utorok 3. marca 2020

Exercises of the dumbbell - simple and effective back exercise, but quite often poorly performed | Steroids4U.eu

Exercises of the dumbbell - simple and effective back exercise, but quite often poorly performed

The pulls are among the most versatile exercises for the back and upper body. However, there is one of many variations, one-on-one swathes, which by design can be classified as the simplest, but also the most technically improperly performed exercise. An exercise that involves the relaxation and compression of the shoulder blade, while extending / compressing the spine in the thoracic part, but last but not least, it acts as an exercise to stabilize the center of the body. Stretches should strengthen the widest back muscle (latissimus dorsi - wings), trapezes and scapular muscles (rhomboids), erector spinae muscles and also require the involvement of shoulder rotators (rotator cuff). This means that if you feel all the muscles that are between and below the shoulder blade, you are doing this exercise technically correctly.

In the gym, however, we can often see that many people simply do this exercise quite badly, and in the videos below you will undoubtedly recall a few women, but also men of your strength. Not only do we not strengthen the muscles by bad technique, and so there is no proper impulse for hypertrophy (muscle growth), we also add gasoline to the fire and already devastated back (eg from long and bad sitting at the computer) we destroy even more, or those whose technique is at the freezing point. And of course not just the back.

Even in a recent article on cheating in training and its use, we have classified this exercise as less suitable for cheating, which implies how important is the correct technique and not using the dumbbell / body movement for your benefit. As it is said, it is better to see one hundred times how to read (this is doubled in exercise and exercise technique), so in this article we will first show and describe how it should not look and finally look at the correct implementation of this interesting and effective exercise. Specifically, we will describe everything in the variant with the support of the hand on the bench, which is probably the most used and widespread. Let us, however, go to the mentioned mistakes and the wrong technique.

1. Round, cat back

The position of the spine can greatly affect the biomechanics of the shoulders, which in turn make it impossible for the wings to perform and thus stretch and compress your shoulder blade. This implies that the dumbbell rests will work as they should if the spine is not in the kyphosis (that is, you are not stooped). The bent back limits the mobility of the blade, making it impossible to engage the wings. However, straightening the spine to bring it to the neutral position will allow the blade to move, fully engaging the wings and trapezoid muscle. Not to mention that a similar round back is a mistake in other back exercises. One of the most basic and biggest drawbacks in the technology of beginners.

2. Pulling the elbows and dumbbells up too high

Another often occurring mistake is the direct up to “firing” of the elbow too high. Yes, you're pulling the weight against gravity, but don't let this move get carried away. The elbow should only go a few inches above your body. With such a bad technique, forget that you will hit the broad muscles of the back and shoulder muscles properly. This error often helps if you imagine and at the same time pull the dumbbell gently from front to back, not straight up.

3. Rotation of the hull

Probably the most harmful design of all. In performing this exercise, the slight rotation should come from the shoulder and shoulder, but not from the torso and hips. This type of bad design usually occurs in individuals who have tried too much of a bite for them and exercise with great weight. If you can no longer pull the dumbbell to the center of the body by pulling the shoulder blade, compensation comes in the form of torso rotation. The spine must be static at all times during the sweep, with only the arm and hand moving. Of course, slightly turning, or rather pushing, is fine.

4. Insufficient blade compression

A mistake that cannot be seen at first glance, and each person must feel the deficiency himself. Insufficient compression of the scapula is closely related to the ineffective engagement of the lower back and abdominal muscles, where these muscles must be contracted - if properly engaged, they function as a spine stabilizer.

  We have finally removed the most common bad performances from the road, so we can do the right thing. While reading the lines on how to do this, watch at least 4x the attached video below for your better imagination. Although this person does not have a knee on the bench, the principle is the same.

How to do it

It is clear that there are several variations not only of the delays themselves, but also of the dumbbell. Some prefer the arm and knee support on the bench, others just the hands, some prefer to do the exercise almost parallel to the ground, others are used to a larger angle and the like. Neither of them is the only one, the best. However, we need to realize what we practice, what we engage and avoid these mistakes.

In short, we could summarize this as follows. Do not bend and beware of the cat's back, try to always have a neutral position of the spine. Beware of the elbow position, which should not enormously exceed the position of the body, do not twist the entire body, but try to properly squeeze the shoulder blade. Your lower back and abdominal muscles are gently taut - they stabilize your spine.

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