utorok 10. marca 2020

Women and Exercise: But I don't want to be so muscular! | Steroids4U.eu

Women and Exercise: But I don't want to be so muscular!

This may be a bold statement, but one of the biggest mistakes in strengthening is that our tender halves should not lift heavy weights. It's not unusual to see women in the gym lifting the lightest dumbbell and do a lot of cardio, justifying that they just don't want to have the muscles just like men do. Why? A simple answer - they were told that lifting weights was just for men, and if they did, they would look just like them. So if they don't want to, they obviously have to do the opposite, right? Not!

While lifting heavy iron, combined with a hearty diet, is a common recipe for men to build mass, the same situation does not apply to women. The reason is our hormonal profiles. Women produce a tiny fraction of testosterone compared to men. While testosterone is an essential determinant of the ability to grow - both in size and strength, it does not make sense if someone with much lower levels of testosterone (female) reaches the same size as someone who has much more (male). Of course, there are women who have a little more testosterone than others, but there are very few such cases. Many well-known and respected coaches have used their strength training routine to their clients, some even lifted heavier weights than some guys, but none of them looked "masculine - muscular".

The problem is misinformation spreading all around us, which delay the girls to reach their dream figure. That is why many women lift the lightest, pink dumbbells in the gym, without any progress that would be worth it. Who's to blame? They are some trainers and people from the fitness industry whose knowledge is poor, but the biggest blame is probably to be attributed to fitness marketing. Why? Just look at this picture.

Great marketing, bad results…

Common shots. Fit woman with a good form, holding a heavy but really heavy dumbbell. And now really. Do you, dear girls, think that these baby scales will take you to the formed figure of dreams? I think we will agree when I say that these products are primarily intended to fill someone's pockets.

What is it all about?

It is simple. Man is a creature that attracts visuals and every marketer knows it. That's why every great site offering a product is full of before and after pictures. So if we see any noticeable change, it is proof that whatever the business offers, it works (or not).

And while some of them seem unbelievable, the more images and changes we see, the more confident we are about the product. Therefore, all these sites are soooo long. In the second picture we showed, we can see Jillian Michaels, holding a mini dumbbell. What do we have here? Celebrity factor. Jillian is known all over the world as a star coach. Several times she was on a different TV show, so there is someone in the eyes of people who MUST simply confess, right?

Well, maybe yes, maybe not. I am not judging anyone, but I bet these baby dumbbells were not behind Jillian's form, and her clients' training probably isn't based on them either. The problem, however, is that it does not affect people who already have something trained and trained, but ordinary (perhaps not offended) women who simply want to throw something down, have a formed body and be a little stronger. To this, facts, quality and truthful information do not reach, and instead are surrounded by misinformation and live in the belief that by throwing the dumbbells that Jillian holds, they will reach a figure like her.

When one of the magazines asked Jennifer Aniston about her training, she said: “And my Pilates instructor said if you don't want to build muscle, wait about an hour to eat after you work out with your muscles are leaning as opposed to building . "

I would not even translate it, because I would probably not write this article without injury. I don't know how many people are watching Jennifer Aniston, but the character has a good one, the magazine has a few thousand readers, Jennifer a few million followers, and what happens? Millions of women unfamiliar with training and eating will find this tip trustworthy, accurate, correct and unique. And that's just one actress and one tipe. Most magazine headlines with a beautiful woman and her excellent figure do not have a special 15-minute workout with a 5kg dumbbell. That's probably no secret.

Women are afraid that if they lift heavier weights, they will become the feminine version of Schwarzenegger and lose their femininity. Well, dear ladies, if you don't plan on taking anabolic steroids, it will never happen.

Perhaps it is pointless to give some examples of women who regularly practice squats, lunges, deadlifts, various pressure exercises with an Olympic barbell, dumbbells, bends, parallel bars and many other exercises, and yet their character looks great and in no way has become a crushed female .

Shout-out for all women whose training does not consist of 8 sets of 24 reps with the lightest weight on the adductor / abductor machine, a subsequent hour on the treadmill and the final weightlifting toss at the gym spiced with watching TV in the gym or reading a magazine while doing or making phone calls while doing belly or legpress (yes, I've seen all of this). Personally, I appreciate and think many agree with me that it is nice if the girls practice, they go to the gym, but it is sometimes necessary to evaluate this effort objectively. In any case, I do not want this article to touch any of you, but vice versa! I want you to think a little about your training. Do not be afraid of weights, basic exercises and dumbbells and the Olympic pole.

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