nedeľa 22. marca 2020

COFFEE. A miracle or a drug? |

COFFEE. A miracle or a drug?

I have to say that the last article I wrote on the topic before training sessions was quite successful, because it caused quite a good discussion and there was also a lot of opinions. Even a short video clip was made from the Hay Cut and a few decks, which amused me immensely. I would like to continue on this journey and I would like to discuss the topic of one drink that you are all familiar with. It is a drink, for me such a small miracle that I enjoy it immensely every time I drink, but I, as a lover of this drink, take it with great respect, because using it at the wrong time can hurt rather than benefit. The drink I write about is nothing but coffee.

You all know coffee well, I hope so. Why can it be bad or good? Like any coin that has two sides, coffee is exactly the same. On the one hand, it can help us if we use it wisely and at the right time, on the other hand, it can hurt us if we eat it at the wrong time.

1) Avoid coffee in the post-workout period. Sure, there is no way to go after a great workout to the cafes that are part of modern fitness centers, the glory to those who got this idea to connect the café to the fitness center, deserve the Nobel Prize, order coffee, sit back in the chair , or other social networks that are unfamiliar to me, because I am happy to manage at least the facebook and instáč, slap some workout photo where I flex after training a stuffed bicycl with a "mustache" workout, or similar instagram tags. But what happens if I have coffee after training? I will start briefly and from the beginning.

During the training period, the body is, whether we want it or not, in a state of catabolism, due to the increased level of cortisol, primarily due to cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that washes out in stressful situations (fight X escape) and that is definitely a training in the gym. Suppose that the training unit of pure time, I mean without warming up, stretching and mobilization techniques (I know I'm naive when I think that these boring processes are being applied, but for sure I list them here), the body is in a state of catabolism ( increased cortisol) 60 minutes, or one hour. During this time, the body consumes energy from glycogen, fats, but also muscles to work. After the training unit comes into play (ideally) a workout protein shake, even better an All-in product such as Hero, whose role, besides the culinary experience, is to stop the catabolism state (ie induce anabolic state), since the workout is good, it will put your body in an anabolic state. Damaged muscular system and organism after workout can snort with the words "I did it, nothing expects me" and switches to anabolic state. You sit in the aforementioned chair, the waitress brings you the coffee you drink and what happens? Coffee the human body switches from anabolic state to catabolic state, as cortisol increases after you consume coffee, and this is a fact that we certainly do not want, because it disrupts our regeneration processes in the body. If you read an article about before training, you certainly know that when cortisol is elevated, testosterone is inhibited and testosterone is a hormone that helps us recover. You undermine your stool with one cup of coffee after your workout, as your body is on a roller coaster Anabolism X Catabolism, delaying regeneration processes after training. Let your coffee prefer for another time. But if you are a coffee maker, 5 hours after your workout, your coffee is fine.

2) Prosper, but don't survive on it. Coffee can help if you don't feel right on a certain day but would like to work out. It is able to help you break your personality as it increases performance by 3-4% and energizes you in training if you don't feel completely "fresh". Oh yeah, but like you do before training ... even here, if you become addicted to coffee, it is a problem for the body, because it draws your adrenal glands and you will constantly fall into a state of energy "debt" that your body one day, sooner or later, will have to pay. The longer the debt, the more tax you pay. Certainly you have someone around you who keeps kafi every day and has daily XY cups, including those before and after training and can not imagine without this stimulant, it is better to slowly reduce doses. I am not saying stop drinking coffee, I say reduce benefits, because I am the one big case that has gone through this. There would be no training I would have done without coffee in front of him and I can tell you that I knew the power of coffee firsthand when I had to go to a training without coffee. I felt miserable, without power, without energy, fainting, and I didn't even want to. Not to mention that after two teaspoons ceased, I began to fight two heaped, then three, and when I finally put 4 nonsense shovels of coffee in one cup to make it work, I had to do something about it because it was clear that this was certainly the way to perdition, but that would be a separate article. I know I can slap my liver here for nothing, and you keep drinking that coffee anyway, but if you still want to start lowering the dose and frequency of use, a plant with a flashy name Rhodiola Rosea (pink stonecrop) can help you in this "therapy" and very well.

3) Slow or fast, that's what's going on. It is good to know if you are a so-called slow or fast caffeine metabolizer. Individuals, such as me, who are a slow caffeine metabolizer, should find out when their last dose of coffee, or caffeine, is appropriate. For example, I know that if I had coffee at 5 in the evening, I would have a similar problem asleep in the evening, as when Iron Man tried to lift Thor's hammer ... without a chance. My colleague at work, on the other hand, can have coffee at 10 in the evening and fall asleep at 12, as he is a fast caffeine metabolizer ... as I envy him. On the other hand, if a slow caffeine metabolizer takes coffee, it usually has a stronger sensitivity to caffeine, thus kicking it more efficiently. Find out your caffeine metabolism and learn how to manage it for your benefit.

4) Coffee for fat burning is undoubtedly a perfect strategy, as it promotes lipolysis (fat burning) and glycolysis (utilizing energy from glycogen), which is effective because the body reaches for muscle amino acids as a last resort (take with caution). Apart from the fact that it also acts as an effect of arousing into activity = greater chances of burning fat, because you are more aroused (you are able to perform better). If you look at the composition before training stimulants or burners, caffeine is certainly one of the substances contained here.

That would be all about coffee or caffeine on my part. Coffee is a great and very tasty beverage that can help you in certain situations under certain conditions. On the other hand, he can undermine your stool if you are her slaves as I used to be. Do not be slaves to coffee (caffeine), learn to use it for your benefit with reason and respect.

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