this idea before lifting the dumbbell in your head, you are not focused laugh or talk before lifting a dumbbell. In this way you can forget about progress, personal records and strength improvement.

So a little more dramatic and visible is the so-called. charging, but a little bit related to visualization. It is also associated with breathing but with different breaths. Charging is an excitement for the immediate activation of muscle fibers. If this happens, lifting the dumbbell will be easier. Imagine a lifter at a competition as they approach a barbell, or simply imagine yourself before a heavy lift in training. You probably breathe a little differently than with the classic slow, deep breaths that will calm you down. Rather, you will use a series of quick, short breaths to energize the nervous system. You can see this especially in the above mentioned competitions, when the breaths are often accompanied by a loud scream. This may appear to somebody as a sign of dementia, especially if it is being "abused" by wannabe lifters, who are being destroyed by a 20-kilogram dumbbell on a benchpress while roaring like a deer in ruj. However, such demonstrations are not needed by lifters and do it for some logical reason.

However, the type of charge depends on what awaits you. Scales that you lift even in half sleep will not need some perfect mindset and extreme charge. This is more useful for PRs (records), or 90% of the maximum and so on. With 8 reps of an exercise, it is again a bit different and such a charge is not necessary. The level of arousal also depends on the level of the arousal threshold of the individual. Someone who is an introvert and a maximum calm person will have this threshold lower than a hyperactive person. Neither your acquaintances nor your coach, but you have to know how much, respectively. what excitement before lift will be right and sufficient.

Ideas are a fundamental belief in how we see the world, how we influence us, and how we respond to the different events in which we see ourselves. Concerns and doubts about themselves can not only worsen athletes, slow down success, but also worsen form. I am not going to trust here, but the negative thinking, the idea that the lift you do not give, that the unprecedented 100kg can greatly affect you. When something bad happens, pessimists and optimists react differently, especially in the way they explain the bad events (personal obstacles, injuries) and the impact of these events on their lives. Pessimists tend to carry a negative thing for their entire lives. "I'm hurt, my whole career is over". The dangers of this thinking: depression, physical symptoms of stress, hormonal and immune system changes.

As the optimist sees the same bad events, this is another story. They do not blame themselves, and even if they see any obstacles, they are only temporary events that will pass or resolve them soon. He who does not practice the month, in which he managed to smash breasts 20 times and biceps 30 times already probably ran into days when it was just in the gym just could not. Proper warm-up, concentration, everything is supposed to be, but after the first 2 sera you have just found out that today it is somewhat difficult and it is not at all as usual. Well, those days have been experienced by everyone who has been practicing a little longer. However, an optimist athlete throws his head off that day. He won't let a bad day in the gym affect his whole week. Being optimistic and positive, however, does not mean to deceive oneself or pretend that everything is like a fairy tale, even if it is not. Really serious injury… No, that's not good. A person's injury hurts, not just physically.

Failure for man is also not a pleasant feeling. Being optimistic rather means seeing things in a different light (more positive). Can withstand failure, temporary loss of power, injury. Because these are things you can learn from. From here we can build one small success behind the next and positive steps to move closer to success.

Fear and failure cannot be deliberately avoided. It is important to realize that everyone is failing. Even the world's best athletes have experienced difficult moments, crashes and failures. It depends on how we can get out of it. As I have already written, some failures are affected so much that suddenly nothing is worth anything. Others, with the better attitude, will throw the failure behind as soon as possible. They learn from mistakes, dust their knees, get up and try again and again until their goal, which they visualized in their minds, becomes reality.

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