utorok 17. marca 2020

Is fasting cardio the best fat destroyer? | Steroids4U.eu

Is fasting cardio the best fat destroyer?

Five o'clock in the morning. Again, the alarm rings with a note to immediately get up from bed and start doing something with that fat ass. Fasting cardio is the best choice and even if you hate it, you can do anything for yourself and your body, so you get up, wash, skip the first meal of the day, get dressed, tie the strings and run. Literally. Are you running a similar scenario? In today's article, we'll talk about fasting cardio versus cardio after a meal. Is it really a more effective way to burn fat, or is it just another dogma from the fitness industry?

It is best to do cardio fasting, probably the most widespread claim in bodybuilders and athletes, which underlines that we will burn fat more efficiently. Many began to perceive that this claim began to expand after 1999, when Bill Phillips published a book on the Body For Life program. We can also see the spread of this claim for the sake of citizens. But these are the ones who at the same time declare foolishness that breakfast is the most important meal of the day when we don't eat 2-3 hours, we are in catabolism, or that after six in the evening it gets fat and I can continue with similar broscience bullshit, but I prefer not. You can read more in our nutrition section.

This theory is all about doing cardiovascular exercise early in the morning, on an empty stomach, will cause glycogen (stored carbohydrate) levels to fall. After that, the body will have no choice but to grasp fats as fuel, so we will lose weight as nothing. Sounds good, just a pity that this statement was absolutely not supported by anything.

In the case of burned fats we can talk about two parts

The first part of fat burning says we need to understand that all our organs store fat in the body. Whether they are muscles, hearts, lungs, intestines ... But the fat we look bold is under the skin and is called subcutaneous fatty tissue. The degradation of fat stored in fat cells is a process whereby fatty acids are released into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body through blood. This process is called lipolysis. An example of lipolysis is a minute to start pedaling on a stacionary bicycle or a minute to start running on the belt. The body immediately begins to release triglycerides out of the fat cells.

The second part of fat burning is after fatty acids are released into the bloodstream (lipolysis) and are delivered to various tissues such as the heart, liver and muscles where they are oxidized (burned). Imagine adding fuel to your car and burning it. Of course, fasting cardio causes greater release of free fatty acids than traditional forms of cardio. However, this has nothing to do with the rate of oxidation and moreover, there is no difference between fat loss between fasting cardiac and post-meal.

Oxidation, not lipolysis, is the step determining fat burning. While lipolysis is occasionally higher with fasting cardia, oxidation (the amount of fat burned) is exactly the same whether we train one way or another. The non-oxidized fat is back esterified and stored in the body.

These are two parts of fat burning. Lipolysis processes first, followed by oxidation processes. We both need to burn fat.

One study showed that the group of people who consumed carbohydrate food before cardiac had less lipolysis. So you'll have fewer fatty acids released into the bloodstream. This is why people think that fasting cardio works better - because they release more fatty acids into the bloodstream and burn fat. That makes sense, doesn't it? But lipolysis is not a limiting factor in fat burning. These are already mentioned oxidation processes. This means that the oxidation processes are the same and, according to studies, even slightly better if you have some food in front of your cardi. Fasting before cadmium reduces the thermogenic response to cardiac after meals. This shows that eating before training actually increases calorie burning - a thermogenic effect of exercise.

In this study comparing cardio by fasting cycling and after consuming calories, it was found that more fat was burned DURING cardio in the fasting group. But I highlighted the word during, because this group burned a lot less calories during the day. While you can burn more calories during fasting cardia, later in the day it will be much less. Research says that in cardio with a very low intensity, the body can burn more fat (still remember the word - during). Unfortunately, the rate of disintegration exceeds the body's ability to utilize extra fatty acids as a fuel. In other words, you will have a lot of extra fatty acids that will be in your blood and will not be used at the same time.

Research has found that low intensity cardio people in the form of slow walking will not notice any difference in the amount of fat burned. And that was research during the first 90 minutes of cardiac. After a long time, the benefits of better fat burning have emerged. But you would have to spend hours on the belt to make it work. What's more, the difference is minimal, so it pays to "die" fasting for 2, 3 or 4 hours on a belt or fable? Answer yourself.

Another study was as follows - 8 men performed 36 minutes of cardiac at moderate pace at a heart rate of 65% with a meal before cardiac. The second group - the same number of men, the same time cardia, with the difference that they did not have food before cardi. The result? The group that ate before cardiac continued to burn much more calories in the next 24 hours. The result is slightly different, cardio fasting does not lead to better lipid utilization.

Another study took a group that consumed 673 calories before training. Researchers compared oxygen consumption and substrate utilization for nearly 40 minutes on the belt and 24 hours after. The results reported that oxygen consumption was higher (meaning that more work was done and more calories burned), but also the percentage of triglycerides used as energy throughout the rest of the day. In other words, you burn more total calories during the day at cardio after eating than if you were doing cardio fasting.

This study also supports what everyone else does. She studied the effect of carbohydrates before cardiac, versus fasting cardio, while cycling. The result? No differences in fat oxidation.

Studies agree that there is really no difference in fat loss in fasting cardio versus cardio, after a meal has already been consumed. If you burn more fat if you burn more carbohydrates during the day / If you burn more carbohydrates with your cardio, you burn more fats during the day. Can you see it? Simply no difference. In any case, it is necessary to deal with fat burning over the days, not from hour to hour, to get a meaningful overview of the impact it has on the character's composition.

If you want to maximize the loss of cardiac fat, you need to modulate fatty acid oxidation. And what form of cardia will allow you to do this? Evidence suggests HIIT cardio. This, compared to conventional LISS cardiovascular, causes higher fatty acid oxidation and leads to better overall fat loss within 24 hours. When fasting cardio, the amount of calories burned from fat stores may increase, but amino acid oxidation also increases. Fasting cardiovascular exercise is a great way to increase cortisol release. This releases amino acids to produce glucose (glucose cannot be synthesized from fats) and this can lead to muscle loss.

For bodybuilders, one of the key points is the effect of cardio fasting on the nitrogen stores in the body. Research has shown that training in which glycogen stores are depleted (for example, after fasting) leads to a doubling of nitrogen loss levels compared to training after carbohydrate consumption. After an hour of cycling at 61% VO2, protein loss was around 10.4% of total exercise calorie expenditure. This is quite worrying for bodybuilders who are concerned about losing muscle mass. Although this does not mean that protein loss is derived from muscle protein, it is worth considering. In this case, they are recommended for sure BCAA, which will technically no longer exercise fasting, and this can lead to improved fat oxidation as well as improved performance. Do they really help? Research is very controversial. During exercise, the body tends to release much more fatty acids than it is actually capable of oxidizing to energy. Excess fatty acids will cause them not to be oxidized and simply put back into adipose tissue, but we've already talked about that.


After one reading, your head may be tangled, so in a nutshell. It doesn't matter if you do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach or at other times during the day. Such are research, science and non-correlation studies. The important thing in this case is that you do it (although of course it is not necessary). There is no magic time in which you burn fat at extra speed and better. If you like running or exercising other forms of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, please like it. There's nothing wrong with that, and we don't forbid you. However, if you were getting up on an alarm clock with distaste just because you thought the tire on your belly would go down faster, no, this is not true. But once again, something else suits everyone. Some may seem to be doing better at fasting cardio, another may have the opposite opinion. But you will not fool the science. But if you have a better personal experience with one form of cardia, you may be crazy about science. However, the topic of cardio is not worthy of just one article, so let's take a closer look at whether HIIT or LISS cardio is better, and we'll explain a few other points of interest.

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