štvrtok 30. januára 2020

7 things a person would be able to give to their younger self after years of serious fitness | Steroids4U.eu

7 things a person would be able to give to their younger self after years of serious fitness

Suddenly there will be a time when you say you start doing something with yourself. You're different. Exercise really enjoys and fills you and a healthy lifestyle for you is not just a summer trend, during which you only exercise biceps and breasts. You try, try, read. In a year you will find out how stupid you were and what you would like to have if you had current knowledge already. A similar scenario occurs in two years. And by 5 years or more? Again you think that if you knew what you now know, your character would be on a different level. The common situation of ordinary people in the ordinary world under normal circumstances. That's how it is. In this article, we will describe the key things that will hopefully help all beginners and moderately advanced to find out about 5 or more years of honest exercise (or curse a little less).

1. Never underestimate warm-up, mobility and flexibility

How many people, after arriving at the gym, are waving their hands a few times, using a minute of physical education and going to lift heavy weights? Indeed, there are those who do not warm up at all, they do not run a warm-up series and immediately start the work series without any warming up, respectively. warming up. A mistake! Those more resilient and happier are not injured. They won't hurt after a week, after a month, after a year, and maybe even after three. But when he strikes the fourth year, it suddenly comes and the body simply talks enough. Problems with shoulders, spine, knees, wrist, forearm, and so on. It may not come after three years, but it may - sooner or later. If in the early thirty a person does not even do a crank without pain or lift through his shoulder or half his weight on a benchpress, then sadness occurs. Many young boys neglect warm-up before exercise and I was no exception when I was just starting to exercise. And maybe this is also a consequence of a diagnosis about 2 years old, when I had an intra-essential edema in the tendon. Therefore, as soon as the first tip is just this - do not underestimate the warm-up! We encourage you to watch videos and take advantage of the tips in this article and this one. No one claims to "kill" a warm-up time longer than the exercise itself. This already depends on your degree of mobility, flexibility and lifestyle. A person with a sedentary job will need more mobility and flexibility exercises and a better quality of warm-up than one who works physically and has regular exercise.

2. Leave the ego before strength and competition with yourself

A point, kind of linked to the first. Leave the ego before entering the gym and solve the technique. Although everyone would like to lift heavy weights and break records after a month of exercise, try to focus on the full range of exercise and the exercise technique. If you ignore it, there is a high risk of injury and detonating your shoulder right at the beginning of your “fitness career” is not pleasant. If you're starting to work out with someone bigger and stronger, it's okay. But do not let yourself be broken by the idea that you will be on this person's level in two weeks. A buddy raises 100kg on a benchpress and you're trying to run it fast, you load the same way, do forced repetitions, your shoulders are burning, and a buddy yells "you go alone .. come, come one more!"? Say hello to people in a few months or years on magnetic resonance as they find out what's going on with that arm. Studies also suggest that technique and full range of motion are (among others) key factors for muscle growth, so exercise with reason.

3. You won't fool the basics, remember that

As we said before, the best way to get maximum muscle activation was and always will be lifting heavy things. For 99% of beginners and intermediate exercisers, squats, deadlifts, chest presses, shoulder presses, back pulls, bends, etc. allow and help create a fantastic character. Focus on training mostly on complex exercises involving a large part of different muscles. As a beginner, coughing up fictions that some new exercisers show off. Cough for 4 isolated biceps exercises, don't go to the gym as a beginner in order to have a “triceps day”. Focus on the foundation that simply works and you don't fool. As a beginner, you will grow from basically just when you enter the gym and you have an instant bicep centimeter after you buy a pass, since “noob gains” are and will be, but use this potential properly! No “bro” splits and workout games once a week. Practice each game at least twice a week, do basic complex exercises, eat. Equipped.

4. Use wisdom, be vigilant and study and review information yourself. But watch out for various gurus

On the one hand, you hear how great it is to eat raw eggs, because they did so in old movies, and on the other hand, it's absolutely stupid (by the way, it's stupid). If you are a beginner, it is difficult to navigate between the ton of information flowing at you and as a beginner at the same time you will hardly know what is true and what is not. One of the tips, however, would be not to listen to the gurus who say "never" and "you must". You have to breakfast… Never eat after six in the evening… You have to exclude carbohydrates… Not only are all the examples given totally false, but many coaches who need a coach build their expressions on the terms you have to and never. Unfortunately, in the fitness world, in 99% of cases there is no black or white. There are always shades of gray, and each theme has certain characteristics that depend on many personality factors. The second tip, whatever you hear, study in the comfort of your home. Read articles with references, then read references (because if someone plays a guru, but in the references you see studies only in rats, something will be wrong). At least bother about this issue, even if you may not know which name from the fitness & science scene is relevant, try to search as much as possible, be critical but open.

5. The shelf with supplements should not weigh more than the refrigerator itself

This is where all beginners will be found. Most put all-in on cards called nutritional supplements. After all, even the least knowledgeable knows that there are some pills for athletes from which (apparently) grow muscles, and the ordinary beginner knows so much once. Thousands of supplements, hundreds of e-shops and countless minutes spent, but mostly for supplements that simply do not work. First of all, it is important to remember that diet is essential. It defines (of course, taking into account the trainings) what you will look like. Unfortunately, most beginners simply do not have food, they cannot have it. What they have in mind is a shelf with eighteen nutritional supplements. A mistake. This money was to be invested in meat, eggs, flakes, rice, potatoes and other nutritionally valuable foods. Believe us or not, you would do better. Don't make the mistake of looking at a supplements store longer than some serious information about training or diet. Protein can be understood to supplement protein, creatine is one of the few supplements that really works, fish oil is also great as a bonus of vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. But the various “special, clinically proven” supplements for sudden muscle growth, steroid replacements, tribulus, and the like? Indeed, rather focus on looking at the nutritional values ​​of foods in the store.

6. It's not really difficult with that diet, but…

But first, we need to know what the diet is about. Fitness diet is not something that is “dietary” and “non-dietary”, it is not “clean”, nor is it chicken breast, broccoli, tilapia on water or fruit. They're calories. Do everyone have to write down and count calories? Absolutely not! However, just this term associated with the concept of macro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) will lead you to the right path. I used to eat whole wheat bread with vegetables a long time ago because I thought it was “dietary”. I ate 5 times a day chicken breast with rice in small portions because I saw it and read it almost everywhere. They are the best foods, and if I eat only those, the results will be enormous! If I blend those flakes with protein in the morning at 5:00 before noon, I'm going to be in maximum anabolism because they say breakfast is the most important! No, this is not how it works.

It was only when I began to deal with the above-mentioned concepts that I gradually educated myself before I understood the whole "science". Whole grain bread with vegetables was an extremely bad idea, 5 times a day chicken breasts with rice as well and forcibly consuming breakfast detto. I recommend each one of you to read things about calories and macronutrients. Having fun with people, watching discussions, and still confirming the fact that only after you start to deal with calories and understand the key factual things about nutrition, will you read something about proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the food will turn around and follow the nutrition tables before moving in the real directions that always apply and pay. With this diet, it's actually quite simple, though complex. This will teach you, however, and it is an excellent stepping stone into lukewarm waters, not deeper ones in which most of you are just drowning.

7. Become a scorer

There's really nothing better than having a chance to look at your notebook or Excel, how you eat during those days, weeks, and months, how many calories you have received, how much you have experienced during different months, how many times you have practiced within a week, how much he went to your training, how much you had, and how much you picked up on that exercise. Maybe you're still wondering why with these lines. Only after years when the progress does not go as it did during the beginning and perhaps the first, second year of exercise, do you realize that any analysis of the various factors that have influenced your life, analysis of training, amount of activity, lifted kilograms to think once again that what kind of change you should actually make to move it forward again. I was in great shape then, I see it in older photos, which I have stored in folders by months, because then I still felt very tired, because then I was extremely strong, because then I had a great sleep, because then I had 80kg and I looked like this, because then ... Do you understand? You can look back, analyze the situation then and today and try to make the necessary changes. Even if you start to write plans and goals for a given day, week, or even long-term plans within a given year, every day in the morning or evening.

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utorok 28. januára 2020

Everyone wants their shoulders out, but few do technically correct. Check out the tips and 5 common errors | Steroids4U.eu

Everyone wants their shoulders out, but few do technically correct. Check out the tips and 5 common errors

Large, round, wide… let's call it whatever. Simply well-designed “3D” arms are the goal of every man. On the one hand, they broaden the overall figure and support the "V" shape of the body, and the shoulder definition also plays an important role in the overall aesthetic aspect of the figure. In an earlier article, we described what the underarmed back shoulders were, along with a few key tips, but the shoulder width is handled by the side head of the shoulders, also referred to as the "lateral or lateral deltas".

The front delta head is not a problem to hit, and even if we do not exercise the shoulders alone, the front head still gets a proper load, thanks to all breast pressure exercises. With the side of it is not so easy, so it is good to focus on it separately. The best exercise (although we do not like to use the word “best”) is likely to be upsetting. However, only if they are performed correctly. I was motivated mainly by people from the gym, because in most cases their technique would only be for injuries or as a trapeze exercise and not shoulders. Let's look at the most common mistakes.

# 1 Too heavy weight

Uncontrollable lowering of the dumbbell and use of 100% gravity, loss of muscle tension and excessive movement throughout the body. All of this causes the side delta work to decline. Another result of heavy weight is the fact that people lift the dumbbell with traps and not with their shoulders. I have heard or read many times how people feel trapezes and not their shoulders while doing this exercise. The reason (among others) is probably a heavy weight.

# 2 Too straight / straight

If you are fully upright, you will engage the side deltas while you are engaged, but much of the front head takes over. Therefore, lean slightly forward and side deltas take over the work.

# 3 Hands (from the elbow to the toes) are lifted above the parallel and not focused on lifting the dumbbell “over the elbows”

This is not a big mistake, but you can also work with this tip - the hands from the elbow to the toes are approximately parallel to the part of the hands from the elbow to the shoulder. Many are focused on lifting the barbell itself, and the hand (forearm, fist) will fly high up as if trying to catch a flying tennis ball. And that's a mistake! Not only do we expose the arm to an unfavorable position, but engage the trapezes, the scoop lifter, and the muscles around the scapula.

# 4 Large bend in elbows

Again, this is not a huge mistake, but just a slight bend in the elbow and not a 45-degree angle, as we can often see in the gym, is enough for the grip. In this case, we often see the exercise primarily on trapezes and the work of the side head is minimal.

# 5 Little fingers pointing up

You must have met such advice. They told you to move and turn the little fingers upward as you move (imagine holding a glass and pouring water out of it, not changing the position of the fist and forearm only, but of the entire limb - internal rotation). Is this a bad technique? Yes and no. The side head of the arms is connected, but the arm gets to the position where the work is taken over by the infraspinatus and teres minor. In this case, our shoulders are exposed to an uncomfortable posture that can cause injuries that we will more or less do nothing in the future and annoy us for the rest of our lives. We talk about so-called. impingement syndrome. Once again! If you dial your pinky, you don't have to be hurt immediately, you don't have to be hurt either 2 years or 9 years. Sooner or later, however, this problem may occur, which, among other things, is caused by such a pinky dialing technique associated with other errors. That is why you should have your fist in a horizontal position, even turned on the contrary, that your thumbs will be slightly up, not your little ones. If someone's shoulder hurts, this trick can help them, but in this case we must not forget our point # 2 - they need to lean forward slightly, otherwise the side deltas don't do the job they should.

Any better physiotherapist in the world will tell you similar tips, and if you don't want your shoulders to suffer sooner or later and build their width, try focusing on these tips. Feel free to shoot your equipment in the gym, not ashamed and cough other people. Then take a slow look at your technique and try to fix the errors. It is even difficult to find a video that can be attached to an article. If you search 50 videos, you will discover 50 different techniques. Therefore, try to focus on the tips above and adapt the technique to them.

Another tip is to use the pulley. The dumbbell variant is excellent, but what happens if we lower the barbell and not focus on keeping the arm tense? We're losing tension! The pulley is an excellent helper, which allows us to have constant tension in the muscle and this again gives us another impetus in performing the tightening. Again - light weight, 100% technique and shoulder exercises, not ego.

This exercise is not technically easier, especially for beginners. It is also not an exercise in which we will be able to lift heavy weights and the ego should be left somewhere before entering the gym. If you know quality and serious physiotherapists, ask more about impigement syndrome and from my own experience, unfortunately, I can say that this is an unpleasant and nerve-wracking thing that can sometimes and sometimes cannot be fought, depending on the degree of seriousness. If someone in the area hurts "because of exercise" shoulder, 95% of it is just this syndrome, but of course, not only caused by bad technique in the pulling. We believe that the tips will help you and, as it was after the article on hip thrusts, a practice that somehow still nobody mentioned in Slovakia and now it is also done by women in mini-gyms in tiny villages and villages, so perhaps there will be more people, who will exercise better.

nedeľa 26. januára 2020

6 simple tips on how to initiate change not only in eating or training, but overall on the path to a healthier lifestyle | Steroids4U.eu

6 simple tips on how to initiate change not only in eating or training, but overall on the path to a healthier lifestyle

Obviously, even a great deal of truthful and proven information, confirmed by countless studies and practice, can evoke almost identical feelings in beginners - frustration, hopelessness. The same frustration arises in us when we see many dubious sites advertising detox teas or miracle pills and “proven” menus. There are too many of them. The number of readers is constantly increasing, so if you are new here, or you still do not know how to restart the change (not only) in the diet, then in the following lines you will learn a few tips that can help you.


Being able to set a goal and correctly determine how to achieve it is a good step towards a better diet, a healthier body, and possibly getting the craved dice on your stomach, but of course they do not define who is and who is not fit. What do you want to achieve? Lose weight 10 kilograms, or do you put on some of your favorite clothes that just hang in the closet? Look good on vacation or drink fewer calories of sweet drinks? Remember to mark a specific target on paper, on the phone, anywhere. It should be realistic and limited by a certain period of time.

Difference of the body

In addition to the different professions, hobbies, type of training, there are things that unfortunately we will not change. Metabolism, body response to certain foods, better acceptance of higher / lower specific macro-nutrient values, etc. Even identical twins with the same hobbies, work, will need different calories to gain muscle or lose fat. The trial-and-error method is the ideal way to determine your preferences. Breakfast or no breakfast? Do you prefer a larger number of meals distributed throughout the day or eat only three times a day? Of course there are recommendations that apply more or less to all individuals (eating fruits, vegetables, having more sleep ...), but it is still known that what applies to me may not immediately be ideal for you. There are more roads to Rome. Read, study, put things into practice and try to figure out what suits you and fits in your lifestyle over the years. If someone tells you that you have to have breakfast, hands off! If someone tells you not to have breakfast, hands off! The black and white look not only in fitness is utterly stupid and therefore be open minded but cautious. There are some facts that calories are the most important element in the diet, but don't get on a road that has only one direction. The layout of macronutrients, eating style and other subcategories within nutrition are up to you.

Time utilization

The old known truth that we all have the same number of hours per day is true, but as we have used and used the hours it is highly individual. We can never compare a person who has only one 30-minute break in 12 hours at work and an employee working from home. Another, not very ideal example in terms of preparing meals for the day ahead will be, for example, a courier that does not even have a refrigerator. But even an individual who spends a huge amount of working hours behind the wheel can accomplish their goals with a variety of helpers - protein sticks / shakes, dried meat, protein chips or other food, or using intermittent starvation during working hours when his first meal of the day may be when returning home. There are many possibilities available, do not use the phrase "I have no time" as an excuse. Sometimes it is difficult with time, but any situation can be solved in an optimal way so that you do not lose your goals. Take your day into small work as well as your work and mark the time when you can get food, train, sleep and do your job at the same time. Don't worry if you can't eat every two hours, that's not the only way to get to your destination, as we said in the paragraph above.


Another variable in your equation is training. Not only its intensity, the amount of training per week, but also the type of training (strength, cardio, or even crossfit and others) plays a major role here. It is not as easy to identify the training intensity as it may seem at first glance. If you can't walk 4, 5 or 6 times a week to practice, don't panic. Good and effective training can be built even at a lower frequency. First of all, your workout plan must be realistic, because you will have the goal of practicing 6 times a week if you simply do not keep up with time, regeneration, work and you will not be able to keep it. You will jump for a specific training for free if you absolutely do not enjoy it and in the long run you will not observe it. Choose a training that you can consistently follow. It brings results and progress! The best and optimal plan does not exist, but if you like the word optimal, it will be the one you keep and complete. If you think the best workout is 4 times a week, but you don't have the chance to go to the gym so often, don't worry about it, practice 3 times and don't get nervous about what you can't influence.

Own research

Before you head over to the new for you, read a few researches, articles, or read a publication. Expand your horizons. Or just read every single article on our site. It is often the case that we have a question that is answered in one of the articles, along with a lot of science, application in practice and our own opinion. What types of diet are there, such as those calories, and which types of diet could fit your lifestyle? Give yourself a moment of your free time and find out what your real possibilities are for you.

Use of advice

If you read up here and still don't know how to go for your goal, don't despair. You can still use the advice of coaches. However, be very careful here, because not every coach is also a good coach. Also try not to get entangled in the web of deceptions by many "advisors", a fitness instagram of "celebrities" who will also sell you mystical clear water from which you will surely lose weight. Do you know a friend who can practice? Try to ask him for 2-3 joint workouts. Maybe over time, the Fitclan team will be able to solve this problem too…

We know that there are a lot of new readers every day, so this article was a summary of how to get started, and it can also serve as a rebuilding of the information already acquired for more experienced individuals who have gone from an imaginary journey to their goals. These few points can be applied not only to diet, but also to training, lifestyle changes and much more. And remember, each one of us has something different, we have different occupations, hobbies, duties. Find out, challenge and test.

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štvrtok 23. januára 2020

Almost everyone does the pulley pulls on the back, but often not right. Check out 4 important tips to help you practice them effectively | Steroids4U.eu

Almost everyone does the pulley pulls on the back, but often not right. Check out 4 important tips to help you practice them effectively

Is there anybody who has not performed pulley pulls on his back? I doubt. It is by no means a purely feminine exercise. On the contrary. If our technique is correct and we use a progressive increase in load, we can perfectly hit the back muscles, especially latissimus dorsi, the broad back muscle, or wings if you wish. But here's the problem. The right technique. Many people do not know where to pull the pulley, how to grab it, whether to lean or not, and a quality exercise eventually becomes a kind of hybrid… I don't even know what. Many of the "techniques" in the gym are really inimitable, so let's look at how to do this superb back exercise properly.

# 1 The wider the grip, the wider the back?

If somebody ever told you that you need to grasp the pulley as wide as you know, he didn't advise you well. At all! Let us also enrich the practical advice with research, where the issue of grip was addressed. In this study they compared three handles. Broad, moderate (slightly more than shoulder width) and straight (hands pointing straight up). Within the eccentric phase (negative, i.e., pulley release), latissimus dorsi was most involved at average to wider grip. Within the concentric phase, all three handles were very similar. But if we look at all the details in more detail, we can say that the most effective way will be to pull the pulley at an average grip, that is, the hands will point up slightly wider than your shoulder width.

# 2 Okay, but over or under?

Here, people were divided into four groups - broad gripping, broad gripping, flat gripping, and also gripping. Regardless of the grip width, it has been found that the tactile grip is more effective than the underhand grip in engaging the widest back muscle.

# 3 And should I pull the pulley in front of my head or behind my head?

In further research, they looked at different variants (see picture) of pulley backs, and in short, found that the most effective way to reach the widest back muscle was a wide grip, with the pulley facing the head (breasts). From this we can say that head-to-head sweeps are likely to be more effective than head-to-head sweeps. So we have already found out that in front of the head the most effective are the activation of the widest back muscle, but there are other reasons to choose this option as well. When pulling behind the head, the shoulders get into an unfortunate position within their external rotation. Your shoulder rotator may not like it. Another thing, many people lack enough flexibility to pull the pulley down in a straight line, which in turn will not like the cervical spine. I'm not saying that the variant behind the head will hurt every single person on the planet. A person with sufficient flexibility of the shoulders, who does not neglect the warm-up and cares about the technique, may not notice any major complications, but the variant in front of the head is still better, no matter what. And when we see someone pulling the pulley by the head, it is often the unfortunate way of having the head in an unnatural position, and it all looks like a quarrel of shoulder rotators with a cervical spine and the pulley itself.

If you have chaos in it, let's summarize it all. The most effective way of doing this exercise is to grab the pulley with a tact, at an average grip (more than the width of the shoulders) and pull the pulley to the breast.

# 4 Is cheating allowed in this exercise?

Is an! Of course, but not the circus pieces that we see here and there in the gym. Studies have also taken away some of the cheating. Activation of latissimus dorsi will be 11% higher if you lean slightly (135 °) than when you pull the pulley in an upright position (180 °). But everything is true only with the right technique. In the video below, you can see what this could look like if we take into account not only cheating but also the aforementioned pulling in front of your head and grip.

You see that the pulley must be pulled "over the elbow", not over the biceps. You just have to feel your back, forearms and hands should only serve as hooks. If you're biceps burning for the third time, you're probably not going to do it right. Also note that we are pulling the pulley to the level of the breast, not underneath and not to the neck. Just pulling under the breasts, as if downwards is one of the most common mistakes of people who simply did not have anyone explained the technique of exercise.

Regardless of her grip, you may notice 2 common mistakes. On the left pulling the pulley down and on the right turn a huge backward. Avoid both things!

You already know that by pulling pulleys on your back you mainly hit latissimus dorsi. You also know that the "bro" is not the fact that the wider the grip, the wider the back. Fortunately, we can also say that gripping is more effective than gripping and that pulls in front of the head are also more efficient and acceptable not only for our shoulders. However, it should not be forgotten that as the right bodybuilders, we should occasionally try other variations, such as the above-mentioned pulling of the podhmatem, or pulling not with a classical pulley, but with a "V" holder. In this article, however, we wanted to focus mainly on the biggest classics that many perform incorrectly, and we hope that this article will improve.

utorok 21. januára 2020

Rowing or lower back pulleys are a simple and great exercise, but many people do it badly. | Steroids4U.eu

Rowing or lower back pulleys are a simple and great exercise, but many people do it badly. Check out common errors, tips, and variations

The back is a bunch where we find a large portion of muscles, so including the exercises to stimulate them in the training plan and also the right exercise should be one of the priorities. Although there are people who ignore the back somewhat, since it is not a "mirror muscle" (you can't see it when you look in the mirror, so you don't need to practice it). However, in addition to creating the desired shape, which we all chase, many of the given muscles also serve to promote proper body posture and promote shoulder health. All of this needs to be well understood, so we have prepared an article for one excellent exercise, but many people do it incorrectly. After tips, bugs, gadgets, and rows in the backsets of the dumbbells, folds, classic pulley pulls, today we'll look at rowing, or, if you wish, lower back pulley pulls.

The center of the back (teres, rhomboids), “wings”, trapezes, back erectors, but also biceps or even triceps. All this is involved in rowing, and in addition to the correct technique and frequent mistakes, we will also look at various variations.

In the picture below, you may notice at the start position slightly bent knees, the center of the body is only slightly inclined forward and the body is in an upright position. From this position, we pull the pulley back as close to the body as possible, "bust" and try to connect the shoulder blades, with the elbows ending slightly behind the body. The best tool to help you get into this position is when you imagine that there is a person behind you who wants to tickle your armpit and you press the triceps and hands against your body so that they don't get there by your hands. You may have laughed and shook your head after reading this sentence, but try. At a minimum, beginners will understand and realize what they should do when learning technology.

In the next series of photos we can see incorrect exercise techniques that occur mainly when using too much weight and / or if we have shortened pectoral muscles and shoulders, which do not allow us the full range of movement. Note that the chest is down, the shoulders are not far enough back, creating a dangerous rounding of the back. Individuals who do this exercise often complain about the pumped forearms and biceps, sometimes triceps. They just feel all the muscles, but not the back that this exercise is actually designed for.

The second bad way is to turn this exercise into back extensions, and we're too far back. Here all the work is taken over by the lower back and possibly hamstrings.

Variants of rowing, resp. lower pulley rests

In the lines above we have already discussed the right and wrong technique, so now we can tackle the various variants and their specific involvement of the back muscles. If we pull the pulleys to the back correctly and at the end of the exercise we have the blades almost connected, the most we engage the center of the back, where the size of the biceps and the wings depends on the type and width (how far my hands are) of the grip.

1. Undershot and tidbit

We use a similar mechanism as in the previous pictures, where the grip is approximately the width of the shoulders and pulling pulley to the body to the level of the navel. Biceps are the most involved in this procedure of all variations of the exercise, while we also use wings (latisimus dorsi). Another advantage lies in the excellent protection of the arms, as we can easily hold them down and do not require too much attention to control the shoulder rotators.

2. Overshot and wide

Grasp the pulley with a palpation (palms facing the ground) and slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Pulley pulled higher, almost to the breast. In this variant, the wings go into the background and the most we engage the center of the back and the high activation is obtained by the rear arms. However, we must be careful to constantly check the position of the arms and keep pushing them downwards to avoid unwanted injuries. A variant suitable for all who exaggerate with striking wings and their center of the back is much weaker and less developed.

3. At neutral, hammer grip

A kind of center between the previous two variants. It can be performed by over / under, but most often by neutral grip. We pull the pulley below the level of the pectoral muscles and again think of the position of the shoulders that we push back and down, with the elbows facing the body.

The technique by Albert Nunez, where you are basically focused on creating a double chin, can help you with the technique - you simply push your chin to your throat, because at this point many people realize how they tended to push their heads forward.

In conclusion, we also recommend a more general video where Eric Cressey demonstrates the basic flaws of all back exercises where we simply “pull”. If you don't like English, sacrifice 7 minutes and practice effectively!

The variants can also be converted into other exercises on the back. For example, in the case of the dumbbells, the closer the elbows are to the body, the more we engage the wings, and when the elbows are directed outwardly, we hit the middle of the back. In all exercises we use almost identical techniques. The key to success in using any option is to have your breasts turned off, your back slightly bent (not too much!) And your shoulders pressed down the back. Once again, we leave the ego at home and pull only the weight that we keep to 100% technique. Only after complete assurance and mastery of all necessary aids can we reach for other bodybuilding and especially proven techniques.

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nedeľa 19. januára 2020

15 time-proven facts of the legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper, with whom nothing else can only agree | Steroids4U.eu

15 time-proven facts of the legendary bodybuilder Dave Draper, with whom nothing else can only agree

Joe Weider once called him a blond bomber, and this nickname stuck to him. Dave Draper is a legend and joins the golden era of bodybuilding, which we all love so much. Among his sparings were Arnold, but also Franco Columbu and another legend - Frank Zane. Dave is an American bodybuilder who has won his first title at age 21, namely Mr. New Jersey. He started some great successes, including titles from Mr. America, Mr. Universe or Mr. World. He was always involved in sports, and in high school it was wrestling, later gymnastics or swimming, but as usual, he loved exercise, and the 1962 New Jersey victory just confirmed that he should continue. Its height is 183 cm and the competition weight was around 106.6 kg. We may write about Dave's life at some other time, because today we focus exclusively on his 15 time-tested facts.

It is not always customary for a variety of “great facts and advice” to be great, but the well-known Flex magazine has a page that is perhaps one of the most relevant copies in the era of the magazine. Nothing, just facts that we have to agree with. Dave Draper is currently 73 years old, but these are the things that will always apply.

1. Combining strength training and proper eating is the most direct way to build muscle and strength.

2. Good lifestyles and good rest contribute significantly to the progress of the exerciser.

3. Human genetic equipment is a factor that determines structural, muscular, strength development and also the rate of progression within these factors.

4. Many people start exercising to achieve some fitness goals, but eventually give up because their expectations have not been met fast enough and because everything seems difficult.

5. Poorly educated and inexperienced trainers with big eyes and enormous expectations with themselves or clients are easy victims for marketing.

6. Strength training requires order in exercises, series, reps and a lot of practice, while one has to focus on technique, muscle engagement, discomfort, stamina or pace.

7. Eating and exercising are simple in nature and within theory, but in practice it is more difficult.

8. If a person gains weight too fast, he gains a significant amount of weight in the form of fat, but if he loses too fast, he loses muscle mass.

9. The fact that humanity fails in the exercise and proper diet kills us.

10. External factors such as environment, fitness atmosphere, support and inspiration ultimately contribute significantly to the training process.

11. Muscle building is a continuous process of discovery and development of things such as stagnation, injuries and various obstacles.

12. Muscle growth is the result of regular exercise, but too much overload can cause overtraining or injury.

13. The various tablets, supplemented with slogans, that contain substances for engraving, or that they are the result of advanced methods, are at best only novels.

14. One of the best arguments for exercise and proper eating is: “What if you don't do that?”

15. Muscle building is not limited to building independent physical health. There are also factors such as discipline, patience and perseverance that definitely belong to this activity.

štvrtok 16. januára 2020

Streamline and optimize your triceps training with these tips and advice | Steroids4U.eu

Streamline and optimize your triceps training with these tips and advice

Women are interested in butts and men are interested in… but also in butts. But of course the opposite sex. In our country they are forever small and never big hands. Today, we will look at triceps training, focusing mainly on the fundamental things that we need to realize when exercising this triple muscle so that our training has a head and a heel.

You probably don't like anatomy, so just in a nutshell. Triceps consists of three heads - lateral (outer), long and medial (inner). We'll better illustrate this with the image below. The outer head is therefore the legendary "horseshoe", the long head of the triceps is the largest and clamps down to the shoulder blade, and the media head is basically under this long head. This is a tiny part, but it is important in overall strength stability and the development of triceps.

It is not enough to focus on complex exercises

If you're a beginner, all right. In that case, focusing on the core complex exercises is enough, and even your triceps will grow without being specifically dedicated to it. We know that pressure exercises, such as bench presses or shoulder pressures, result in elbow extension, with the involvement of the triceps. However, it is confirmed that if we want to maximize the growth of a given muscle, we need to focus on it individually. And this is doubly true for advanced exercisers. For example, in benchpressing, the position of the shoulder joint changes over the range of motion, and the length / tension relationship on the joint does not allow us to maximize muscle development. So if you want a proper triceps, you need to practice it directly and not to rely on it for pressure or complex exercises.

Triceps has 3 heads and many people ignore this fact a bit unknowingly

Whenever we do an elbow extension exercise, we basically engage all three heads. But beware, if we want to focus on the long head of the triceps, which quite defines the massiveness of our hand, we need to remember one fact. The long head is the only one that goes through the shoulder joint and if we want to hit it, we need to have our hands over your head! This number of people does not know and their training of triceps is then inadequate. The different position of the hands affects the activation of the triceps in a different way, and just when we have our hands over our heads, we mainly involve the long head of the triceps, and that is precisely the above-mentioned anatomy. You will engage the long head with several exercises. We will mention the various variants of extensions, whether with a dumbbell, an EZ bar or a rope on a pulley (you can find inspiration in this video).

Another great exercise is the French skull crushers, but they deserve a little more space. First thing. See the pictures below. On the left you can see a technique that is incorrect and that is what most people do. After lying down, their hands are directed vertically and their body / hands form a 90 ° angle while dropping the dumbbell directly to the forehead or nose during the eccentric phase of the exercise. A mistake. Not huge, but a mistake. At French pressures, try not to have your hands directly above each other at an angle of 90 °, put them more back and let the dumbbell behind your head.

Moving the pulley with the opposite (reverse) grip

Brad Schoenfeld said he does not understand why some people perform triceps pulley retraction with a reverse, supininated grip (palm up). Triceps attach to the elbow bone, so supination has no effect on muscle. In addition, the reverse grip increases hand / wrist engagement to maintain proper grip, ultimately reducing triceps engagement. Lyle McDonald has the same opinion, but he has taken it all in his traditional way: "It's the same movement, only done more stupidly." We see it quite often in the gym, right? First, the classic pulling of the pulley on the triceps, then with a supinovaný grip. However, it is exactly the same, and if those friends said that you would try to pull the pulley underneath, because this-hento-that, and they felt like Columbus in 1492, even this board would even further unify the triceps training.

Best triceps training?

There is no such thing. It is unnecessary to mention any specific training routines for the triceps, and this could finally be understood by people in 2017. Just as they could understand that copying the training plan of Phil Heath or another favorite is also meaningless. Thanks to our article, we already know what is behind the growth of muscle mass and these elements can only be incorporated into the training. Indeed, training is no exception. Try to exercise your triceps at least twice a week, as it has been proven that muscle training at least twice a week is much more effective in muscle growth compared to muscle training only once a week. To do this, try to make use of all ranges of repetitions, because we also have the proven fact that to maximize hypertrophy, we need to focus on the full range of repetitions. This means that during the week when you do the triceps twice, try to use exercises (primarily complex) that use a lower number of repetitions (eg 5), but also exercises with a medium number of repetitions (6-10), but also it pays to use more isolated exercises with 10 to 15+ reps. Try to train it with different angles and what is the biggest foundation? Progressive load increase.

utorok 14. januára 2020

When you enjoy (un) pleasant pain with a foam roller. What are the benefits of a roller? | Steroids4U.eu

When you enjoy (un) pleasant pain with a foam roller. What are the benefits of a roller?

In the gym you will probably see at least one person rolling on a foam roller. Why is he doing this? Maybe he doesn't know either. Therefore, today we will talk about what foam roller serves and when and in what way (not) can help you. He started to become known to fitness enthusiasts around the year 2000, mainly thanks to the book Integrated training for the new millennium. However, it has its beginnings already in the 90s, when it was used in ballet, mainly thanks to choreographer Mr. Robbins and later in physiotherapy.

Wow, wow, wow. But why?

Foam roller is a tool to massage yourself. A little perverted? Perhaps. This is the so-called. self-myofascial massage, while fascia is a soft component of connective tissue interconnecting all systems in the body. It penetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels and stretches from head to toe, from front to back, from surface to depth, in a sort of 3D mesh. It has been said that the muscle and / or fascia can contract, or have not yet been defined. more fit, and movements that were once painless for you throughout your range can cause less pain and reduce blood flow. And that is what myofascial release should solve.

But looking at the literature, it is said that foam roller “works” on the basis of neurological mechanisms, not on the basis of mechanical (affecting the fascia). If you have ever had an anatomy, you may know that it is unlikely that the foam roller will “unravel” the fascia. The connective tissues are too strong (to imagine, we can talk about the power of the car here). From a purely mechanical point of view, therefore, rather not. However, since the fascia contains a sensory nerve ending as well as several contractile muscle cells, it is theoretically possible that mechanical stimulation can do little to do here. But if we say foam roller, let's talk about neurological mechanisms.

Range of motion and flexibility

Systematic analysis results suggest that a foam roller can improve the range of motion without adversely affecting performance. This is a huge advantage over conventional static stretching. It can also improve the range of motion, but we know that static stretching before training has the potential to negatively affect performance. Here again talks about increasing the range of movement, specifically worth mentioning in terms of improving knee flexion from 7 to 10, in some exercisers up to 20 degrees. Several other researches have confirmed that improving the range of motion and flexibility is one of the best researched and practiced benefits.


Here it is a bit more tangled. Research on football players who evaluated after training how much they were broken showed a decrease in the average muscle score when using a foam roller. However, it was a research where the results were evaluated on the basis of a “visual analog scale”, so footballers had to mark one of the choices they had to choose. For example, if their muscles were “sore”, “very sore”, “very very sore” and so on.

In another research, the protocol was in the form of 10 sets of 10 reps per squat. One group did nothing after training and the other rolled foam for 20 minutes. The musculature was evaluated after one, two or three days, namely on a scale of 1 to 10, and the authors say that the use of foam roller was significant from the muscular standpoint. Later came the same team of researchers with a similar study, but this time they did not solve musculature on a scale of 1-10, but dealt with the so-called. pressure-pain limit by means of the device, ie it is a kind of minimum pressure limit that causes pain. A 20-minute foam roll after training has reduced muscle, and the authors say strong evidence that foam roll reduces muscle.

But if we look at the research two years ago, no benefits were found. Now you may say, "And we're home, we know fart again." But don't be so critical. That is why we wrote that it is tricky in the mussel. The reason they found nothing in this last study is that the subjects also did a dynamic warm-up before exercise, whereas in previous studies the subjects went straight to the lab.

This implies that a foam roller can improve muscle mass, but we are not quite sure whether the same benefit can only be gained through a classic dynamic warm-up before exercise. Ideally, if you combine warm-up with a few minutes on a foam roller.

Better performance

Here we must remain skeptical. To date, there is no relevant research that clearly confirms that foam roller can improve performance. Whether maximum power production - isometric or dynamic, or anaerobic performance - has been examined, the results and conclusions are not positive.

So the Foam Roller really works, but you realize not in everything you might think. It can help with the range of movement, probably with muscles and warming up is not a bad idea to use his help for a few minutes. But if you roll the foam for half an hour and neglect the classic dynamic warm-up, it's time to change this strategy. And while we're at the warm-up, get inspired in this article where you'll find the use of a foam roller.

From personal experience, I recommend using a foam roller especially before training the lower body, where you can pofoumrolovat ass, hamstrings, calves, quadriceps and squats can help you. At the top of the body it is nice to have a back on it. We all know that we do it anyway, mainly because we enjoy the (un) pleasant pain and then we just feel better. Something pops, something gently hurts, something is pleasant. To do this, a good dynamic warm-up and you're ready for a good workout. But don't make a foam roller a magical tool that helps in everything, because science clearly tells us it's not.

nedeľa 12. januára 2020

Slender corsets have arrived in our limbs and health goes aside | Steroids4U.eu

Slender corsets have arrived in our limbs and health goes aside

Blindness has taken a new level! Only recently have we decided to write an article on detoxifying teas for weight loss, whose photos on Instagram were spreading at lightning speed. A senseless trend, popular in America, unfortunately arrived in Slovakia, and many women proudly boasted of tea that leaned for you and detoxified everything around. Actually, I'm not surprised. The thing promised by a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure and perfect ass just has to work, right ?! Marketing is a non-existent concept at the moment, obviously. However, I certainly did not expect the Slovaks to suffer another mania, this time perhaps worse. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the "slimming" corset, whose photo we have unfortunately seen many times on the Internet and in Slovak fit waters.

Detoxikačné čaje teda neboli jediným hlúpym trendom, ktorý k nám dorazil. Tentoraz prichádza na rad korzet, ktorý má za úlohu zoštíhliť váš pás. Zober si do ruky zubnú pastu. Stlač tubu niekde v strede. Čo sa stane? Stále je rovnako plná, len jej obsah nachádzajúci sa v strednej časti, je zrazu vytlačený nahor alebo nadol. Inými slovami, hmota sa premiestnila z jedného miesta na iný, objem sa však nezredukoval tak, ako je sľúbené.

But what is that slimmer corset, in other words, belt training? According to official information on the products, these are body shapers that are recommended to wear at least 8-10 hours every day. They reduce waist circumference, allow weight loss and at least 10 cm of waist, flat belly and strengthen the center of the body, corsets apparently burn fat on the abdomen.

One brand dared to add to these benefits that the best results are achieved through proper diet and exercise. Wow, do they say that the two most important factors supporting fat reduction, proper diet, and physical activity work even with a corset on the abdomen? No sh * t Sherlock! Even if I had a wrapped bow of a Christmas present around my stomach, I would lose weight with proper eating and exercise. Using a corset has nothing to do with losing fat, as companies advertise, but with forcibly modifying the figure. Or wearing skinny jeans makes you lose weight from your thighs? Moreover, I don't have to say that local weight loss is one big myth.

Do you really want to look leaner in some part of your body for some time than actually BE Healthy throughout your life?

Do you really want to interfere unnaturally with your body? Do you really want to risk potential organ problems caused by their position change, breathing problems, diaphragm, spine? Do you really prefer shortcuts that are not shortcuts? Health from something so stupid? Will you leave your earned money in the hands of companies that only laugh? Slimming corsets are not the right choice.

Also, it may not be the safest to stimulate a certain part of the body for more sweating, and we should leave the body with anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) to regulate water in the body. This is simply not the most rational tactic. Is it not healthy for someone to press forcibly on the internal organs to reduce the belt? Springfield physician Nicole Florence said that "training" the belt in this corset way can restrict the movement of the diaphragm, reduce the work of the lungs and intestines, resulting in bruises and pain. Among other things, they can cause spinal weakening. As I have already indicated, this stupid method has nothing to do with losing fat. Fat and its mobilization are conditioned, inter alia, by genetics and on the basis of your energy intake, activity level, etc. The Canadian professor of medicine, Dr. Sharma. Very old expression, but still - Dr. Dickinson has pointed out that all of this can change breathing in women by limiting the lower lungs and causing uterine problems when worn for a long time. Of course, we do not want to tell you that wearing these “innovators” for a long time will have all of the above problems once, but these are potential risks that I do not understand for what reason women are taking. Some research has been done on this topic, but they are older, but suggest very similar conclusions.

The saddest of all is that women will drink anything, eat, wear anything, starve and keep the most primitive types of diets, but to be active, they do exercise, calmly and run, not. Unfortunately, many prefer grapefruit and 2 tangerines a day. After all, I have stopped eating after six o'clock in the evening and the results are still missing, where am I making a mistake? Oh, the irony. Subsequently, she likes to offend a well-trained woman with a sixpack, actively engaged in exercise and other activities, which she calls an anorexic and claims that her character is disgusting. I just wanted to say that no, there are no special shortcuts in the form of teas and corsets. How about talking a few articles, studying everything needed and working, working, working?

štvrtok 9. januára 2020

About AOD 9604 PEPTIDE | Steroids4U.eu


AOD 9604 is a modified form Growth Hormone which is a 191 amino acid peptide. The last 15 amino acids (176-191) of the Growth Hormone polypeptide have been reproduced as a specific peptide and is called GH Frag 176-191 or AOD 9604.

Gland Stimulated: Pituitary Gland


  • Reduces Body Fat
  • Triggers fat release from obese fat cells predominantly more than lean ones
  • Mimics the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism
  • No adverse effects on blood sugar or growth
  • AOD-9604 stimulates lipolysis
  • Inhibits lipogenesis that's the transformation of non-fatty foods into body fat
  • AOD 9604 has been shown to have very favorable cartilage repair and regenerative properties, especially when paired with peptide BPC 157.
Mechanism of Action:
AOD-9604, also known as Tyr-hGH Frag 176-191 has been proven to have a strong fat burning capacity, without creating a desire to overeat. It doesn't affect blood sugar or tissue growth. (Heffernan 2001 Heffernan 2001, Ng 2000). AOD-9604 activates degradation and fat burning (oxidation), by a method that doesn't use hGH receptor. It has its own mechanism of action independent of hGH. Laboratory studies on rodents, pigs, dogs & humans have identified AOD-9604 mechanism where it triggers fat release from the obese fat cells predominantly and works to reduce the accumulation of new fat in fat cells as well as increasing fat burning. What is extraordinary about the AOD-9604 is its ability to reduce abdominal fat stores. The second most potent fat loss peptide is CJC-1295, since it leads to the increase in overall GH levels in the body (the opposite of what happens typically as individual age) This explains one of the reasons people have tended to gain fat as they get older. If your only goal is fat loss, it's usually best to avoid using products GHRP (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or GHRH’s) because they may give you the side effects of increased hunger and raised cortisol. AOD-9604 does not increase hunger & or raise cortisol.


AOD-9604 (Advanced Obesity Drug) was originally developed by Professor Frank Ng at Monash University in Australia in the 1990s, with the intent of finding an anti-obesity drug that had the fat burning effects of human growth hormone (HGH) without the muscle-building effect.
Other recent findings have shown, in addition to its fat loss properties, AOD 9604 processes many other regenerative properties associated with growth hormone. Currently, trials are underway to show the application of AOD 9604 in osteoarthritis, hypercholesterolemia, bone and cartilage repair.
Results of oral glucose tolerance test demonstrated that, in contrast with hGH, AOD 9604 has no negative effect on carbohydrate metabolism. There were no anti-AOD 9604 antibodies detected in any of the patients selected for antibody assay. In none of the studies did a withdrawal or serious adverse event occur related to intake of AOD 9604.


AOD 9604 displayed a very good safety and tolerability profile indistinguishable from placebo. AOD 9604 did not result in any of the adverse effects associated with full-length hGH treatment. AOD 9604 has an excellent safety profile, recently obtaining Human GRAS status in the USA.