nedeľa 29. marca 2020

A big dumbbell is enough. YOU DO NOT NEED MORE |

A big dumbbell is enough. YOU DO NOT NEED MORE

Now that all of us are grounded and we have nothing but to sit dull on the couch and poke in our nose, many of us will have to dust off our old dad's equipment, get to your friends' home gym, or simply get a big loader in the garage and start exercising in makeshift conditions. But as they say, everything bad is good for something. Perhaps we will finally recall the old practices that brought results to the generations ahead. Perhaps, despite a flood of modern techniques and shiny equipment, you have forgotten the very foundation and now you will return to it. Maybe because now you have to bump up the opposite pulleys, pecks, and pumping pikes on everything, you get out of your basement gym much more massive than when the bacillus was just seeing. You will find a simple thing. In fact, you only need one big loader to become big, powerful…

True and tried-and-tested tasks, performed with basic tools, it is a recipe that has already succeeded in Arnold's idols, then he and a great devotee of simple exercises was even the greatest collector of Sandowa statues Ronnie Coleman. I just want to tell you that when it comes to muscle growth, it's never too late to get back to the basics. Consider: How much do you think you will gain by using isolated exercises? How much stress do you have on your nervous system by training on the rear deltas on Monday, on the left biceps on Tuesday, and on some pulley charts on Wednesday? How much will your weight increase when you grow your biceps by a centimeter? It won't be much. Certainly not as much as you gain at the moment you measure the same over your chest or quadriceps. The use of single joint isolated exercises for the tops of biceps and tears on quadriceps is not a construction, but a mere decoration…

“Arnold Schwarzenegger's best advice was his program called the Big Six. Three times a week you've only been doing benches, squats, bends, overhead presses, barbell pulls and biceps strokes, ”says powerlifter and weightlifter Dan John, holding an American record in the Masters category. “Arnold said,“ Until you master these exercises, you don't need anything more advanced. Guys, like the renowned training guru Paul Chek (founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, focused on training counseling and sports performance development), simplified it like this: you have to squat, push and pull. With this you can really go ahead. ”

There is no single argument that you can use to counter this claim. Despite decades. It's just that. If you can handle these difficult exercises, run on. Meanwhile, in the gyms it seems that the exercisers are running, but it is usually away from these strenuous exercises. Bodybuilders like to describe themselves a bit euphemistically as sculptors of their own body. Okay. So let's use this primer and replace the hammer with a chisel with the following tools: a large dumbbell, a dumbbell, a ball with an ear, and your own body weight. And now, with these instruments, we're going to crash. We will now describe what techniques and exercises should be the required foundation for you. I do not even claim that they are the only exercises to do, but I say it will be good if you do them. And then you can start decorating.

TOOL: BIG Dumbbell

Tool manufacturers have shown decent work over the past few decades by replacing the traditional barbell with machine exercises providing increased safety and a fixed path of movement. Who has ever visited the giant FIBO fitness exhibition will surely tell me that with some devices you feel more like an astronaut than anything else. However, when you want to be stronger and stronger, free weights - a specifically large dumbbell - will not replace anything. Developing a basic level of strength is the key to both a good character's appearance and further enhancing strength, dynamism, or stamina for a sport. Without this basic strength, you will not be able to effectively manage any of this. And from the standpoint of the increase in strength, great barbell exercises seem best. At the same time, the increase in power on a large dumbbell is best measurable and most readable. I used myself from 400-800 kg on a leg press. The load on different pulley exercises was also varied. And what does that mean? Have I ever been a strong man and sometimes less? No. The weight used always depends on the machine design and how you can cheat the exercise. But it is not possible with a big dumbbell. The dumbbell just can't pee. The next five barbell exercises are as basic as they can be. Their effectiveness is based on their ability to build strength across all muscles, including stabilizers. This not only improves the performance of the athlete on the court, court or ring, but is also crucial for fitness enthusiasts who want to increase muscle mass. When it comes to gaining muscle mass, using combined exercises will typically increase your volume faster. The stronger you are, the greater the potential for muscle growth.


Stand upright and hold the dumbbell to the width of your shoulders, keeping your knees slightly bent. Lean forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbell hang freely down in outstretched arms. Shrug your elbows and shrink the latissimas to tighten the axis to the center of the body and then slowly return to fully stretching your arms.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder width and hold a dumbbell across your shoulders. Your knees should be slightly bent and the tips slightly turned to the sides. With your head in a neutral position, a firm belly and an upright torso, go down as if you were sitting on a chair. When the knees form 90 ° angles, stop, push the heels and straighten the knees and hips to return to a standing position.


Lay on a flat bench with stands. Grasp the dumbbell's axis from outside the shoulder width, lift it up and stretch your arms so that the axis is directly above the upper pectoral muscles. Lower the elbows slowly to lower the barbell to the lower chest. After lightly touching the chest, push the dumbbell back toward the head until it ends above the upper chest. Your arms are stretched but not stretched.


Stand in front of the loaded dumbbell, crouch and grasp it with the alternate touch (one palm forward, the other back) to the shoulder width. Start the elevator slowly and accelerate until you straighten your hips and knees. Pull your backs and hamstrings. Lower the dumbbell to the floor to return to the beginning.


Stand upright with a barbell at the top of your chest, holding the axis with a palpation just next to your shoulders. Push the dumbbell over your head, keep your arms slightly bent and return to your starting position with control.


Stand upright, slightly straddled to help your stability. Grasp the barbell about the width of your arms and smoothly raise it to keep your elbows moving as little as possible.

I already hear questions from our young readers about the lack of larger biceps and triceps exercises. You don't need to practice it. At least not in your early days. Ride these exercises as hard as you can. You will be gasping and it will be a drudgery that you have never known before in the exercise of 30 series of biceps. Believe me, after such training, you will be more massive after a few months than your classmates who bet on an isolated arm exercise. Also, remember that Arnold himself recommends this type of training. And the demigod of bodybuilding is not in doubt.

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