utorok 31. marca 2020



Now that we've closed ourselves in our home gym, basements and attics, where we practice all sorts of junk things that come to our hand, it is clear that we will soon hit the load limits. We must then proceed to techniques that, even with minimal or at least significantly less weight than we usually use, can still stimulate muscle fibers to grow. There are many of these techniques and I will focus on them in the coming days. At random, for example, a high number of reps, super-series, but also a completely different kind of exercise than you are used to. How about a workout full of super slow reps? Try training, which has successfully been practiced by our currently best Czech bodybuilder Lukáš Osladil.

Muscle and its fibers respond to four factors: task, time, distance and resistance. If the nerve command determines that the muscle will lift the weight along the appropriate mechanical path and at a given speed, certain combinations of motor units will perform this task. If you consciously slow down the speed of movement, another type of motor unit and fiber will enter work. In general, a slow pace stimulates more fibers, but at the expense of weight. With a fast and explosive movement, you lift a tremendous weight, slow down the movement to summarize more fibers and get better pumping. Try it yourself. Perform 10 reps at rocket pace and 10 reps in slow, controlled motion. You'll see your muscle burn as fast as Jan Hus in Constance.
First Mr. Olympia Larry Scott reported his experience of slow repetitions: “Although I reduced weight to one third of what I usually used, intensity increased eightfold because I slowed the pace… and intensity is one of the elements that increases growth hormone secretion. "
I don't know how he came to number eight, but the fact is that muscle tension gains a completely different, previously unsuspected dimension.

The theory says that the normal rate of repetition is considered to be a contraction ratio of 1: 2. If you lift the dumbbell in the positive (concentric) phase for 2 seconds, then the negative (eccentric) phase should last 4 seconds. If we add the time between the two phases, we can describe the rate of repetition with a numerical code, for example 2-1-4 seconds. In order to stimulate the hypertrophic response, it is necessary for the muscle to work for 25-60 seconds in tension (TT or duration of tension). A quick series of six reps does not meet this condition, a slow series of five reps in rhythm 5-1-4 yes. In slow movements you have to train with less weight and do less reps. Rhythm 4-1-4 corresponds to 6–7 repetitions, rhythm 6-1-4 falls within the range of 5–6 repetitions.

What happens if you consciously slow down the recurrence rate to 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down? First of all, your dazzling power will be over. To your great disappointment, you will be forced to reduce the burden to 70-80% of the previous value. Secondly, real advances in repetition or weight gains will become a thing of the past, and you will fight for each repetition for a week or two. Importantly, in training time terms, an improvement of 1 repetition is the same as an improvement of 2-3 reps at a faster pace. Specifically, 1 repetition will increase the duration of the tension by a full 9 seconds, which in 6–8 repetitions with the same weight means an increase of 12–16%. On the contrary, a huge advantage is the fact that with lower weights you will not need less warm-up series. Experienced bodybuilders who train with very high weights - say 200 kg in Benchpress and 300 kg in squat - need a lot of preparation runs that last longer than the actual training. For slow training, do a few reps with 60% target weight and 2-3 reps with 80% target weight. Needless to say, with such weights, the risk of injury is much lower than when using some huge loads.

I guarantee that during your first workouts you will feel that your muscles want to explode with a mixture of blood and lactic acid. In the exuberant imagination of some of you, certainly a disgusting idea, which for a bodybuilder is a feeling of paradise on earth. In addition to more pumping, you will also see how 70-80% of the usual repetition maximum eliminates any movement moment or cheating, and you will feel the trained muscle much better. Stressing the next day after training will be the same (if not greater) as you have been practicing before, faster and casually. What is absolutely unsurpassed is the fact that slow training will relieve the joints and tendons, overloaded with super-heavy weights and speed of movement. Even if you approach the values ​​of weights that previously caused musculoskeletal pain after months, you will not have trouble as your tendons will have much more room for weight adaptation, a training system and an increasing number of repetitions.

In rapid, often jerky movements, other muscle parts enter the action and the target muscle works against tension only a fraction of the duration of the series, while slow repetitions create a more thorough stimulus for muscle growth and strength. Maintaining a normal, natural range of motion and slow cadence will guarantee years of productive training and improvement without unnecessary, several-week pauses caused by injuries. Your flexibility will also improve. Fast and uncontrolled movements allow the use of excessive weights that cause the aforementioned pain and stiffness. Believe me, I know mine. Scratching in just a little more distant places on my body is usually quite a major problem. It cannot be said that prolonged joint pain and stiffness are the price of training, but it shows rather the wrong range of movement and insufficient stretching after and during training.

In the actual workout 2-3 sets of exercises and 1-3 exercises per muscle part. Decide for yourself whether you will exercise with dumbbells, on machines and pulleys, or combine both. Test rhythm 4-1-4 first and let your partner count the seconds out loud. You will be shocked at how long 4 seconds can last and how difficult it is to maintain tension two to four times longer than before. Squats with a barbell or Smith's machine with a weight for twelve normal reps will seem like an ancient torture torture. Go down for 4 seconds and get up for 4 seconds. Don't be afraid to lose weight, as the primary pace is 4 seconds. Fight for 6 indescribably painful reps. If you only do squats, hold on 4-5 sets. Then you can extend the time to 6-1-4 seconds and finally increase the weight of the dumbbell. And then do not be surprised that you may also throw a saber before you start applying for a wheelchair.

One super-slow repetition can also take a minute. Yes, you read correctly: 30 seconds down and 30 seconds up. But this is for the really tough masochists. This self-destructive nail of slow workout will exhaust your muscles like nothing else before or after. For example, you exercise with foot presses. After warming up you will push the weight up 30 seconds up and down for another 30 seconds ... Then lactic acid will burst out of your ears, the cleaning woman wipes it off and you run off the house.

We have celebrated bodybuilding leaders who owe their character to quick reps, and there are those who do their reps slowly as well. Bodybuilding is almost infinitely personified; where there are strong arguments for one method, the other breath will find evidence in favor of the apparent contradiction. You will always find someone who violates even the most respected principle and yet is successful.

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nedeľa 29. marca 2020

A big dumbbell is enough. YOU DO NOT NEED MORE | Steroids4U.eu

A big dumbbell is enough. YOU DO NOT NEED MORE

Now that all of us are grounded and we have nothing but to sit dull on the couch and poke in our nose, many of us will have to dust off our old dad's equipment, get to your friends' home gym, or simply get a big loader in the garage and start exercising in makeshift conditions. But as they say, everything bad is good for something. Perhaps we will finally recall the old practices that brought results to the generations ahead. Perhaps, despite a flood of modern techniques and shiny equipment, you have forgotten the very foundation and now you will return to it. Maybe because now you have to bump up the opposite pulleys, pecks, and pumping pikes on everything, you get out of your basement gym much more massive than when the bacillus was just seeing. You will find a simple thing. In fact, you only need one big loader to become big, powerful…

True and tried-and-tested tasks, performed with basic tools, it is a recipe that has already succeeded in Arnold's idols, then he and a great devotee of simple exercises was even the greatest collector of Sandowa statues Ronnie Coleman. I just want to tell you that when it comes to muscle growth, it's never too late to get back to the basics. Consider: How much do you think you will gain by using isolated exercises? How much stress do you have on your nervous system by training on the rear deltas on Monday, on the left biceps on Tuesday, and on some pulley charts on Wednesday? How much will your weight increase when you grow your biceps by a centimeter? It won't be much. Certainly not as much as you gain at the moment you measure the same over your chest or quadriceps. The use of single joint isolated exercises for the tops of biceps and tears on quadriceps is not a construction, but a mere decoration…

“Arnold Schwarzenegger's best advice was his program called the Big Six. Three times a week you've only been doing benches, squats, bends, overhead presses, barbell pulls and biceps strokes, ”says powerlifter and weightlifter Dan John, holding an American record in the Masters category. “Arnold said,“ Until you master these exercises, you don't need anything more advanced. Guys, like the renowned training guru Paul Chek (founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, focused on training counseling and sports performance development), simplified it like this: you have to squat, push and pull. With this you can really go ahead. ”

There is no single argument that you can use to counter this claim. Despite decades. It's just that. If you can handle these difficult exercises, run on. Meanwhile, in the gyms it seems that the exercisers are running, but it is usually away from these strenuous exercises. Bodybuilders like to describe themselves a bit euphemistically as sculptors of their own body. Okay. So let's use this primer and replace the hammer with a chisel with the following tools: a large dumbbell, a dumbbell, a ball with an ear, and your own body weight. And now, with these instruments, we're going to crash. We will now describe what techniques and exercises should be the required foundation for you. I do not even claim that they are the only exercises to do, but I say it will be good if you do them. And then you can start decorating.

TOOL: BIG Dumbbell

Tool manufacturers have shown decent work over the past few decades by replacing the traditional barbell with machine exercises providing increased safety and a fixed path of movement. Who has ever visited the giant FIBO fitness exhibition will surely tell me that with some devices you feel more like an astronaut than anything else. However, when you want to be stronger and stronger, free weights - a specifically large dumbbell - will not replace anything. Developing a basic level of strength is the key to both a good character's appearance and further enhancing strength, dynamism, or stamina for a sport. Without this basic strength, you will not be able to effectively manage any of this. And from the standpoint of the increase in strength, great barbell exercises seem best. At the same time, the increase in power on a large dumbbell is best measurable and most readable. I used myself from 400-800 kg on a leg press. The load on different pulley exercises was also varied. And what does that mean? Have I ever been a strong man and sometimes less? No. The weight used always depends on the machine design and how you can cheat the exercise. But it is not possible with a big dumbbell. The dumbbell just can't pee. The next five barbell exercises are as basic as they can be. Their effectiveness is based on their ability to build strength across all muscles, including stabilizers. This not only improves the performance of the athlete on the court, court or ring, but is also crucial for fitness enthusiasts who want to increase muscle mass. When it comes to gaining muscle mass, using combined exercises will typically increase your volume faster. The stronger you are, the greater the potential for muscle growth.


Stand upright and hold the dumbbell to the width of your shoulders, keeping your knees slightly bent. Lean forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbell hang freely down in outstretched arms. Shrug your elbows and shrink the latissimas to tighten the axis to the center of the body and then slowly return to fully stretching your arms.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder width and hold a dumbbell across your shoulders. Your knees should be slightly bent and the tips slightly turned to the sides. With your head in a neutral position, a firm belly and an upright torso, go down as if you were sitting on a chair. When the knees form 90 ° angles, stop, push the heels and straighten the knees and hips to return to a standing position.


Lay on a flat bench with stands. Grasp the dumbbell's axis from outside the shoulder width, lift it up and stretch your arms so that the axis is directly above the upper pectoral muscles. Lower the elbows slowly to lower the barbell to the lower chest. After lightly touching the chest, push the dumbbell back toward the head until it ends above the upper chest. Your arms are stretched but not stretched.


Stand in front of the loaded dumbbell, crouch and grasp it with the alternate touch (one palm forward, the other back) to the shoulder width. Start the elevator slowly and accelerate until you straighten your hips and knees. Pull your backs and hamstrings. Lower the dumbbell to the floor to return to the beginning.


Stand upright with a barbell at the top of your chest, holding the axis with a palpation just next to your shoulders. Push the dumbbell over your head, keep your arms slightly bent and return to your starting position with control.


Stand upright, slightly straddled to help your stability. Grasp the barbell about the width of your arms and smoothly raise it to keep your elbows moving as little as possible.

I already hear questions from our young readers about the lack of larger biceps and triceps exercises. You don't need to practice it. At least not in your early days. Ride these exercises as hard as you can. You will be gasping and it will be a drudgery that you have never known before in the exercise of 30 series of biceps. Believe me, after such training, you will be more massive after a few months than your classmates who bet on an isolated arm exercise. Also, remember that Arnold himself recommends this type of training. And the demigod of bodybuilding is not in doubt.

štvrtok 26. marca 2020



Few sports fascinate me as one in which the fist grip becomes a work bench vise. The sport where, in just five seconds of power, the skin in the palm tears and if you want to become a true star, you first see stars spilling out of your extremely pressurized head. Like deadlift or squatting.

Well, but even though I'm kind of conserved in a room with dumbbells, sometimes other names than Kaspar and Koritensky get my attention. For example, I am always up to speed when Jaromír Jágr finishes with the ice hockey team. For about eighteen. He leaves the ice and refuses to warm his blades. He always returns. Someone would equate such behavior to unsuccessful abstinence. I call it passion.

When one decides to end an activity that he loves, it is hard to say what is going through his mind. However, it is understandable that determination and stamina are often tempted by various influences. It can be hard to practice the whole body with a plaster plate. It may be harder to keep eating habits when you want to be with a person who is concerned about this precision. Whether exercise pauses arise for these reasons or others, a true heartbreaker does not forget that muscles also have memory and considers it a pity not to use it.

 Do you remember how you walked the first legend in your life? You could have envied the length of the stride, too, for the Boyard Fortress, didn't you? I've only experienced such painful legs once. Even after a six-month pause, the pain did not come to such an extent. That's the muscle memory.

Our memories are similar. In a longer pause, we cannot remember the feelings that pervaded us as we drove full. We only remember the words we used to describe the euphoria, and the images we had visually pressed into our brain at the time. Well, who is completely greasy, he has to remind only old selfíčka. The non-training period is just a few photos plus a bare group of memories truncated by endorphins, the accelerated flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients, without the feeling of uprightness, excitation, strength, invincibility, and without that healthy aggressiveness.

But even breaks can benefit

If you have the same workouts for a long time, the body stagnates, stops growth. Muscles must be constantly shocked by different loads, changes, shock. You certainly know that. Well, an exercise pause is also such a change. Returning to the load means that the muscles that have fallen into deeper sleep are awakened by strong shock and respond better to growth. In addition, you have a certain amount of built-up mass and experience with exercise techniques and diet. So buzz like "I'm pissed off I stop exercising and then start from scratch" is pointless.

Strengthening is a long-term extreme burden and we are extremists. On one side teeth tearing slogging and on the other a recliner. However, “everything or nothing” may not be the definitive rule, so a year break does not mean that it is no longer worth it.

Muscle memory has no way to look at photos and memories. This memory is asleep and only waiting for you to do what you said then, "I'll be back"

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utorok 24. marca 2020



Foot trainings are mostly among the most demanding. Maybe you have a lot of fun in your eyes and you have to leave the gym for a while and get some fresh air. If you have sacrificed so much workout to your feet, it would be a shame if you would make unnecessary mistakes in your workouts, which could be caused by even ignorance or incomplete information. Therefore, in this article we will focus on five very common and quite fundamental mistakes that occur in leg training.

1. WHEN YOU ARE LOW AT THE ROMAN DEAD TOW Athletes know to keep their backs straight, but in an effort to increase the range of movement, they often bend too low with the barbell, so they begin to hunch. First of all, the blades should not touch the ground in the lower phase - this is not a classic deadlift. Second, try the following rod-only test: exercise sideways to the mirror and turn your head to see what position your back is when you put the rod down. The back should never, but indeed never, bend. Do not exercise too deep, as you would bend over. And one more tip - do not stretch your legs in your knees when practicing the Roman deadlift.

2. Excessive tipping You have already heard that when you dial out or in, you can engage certain parts of your muscles when doing leg exercises. This is especially true for exercises where your feet are free, not supported by a solid platform. Therefore, you can dial the tips for kicking or lying down. But squats, leg presses, or hacks squats could damage the knee joint, hips or ankles. It is therefore preferable to keep your feet in neutral position, especially when using a heavy load, or if you have problems with your knees, ankles, hip, etc. Most bodybuilders consider such a position where the toes are only really slightly turned out. Find a comfortable posture with your feet fully supported on the platform, and you will be able to exert a power that comes from both heels and toes, giving you maximum performance.

3. LIFTING BODIES AT LEGPRESS All too often you may encounter this error. Athletes commit it in an effort to extend the range of movement, sometimes beyond safety. If you lift your hips up during leg press, you get the platform lower, but at the same time you risk lumbar spine injury. It is very important that you manage the negative phase of the exercise in a controlled and fluent manner. Try to place your feet a little higher and farther apart, and do not try to push your thighs to your chest at any cost. Stretching after exercise also helps in many ways.

4. Performing shallow squats Whether leg press, hacken squats or free-load squats, there is nothing worse than loading a heavy load and then exercising in a range of only a few centimeters. But this will not achieve anything and it will hardly amaze anyone. Although repetition in a partial range of movement is justified in advanced athletes, it is by no means appropriate to base the entire training on such a method. Complete development of hamstrings and buttocks is certainly not achieved. The downward movement should end when the knees are bent at a right angle. Avoid demanding stretching before doing squats, as this could risk weakening performance. Stretching after exercise will be preferable to support flexibility and then allow you to extend the range of motion.

5. WHEN YOUR TRAINING IS "LIGHTWEIGHT" FOR YOU AND MANAGE OUT OF THE GYM WHEN YOU ASK If you ask any bodybuilder who has massive legs, you will undoubtedly hear about how demanding his training is (indeed, the difficulty of leg training) already mentioned at the beginning of the article). You will learn that this exercise requires a lot of energy and if you have to do a great job, you can't associate leg training with any other muscle workout. You may also have trouble coming down the gym stairs. Do you know this? Do you have similar feelings after your leg training? Do you really give them all the energy available and do you usually run out of exhaustion? Do you fight fatigue and cramps during training? Or do you basically have nothing to complain about? Maybe just that sometimes a big dumbbell pushes you in your throat, if you accidentally "wake up" and say that you would try those squats today? Then don't expect such a lax approach to bear fruit. Try to train with a partner who will provide you with the necessary help and motivation. And if your muscles hurt the next day like hell, believe it is a sign of a job well done.

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nedeľa 22. marca 2020

COFFEE. A miracle or a drug? | Steroids4U.eu

COFFEE. A miracle or a drug?

I have to say that the last article I wrote on the topic before training sessions was quite successful, because it caused quite a good discussion and there was also a lot of opinions. Even a short video clip was made from the Hay Cut and a few decks, which amused me immensely. I would like to continue on this journey and I would like to discuss the topic of one drink that you are all familiar with. It is a drink, for me such a small miracle that I enjoy it immensely every time I drink, but I, as a lover of this drink, take it with great respect, because using it at the wrong time can hurt rather than benefit. The drink I write about is nothing but coffee.

You all know coffee well, I hope so. Why can it be bad or good? Like any coin that has two sides, coffee is exactly the same. On the one hand, it can help us if we use it wisely and at the right time, on the other hand, it can hurt us if we eat it at the wrong time.

1) Avoid coffee in the post-workout period. Sure, there is no way to go after a great workout to the cafes that are part of modern fitness centers, the glory to those who got this idea to connect the café to the fitness center, deserve the Nobel Prize, order coffee, sit back in the chair , or other social networks that are unfamiliar to me, because I am happy to manage at least the facebook and instáč, slap some workout photo where I flex after training a stuffed bicycl with a "mustache" workout, or similar instagram tags. But what happens if I have coffee after training? I will start briefly and from the beginning.

During the training period, the body is, whether we want it or not, in a state of catabolism, due to the increased level of cortisol, primarily due to cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that washes out in stressful situations (fight X escape) and that is definitely a training in the gym. Suppose that the training unit of pure time, I mean without warming up, stretching and mobilization techniques (I know I'm naive when I think that these boring processes are being applied, but for sure I list them here), the body is in a state of catabolism ( increased cortisol) 60 minutes, or one hour. During this time, the body consumes energy from glycogen, fats, but also muscles to work. After the training unit comes into play (ideally) a workout protein shake, even better an All-in product such as Hero, whose role, besides the culinary experience, is to stop the catabolism state (ie induce anabolic state), since the workout is good, it will put your body in an anabolic state. Damaged muscular system and organism after workout can snort with the words "I did it, nothing expects me" and switches to anabolic state. You sit in the aforementioned chair, the waitress brings you the coffee you drink and what happens? Coffee the human body switches from anabolic state to catabolic state, as cortisol increases after you consume coffee, and this is a fact that we certainly do not want, because it disrupts our regeneration processes in the body. If you read an article about before training, you certainly know that when cortisol is elevated, testosterone is inhibited and testosterone is a hormone that helps us recover. You undermine your stool with one cup of coffee after your workout, as your body is on a roller coaster Anabolism X Catabolism, delaying regeneration processes after training. Let your coffee prefer for another time. But if you are a coffee maker, 5 hours after your workout, your coffee is fine.

2) Prosper, but don't survive on it. Coffee can help if you don't feel right on a certain day but would like to work out. It is able to help you break your personality as it increases performance by 3-4% and energizes you in training if you don't feel completely "fresh". Oh yeah, but like you do before training ... even here, if you become addicted to coffee, it is a problem for the body, because it draws your adrenal glands and you will constantly fall into a state of energy "debt" that your body one day, sooner or later, will have to pay. The longer the debt, the more tax you pay. Certainly you have someone around you who keeps kafi every day and has daily XY cups, including those before and after training and can not imagine without this stimulant, it is better to slowly reduce doses. I am not saying stop drinking coffee, I say reduce benefits, because I am the one big case that has gone through this. There would be no training I would have done without coffee in front of him and I can tell you that I knew the power of coffee firsthand when I had to go to a training without coffee. I felt miserable, without power, without energy, fainting, and I didn't even want to. Not to mention that after two teaspoons ceased, I began to fight two heaped, then three, and when I finally put 4 nonsense shovels of coffee in one cup to make it work, I had to do something about it because it was clear that this was certainly the way to perdition, but that would be a separate article. I know I can slap my liver here for nothing, and you keep drinking that coffee anyway, but if you still want to start lowering the dose and frequency of use, a plant with a flashy name Rhodiola Rosea (pink stonecrop) can help you in this "therapy" and very well.

3) Slow or fast, that's what's going on. It is good to know if you are a so-called slow or fast caffeine metabolizer. Individuals, such as me, who are a slow caffeine metabolizer, should find out when their last dose of coffee, or caffeine, is appropriate. For example, I know that if I had coffee at 5 in the evening, I would have a similar problem asleep in the evening, as when Iron Man tried to lift Thor's hammer ... without a chance. My colleague at work, on the other hand, can have coffee at 10 in the evening and fall asleep at 12, as he is a fast caffeine metabolizer ... as I envy him. On the other hand, if a slow caffeine metabolizer takes coffee, it usually has a stronger sensitivity to caffeine, thus kicking it more efficiently. Find out your caffeine metabolism and learn how to manage it for your benefit.

4) Coffee for fat burning is undoubtedly a perfect strategy, as it promotes lipolysis (fat burning) and glycolysis (utilizing energy from glycogen), which is effective because the body reaches for muscle amino acids as a last resort (take with caution). Apart from the fact that it also acts as an effect of arousing into activity = greater chances of burning fat, because you are more aroused (you are able to perform better). If you look at the composition before training stimulants or burners, caffeine is certainly one of the substances contained here.

That would be all about coffee or caffeine on my part. Coffee is a great and very tasty beverage that can help you in certain situations under certain conditions. On the other hand, he can undermine your stool if you are her slaves as I used to be. Do not be slaves to coffee (caffeine), learn to use it for your benefit with reason and respect.

štvrtok 19. marca 2020



What kind of bodybuilder would it be if his very, very popular parts he practiced didn't include biceps? Yes, biceps are often a symbol of your strength and are also a measure of the hard work you do in the gym. The question: “How much do you have over your bike?” Appears almost as often as the question: “How much do you put on the bench?”. But even when practicing as "small" muscle (now, please do not take it as biceps is some "pidisvalik", but compared to back muscles or chest, it seems to be smaller) like biceps, with a lot of athletes commits many mistakes. In today's article, we will focus on the top 5 in biceps training and show you how to fix them.

1. ERROR - Compression of elbows below parallel line

Performing strokes with the upper pulley seems to be quite simple: in a double bicep pose, you push your fists to your ears and back. But the exercise is more complicated when you hold a really heavy load in each hand. Then there is a tendency to push the elbows down and forward, which makes the isolated exercise an unwanted basic exercise. Therefore, hold your upper arm in a stationary position parallel to the ground, making sure that the movement comes out of your elbows only. This effectively connects the short (inner) head of the biceps.

2. ERROR - Not holding your elbows close to your body

This is a mistake made by many really experienced bodybuilders, because they try to handle too high a load and extend the range of movement. Strokes are an isolated exercise, but when you move your elbows away from your body in an effort to lift the dumbbell, it becomes a basic exercise. The front deltas will be involved, sharing the load with the biceps muscles. So you better do this by holding your elbows to your body and preventing them from moving forward. Never look at the stick in the upper phase of the movement - it should be close to the chest. There is really no need to lift the barbell as high as possible. Rather, make sure your elbows don't move forward.

3. ERROR - Using the same grip

Strokes with a large barbell or EZ barbell are the main volume exercises of your biceps workout. You can use a fairly high load because they can help you in some small movements of the body to handle the weight that you could only dream of in other biceps exercises. However, this does not mean that you cannot change your exercise a little bit and revive it. Changing the grip width when performing biceps strokes affects mainly the rotation of the arm. When you use a grip larger than the shoulder width, the arms get into the so-called external rotation to engage the short (inner) muscle head. If you hold the bar rather with a narrower grip, the arm turns inward in internal rotation, so that the outer (long) head of the biceps becomes more active.

4. ERROR - Not stretching arms in elbows

This mistake might have been curious enough if it hadn't been so widespread. In order to contract the biceps, you need to shrug your arm in your elbow. Biceps strokes are based on the fact that by moving the elbow you change the angle and distance between the forearm and the upper arm. However, you can often see athletes who lean back in exercise and their bicep lift is not based on elbow movement rather than waist. But after this exercise, your muscles won't grow. Rather, reduce the load and make sure that the repetition starts from the lower arm phase and lift the barbell until it is bent at the elbow so that the angle between the forearm and upper arm is less than 90 degrees.

5. ERROR - When ignoring tactile and neutral grip exercises

Although it looks very simple and many may feel that you just need to take a dumbbell and lift it up, you will not build on this development of biceps. Not all arm flexors work optimally when using undershot. When the hands are in the neutral position (hammer strokes) or in the tilt (opposite grip), the brachialis, which lies below the biceps and brachioradialis, also engages. You simply don't have a chance to reach your genetic potential if you don't include exercises that involve all the muscles that make up this game. Try performing neutral and tactile exercises at the end of the workout as they can significantly affect the grip strength.

utorok 17. marca 2020

Is fasting cardio the best fat destroyer? | Steroids4U.eu

Is fasting cardio the best fat destroyer?

Five o'clock in the morning. Again, the alarm rings with a note to immediately get up from bed and start doing something with that fat ass. Fasting cardio is the best choice and even if you hate it, you can do anything for yourself and your body, so you get up, wash, skip the first meal of the day, get dressed, tie the strings and run. Literally. Are you running a similar scenario? In today's article, we'll talk about fasting cardio versus cardio after a meal. Is it really a more effective way to burn fat, or is it just another dogma from the fitness industry?

It is best to do cardio fasting, probably the most widespread claim in bodybuilders and athletes, which underlines that we will burn fat more efficiently. Many began to perceive that this claim began to expand after 1999, when Bill Phillips published a book on the Body For Life program. We can also see the spread of this claim for the sake of citizens. But these are the ones who at the same time declare foolishness that breakfast is the most important meal of the day when we don't eat 2-3 hours, we are in catabolism, or that after six in the evening it gets fat and I can continue with similar broscience bullshit, but I prefer not. You can read more in our nutrition section.

This theory is all about doing cardiovascular exercise early in the morning, on an empty stomach, will cause glycogen (stored carbohydrate) levels to fall. After that, the body will have no choice but to grasp fats as fuel, so we will lose weight as nothing. Sounds good, just a pity that this statement was absolutely not supported by anything.

In the case of burned fats we can talk about two parts

The first part of fat burning says we need to understand that all our organs store fat in the body. Whether they are muscles, hearts, lungs, intestines ... But the fat we look bold is under the skin and is called subcutaneous fatty tissue. The degradation of fat stored in fat cells is a process whereby fatty acids are released into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body through blood. This process is called lipolysis. An example of lipolysis is a minute to start pedaling on a stacionary bicycle or a minute to start running on the belt. The body immediately begins to release triglycerides out of the fat cells.

The second part of fat burning is after fatty acids are released into the bloodstream (lipolysis) and are delivered to various tissues such as the heart, liver and muscles where they are oxidized (burned). Imagine adding fuel to your car and burning it. Of course, fasting cardio causes greater release of free fatty acids than traditional forms of cardio. However, this has nothing to do with the rate of oxidation and moreover, there is no difference between fat loss between fasting cardiac and post-meal.

Oxidation, not lipolysis, is the step determining fat burning. While lipolysis is occasionally higher with fasting cardia, oxidation (the amount of fat burned) is exactly the same whether we train one way or another. The non-oxidized fat is back esterified and stored in the body.

These are two parts of fat burning. Lipolysis processes first, followed by oxidation processes. We both need to burn fat.

One study showed that the group of people who consumed carbohydrate food before cardiac had less lipolysis. So you'll have fewer fatty acids released into the bloodstream. This is why people think that fasting cardio works better - because they release more fatty acids into the bloodstream and burn fat. That makes sense, doesn't it? But lipolysis is not a limiting factor in fat burning. These are already mentioned oxidation processes. This means that the oxidation processes are the same and, according to studies, even slightly better if you have some food in front of your cardi. Fasting before cadmium reduces the thermogenic response to cardiac after meals. This shows that eating before training actually increases calorie burning - a thermogenic effect of exercise.

In this study comparing cardio by fasting cycling and after consuming calories, it was found that more fat was burned DURING cardio in the fasting group. But I highlighted the word during, because this group burned a lot less calories during the day. While you can burn more calories during fasting cardia, later in the day it will be much less. Research says that in cardio with a very low intensity, the body can burn more fat (still remember the word - during). Unfortunately, the rate of disintegration exceeds the body's ability to utilize extra fatty acids as a fuel. In other words, you will have a lot of extra fatty acids that will be in your blood and will not be used at the same time.

Research has found that low intensity cardio people in the form of slow walking will not notice any difference in the amount of fat burned. And that was research during the first 90 minutes of cardiac. After a long time, the benefits of better fat burning have emerged. But you would have to spend hours on the belt to make it work. What's more, the difference is minimal, so it pays to "die" fasting for 2, 3 or 4 hours on a belt or fable? Answer yourself.

Another study was as follows - 8 men performed 36 minutes of cardiac at moderate pace at a heart rate of 65% with a meal before cardiac. The second group - the same number of men, the same time cardia, with the difference that they did not have food before cardi. The result? The group that ate before cardiac continued to burn much more calories in the next 24 hours. The result is slightly different, cardio fasting does not lead to better lipid utilization.

Another study took a group that consumed 673 calories before training. Researchers compared oxygen consumption and substrate utilization for nearly 40 minutes on the belt and 24 hours after. The results reported that oxygen consumption was higher (meaning that more work was done and more calories burned), but also the percentage of triglycerides used as energy throughout the rest of the day. In other words, you burn more total calories during the day at cardio after eating than if you were doing cardio fasting.

This study also supports what everyone else does. She studied the effect of carbohydrates before cardiac, versus fasting cardio, while cycling. The result? No differences in fat oxidation.

Studies agree that there is really no difference in fat loss in fasting cardio versus cardio, after a meal has already been consumed. If you burn more fat if you burn more carbohydrates during the day / If you burn more carbohydrates with your cardio, you burn more fats during the day. Can you see it? Simply no difference. In any case, it is necessary to deal with fat burning over the days, not from hour to hour, to get a meaningful overview of the impact it has on the character's composition.

If you want to maximize the loss of cardiac fat, you need to modulate fatty acid oxidation. And what form of cardia will allow you to do this? Evidence suggests HIIT cardio. This, compared to conventional LISS cardiovascular, causes higher fatty acid oxidation and leads to better overall fat loss within 24 hours. When fasting cardio, the amount of calories burned from fat stores may increase, but amino acid oxidation also increases. Fasting cardiovascular exercise is a great way to increase cortisol release. This releases amino acids to produce glucose (glucose cannot be synthesized from fats) and this can lead to muscle loss.

For bodybuilders, one of the key points is the effect of cardio fasting on the nitrogen stores in the body. Research has shown that training in which glycogen stores are depleted (for example, after fasting) leads to a doubling of nitrogen loss levels compared to training after carbohydrate consumption. After an hour of cycling at 61% VO2, protein loss was around 10.4% of total exercise calorie expenditure. This is quite worrying for bodybuilders who are concerned about losing muscle mass. Although this does not mean that protein loss is derived from muscle protein, it is worth considering. In this case, they are recommended for sure BCAA, which will technically no longer exercise fasting, and this can lead to improved fat oxidation as well as improved performance. Do they really help? Research is very controversial. During exercise, the body tends to release much more fatty acids than it is actually capable of oxidizing to energy. Excess fatty acids will cause them not to be oxidized and simply put back into adipose tissue, but we've already talked about that.


After one reading, your head may be tangled, so in a nutshell. It doesn't matter if you do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach or at other times during the day. Such are research, science and non-correlation studies. The important thing in this case is that you do it (although of course it is not necessary). There is no magic time in which you burn fat at extra speed and better. If you like running or exercising other forms of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, please like it. There's nothing wrong with that, and we don't forbid you. However, if you were getting up on an alarm clock with distaste just because you thought the tire on your belly would go down faster, no, this is not true. But once again, something else suits everyone. Some may seem to be doing better at fasting cardio, another may have the opposite opinion. But you will not fool the science. But if you have a better personal experience with one form of cardia, you may be crazy about science. However, the topic of cardio is not worthy of just one article, so let's take a closer look at whether HIIT or LISS cardio is better, and we'll explain a few other points of interest.

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nedeľa 15. marca 2020

4 myths accompanying women while training their ass | Steroids4U.eu

4 myths accompanying women while training their ass

The headline is clear, but today we are not going to talk about just four myths, which mostly accompany women in their ass training. He would like to have many lovers of healthy, active lifestyle and excellent character simply perfect, round, solid, elaborated. We'll also talk about glute-ham tie-in (a place where your back thigh muscle aka hamstring meets the bottom of your butt to create the legendary, many-wanted, round / 3D shape). I apologize in advance for using a few English expressions, but to practice some exercises can sometimes be quite difficult, impossible, and ultimately nonsensical, so be prepared to come across the English word, but I will try to get closer to it, don't worry.

You may have heard of glute-ham tie-in, maybe not, and I will just repeat that this part separates your butt and hamstrings. For women competing, this is an area that simply needs to be focused a little more, as judges give great weight to this separation. However, there are a few misconceptions about glute-ham tie-in, so let's take a look at the four myths in this issue, and immediately after that, let's look at some tips in this article!

Myth # 1: Rob cardio for targeted fat burning from the glute-ham area

Probably the most widespread myth. We see a number of female athletes who slave clocks on steppers or stepmills (sliding stairs, usually visible in large, mostly foreign gym), saying that such "exercise" burns fat from the butt. Um… local weight loss simply doesn't work. Stepmill can hit type 1 muscle fibers and potentially help in the overall muscle building effort. But it can also be done when going uphill or cycling, or simply adding some strength training with multiple reps. Clearly, there is something wrong with steppers / stepmills, but practicing it just because they allow preferential fat burning from the glute-ham area is simply nonsens.

Myth # 2: We should practice some special exercises

Bret Contreras, one of the most relevant butt experts (this sounds strange), has heard many contestants, ladies and gentlemen, that certain exercises really work on glute-ham tie-in. The problem, however, is that there is no such muscle! Gluteus maximus is one muscle. You also have hamstrings that consist of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus (the short head of the biceps femoris does not apply to the glute-ham tie-in as it only crosses the knee joint). Finally you have an adductor magnus that can also contribute to the wanted glute-ham tie-in.

There are a number of exercises that do a wonderful job by activating your butt and hamstrigs at the same time. Deadlifts and hyperextension hit the butt and hamstrings quite well. There are also many exercises that can make you feel the bottom of your ass, such as lunges or Bulgarian squats. However, if you want to maximize the muscularity of glutals and hamstrings, you have to do more variations of the exercises. No one single exercise will allow optimal building of both parts. Rather than focus on some groundbreaking, super-special exercise that would help you with a round butt, make sure you are bombarding your butt and hamstrings with various variants of hip extensions and knee switching exercises (see below).

Myth # 3: Glute-ham tie-in will improve your sprinting!

Sprinters are mostly very well developed. posterior chains (a chain of all muscles at the back of the body) and a sprint have a very good effect on the buttocks. So sprint could be a nice candidate to improve glute-ham tie-in? The answer may surprise you. Sprinting is a high-intensity activity and many people think they can sprint anyhow, anytime, anywhere. Then, however, there are common and often serious injuries that can limit exercise and hence the development of your butt. Sprint does not reduce fat from posterior chains and does not activate these muscles to a greater extent, such as hip thrusts or hyperextension (back extensions). These exercises are much easier to control than sprints and also have a slightly higher level of metabolic stress due to the constant tension they provide.

The last thing - sprinters mainly lift iron and much of their muscle development can be attributed to that. Bret Contreras advises leaving a sprint to the sprint and if you want to focus primarily on your butt, you will prefer the dumbbells. But if you insist on a sprint, go to it gradually and make sure you are always warm!

Myth # 4: Only a very fine transition between butt and hamstrings always looks best

Although it may be a subjective matter, a round butt that protrudes is what is also evaluated in competitions. Separating the butt and hamstrings slightly more simply looks better.

There are three things that are very important for the aesthetically pleasing glute-ham tie-in

Low body fat
Muscle development of the ass
Muscular development of hamstrings
Achieving low body fat

This is obvious. If your body fat percentage isn't low, your ass won't look good, at least in terms of female bodybuilding standards and figure category. If you plan to run on stage, you must achieve a low percentage of fat, preferably by combining diet, strength and cardio workouts.

Building your butt

Although every woman and every man is immediately attacked by a royal exercise - squats, excellent and one of the top exercises for the butt is called. hip thrust. It can be performed with a large barbell, resistive rubber or even one leg. However, no exercise alone will optimally build muscle. Diversity wins. Contestants (but not only those) need to do squats, lunges, Bulgarian squats, or American deadlift (very similar to the well-known Romanian deadlift and can be simply said to be a “back-focused” Romanian deadlift). Regarding repetitions, hit the whole range - do heavy series after 3-8 reps, medium series after 8-12 reps and also some lighter series after 12-20 reps. Never mind that no woman or man is doing this exercise in the gym where you go! Don't be discouraged.

Building hamstrings

For optimal development of hamstrings you need to use the variety of exercises again. You will hit them with American deadlifts or hyperextension, but make sure you add good mornings, Nordic ham curls, glute ham raises (GHR) and various types of stumbling (standing, sitting, and lying). Bret recommends fewer repetitions and focusing on the eccentric (negative) for Nordic ham curls and glute ham raises, but at the same time more repetitions and constant tension while performing different leg curls.

Focus on buttocks for non-competitive girls (but all that goes above)

It is not easy to create this “3D” butt shape. Therefore, Bret recommends practicing hip thrust several times a week, creating a visual distinction between ass and hamstrings. When you focus on your buttocks, both the quadriceps (thigh muscles) and the hamstrings become stronger and shape. This is due to squats, lunges, deadlifts and hyperextension. However, if you add too many leg extensions, legpresses, tripping and glute ham raises to it, or if you prefer to do these moves, you will eventually develop legs that may seem too big for women and the butt will remain in the back. Of course, this may not happen to every woman, but rather to those who have had several years of progressive training. If you build massive legs without your ass, it will look relatively small.

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štvrtok 12. marca 2020

Visualization to Success: Linking Body and Mind | Steroids4U.eu

Visualization to Success: Linking Body and Mind

Several studies have shown that mental techniques can improve performance in certain circumstances. What are the best techniques? Are some better than others? They examined these questions in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning and came up with some interesting answers. The researchers decided to find out the most effective ways of mental preparation before training. They examined this by two methods.

The first method was visualizing ourselves, performing the task as best we know. The second method was excitement, which simply involved as much enthusiasm as possible before performing the task. The test was carried out on sixteen experienced male sprinters. Each of them made a 30-meter sprint followed by rest. Sprinters should use one of the above techniques. The conditions tried to create almost identical for each sprinter and the researchers tried to find the results as relevant as possible. When the data were analyzed, they found that visualization was a better technique. When the sprinters used visualization while resting, they always had a slightly lower time in the sprint.

zdroj: pixabay.com
Visualization is simple. Imagine yourself before doing what you do and how you can do it. It does not have to be only a sprint, but the visualization is valid both in everyday life (work, tests) and before lifting the dumbbell in the gym. The body responds to what you think and then works accordingly. A similar method was used in martial arts. The warriors were supposed to hold the eggs in their right hands and with the same hand they should send a good blow so that the eggs would not break. It was the technique of visualizing the aura - the so-called. “Ki” that protected the eggs while they were struck. This task was difficult, but every warrior absolutely agreed that visualization was a lot easier and the task was feasible, as opposed to nonsense punches without visualizing this aura, linking mind to body and focusing.

This vision will also become a reality in your workouts. You won't be holding eggs for benchpress, no. With the right visualization of the lift, however, the body will cope with everything else, which affects your strength in lifting the dumbbell. Your body will automatically know what to do and do all the extra work and perfectly activate all the auxiliary muscles that serve as the support for the dumbbell lift.

As I wrote, it's easy. Imagine what you're going to do, focus, and your performance will increase. Imagining how to make a perfect series or repetition on a benchpress, believe it or not, can do wonders. According to researchers, people use the same areas of the brain in performing and visualizing the act. So here's some connection. Visualization can be described in three steps: First it is relaxation, then concentration and finally the visualization itself. Relaxation and concentration are important. You sit on the bench, focusing on the regular rhythm of breathing - inhalation through your nose, exhalation through your mouth. Then you lie under a 100kg benchpress bar that you haven't picked up yet. You clear your mind from foolishness, you don't perceive the surroundings, then you visualize your goal - a 100kg PR on benchpress and you're on it. In this way, your personal record is likely to fall before you lie under a 100kg stick, you tell Sparing 4x that you probably won't, you have this idea before lifting the dumbbell in your head, you are not focused laugh or talk before lifting a dumbbell. In this way you can forget about progress, personal records and strength improvement.

So a little more dramatic and visible is the so-called. charging, but a little bit related to visualization. It is also associated with breathing but with different breaths. Charging is an excitement for the immediate activation of muscle fibers. If this happens, lifting the dumbbell will be easier. Imagine a lifter at a competition as they approach a barbell, or simply imagine yourself before a heavy lift in training. You probably breathe a little differently than with the classic slow, deep breaths that will calm you down. Rather, you will use a series of quick, short breaths to energize the nervous system. You can see this especially in the above mentioned competitions, when the breaths are often accompanied by a loud scream. This may appear to somebody as a sign of dementia, especially if it is being "abused" by wannabe lifters, who are being destroyed by a 20-kilogram dumbbell on a benchpress while roaring like a deer in ruj. However, such demonstrations are not needed by lifters and do it for some logical reason.

However, the type of charge depends on what awaits you. Scales that you lift even in half sleep will not need some perfect mindset and extreme charge. This is more useful for PRs (records), or 90% of the maximum and so on. With 8 reps of an exercise, it is again a bit different and such a charge is not necessary. The level of arousal also depends on the level of the arousal threshold of the individual. Someone who is an introvert and a maximum calm person will have this threshold lower than a hyperactive person. Neither your acquaintances nor your coach, but you have to know how much, respectively. what excitement before lift will be right and sufficient.

Ideas are a fundamental belief in how we see the world, how we influence us, and how we respond to the different events in which we see ourselves. Concerns and doubts about themselves can not only worsen athletes, slow down success, but also worsen form. I am not going to trust here, but the negative thinking, the idea that the lift you do not give, that the unprecedented 100kg can greatly affect you. When something bad happens, pessimists and optimists react differently, especially in the way they explain the bad events (personal obstacles, injuries) and the impact of these events on their lives. Pessimists tend to carry a negative thing for their entire lives. "I'm hurt, my whole career is over". The dangers of this thinking: depression, physical symptoms of stress, hormonal and immune system changes.

As the optimist sees the same bad events, this is another story. They do not blame themselves, and even if they see any obstacles, they are only temporary events that will pass or resolve them soon. He who does not practice the month, in which he managed to smash breasts 20 times and biceps 30 times already probably ran into days when it was just in the gym just could not. Proper warm-up, concentration, everything is supposed to be, but after the first 2 sera you have just found out that today it is somewhat difficult and it is not at all as usual. Well, those days have been experienced by everyone who has been practicing a little longer. However, an optimist athlete throws his head off that day. He won't let a bad day in the gym affect his whole week. Being optimistic and positive, however, does not mean to deceive oneself or pretend that everything is like a fairy tale, even if it is not. Really serious injury… No, that's not good. A person's injury hurts, not just physically.

Failure for man is also not a pleasant feeling. Being optimistic rather means seeing things in a different light (more positive). Can withstand failure, temporary loss of power, injury. Because these are things you can learn from. From here we can build one small success behind the next and positive steps to move closer to success.

Fear and failure cannot be deliberately avoided. It is important to realize that everyone is failing. Even the world's best athletes have experienced difficult moments, crashes and failures. It depends on how we can get out of it. As I have already written, some failures are affected so much that suddenly nothing is worth anything. Others, with the better attitude, will throw the failure behind as soon as possible. They learn from mistakes, dust their knees, get up and try again and again until their goal, which they visualized in their minds, becomes reality.

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utorok 10. marca 2020

Women and Exercise: But I don't want to be so muscular! | Steroids4U.eu

Women and Exercise: But I don't want to be so muscular!

This may be a bold statement, but one of the biggest mistakes in strengthening is that our tender halves should not lift heavy weights. It's not unusual to see women in the gym lifting the lightest dumbbell and do a lot of cardio, justifying that they just don't want to have the muscles just like men do. Why? A simple answer - they were told that lifting weights was just for men, and if they did, they would look just like them. So if they don't want to, they obviously have to do the opposite, right? Not!

While lifting heavy iron, combined with a hearty diet, is a common recipe for men to build mass, the same situation does not apply to women. The reason is our hormonal profiles. Women produce a tiny fraction of testosterone compared to men. While testosterone is an essential determinant of the ability to grow - both in size and strength, it does not make sense if someone with much lower levels of testosterone (female) reaches the same size as someone who has much more (male). Of course, there are women who have a little more testosterone than others, but there are very few such cases. Many well-known and respected coaches have used their strength training routine to their clients, some even lifted heavier weights than some guys, but none of them looked "masculine - muscular".

The problem is misinformation spreading all around us, which delay the girls to reach their dream figure. That is why many women lift the lightest, pink dumbbells in the gym, without any progress that would be worth it. Who's to blame? They are some trainers and people from the fitness industry whose knowledge is poor, but the biggest blame is probably to be attributed to fitness marketing. Why? Just look at this picture.

Great marketing, bad results…

Common shots. Fit woman with a good form, holding a heavy but really heavy dumbbell. And now really. Do you, dear girls, think that these baby scales will take you to the formed figure of dreams? I think we will agree when I say that these products are primarily intended to fill someone's pockets.

What is it all about?

It is simple. Man is a creature that attracts visuals and every marketer knows it. That's why every great site offering a product is full of before and after pictures. So if we see any noticeable change, it is proof that whatever the business offers, it works (or not).

And while some of them seem unbelievable, the more images and changes we see, the more confident we are about the product. Therefore, all these sites are soooo long. In the second picture we showed, we can see Jillian Michaels, holding a mini dumbbell. What do we have here? Celebrity factor. Jillian is known all over the world as a star coach. Several times she was on a different TV show, so there is someone in the eyes of people who MUST simply confess, right?

Well, maybe yes, maybe not. I am not judging anyone, but I bet these baby dumbbells were not behind Jillian's form, and her clients' training probably isn't based on them either. The problem, however, is that it does not affect people who already have something trained and trained, but ordinary (perhaps not offended) women who simply want to throw something down, have a formed body and be a little stronger. To this, facts, quality and truthful information do not reach, and instead are surrounded by misinformation and live in the belief that by throwing the dumbbells that Jillian holds, they will reach a figure like her.

When one of the magazines asked Jennifer Aniston about her training, she said: “And my Pilates instructor said if you don't want to build muscle, wait about an hour to eat after you work out with your muscles are leaning as opposed to building . "

I would not even translate it, because I would probably not write this article without injury. I don't know how many people are watching Jennifer Aniston, but the character has a good one, the magazine has a few thousand readers, Jennifer a few million followers, and what happens? Millions of women unfamiliar with training and eating will find this tip trustworthy, accurate, correct and unique. And that's just one actress and one tipe. Most magazine headlines with a beautiful woman and her excellent figure do not have a special 15-minute workout with a 5kg dumbbell. That's probably no secret.

Women are afraid that if they lift heavier weights, they will become the feminine version of Schwarzenegger and lose their femininity. Well, dear ladies, if you don't plan on taking anabolic steroids, it will never happen.

Perhaps it is pointless to give some examples of women who regularly practice squats, lunges, deadlifts, various pressure exercises with an Olympic barbell, dumbbells, bends, parallel bars and many other exercises, and yet their character looks great and in no way has become a crushed female .

Shout-out for all women whose training does not consist of 8 sets of 24 reps with the lightest weight on the adductor / abductor machine, a subsequent hour on the treadmill and the final weightlifting toss at the gym spiced with watching TV in the gym or reading a magazine while doing or making phone calls while doing belly or legpress (yes, I've seen all of this). Personally, I appreciate and think many agree with me that it is nice if the girls practice, they go to the gym, but it is sometimes necessary to evaluate this effort objectively. In any case, I do not want this article to touch any of you, but vice versa! I want you to think a little about your training. Do not be afraid of weights, basic exercises and dumbbells and the Olympic pole.

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